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  1. Need advice urgently. I got a little behind with gas bill I am and always have been paying £70 a month by Standing Order. anyway, every time I try and set up a payment plan, always get through to an indian call center and all they want to do is take a payment and not listen. I do have a recorded telephone conversation telling them I had no objections at all in them fitting a prepayment meter. Despite this they got a warrant to change it on the 13th of this month. I never got a chance to tell my side at court (6th) also I never received human rights letter from rep, I sent him away and told him to post it. Didn't even get into a conversation with him. why should I pay for his visit. I don't want to pay the court costs and meter install charges when I already gave permission. Can I stop the warrant, have it put on hold until I at least get a chance to have my say in court? Time is tight ....how would I do this? thanks for reading series3
  2. Hopefully this will make sense! We got a penalty notice from Derbyshire, where we have never visited for a parking ticket. Been trying to fight this for nearly two years. The van was never registered at DVLA to us or to our address. The parking ticket was issued in a company name that does not exsist, although contains our surname. The registered keeper provided our address and the company name to the council involved. I don't seem to have got a warrant of execution notice from the courts. I have filed every form going with no joy......now I have a demand for £125 to be paid in 7 days from Marstons. Is there anything I can do? Any help or thoughts greatly appreciated.
  3. Hi Out of the blue today, a bailiff from the council knocked on my door. He said he had a warrant for my arrest over non payment of council tax. i refused to let him in as I was on my way to work. Here's the story, He said I owed £4700, he wouldn't tell me when the debt was from, or for what years it covered. Said he didn't know, but he is going to return, arrest me and then bail me to appear in court. I admit a couple of years ago I got into trouble with the council tax, but in February 2011 I paid £3800. When i paid this I asked the council to confirm that my council tax was upto date, the woman on the phone said yes, but I never got anything in writing. Last year when my bill arrived, I contacted the council and informed them that my son is at university, but still living at home, I posted them a copy of the letter from the university. I never received an amended bill. Lax I know, but they didn't send me a bill so I didn't pay anything. My council tax is £1200 per year, with my 25% discount I work out that I owe them £800 for last year, and approx £270 for this year.(upto todays date) A couple of questions before he rings me tomorrow, 1 Can he arrest me? I thought only police could do that. 2 Is there a template I can fill in to get the council to break down the £4700 3 Do I have to answer the phone to him, or should I contact the council directly? The business card he left had the councils logo on it so it appears he works for the council, but he was holding a folder which had GDR debt recovery on it, which leads me to believe he might not be a council employee. I am prepared to pay last years council tax, and also get this years upto date, but I refuse to pay £4700. Thanks in advance
  4. Please can anyone give us advice... Back in 2009 we were in arrears with rooftop mortages and it went to court - we were give a suspended possession order and had to pay back £100 on top of our monthly payment which we kept up with well at first but did struggle to pay on occassions, called rooftop explained and was told it was fine each time. A couple of weeks ago rooftop sent us a letter saying we were £700 pound odd behind with this order so we requested statements to check the amount was correct, we did and it was - called and said we couldn't pay it all at once and also that this month we would be late paying our monthly payment but paid the £240 we could pay then. They told us this was fine and that they would not take our home over a small amount like that. Today we got letters saying that as the order from 2009 has not been adhered to they are putting in at court for a warrant for possession of land and that we will be notifed in due course of the eviction date. We have been staying with family a couple of days and have just arrived home to find the letters hence why I am on here so late Please can anyone advise if this can be stopped and what we need to do, I can't lose our home, im so stressed and upset and don't know what to do Been looking on the interenet and am getting so confused Thanks so much
  5. Well this is news to me,but according to the Marstons bailiff who I spoke to following being called by a relative after they turned up to execute a MCW it is too late to even challenge. On informing them that I did know about the rules given that I was a site team member of the CAG,the Marstons bailiff went on to say that this site is full of bad advice and wrong advice. I had to think as to whether I had told him CAG or else something which sounds like CAG that I had not yet seen. Here I am taking about a warrant that was passed following a fines order for no TV licence. The person concerned was in hospital for a lenthly period at the time of both the Mags hearing,and the demand to pay the fine. My understanding is that the costs/fine was around 120 quid. Marstons paid a visit when there was no one at home. After being asked to help out,Marstons was advised via their website (screenshot is available) that the person is on ESA benefits does not seek to evade paying the fine but that they should suspend action as notice was being made to the Court seeking time to pay. Yesterday Marstons turned up in a van with 2 bailiffs and a bill in excess of £500 quid. If you are reading Marstons,you have not heard the last of this. The 9 days you have given to pay your charges-will certainly be put to good use.
  6. hi, could anybody tell me if this is a warrant issued by the court ive had 1 letter from bailiff asking for £385 i asked for a copy of the warrant also a breakdown of the charges this is all they sent its not a good copy ive done it as a photo as printer scanner isnt working, id be glad of any comments as i think the charges are exsesive, the bailiff only dropped the letter off saying they would enforce the warrent, hand deliverd, works out about £250 i dont think its a reasonable charge i also thought the warrant would have had a stamp or at least been signed, appreciate any help many thanx
  7. Hello there,please can anyone help me with the following.... I have a debt that iv been ignoring now for a year....silly i know.... Iv had the court letters issud from Nottingham but didnt fill them in,then had the "Judgment For Claimant" letter from the court stating how much i owe and how much to pay each month.... I suppose iv been nieve thinking that there just fake court letters from Bryan Carter to frighten me.... I then got a letter this morning from Bryan Carter saying "WARRANTY OF EXECUTION"....there a warraant number after this.... This is when i googled for some explanation and came acrcos this site where iv read simmilar storys to mine....EG.the letter states YOUR ACCOUNT HAS NOW BEEN REFEERED FOR ISSUE OF A WARRANT OF EXECUTION....then it states the same warrant number at the top of the letter....and....THE BAILIF WILL NOW ATTEND AT YOUR PROPPERTY.... Reading some of the other posts it says that there cant be a warrant number as the account has been been refeered for one,and this is a trick to get you to call BRYAN CARTER which the replys say not to.... So upon reading some more replys,i called NORTHAMPTON County Court,i gave them the Claim No and they comfirmed the CCJ was issued against me and the dates/ammounts matched so the CCJ is legit.... I then told the clark about the letter from BRYAN CARTER and he said that there was no warrant issued.... At the bottom of the BRYAN CARTER letter it says that,If you are unable to pay in full then we may be able to aggree an instalment plan....then....You must contact us immediatly if you wish to avoid the Baliff calling at your house.... So my question is,even tho the CCJ is legit has BRYAN CARTER sent me this letter just to scare me into calling them to set up a payment plan in a similar way as in the past with other letters of a discount or setlment offer....? Ive read not to deal with BRYAN CARTER but only deal with the court but the court clark says there has been no warrant issued....So what next?.... Iv also read that if the warrant is issued by the court then i can susspend it for free as im on benefits?.... Id just like to be back at the stage where i have to subnit the court forms with my ins and out goings for the judge to decide how much i can afford.... Thankyou for taking the time to read my post....
  8. Just been served court papers (via Northampton's court bulk centre) for an outstanding debt to Anglian Water. AW have added £50 solicitor's/£15 court fee. The court fee I can understand, but the £50 sol fee is a bit much. Can I contest the sol fee?
  9. I received a notice of distress warrant off Phillips Baliffs yesterday the letter is dated 2nd of July and it says that I must pay £1200 in 48 hours which would have been the 4th of July. I do not have that type of money as I am unemployed and on JSA. The ammount of £1200 relates to 2 court fines 1 of which I was aware of. I have a lot of other debts, I recently settled a council tax debt with Bristow and Sutor by paying in installments so I am willing to pay what I can afford. I rang citizens advice as soon as I got the letter they have made a telephone appointment for me at 12pm Monday with a community legal representative but I am worried sick as the Baliffs may show up over the weekend. I am the Guardian to a 10 year old boy and he is having problems with his eye so I am taking him doctors now am worried they may show up when I am out. I have been worried sick looking on the internet for information. I can borrow £100 off a friend but thats all I can pay I don't know what to do I would appreciate any help.
  10. I'm in shock. I've got 4 letters from the Sheriff Officers today for council tax dating back years ago, saying that warrants have been granted against me and a former partner (letters addressed to both of us, we split 6 years ago) in the sheriff court. They are all for one address. For three of the years claimed we were not even living there, plus the council tax was included in what we paid our landlord (as far as I am aware - I wasn't party to the tenancy agreement) - we NEVER got a council tax bill the entire time we lived there an never since for that property. They have got hold of my current address so clearly know where I live yet have never chased me for this or sent a letter telling me they were taking it to court - if they had I would have fought it! It's thousands and I have to pay it in 7 days apparently! What the hell can I do about this? I am beyond fuming!
  11. Does anyone know the legalities of who is authorized to serve a warrant? I have a warrant issued from Northampton for a PCN from Bromley Council who have employed JBW Group to collect but then used a independent bailiff. This chap is on the Bailiff register in Leeds and not with JBW but his own company. Is the council allowed to use this independent Bailiff since he is not employed directly by them?
  12. Hi all PLEASE could you give me a bit of help? I have had a Notice of Issue of Warrant of Execution, however it has been sent and addressed to the wrong flat. It has my name but is is addressed to Flat 2, I live in Flat 1. My friend who lives in flat 2 gave it me as it had my name on it. The question I am asking is it valid as it has the wrong address on, or can I just send it back saying "NOT AT THIS ADDRESS"? Thanks for any help,,
  13. Hi everyone, Looking for a bit of help with our current dealings with Philips Bailiffs. My partner had a fine for use of TV set without a license and we had difficulties paying this fine. It has since been passed to Philips Bailiffs who are now dealing with the matter. We received a letter from them dated 28th March headed "NOTICE OF DISTRESS WARRANT". At this time the outstanding amount was £195. We immediately made an offer of repayment to them @ £10 per week. The first payment was due on 17/4/2012 but we failed to make this as we only realised after making the plan that they would charge us an extra £3 each time we made a payment by debit card. As we failed to make the payment, they sent another letter out... This time it was delivered in person and the total amount was now upto £410. Instead, we got back in touch with them and offered them £80 every 4 weeks, which we wouldn't mind paying the extra £3 each time. They declined this offer and said the minimum they could accept, according to their client West Mercia Courts, was £29pw/£58fortnightly/£127pm. They sent another bailiff out last week to hand deliver another letter (Balance still at £410), saying: REMOVAL NOTICE With this on the bottom: Please Note: We may re-attend your premises with a locksmith to remove any seized goods (as in accordance with the law), even in your absence. Now we have been doing a bit of reading up and have come across this site: dealingwithbailiffs[dot]co[dot]uk On that site it states this: Bailiffs send demands in the post adding hundreds of pounds in fees before making a visit – the defendant has no legal obligation to pay them. Section 76 of the Magistrates Courts Act 1980. Bailiffs cannot lawfully interfere with the locks of your property, or threaten to have a locksmith do so, or take any goods in your absence:Khazanchi & Another v Faircharm Investments Ltd & Others [1998] EWCA Civ 471 What we would like to know is: 1) If we were to make payment for the original outstanding fine amount, could the bailiff fees be waivered/ignored? 2) If there was no-one at the property, or if my partner wasn't here, are they still able to gain entry to the property with a locksmith? Upto now there has been no proof of this warrant, only what they have said in the letters (Which looks to be a template). We have just put an offer in to make payments of: 1x £100, 2X £127 and a final £56 = £410. We have dealt with them by email over the last couple of weeks and they way they are coming across, regardless of the amount we pay, if we don't agree to their payment plans then they will continue with the recovery process. (Even if we paid £400 of the £410 oweing!) Could anyone give us any advice? Thank you in advance!
  14. Hi, I'm not sure what to do, a warrant was issued on 4th october 2011 for a pcn, and this was revoked by the traffic enforcement centre (TEC) (court) on 20th november 2011 when i filed an out of time witness statement. I received a letter from the bailiff on saturday 2nd june 2012, and a visit from them this morning. I had appealed to the council but not had a response, and have heard from the TEC that they have not reissued a warrant and that hounslow council is basically acting on the old revoked warrant issued on 4th october 2011. surely this is unlawful? illegal? have tried contacting the council but they only accept written communication- email/letter, no visits in person or phonecalls, and i'm worried the bailiff will come again and add more fees. does anyone know what to do in this instance? thanks
  15. The local council were informed that we were moving out of the property and a forwarding address was given. We moved out on the 9/4/12. On the 10/5/12 I contacted the council because I had not received a bill for the final payment. They said they were dealing with it and have our forwarding address. I have just received a council tax statement from Aberdeen City Council and I am annoyed to say the least. They have asked us to pay £65 which is the right amount, but they have also added 198.48 as a statutory penalty because of late payment. The problem with this is that we have never received a letter from the council telling us how much we owe them from the last address. All we have had is the letter with the statutory penalty. I know councils are all powerful when it comes to getting the money you supposedly owe them, but it is their incompetence that’s has caused this. What can I do?
  16. First time poster so please be gentle! I've received a warrant of execution from the bailiffs for a debt I have no knowledge of. It's been sent to an address I've never lived at but is in my name-it's only by chance that I've received it. It appears a claim has gone through the county court without my knowledge, instigated by a chap I've had dealings with in the past. This chap harassed me by phone because I wouldn't evict one of my tenants quickly enough for him (he wanted to speed up an eviction making it illegal) and I refused. He threatened to visit me and have it out, even though I informed him I was 9 months pregnant. In the end, I had to call the police to warn him off. It seems he's got the address of the lady I used to do the eviction paperwork for me and made a claim against me for goodness knows what. By default he seems to have won. How on earth do I get this reversed? I've got until Monday when the baliffs act to repossess goods (albeit from an address I've never lived at). I've downloaded an N244 form and applied for the paperwork associated with this claim to be sent to me but any idea what to say on the form? I definitely don't want this guy getting my actual address-he's a lunatic, even the lady at the courts service when reading the paperwork commented that this sounded a bizarre claim. Any kindly folk with experience of filling in an N244 form that could advise? Thanks very much in advance.
  17. Hi Guys, I have received a few letters from Clarity which started with the usual we are trying to contact someone, which I ignored (why help them?) then came the "you owe us loads of money" letter, which I also ignored because I see why I should ring them or do anything initially. Then came the "we will send round the FieldCall people to discuss the fact that you owe us loads of money" letter. I was not too purturbed because a) I had been chased almost a year ago for almost the exact same amount by Lowell, who finally admitted they were wrong and appologised for writing to me (I had written a very polite "prove it" letter), and b) I recently came across these forums which are a revelation. I wrote a letter back basically saying, very nicely (I think) - prove it, and I don't want you sending anyone round to talk to me about it. Today I received the attached letter (suitably redacted), to which I want to reply in this way: Dear Clarity, If you don't know who I am, then stop accusing me of owing you money. Yours faithfully, etc. What do people think? I don't wish to fire flaming letters at them, because I feel that that sort of thing can later predudice things, if, for some reason it all turns sour. I am not worrying particularly, but would like to ensure that my response is measured and reasonable. Any advice?
  18. Hi people just thought I would ask what you think of this. on 10/10/2011 I bought a clio 2001 from a guy in auto trader advert said he was a trader car was not sold as seen or anything anyway I went to se car and he took me around block in it seamed ok.I had a car that i was going to scrap but it had mot and tax so he said I wuld take your car off you he wasn't interested in even looking at the car. I paid him cash and give my car in he said ill deliver it anyway next day I went to use car and warning light started to flash people were saying take it back but silly me didn't.Even eight people said so I have lots of witnesses too anyway have tried everything but looks like its the head gasket Looks like this guy knew all a long what he sold me and he even sold mica or tried to for over 500 pounds even though it should have been scrapped. I dont think that there is anything that I can do now but just thought I would ask anyway I know I have done a daft thing Thanks for your time in reading this guys/gals
  19. Hey guys, I've been a reader for a while taking in the advice on your forums - it's proved invaluable so far, many thanks to all and keep up the good work However, I'm truly stumped and was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to shed some light on the following.... I've just checked my MCOL site today I noticed that under my claim history it states that a final return for your warrant against Person X has been received on 01/11/10. This is after the warrant of execution was obtained on 13/07/10, following the defendant's refusal to respond to any court correspondence and subsequently entered judgement by default. The sum owed currently stands at 601 pounds. Firstly, I have no idea what 'a final return for your warrant was received on 01/11/10' means?? I've looked on hmcs and google, and cant see a thing about it?? Secondly, as the incident of pretty much fraud took place last november, is there any way i can speed things up at all? Thanks for any help you can provide. G
  20. Can someone help. EDF sent an estimated bill backdated to 2004 - estimated start and end readings. A letter was written, by a manager, to them asking for all the info they hold on the property - names of occupants, and all actual readings for the period. EDF replied that due to data protection act they could not divulge that info. Another letter was written, again asking them to advise all the information they held on the property and the account was to be held in dispute until they replied. Again EDF replied that due to data protection act they could not provide any info regarding who consumed how much electricity at the property. Quite clearly they have no names of who has been living at the property in the last 5-6 years. They seemingly do not have the name of the property owner or any tenants during this period. Nor do they know how much electricity has been consumed from start to finish as readings are only estimated. It appears stalemate. So what letter should now be written to EDF to ascertain correct consumption ? And would the owner be held liable for the whole period ? Especially if the owner has no details of occupants in the period. Help is much appreciated.
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