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  1. I have just received the following e-mail from the Flight Centre: Hi Patrick, Hope you are well and looking forward to the weekend? Just contacting you regarding your flight to Kathmandu in September. Due to the agreement with Air India, the itinerary Liam originally booked for you has no Airline Failure Protection Insurance included. Unfortunately Liam was a new consultant and was not aware of this at the time. In this instance I am please to offer you a better alternative – the below itinerary with Omar Air – if this suits your needs just as well. The alternative to a new ticket would be to sign an agreement to keep your original ticket without Airline Failure Protection Insurance, which means if the airline cancel the flights or cease trading you will not be eligible for any sort of refund. My sincere apologies if this puts you out in any way! Please let me know if I can give you a call if you wish to discuss further. Look forward to hearing from you. Many thanks Jodie My original outbound journey flight was scheduled to arrive at 09:00. The replacement flight with a different airline stops in Muscat instead of Delhi and arrives in Kathmandu at 18:00. Whereas I am supposed to be picked up by my tour operator to meet my group at 17:00 at the hotel where I am staying the first night before starting a trekking holiday. The original flight back was scheduled to depart at 10:00. The replacement flight is scheduled to leave at 09:05. So I arrive 9 hours late and leave an hour early on the new flight schedule offered. Losing a few hours is not a deal breaker but before I start to talk to the Flight Centre it would be good to hear from anyone who has an idea about my rights and whether the reason for the offer to change my flights is a load of old flannel. I would prefer to keep my original flights but do I risk a cancellation and missing my holiday because I can not afford another flight at short notice. Has anyone found themselves with a similar dilemma? Thanks for taking the time to read my post. PS this is my first post so apologies if I have made a hash.
  2. Residents of mobile home parks in England have been given new rights to protect them from rogue site operators. A Commons select committee report last year found many residents experienced problems with maintenance, security, written contracts and intimidation. New legislation, introduced on Monday, bans site owners from the buying and selling process and gives new powers to prosecute those who harass residents. Communities Secretary Eric Pickles said it "called time on the crooks". There are about 84,000 "park homes" - relatively low-cost bungalow-style residential properties, usually sited on private estates - on 2,000 sites across England. Those who buy them, own the home but pay a pitch fee to the site operator, who owns the land and imposes rules and regulations. Before the new legislation came in, those rules included getting the site owner's approval for a buyer when selling the home on. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-22677508
  3. SOURCE: http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/news/2013/june/commission-welcomes-supreme-court-ruling-on-armed-forces-and-human-rights-protection/ 19 June 2013 In a landmark judgment today (Wednesday 19 June) the Supreme Court ruled that British soldiers killed while serving in Iraq were still under UK jurisdiction and so were entitled to human rights protection to the extent that is reasonable and does not interfere with the demands of active service. Serving in the armed forces inevitably involves risks and dangers which our servicemen and women take on willingly. This ruling will extend the same protections of their rights to members of the armed forces on operations abroad which already exist when they are in the UK or an overseas base. So for example, if their equipment is proven to be faulty then they should be protected from that at home and abroad. Simply being in active service should not mean our armed forces lose all protections of their rights. It will be for the courts to determine whether there were human rights violations or negligence in particular cases. However, the commission believes that the Supreme Court’s ruling provides a reasonable balance between the operational needs of our armed forces and the rights of those serving in our armed forces to be protected in the same way as we expect them to protect the rights of civilians abroad. The Court unanimously accepted the Equality and Human Rights Commission submission that members of the armed forces are under the authority and control of the state and should be subject to the obligations and benefits imposed by the European Convention on Human Rights wherever they are in the world. The case at the Supreme Court involved the mother of Private Phillip Hewett and other families against the MOD. Their relatives were all soldiers killed in action and are seeking to bring claims of negligence and breaches of the duty to protect life against the Ministry. However, their ability to do this rested on the Court finding that Article 1 of the European Convention, which provides that rights and freedoms should be available to all within the State’s jurisdiction, reasonably applied to the men whilst in Iraq. The Court found that it did meaning that their cases can proceed to trial. Lord Hope, Court Deputy President said: “The extra-territorial obligation of the contracting state is to ensure the observance of the rights and freedoms that are relevant to the individual who is under its agents’ authority and control, and it does not need to be more than that.” This case is one of several the Commission has intervened in as an expert third party to ensure human rights protections cover UK armed forces abroad to the extent that it is reasonable to impose such a duty on the state. The Commission made no submissions in relation to the families’ other claims. Commission deputy director, legal, Wendy Hewitt said: The Supreme Court’s ruling means that human rights protections have been levelled up so that we are no longer expecting our armed forces to fully respect the rights of civilians abroad while not being properly protected themselves. “From this basic principle it is now up to the courts to decide how this should apply in practice. “This is not about interfering with the way military decisions are made in the field but how everyone serving in the armed forces is given the protections they deserve.”
  4. Hi I haven't posted on CAG for some time; due to some excellent advice received from Caggers I managed to make reduced payment agreements with the majority of my creditors and have been paying them for the last two years. My mortage did cause me some problems and after an initial 12 months of interest free payments (all they would agree to) I paid the mortage in full for another 8 months and asked that the arrears be capitalised; I had to pay three more consecutive payments before they would agree to add the arrrears as capital on my mortgage unfortunately I missed a small amount (by mistake) on the last payment. Since I have equity on my flat I resolved to sell it move somewhere less central and be mortgage free;hopefully having enough to pay off the bulk of my most pressing creditors. Barclays indicated if I sent in the details of sale and gave consent for them to contact the estate agents they could stop action on the arrears pending the sale; I sent them the documentation and have now received a letter advising me that as a result of the previous 'concessions' they have given me they will not suspend action on the arrears pending the sale and the matter is now being referred to their solicitors. It just seems pointless to me, I have offers on the property coming in and in 6 to 8 weeks they get their money back in full, plus all of the charges. I hope this will not stop the sale of the flat and my plans to be freed from this financial nightmare thats dragged on for the last three years. If anyone can advise or help I would appreciate it; getting desperate now and no idea where to turn to.
  5. I live in a flat above a retail outlet, both are owned by the same Landlord. When I moved in, back in February, the business downstairs was not yet trading, however since beginning trading in March there has been a constant issue with the noise. After several polite attempts to request the music be turned down I took it upon myself to write to the local council and complain about it. Environmental Protection have been round to my flat today to take noise level tests and later have repoted back to me with the following, Just a quick email to advise you that I have now had the opportunity to discuss the sound insulation issues with colleagues in building control , development control and planning enforcement. I have been advised that the planning /building control consent has not yet been signed off as there was a number of outstanding issues, including insulation between the two floors. A number of tests have yet to be completed to establish the effectiveness of the conversion. In light of the above the building control officer is intending to contact the owner of the property to arrange to visit. I believe that it is likely that the premises will not pass the noise test and additional work/insulation will be required. I have asked to be kept updated and will contact you again when I have any further information. Regards NOW I AM VERY WORRIED!!! Can anybody please inform me of my rights as a tenant and give any advice as to what to do (if anything)? Thanks in advance
  6. Hello - recently back from a short break within the UK and we were disappointed with construction work / noise that was besides the place we stayed. The work was being undertaken by the company we purchased the holiday from so we feel we should have been warned upfront (if we had we'd have never booked). I am aware that there are certain rule and regulations for holidays overseas, ATOL and ABTA etc - but I cannot find anything about when it's a holiday within the UK which seems crazy. We have written to the company involved, but they gave us a standard 'we will get back to you within 28 days' email response which isn't cutting it with us.
  7. Hello, I was just wondering if anyone knows what I should be doing about potential data protection breaches at work programme? I have informed my provider's manager about the issue of people storing copies of CVs on the companies PCs, (this could be down to anything, saved after downloading it from an email attatchment or just forgetting they downloaded it, and I got told they have software that wipes the computers every night that must be malfunctioning. This was about one month ago and on Friday I checked a PC which had the copies of CVs in the My Documents folder. The worst potential breach I saw on Friday however was a shared folder, stored on another PC which was accessible to everyone who used a PC, this shared folder was simply called "cv" and contains approximately 82 CVs, all of which will contain personal information including addresses, email addresses and phone numbers. I was wondering if this is something I should contact my MP about or someone else. Thanks for any help.
  8. Hi posting this on behalf of a freind here so I will give a little background first. Freinds are a couple and have a Joint AST from 2009 with a deposit and a garunator. As I understand it the Guarantee is invalid as it was not executed as deed at the time, but all rents are and have been kept up to date but may become relveant. Basically the tenancy became a SPT at the end of the fixed term, they paid their rent and deposit to an agency and had a LTD company as a landlord. A few months into the fixed term (pre loaclaism act), came to light that deposit hadn't been protected. They mentioned this with the lettings agent, who duly placed it in he DPS and made an attempt at giving the prescribed information but missed a couple of bits. Friends were happy as had been burnt by previous rouge and just wanted their £ in a scheme. Agency a bit "key happy" so a swift lock barrel change and a letter sorted that out for them. Fast froward to 2013 and it has become apparent that the property have been sold by the LTD company to a private (and seemingly naive with the rules LL) with sitting tenants. It has been confirmed to them that exchange and completion have taken place. At no point has the LTD company, the agency or the new LL fulfilled ANY of their obligations under the LL & T act 1985. It appears that the agency is working for both new LL and LTD LL. This has never been properly confirmed and my friends are rightly concerned that they don't end up paying the new and old LL. Cue letters to the old Ltd company, new LL and agency requesting this is fufiled ASAP. Having been burned in the past have indicated to all parties that as the LL identity is in question, they will hold the rent in a spare empty bank account they have and will pay all back rent once the correct owners of the rent have made themselves known. Instead of fulfilling their obligations the agency wanted to sign them up to a new fixed term. This did not suit my friends as even before this they were planning on buying or moving somewhere with parking so declined the offer but made clear they were happy to continue the SPT with a new LL. Agency also wanted to raise the rent by £15/pm (pointed out that market rents have atchaully fallen in the area and £15/pm is quickly wiped out by a small void period, and I suspect the agency just wants to charge them and the new LL a load of fees) After sending this back they got a S21 notice. Now they suspect the new LL won't act on this (if they even know about it). However I have a couple of questions about its validity. 1) Does the fact the deposit was protected around 60 days after being received but pre localism act mean that the deposit needs to be returned before the LL can serve a S21? 2)The "prescribed information" they received after it was protected late was simply a receipt from the DPS and a copy of the protection web page, am I right in thinking this invalidates the notice as per the localism act? 3)As the notice contains the Landlords details for the new LL and not the old LTD company LL, and no notices under the LL&T act 1985 have been sent surely this invalidates the S21 too? ultimately the above may not matter as they were looking at leaving anyway and obviously they would need to be taken to court etc which would probably be enough time for them, but they want to be prepared and if it is invalid this would help them greatly as it would ensure at least another 1/2 months. Thanks in advance.
  9. Hi I have heard about this but don't think it will help but thought its worth asking. I today had my iPhone 5 stolen and I've reported it to the police and had my network cancel/block the phone. I purchased this from my network in Oct 2012 and although it didn't cost the full amount it costs to buy it off them. My credit card is with Tesco and is a Mastercard. Just wondering if anyone knew whether I could claim it back. Just a thought not holding out much home and I didn't have phone insurance.
  10. I have a confession to make: I regularly get onto a train and buy a ticket on the train - I am told that this isn't allowed, but it doesn't ever to seem to have caused a problem before (I think this is one reason people get confused about the byelaws). I buy a ticket, all is usually ok! Today, I asked for a return ticket and the conductor told me that his machine was broken so he couldn't sell me one. I had the cash in my hand to give him, so I clearly intended to pay. It never occurred to buy a ticket on the way out as I was running late! I wish it had though, was stopped and cautioned by a Revenue Protection Officer (which made me even later!). I know you can't predict these things, but what is likely to happen next? Would they prosecute for an £8 fare that I tried to pay?
  11. Hello Friends, My current contract started on 01-Dec-2011 and ended on 30-Nov-2012. Subsequently I have been on rolling tenancy on monthly basis. I am moving out on 31-May-2013. My LL had not protected the deposit and only after I pressed him did he protect my deposit on 15-Nov-2012, which means a delay of nearly one year. My LL has been very nasty to me. I stayed at this placed for five years, took good care of his property and still he is a nagger. He has not got me the GSC either. I want to pull him to the court for delay in protecting my deposit and claim compensation. What is the best way to do this? Will the fact that he did not get Gas Safety Check done in last two years help build my case? Many Thanks for your reply. Regards
  12. Hi to cut a long story short, made a claim for PPI through a well known PPI company. Got reward notice from bank tried to settle with PPI company took 12 months before they called asked us to email the award notice from the bank to them. Received a call from someone telling us we would receive a text message asking us to pay(Partner was in hospital having given birth at the time). Text basically gave us a discount on the final settlement which when I called the PPI company turned out to be a con. The PPI company had not contacted us to settle, they had however called and asked us to email the document. So someone had access to our the award notice as they quoted the bank the exact amount (including pennies) in the award notice and used a bank account that was similar to the bank account used by the PPI company and called it a tax free payment account. Complained to the PPI company about the length of time it took to settle, the number of phone calls we've made trying to pay the invoice and the fact that someone had our phone number and details of our claim. In addition when I was on the phone to a member of staff he said they were aware of this and they were investigating 3 other cases, since then I have been quoted Commercial sensitivity and they have refused to admit or deny if there were any other cases case, other than to say this was the only case they were investigating Thy offered us £300 for the delay in dealing with the claim which they upheld. They offered us £100 for the inconvenience caused in relation to the attempt to con us by what we think is a rogue member of their staff(alleged of course), but denied any responsibility, and offered us a 12 month subscription to a credit referencing website to check for fraud. This amounts to 20% of the invoice. We decided to accept and thought this was as good as it was going to get even if we took this further, but they are asking us to acknowledge that they re not liable for what happened. My partner has real difficulties with this and is saying she will not sign citing it is not our job to decide if they are liable or not. What should we do? Can we take this further? If we do what will happen?
  13. Recently I posted on a totally different website regarding problems with my gym membership contract. I was very vague with my personal details (as I always am when posting on the Internet) and am going to be forced to be even more vague here. The only details I gave were my first name (which was part of my username) and the month which I signed up for the gym membership, which was involved to give a timescale so other users could help me with my problems in cancelling the membership. The contract itself was taken out with a certain company, which I named in my original post as I noticed many others had posted with their own problems with the same company on that particular forum. Assuming that this would be OK, I described my situation (not insulting or otherwise slandering the company in any way and not giving ANY other personal information e.g location, gym name, etc), simply asking what the best way to proceed would be to help solve the problem as fast as possible since I wasn't getting any luck from customer service. A day after I'd posted I received a call from this company, telling me that they had discovered that I'd posted something on the internet regarding my gym membership (they stated my specific location/details so I was fairly sure it wasn't a [problem] call and was the actual company my contract was with) and that they were investigating the matter since I'd been given incorrect information. When I demanded to know how they had found out that it was me who posted, they simply said that by taking my first name and the general month that I'd joined with them gave them all the information they needed to call me up. Is this lawful? Was I just being incredibly stupid to put my first name and the general month on the post? Is it possible that they would be able to find this out from some random forum on the internet with no proof that it was me? I am really creeped out by this, I might just be being totally naive but it seems pretty suspicious :/
  14. http://nutsville.com/?p=4177 Also at Pepipoo... "UKPC leaves the back door open".
  15. I am in the process of moving out and have had 7 years of on-going problems with my landlady, recently I spoke to one of her other tenants whom she is evicting, this teneat informed me that the landlady had discussed all my personal and financial details with her, this other tenant also knew almost everything about my circumstances for moving, my son's medical condition, and my financial situation. I have never met this other tenant before today so it would not have come from me. can anyone advice me on how to deal with this as she has also been telling me about the circumstances of some of her other tenants.
  16. Hi all, I have trawled through the web as much as I possibly can regarding used car sales, I have purchased a car and will be collecting on Saturday, the dealer has offered me a warranty with WMS for 12 months at a cost of £150, bargain I thought, until I wadded through pages and pages of negative responses to used car warranties in general, this put me off spending the additional funds, however, I understand that the Sale of Goods act gives me some form of protection up to 6 months with any repair bills through the dealer the car is being purchased from, but I am not able to find the specific paragraph that relates to this, would it be possible for some one to highlight this for me. Also with reference to paying for the car, I am using my old car as a PX and funding the rest with cash (to the total sum of £10,895), however reading some of the protection advice would it be prudent of me to fund about £150 of this on my credit card in case any dispute in the future, and can the dealer refuse, as he was reluctant to process my deposit through my debit card. I want to try to avoid any pitfalls that will expose me to any liability should there be a problem, not that I am expecting any, but just in case I want to be in the best position possible Thanks for any advice / help given
  17. Hi Guys, i was looking through my old financial files and found an old paid off loan i had with HSBC, now i know that there's been a lot of noise in regards to PPI's and getting the extra paid back. the loan was taken out in 2001 and then re-packaged with the same terms in 2002 - the loan is fully paid nothing is outstanding, but now looking through the old paper work i can see that i was paying for "Credit protection insurance" would i be wrong in assuming that this is not PPI? and if it is PPI payment how do i go about claim back the money which in the initial loan was 8k and £2,311.67 was added as Credit Protection Insurance Loan on the 7-08-2001 & when it was repackaged it was£8,670 £2,495.56 added as Credit Protection Insurance Loan on the 19th of Nov 2002. I'm curious to know if i have a case and if yes can you please advise on how i can engage with HSBC to get this money back? i really don't want to use one of the firms that advertise on the telly since i don't think they can't be trusted. Any advise is welcome please, i have signed paper work but per say its classed as Credit protection insurance and not Payment protection insurance. Cheers Red11
  18. Howdy Folks, Want to know how to deal with this. Had an account with lloyds that fell into arrears and collection and recovery. They begun to pursue and i refused to pay a penny to them and eventually i get to a Team Leader who confirmed he would close the account with no further charges due to issues that i had with Lloyds and hey presto, he did it. Now since coming back to Lloyds due to being fed up with RBS i have had nothing but problems, When wanting to mirror 2 x current accounts with RBS, Lloyds wouldn't do it... "009 Indicator" which just quote "Drops Off When It Feels Like It"... (Their staff at the bank not mine) Preventing me from opening another Current Account, Savings Account and anything else related to Lloyds Banking Group. ^__^ Even the branch staff cant understand how the collections team work ^__^ Now that you have the background, here comes the latest dilemma, and i've only been back with Lloyds 8 weeks ^__^ Because Recovery / Collections use the same system but different data set (Old Accounts etc) To Phone bank etc, it means that they may not have updated the address when i moved to where i am now. Phone bank confirm this is the case and that they have the correct details while Recoveries don't... So how does this tie in? I recently received a letter from them with regards to compensation however they had put an address that i have never lived at. then on top of that, they had realised crossed out that address and put the correct address on the envelope. My concern is and this has been confirmed by Lloyds is that letters have gone to the incorrect address which i have never give them, however they can't confirm to me how many and what date the address was incorrectly changed. They confirm i have given them the correct address. A complaint was raised yesterday officially however i've been hammering on at them since Saturday to sort it out and they keep hanging up when mentioning the word "complaint." I've been into branch and they have taken a copy of the letter to confirm but refused to let me speak to the Branch or CS Manager. I wanted to speak to them as i have previously had a case of Identity Theft happen to me and im still picking up the pieces with the company in question. What should I now do to deal with Lloyds and the DPA breach? If they offer compensation... What should I accept?
  19. Hi All, Just thought i would ask advice about my situation, but must tread carefully in my wording as this is an ongoing issue. I worked for a major UK company, and after a series of bullying, and victimization incidents by the company, including their breach of contract, i finally complained using the terms of my employment rules through grievance procedure. 3 days after the informal stage, the company dismissed me on made up charges that have been refuted by multiple members of the company that have come forward to support me. 15 minutes after i was dismissed, and made to leave the building (after being refused representation), the MD sent a circular email to every member of the UK wide network telling them that i had been dismissed...It took me an hour to get home, so therefore the entire network new i had been dismissed before my own family I have now been anonymously given a copy of this email, which shows the names of every person in the network that it was sent to, the time it was sent, and the message does indeed mention me by name. i know there are many employment specialists on this forum, so here's the question..., how should i proceed ? Is the email more damning evidence than the non representation, or the victimization, or the breach of contract ?
  20. Hello I've been ripped off by a seller form China, and up to today i still have not received my goods. I did open a PayPal case, and PayPal closed case the same day. I was half a day over the 45 day PayPal Buyer Protection cut off point. I have contacted PayPal. PayPal reply, sorry over the 45 day cannot do anything. It's just half a day over. I have sent a letter to the Managing Director Paypal (Europe) Ltd Surrey. If the letter don't work, could small claims be worth a try? Thanks in advance for your assistance.
  21. So I'm with the work programme and have been taking temp work with agencies for a few weeks here and there over the last few months. I sign off JSA, then do a rapid reclaim so that DWP know the situation. I don't always tell my Ingeus Advisor and over the last week he has been demanding to know all the work info which I didn't think was relevant for him to know. After bombarding me with phone calls and answer messages, he phoned one of the agencies and they gave him details of all the temp work I had done. I would just like to know where I stand. How much information do I have to give to Ingeus, why did this agency give out all this personal information to a stranger on the phone. Also as I now look like a pillock with the one agency and will never get any temp work again through them, will he now call round the other agencies demanding information, basically killing my chances of temp work. Long post, but would appreciate any advice thanks.
  22. Hi All, I am sooo very angry so please bear with me here! I recently sold an old phone (due to upgrade) through eBay. As I put it with my car keys to remember to take to work to post the next day I realised I hadn't declared that it had a small crack on the screen, it didn't/doesn't affect the function of the screen. As soon as I realised the mistake I had made I emailed the winner, via eBay, explaining my mistake and offering him the option to cancel the transaction. I received no response, so emailed again 24 hours later saying if I had not heard from him, I gave him until 10am that morning, I would relist it. I didn't hear from him at all but DID receive payment for the phone that evening. I gave him every opportunity to ask questions re. the extent of the damage or to cancel the sale. He has now received the phone and decided that he is going to open a case against me saying it is not as described. All he does is give me abuse and tell me I think I am smarter than everyone else ( I am definitely not nor do I think I am!!) and eBay are being really unhelpful, although they can see that I sent him two emails they have put my Paypal account into a Negative balance of £51.50. This either puts me £51.50 out of pocket for eight days or unable to use my Paypal account. I asked to speak to a manager and eventually (after 1.05hrs) got a "manager" although her mannerisms etc were exactly the same as the previous girl I had been talking to. They won't escalate the complaint until after 8 days, even though looking at the emails it is quite clear that it is not going to be resolved. To add to my problems, he has given me negative feedback saying that my item was not as described and that he had opened a case, eBay Customer Services would answer whether that negative comment would be removed if they found in my favour. The thought has occurred to me that maybe the phone has been damaged in the postal system but how do I prove this? I have proof of postage but no schedule of condition of the phone when I posted it! Any advice on making sure that the eBay do find in my favour? I am certain that I am in the right but have heard of instances when eBay really don't care about the sellers and nearly always find in favour of the buyer. This buyer wants to keep the phone AND have a refund, I have told them definitely not! I know that there are always two sides to every story but I made two attempts to contact him and am quite worried that I am either going to have my eBay account closed, or some massively negative feedback. I am not a regular user to sell stuff but I do buy quite a bit through them. Any advice? I have reported the buyer and tried to put my point of view across to him but he just gets horrid and it is upsetting!! Sorry for the long winded post Thanks.
  23. Hi, Hope someone can provide any advice. On the 11th May 2012 I requested a grievance hearing meeting concerning my Area Director on how he was managing my long term sickness plus when I requested my staff file I found two outcome letters, both written by the same person, dated the same, with outcome upheld but different actions. The one I received was lodged in my staff file and the other one in my line managers filing but HR had been advised it was partially upheld and told the actions on the line managers copy. Due to the fact I had been off work with work related stress, occupational health (AXA PPP) then requested that I attended an independent medical assessment on the 28 May 2012 to gain a better understanding of the clinical reasons for the ongoing sickness absence. As a result of this, a medical report was sent to OH and they forwarded this on to Human Resources on the 31st May. HR then emailed a copy of this to my Area Director on the 7 June 2012 and at the same time sent a copy of the report to me. My grievance was heard on the 11 June 2012. Due to circumstances I had to request my staff file again and have since found evidence that when my report was emailed from HR to my Area Director on the 7 June he then forwarded this email to his assistance and my grievance hearing manager on the same day. The email clearly states that the attachment was only intended for the recipient of the email and under no circumstances should any of this info be disclosed to any other third party not entitled to receive it under the DPA 1998. It was also password protected sent via a separate email. I understand that under DPA this is classed as sensitive data and permission should be sought from the data subject first before disclosing to someone else. As my grievance was in no way connected to the independent medical assessment as this was carried out after I had lodged my grievance I believe that my AD should not have forwarded the contents of the report. I have spoken to my ex-employers Data Protection Team who advised me that if the grievance was about the assessment then he could forward it on, as soon as I mentioned that there was no connection they clammed up. Please can anyone advise me as to whether my understanding is correct and if so should I complain to the ICO. I have already reported them for not releasing my file after 5 separate requests, they were given a warning and given a chance to correct it. I wait in anticipation..... Many thanks
  24. Not sure whether this has been covered or not, but how does a parking company go about getting the registered keeper details of the car from the DVLA? Can anybody do this? Also, couldn't this be seen as breaking the Data Protection Act?
  25. I have an ongoing complaint relating to mis-sold PPI in respect of a RBS credit card. I have received an offer from the Bank refunding the payments made together with interest at the FOS rate. Before I reply to the Bank I would like to know what interest am I entitled to claim in respect of the PPI payments I made? I paid off the amounts outstanding on the credit card at the end of each month.
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