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  1. Hi Guys It has been a while since I've been on here as you all helped sort some of my debts a couple of years ago This week I have received a parking charge notice from parking eye for being parked 2 hours 20 mins and the max time was 2 hours which i genuinely didn't realise. It is a shopping centre and I had made a purchase in one of the shops as well as had a look round several others and stopped for a Costa coffee! Anyway, after checking your forum I was about to send a letter of appeal but have noticed one of the threads says to just ignore much the same as DC's so now I'm not sure which I should do?? Could anyone advise please?? Many thanks
  2. Help!!!! My wife and I have fallen prey of the Parking eye!. My wife had left a friends and called into Morrison’s on the way home. As we only live around the corner she walked home completely forgetting that she had left the car there (dumb I know but she has done worse!) 3 hours later at 10pm she ran round to retrieve the car.. A couple of weeks later I received a letter stated I must pay the fine, I wrongly took advice given to me just to ignore the letters as they would simply go away. I finally received a letter saying that this was the final letter before court action I wrote to them stating to contact my wife as it was her driving. The next letter I received was a court letter. I wrote to PE again (this time recorded delivery) stating they needed to get in touch with my wife. In return I got a standard looking letter stating that I was now too late. I have since been in touch with Morrison’s who agreed to cancel it, iv spoke to them a couple of times and they have reassured me this has been done, although I have no proof of this. I cannot speak to parking eye in time to get information from them as they don’t seem to have a phone number. What we need help with is how we go about giving our defence, we have 6 days!!!! Thanks for taken the time out to read this and we hope someone can help.
  3. 'John Fuller, leader of South Norfolk Council, said: “Whitlingham Country Park is a tremendous resource, but Parking Eye’s heavy handed enforcement discouraged local residents from using and enjoying it. ' http://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/heavy_handed_parking_firm_s_time_at_whitlingham_country_park_could_be_over_1_3985283 Better give them Sommerfields number...
  4. Having attended a funeral the return journey was quite an emotional one as you can imagine so I pulled over into a services on the motorway as I didn't feel well to get breath of fresh air, to freshen up and as it had been a stressful day I ended up having 40 winks as I was totally drained. It wasn't planned but I think the events of the day had took their toll. A few days later the registered keeper of the vehicle received a PCN from PE charging £100 for purportedly over-staying the 2 hours free parking. A 'discount' is offered to £60 if paid within 14 days blah, blah! Amazed is all I can say....... As this hasn't been acknowledged or paid they have sent a reminder. Neither document states they are NTK it just has VRNP photograph which is in the dark on both photographs and could be anywhere actually. Someone has been back to the services and photographic evidence has been taken both as stills and video. The intention is to appeal this matter but as the legal case (Beavis) is due to be heard this month wondered what Caggers opinions were on this matter please.
  5. Hi all, As you may have guessed I have come looking for help and advice. I was parking over the space of a couple of weeks in a parking eye controlled car park in Leeds while visiting a client located by it. The first time I went (16th Jan), I was there for two hours, but encountered issues with the paybyphone process - being they had the wrong card details and wrong registration number registered for me. By the time I got it sorted, I was hit with a parking fee of £8.70 for parking overnight!!! Instead of two hours of parking which I wanted. This is despite their signage saying that you can park anytime during your stay. Oh well I thought - lesson learnt. Today I have received a Parking Charge Notice for the 30th January where I overstayed there by 35 minutes. I an only assume I must have made a mistake using the App. I parked at 9.31am and I knew that I would not be leaving until lunchtime but looking back on the email receipts I only paid for two hours! (should have worn my glasses when using it) So now they have sent the attached letter to me £60 in 14 days or £100 after that. So it is OK for them to Overcharge me but not for me to make a mistake. They know it was me due to using my card to pay, although in the letter they do not acknowledge that I have paid for parking and overstayed and indeed does not differentiate between non-payment and underpayment - equally guilty in their eyes. I feel like just writing them a cheque for £5 to cover their losses for the underpayment, having to get my details and admin which is a process that they will have finely tuned to reduce costs, and that I consider it full and final etc.. Also, as it is a charge/Invoice - they are not listing their VAT details on the letter!!! However, I look to people that have far more knowledge in this area Many Thanks [ATTACH=CONFIG]49116[/ATTACH]
  6. Hello all. I am a new member of this Forum, thankyou for allowing me to join you. Here in Sleaford the Aldi supermarket uses Parking Eye to manage their car parking. PE has cameras at the entrance/exit and various notices around. These state that, to qualify for a free 1 1/2 hrs. parking the motorist has to enter their reg. number at consoles in the store. These are situated at a point after the tills before the store exit. The signs state that failure to comply with this will, note will, result in a parking charge of £70. I know of several people being charged this, including a relative, who accidentally punched in the wrong number, although they bought goods at the store. What is the legal position of this situation, bearing in mind a 1 1/2 hrs. limit is imposed and cameras record this. Any advice and opinions are welcome. Regards
  7. Hi I recently received a PCN from Parking Eye for exceeding the allowed parking time at Aldi. After reading several threads regarding the unfairness of the level of charges, and the questions over the legality I decided to appeal using one of the template letters available at various websites. Without including the full letter, the key points of the appeal were: a). The sum does not represent a genuine pre-estimate of loss, nor is it a core price term. It is a disguised penalty and not commercially justified. b). As keeper I believe that the signs were not seen, the wording is ambiguous and the predominant purpose of your business model is intended to be a deterrent. c). There is no evidence that you have any proprietary interest in the land. d). Your 'Notice' fails to comply with the POFA 2012 and breaches various consumer contract/unfair terms Regulations. e). There was no consideration nor acceptance flowing from both parties and any contract with myself, or the driver, is denied. f). This is not a 'parking ticket' - it is an unsolicited invoice with as much merit as the publicly-derided £100 taken unlawfully from customers by a dingy Blackpool Hotel. In addition to this I researched the POPLA appeals process & there are several published suggestions on the internet on how to win at this stage. However, much to my delight I received a reply from Parking Eye within a fortnight advising that they had cancelled the charge & that no outstanding payment is due. So..... before you panic & consider paying this, please do your research and use the templates that are available to you. Do not ignore the letters (this used to be the advice) but make it clear that you will contest this & fight them all the way to court if necessary. I believe that they will then look for easier targets as many articles on this subject confirm. If it is this easy to win then it proves that the Parking Firms do not have a case and if they will so easily drop it then it should be very easy to win at the next stage, i.e. POPLA. Parking Eye claim on their website that they have won many cases at court, however many people believe that these are situations where people have ignored their letters. I would urge you to use the material that is readily available in the form of templates, some people have gone to a great deal of trouble to help consumers in producing these and the do work!!!!
  8. My Stepson has just received this from Parking Eye. I have blanked out his personal details and car reg number. The car park which he parked in used to be for customers of Blockbusters which is now shut. There was no lighting on the signs and it was very dark. Can someone tell me what I need to do as I think £60 is a bit unfair seeing as he was there for less than an hour. [/img]
  9. Hi, Sorry for this has been asked before but I am concerned about this and have a few questions about their letter and the way they have gone about things. I received a letter from them for parking more than 2 hours on a car park. The letter had a photo of my car leaving and entering the car park. They say the 2 hour max limit free parking was clearly visible. I disagree - I've parked tons of time and have never seen the signs (which I've only noticed since the letter). I'm not happy because first of all they demand payment or the name of the driver if I wasn't the driver. Perhaps I'm in wrong to feel this way but I don't take kindly to "tell us or else" threats. I also don't take kindly to them saying they believe it's in their right to add charges as and when they like should payment or info on the actual driver doesn't not come in on time. Secondly, despite the letter being posted 9th Dec the wording made it seem like I had until the new year to pay the reduced fee of £60 (down from £100) as it said "reduced to £60 if paid within 14 days of the issue date: 23rd Dec". This implied that the issue date wasn't until the 23rd Dec (weird, I know but that's how it read). Then on 27th Dec I get a letter posted 18th Dec kindly reminding me that if it's not paid by the 23rd then the full price is charged. This is when I realised that their badly-worded initial letter meant I had 14 days from the 9th - which is the 23rd. But getting it 9 days after posting meant their "reminder" was useless. Third, and to make matters worse, I tried to call them an talk to someone but there no option to speak to a human, point out the reminder letter came too late and ask if I can just pay the £60 as a result, which is only fair IMO To make matters worse, the automated service tells me that on top of the full £100 ticket they're going to charge me for paying by debit card!!! [removed] Here are my questions: 1) as it's private land (they mention this in their letter) can they actually enforce any payment? Court action, default/CCJ/police intervention etc? 2) How can they legally demand to know who the other driver was (if there was one)? 3) And if they can't legally demand you to give over another person's details, how can they possibly take the matter further (court/default/police) if you say you weren't the driver and you're not saying who was? Thanks in advance.
  10. Today 12/01/2013 I have received a Parking Charge Notice from Parking Eye stating that I over stayed a 2 hour parking by 11 minutes! The car park is for The Range and Halfords Fleming Way Swindon stores I regularly use however, hadn't noticed the minimum stay. If I pay in 14 days by 23/1/13 its £60 as opposed to £100. Basically do I pay it or ignore what seems to be a ridiculous amount of money for overstaying by 11 minutes? They have attached picture of my licence plate arrving and departing. Many thanks in advance for your comments and suggestions
  11. My son had a court claim form arrive on friday from parkingeye for parking in morrisons car park for over the 2 hours (he was in there shopping with his other half and stopped in there cafe for a sandwich and coffee before they started to shop). He's not received anything else from them up till this claim form. It says he can respond online. Can anyone advise on how to do it and what's best to put. I no there's various ways of defending but there's so many different ones i'm getting confused through all the reading. I need a simple start to finish walk through sort of thing as neither of us have ever had to do this before and don't want to do it all wrong and hang him at the first stage. All help gratefully received.
  12. hi, a friend without internet has received a letter from parking eye for overstaying at an Aldi (sorry not B&M had that on mind!) free car park by 20 minutes, wasn't aware there was a time limit as the writing on the sign is ridiculously small (I know the car park) they're asking for £40 or £70 penalty if doesn't pay, what steps should she take, she was shopping in there but as it was a while ago threw away her receipt as it wasn't for anything requiring a receipt keep! Is there any template letters I can print off for her that basically say up yours PE or does she just have to cough up the money?
  13. Please can someone advice what I should do. Received a parking charge notice of £100 on 17/11/14 for parking in the Europa Hotel Gatwick (Crawley) car park while having a drink. Time there 2 & half hrs. I was driving a courtesy car from Tates of Portslade who normally automatically pay parking fines on behalf of the customer, but in my case I told them not to so they are sending my details to Parking Eye. The hotel has lots of signs up but print is small, it was pouring that night, car park badly lit, I didn't see signs. The signs told guests to register vehicle at reception to avoid the fine. When I re visited hotel there was a notice at the reception but not at the bar. Manager says I should have kept bar receipt to prove I was there. Do I have grounds to contest this fine?
  14. One of our company vehicles apparently parked for too long in a car park in Edinburgh. I had been told by our employee that the fine was not legitimate as the van was actually there twice in the same day and that this was not picked up by the cameras, and instead they thought it was one long visit and exceeded the allowed time. This has happened to us before so I wrote to parking eye explaining the situation. I heard nothing and eventuallty got a letter from debt recovery plus. I called PE and they deny ever receiving my letter. I was also told I was too late to appeal. They did, however, listen to my reasons for not paying and I was told the camera has been checked and only one visit was made in that day (I was not the driver so cannot be sure either way). So now I have another letter from DRP saying I have to pay £135 by 25th Nov and they have quoted the PE V Beavis & Wardley test case. My understanding is that this case is going to appeal in January 2015, so should they really be quoting it as a test case? So what I'm asking is, what should I do now? I don't mind paying some money to make it go away, but £135 does not seem reasonable to me. Am I entitled to ask for the camera recording to check them myself? Thanks in advance
  15. Picked up another parking ticket - unbelievable. The car park has ANPR cameras and have clocked me on site for 17 mins. I was meeting my daughter off a train as she was feeling unwell due to wisdom tooth impacting, she has a history of fainting and this is the nearest car park to the station front. I never left my car nor did I stop the engine, I thought 20 mins free parking would be standard on most car parks - apparently not. Having recently been helped by the good folk in this forum recently, I used the GEPOL reasoning via POPLA and got the right result. Amongst the previous replies it was pointed out to me that where no fee has been paid I would need to word any appeal carefully as the assessor at POPLA may uphold the rip off fee requested of £100 as reasonable and a true reflection of losses (£60 for early payment). The operators have stated that POPLA will not entertain an appeal unless I have contact themselves first, which is tantamount to admitting I was the driver and other than that will have no bearing. Is there any advice you could offer me once again, I feel the £100 is excessive for 17 minutes. Should I just pay the £60 and make it go away? They have stated that they will pursue the owner of the reg if no other driver is named.
  16. Hi, I'm writing for advice about a PCN my elderly mother received last week. She went to Aldi's in Feltham on 1/11/14 and got a PCN for just being 11 minutes over the free hour stay period. The PCN is dated 6/11/14 and if she pays within 2 weeks it's only £40. After then it's £70. She was shopping in Asda at the time. She can provide a bank statement proving this as well. Is it worth pursuing? I've read a few other posts and the advice is often mixed. She's nervous about paying the full £70 or it going to court. Would it be best to speak to Aldi's first? I appreciate your advice with this. Dom
  17. Hi, I today received a parking charge from Parking Eye for staying 2h11m in a 2h max stay car park. The charge is £100, reduced to £60 if paid within 14 days. Is this enforceable? It seems ridiculous than anyone can charge that amount for an 11 minutes. Copy of PCN attached. Thanks in advance.
  18. I too fell foul of Parking Eye, stopped for 33 minutes in a staff carpark, in Poole September 13th 2104. I did the silly thing of appealing, stating the reason for temporarily using their facility, which was rejected. One of my main concerns, is that the legal framework has moved on a bit, and Parking Eye have updated their process to improve their success rates. Is the advice still to ignore the parking charge Notices from Parking Eye? Thanks, Graham
  19. http://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teesside-news/north-tees-hospital-parking-tickets-7960607?ref=BreakingNewsTeesside&utm_medium=facebook
  20. The registered keeper has recieved a Claim Form from Parking Lie through Northampton County Court the POC reads; Claim for monies outstanding from the defendant, as registered keeper, in relation to a Parking Charge, issued 00/07/2014, for parking on private land in breach of the T+Cs (the contract). Parking Eye’s automated number plate recognition system, monitoring Welcome Break Michael wood (North), M5 Jct 13/14, Michael wood, Lower Wick, Dursley, Gloucestershire, GL11 6DD, captured vehicle reg.UL1ARS entering and leaving the car park, parking without a valid paid parking ticket. The signage, clearly displayed at the entrance to and throughout the car park, states that this is private land, is managed by Parking Eye Ltd, and parking tariffs apply after a free stay period, along with other T+C’s by which those who park on the site agree to be bound. In accordance with the T+C’s set out in the signage, the parking charge became payable. Notice under the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 has been given under Sch 4, making the keeper liable. This claim is in reference to Parking Charge(s): 1234567890 end! There is only a date of issue and no mention of date or time that this refers to? Advice please?
  21. I often pick my daughter up after work from the town centre bus station. It's a one way system and I have to drive through a car park to get to the bus station. She's usually walking through the car park when I get there but a couple of weeks ago she (or the bus) was 15 minutes late and I waited at the exit of the car park. Today I received a parking charge notice from Parking Eye for £100 as I was in the car park for 17 minutes in total. The notice is addressed to my husband, as he is the registered keeper, but I am the main driver. At the time my daughter was also insured as a named driver (we'd added her to the policy for 30 days to get some practise) and in fact, although I drove into the car park, she drove out. The photos on the notice show the 'L' plates on exiting. I've read through quite a few of the stickys and posts on here and think my best course of action is to write to Parking Eye as the registered keeper but I'd like advice on what to put in the letter. My husband was out of the country with work at the time, is it worth mentioning this or should I just say he is not obliged to name the driver? I would never intentionally not pay for parking but feel £100 is totally excessive. In future I will drive straight out of the car park and wait on the road for her. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  22. Hi! Sorry if im repeating anyones thread here, but I am quite confused. I have received about 4 letters from PE regarding a 'parking charge notice'. I have ignored all of them after speaking to friends who have done the same and heard nothing. I then got a letter from DR+ demanding payment of the unpaid charge. (Which has now risen to £150 instead of the original £60). Am I still doing the right thing in ignoring them even though they are now threatening me with court action? I don't want to damage my credit rating. Should I just pay it to sleep easy? I parked in a carpark to eat my lunch one day and didnt even think to read the signs. The carpark was practically empty, and I stayed there for 1hr 15mins. After my first letter, I went back to the carpark and there are signs stating a maximum parking (or maybe waiting, can't remeber now, but can get clarification if needed) time of 20mins. My argument, as feeble as it may sound, is: I didn't leave the vehicle, and there were about 30 or more free spaces, so the company were not losing any money in my being there. Please help me! People keep using lots of abbreviations, and I dont know them all! Lol Thanks in advance.
  23. Upshot is this, Driver of vehicle parks, on a PE operated car park with a 2 hours limit. Driver leaves after 2hrs 12 mins Parking Eye send a Parking Notice to the owner of the vehicle at the address registered Owner wasn't the driver at the time, the driver at the time is disabled and able to stay double the amount usually given ...so they could have parked for 4 hours. As they didn't address it to the driver at the time the registered keeper ignored the communication. 2 Months on Parking Eye write to another address (not the registered keepers address) but an address where the registered keeper used to live stating that they couldn't have know that the registered keeper had moved and that they would accept a reduced fee if paid within 14 days, they also state that they gained the address by way of a Credit Reference Agency....say what? The Registered Keeper still lives at the original address and the one that is registered to the car by the DVLA ..the other address sent the communication back to the original address. The person driving is covered to park over the time allocated, no problem with that, but Parking Eye using a credit ref agency to write to another address simply because the one and only time they wrote to the registered address but did not receive a reply. For £40 and which they have zero chance of collecting given the disabled status of the driver of the vehicle at the time and which is easily enough rectified ...however, lets hope Parking Eye waste their money taking out court action and wasting more of their money. What seems so wrong is a cra being used for an address when all the time the vehicle is still registered at the original address.
  24. Hi everyone, I know there are loads of parking eye threads but I find then hard to understand because I only recovered letter no.1 today. It's is a parking charge notice with CCTV stills of my car entering and leaving a car park 9 minutes apart. I went there to drop someone off and pick them up, I did not leave my car or turn off the engine. Anyway, i read some old threads from prior to 2012 freedoms act and they said ignore ignore ignore. This doesn't seem the case anymore and now we have to follow the appeals process, is that right? What are the next steps and I really really don't want to be taken to court or have anything mark my credit file!!! Thanks
  25. I live abroad, but fortunately am currently staying in the UK with my elderly mother. I have spent a few days reading through your threads on PE. Our situation seems similar to many others. Last June (2013) my mother overstayed in a FREE carpark managed by PE. (a Halfords retail park) She received the usual 2 or 3 penalty notices and was told by my cousin to ignore them, which she did. She heard nothing until last week 22/08/14 when she received the Notice of Intended Court Action letter from DR+. Unfortunately as more than a year has passed she has thrown away the original correspondence and is now in a complete tizz thinking she is about to be thrown into jail. The amount is now £140.00 and though I am prepared to do battle on her behalf, I am wondering if, given her frailty I should just let her pay up. She has until 5/09 to pay it. I am in the country until then, so any advice/help beforehand would be much much appreciated. Thanks in advance, and compliments on the first website dealing with this that I've actually been able to make head or tail of!
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