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  1. I've called up Santander explaining everything and they have refunded me
  2. I was at london bridge when it happened and assumed transport for london were incharge of london's transport...if not then sorry for my ignorance. And ive tried complaining to southern rail but can find no way of doing so and have absolutely no idea how I would go about complaining to them- that's why i made this post
  3. I don't think you understand what I've said, on the 24th the incident happened where I was fined- they hadnt taken any money yet. Then 2 weeks later than that they took £20 rightfully, then 3 months later they took a further £25 which they shouldnt have taken.
  4. PAID ITEM FEE CARD PAYMENT TO NEW SOUTHERN RAILW,20.00 GBP, RATE 1.00/GBP ON 24-05-2013 It says £20 but they actually took 25. And they had already taken £20
  5. Someone please help me coz this whole thing is really unfair. I am on jsa so have hardly any money anyway without being robbed like this. I got a fine from Southern Rail of £20 a few months ago, and they asked for my bank details, saying they would take the £20 in 2 weeks time. which they did. Then a few months later, I find they have taken a further £25. I have no idea what to do about this, I've tried complaining to tfl but they said it's out of their hands and gave me a totally useless website that had no way of complaining. And ofcourse this put me in unarranged overdraft, so that was a £5 charge from santander. As if all this wasnt bad enough, after having got my bank account back to zero, and paying back the unarranged overdraft that i shouldnt have owed in the first place, santander have taken a further £45 from me as an 'unarranged overdraft fee'! AGAIN putting me in unnaranged overdraft which I will no doubt get more ridiculous fees for! When all along this is none of my fault, it's southern rail's for abusing my trust and taking money randomly out of my account, and santanders fault for letting them! Please someone help me I can't afford this and it is really unfair
  6. so can anyone help with what i should put in a letter? sorry to ask again but I honestly don't know what to do seen as they won't let me have a repayment plan and I can't just ignore it :/
  7. oops i posted the same one from NDR twice but basically the 2nd email said the same thing but with the amount of 432
  8. Ok this is what i got from MH this morning at 11: We are writing to give you formal notice that Speed Credit - Speed Credit Loan** has legally assigned the rights of the above debt to Marshall Hoares Bailiffs. This means that Marshall Hoares Bailiffs Limited now legally own this debt. YOU WILL HAVE OR WILL SHORTLY RECEIVE A HOME VISIT We intend to pursue you fully for all outstanding sums (GBP 968) including any fees we incur collecting this debt. Payment in full must be received no later than 17:00 to avoid further door collection fees being added to your file. DO NOT IGNORE OR THIS WILL COST YOU MORE Debt GBP 632 GBP 48 GBP 48 GBP 48 GBP 48 GBP 48 GBP 48 GBP 48 Repayments todate GBP 0 Total GBP 968 TAKE NOTICE: You should accept this letter as formal notification that unless payment is received within 4 days then your account will be fast-tracked and considered for the following: Consequences of inaction: 1. Court Judgement legal action will be automatically started in the County Court for recovery of the full amount outstanding. Any such proceedings will include additional claims for legal costs and interest which will increase the amount you will be required to pay. 2. Warrant of execution will be applied for to enable us to seize goods at your addresses and or an attachment of your earnings. 3. Register of Judgements any judgement will be entered in a public register, the Register of Judgements, Orders and Fines Credit Reference Agencies, who will supply them to credit grantors and others seeking information on you financial reputation. This will make it very difficult for you to get credit. 4. Credit reference Speed Credit have already advised the Credit Reference Agencies of your DEFAULT. This may seriously affect your ability to obtain credit in the future. Once the balance is paid in full, only then will the default be shown as “Default Satisfied”. To AVOID A HOME VISIT or further action you should PAY IMMEDIATELY and then 15 mins later from NDR: This is a reminder that you committed to pay back your Speed Credit Loan** debt. This debt is now very overdue. We have allowed you to extend the loan as a goodwill gesture. As part of settling this debt you are committed to paying GBP 384 by 13.09.2012. In accordance wih the Standard Terms and Conditions you agreed to, we will be automatically taking payment tomorrow as agreed. Please ensure the amount of GBP 384 is available by midnight tonight. If there are insufficient funds in the account the payment might fail and all charges will IMMEDIATELY become due, ALL back dated interest, penalty fees will be charged. Recovery Agents will be sent to all addresses we have on file for you in order to obtain payment. Should this also prove unsuccessful we will be liaisin g with solicitors who will obtain a County Court Judgement against you. Once this is secured we will return with a Warrant of Execution from the County Court and certified Court Bailiffs to seize goods at 9 times the value of what you owe. IT IS ESSENTIAL you HONOUR this agreement If you have any questions regarding this, or willbe unable to pay contact customer services NOW. Yours sincerely, COLLECTIONS NORTHERN DEBT RECOVERY and then 3 minutes later: This is a reminder that you committed to pay back your Speed Credit Loan** debt. This debt is now very overdue. We have allowed you to extend the loan as a goodwill gesture. As part of settling this debt you are committed to paying GBP 384 by 13.09.2012. In accordance wih the Standard Terms and Conditions you agreed to, we will be automatically taking payment tomorrow as agreed. Please ensure the amount of GBP 384 is available by midnight tonight. If there are insufficient funds in the account the payment might fail and all charges will IMMEDIATELY become due, ALL back dated interest, penalty fees will be charged. Recovery Agents will be sent to all addresses we have on file for you in order to obtain payment. Should this also prove unsuccessful we will be liaisin g with solicitors who will obtain a County Court Judgement against you. Once this is secured we will return with a Warrant of Execution from the County Court and certified Court Bailiffs to seize goods at 9 times the value of what you owe. IT IS ESSENTIAL you HONOUR this agreement If you have any questions regarding this, or willbe unable to pay contact customer services NOW. Yours sincerely, COLLECTIONS NORTHERN DEBT RECOVERY
  9. they are crazy though, they each say i owe different amounts and I'm in repayment plans of paying something by midnight and only telling me today
  10. No Joseph Green from NDR sent me that letter. And a letter would be great thanks very much you can post it on here or pm I don't mind.All 3 are chasing me up and each of them have harrassed me today: NDR, Toothfairy and MH bailiffs. but no email that doesnt look like it isnt written by a computer since joseph greens email from ndr about a week ago.
  11. I've told them Im on benefits and offered them a repayment plan of 50 pounds a month adding to the total of the loan amount plus 3 months interest (which is 348 i believe). i said i refused to pay any other charges. Then they refused so i offered only 30 pound a month. this is what "joseph green" sent to me most recently "Thank you for your email. You signed a legally binding contract whereby you received a loan in exchange for promising repayment in a specific period of time at a specific interest rate. The company fulfilled its part of the contract. The interest and charges which have been added on to your account were a direct consequence of your default. On 1st June 2012, you had a conversation with an agent in which you committed to a repayment plan. You defaulted on that agreement. Further, on 1st July 2012 you made another commitment to a repayment plan in the sum of £50 per month for a total of £550.00. You defaulted on that agreement. As you can see from the Statement of Account attached, the actual sum owed is £979.00. If you do not enter into a repayment plan and honour the payments you will, as with any other loan, incur interest on your account. I understand that being in debt can be stressful which is why my offer as set out below is still capable of acceptance despite the fact that a further two months have passed without payment from you. I would be grateful if you would provide me with evidence of your financial situation such as your p45, bank statements showing your circumstances and evidence of your being on benefits as you have previously stated. Upon receipt of the above, we can discuss tailoring a suitable payment plan based on your situation. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Joseph Green" and I replied with this: "I have attached my bank statement showing that I receive benefits. Just to correct few errors you made in this rather patronizing paragraph: "On 1st June 2012, you had a conversation with an agent in which you committed to a repayment plan. You defaulted on that agreement. Further, on 1st July 2012 you made another commitment to a repayment plan in the sum of £50 per month for a total of £550.00. You defaulted on that agreement. As you can see from the Statement of Account attached, the actual sum owed is £979.00. If you do not enter into a repayment plan and honour the payments you will, as with any other loan, incur interest on your account." Actually, your company used illegal scare tactics to scare me into agreeing to a payment plan i couldn't afford, and on the phone your staff twisted my mind to make me think you were doing me a favour by making me pay an extra 200 pounds just to have my account frozen and to have a repayment plan that I couldn't even afford in my circumstances. loan compnies should give affordable repayment plans without charge. However luckily thanks to a lot of research and help from others , I know my rights now, and I know that i should not pay you an extra 200 pounds just to have a repayment plan. I also now know that all of your emails and the way you treat your customers are constant breaches of OFT guidelines. I've recieved bout 5 harassing emails from speedcredit today, one telling me I can pay the 348 but it must be paid by midnight today or i face loads of charges. This is clear unorganized, stupidity on speedcredit's behalf. I think even an idiot would know it is impossible for me to get 348 TODAY. I could go on and on listing what is wrong about how your company has treated me, but please do not talk to me as if speedcredit were decent to me and I kept defaulting- because they were not. by using scare tactics and putting me into "repayment plans" (whatever you want to call it. i don't call paying an extra 200 pounds a repayment plan) i clearly couldn't afford, this is not offering me a solution or being understanding towards my circumstances. I am tired of arguing with your company, all I would like is a simple, affordable repayment plan, of £30 a month at the very most, of the full balance of 348. if we cannot come to agreement on this, i will have to take it to the OFT etc. " and since then i havent heard a word from him, but ive received so many random emails from NDR, toothfairy, MH, one letter said my debt is now owned by marshall hoares with the usual threat of bailiffs, but the very same day i got an email from tooth fairy saying i was commited to a 'repayment plan' of giving them 448 by midnight TONIGHT and another one from NDR saying i am commited to a repayment plan of 380 by midnight tonight! each different company is sending me random emails lying and saying i have agreed to things i havent and giving such short notice, and all ive asked for is a repayment plan of 30 quid a month, when im on benefits. is that too much to ask. and why do they think its ok to send me emails from NDR, MH AND Toothfairy? and they keep calling me off unknown numbers. Aren't they being shut down? help would be greatly appreciated because im exhausted with their stupid company.x
  12. i've explained to them several times that I know my rights about the doorstep collector situation and they still bombard me with threats of MH bailiffs. I can't have anyone round because I can't have my parents find out at all costs!
  13. got a weird reply from speedcredit: I am sorry to hear that you have a complaint about the service you have received. The company attempts to treat its customers fairly in all circumstances and I apologise if you believe the service you have received falls short of your expectations in any way. I have been asked to respond to your complaint. In the first instance, please accept this email as acknowledgment of your complaint. I have attempted to contact you by telephone to discuss the matter and it is important that we speak. Hopefully we will be able to resolve the complaint within 8 weeks. If after 8 weeks you remain unhappy you will receive a Final Written Response setting out the company’s position. If you are unhappy with the Final Written Response and wish to appeal further you have the right to make a formal complaint with the Financial Ombudsman Service. You must make sure you do this within six months of receiving the Final Written Response or you may lose your right to ask the Ombudsman to review your complaint. The contact details for the Financial Ombudsman Service are as follows: Financial Ombudsman Service South Quay Plaza 183 Marsh Wall London E14 9SR I hope that you find the information contained herein to be helpful and that we will be able to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction. I notice that you have said that you cannot afford to pay £550 and that you believe that your debt is equal to £348 instead. I attach a schedule of account showing all interest and charges to date. As you can see, your account currently stands at £979.00. The debt had been frozen on the basis that you were beginning payments, to date, no payment has been made by you and so the full amount is payable. I am, however, prepared to accept payment of £50 per month and to return to the total settlement figure of £550 as previously agreed by you. As long as payments are made in accordance with the plan we will freeze further interest and charges on your account. Payment would need to begin no later than 15th September 2012. This would be in full and final settlement of all matters relating to this loan including any complaint you feel you might have. If you are happy to accept this offer, please contact me on 020 3476 0520 so that we can finalise this matter and input the terms of the agreement into the system. I look forward to hearing from you shortly. Yours sincerely, Joseph Green Senior Case Representative Northern Debt Recovery please help me, i cannot under any circumstances have doorstep collecters round to my house, and they just completely ignore my refusal to pay 550. i only took out a 200 pound loan and the highest i will pay back is 348 because that is the loan plus 3 months interest. what can I reply to this long winded crap? its bad enough they wouldnt accept 1 pound a month because im on benefits, so they should be bloody happy im offering 50 a month! anyone know whats going on with them and their license? and can anyone give me some advice on what to reply, it would be greatly appreciated x
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