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  1. I went to the pharmacy smoking cessation today and got my patches after talking about doing it for months now, pharmacist was really helpful and supportive so i highly recomend the service. He talked to me a bit about how much and when i smoke and we decided together that i should pick either the end of next week or the start of the week after to actually stop as im a university student with a huge essay due towards the end of next week, he thought the best thing would be to get the essay done and stop after that when i will be less stressed. I have just moved house so not having my new house smelling will be a big motivation as well as the money and health benefits. I have tried and failed before so if anyone has any tips that have worked for them i would be grateful
  2. Ensure you're not being overcharged or fooled into thinking the price is lower Two pricing rule changes, completely free of charge CAP and BCAP have today announced changes to rules governing price comparisons rules and the use of price claims that are inclusive or exclusive of VAT. Advertisers can now compare products that may not be identical, but nonetheless meet the same need or intended purpose. The Advertising Codes have also been changed to allow advertisers to make VAT-exclusive price claims, provided the claims are clearly addressed to those that pay no VAT or can recover it. Find out more about these significant changes, including a full regulatory statement, here.
  3. Hi everyone I am accompanying someone this afternoon to their first interview with the Job Centre - he should be in the Support Group - GP has said there is no way this person can work. Is anyone able to tell me what to expect from today? The claimant suffers with mental health issues - reason I am accompanying is to attempt to keep him calm, be there to understand what is expected of him and because he will not go to unfamiliar places alone and the location of the Job Centre he has been sent to is unfamiliar and a half hour drive away. Also, last week, he received another assessment form to complete - he only won at tribunal in September having been awarded nil points by ATOS. Any thoughts on this also will be greatly appreciated.
  4. i received an eviction order today dated 22 Nov 2012 , the postmark is the 27 Novemmber 2012 and it has been wrongly delivered to some one who has only come back from holiday and has now brought it to me . The date set for the eviction is 28 January 2013 , My circumstances regarding the arrears are very complicated can anyone help please ?
  5. Hi. Have had marston at the door today. Not let them in. Not even my property, I rent a room. The landlady saw them and let me know they were outside. They said it was for non payment of fines, my fault entirely but have added on almost £300! They came I think sometime very early in the year and put a letter through the letter box. I did ring the courts back then I but they said to go through them. Me being the kind of person to bury their head in the sand left it. They are saying they can gain entry ( but not my property ) and take goods? Surely they have to know who's goods they are? Also showed them only part of my rental agreement and as it says nothing about just a room they can view the lot? That cannot be right? Only my room surely? I got through to their office and the unhelpful woman said I cannot pay by installments. BUT out of the blue the guy at the door also said there is another fine they had let him know about and I CAN pay that one by installments. My landlady called the police but they have not turned up yet. I have no cash or good to sell to pay the fine off at all. I do work and own a crappy car to get me there and back and pick up the kids from their mums and that is all. What can I do? Land lady is in bits, saying I have to move out after xmas, scared they will break in to her house, I'm in no real fit state to deal with confrontation at times other than shouting etc which is no real good to anyone. Any advice is good
  6. Hi, After dealing with an ex-council for months and months they have issued a court summons for both myself and hubby. How do I make a posting in the correct thread as I am totally stumped Cheers
  7. Several weeks ago I received a visit from a man form Rossendales explaining that we had an oustanding Council Tax bill that had been passed on to them and they had a Magistrates Order to recoup the money. I agreed to send an income and expenditure breakdown and come to an agreement over paying it in installments. I filled this in and sent it back. Today a man appeared on my doorstep with a piece of paper explaining that I hadnt kept to the deal, and he was here with the van. He told me I have to pay over 1200 pounds or he will be back with the van and the police. I explained that its not possible, and said that I could get 300 tomorrow, and he said, that he'll take that and give me to the end of the month to come up with the rest or it will be van/boys in blue/bye bye furniture/car. The piece of paper is form Rossendales and not the court. I explained that I'd sent the paperwork back, and phoned the office and was told its not their fault, and that i should have either sent it recorded delivery, or phoned to make sure it got there. I asked if I have any recourse to appeal, and was told that the only thing I can do to avoid them coming back and forcing entry is to pay the full amount by the end of this month. He said he was "being nice" by doing this for me. I was quite stressed out at the time, and didnt want to get into a confrontation that might make him change his mind and take the stuff there and then, so I kind of capitulated and said I'd have the 300 tomorrow and see what I could do about the rest. Is there ANYTHING I can do to get them to take the installment plan? Their paperwork says: "No further arrangements are acceptable and payment is now required in full by CLEAR FUNDS ONLY." I was helped out over a mortgage issue by some of the guys here a few years ago, and hope someone can point me the right way...
  8. Well guys the time has come, I have to attend my ATOS WCA this afternoon. It is supposed to be a recorded one but then again lets see. I fully expect to get the obligatory ZERO points, not that I am cynical of their methods or anything:-( but it will be par for the course. So some advice/guidance from others is wanted, just to mainly back up what I know and what I expect from here. 1. Assuming I am found fit for work what should be the process from there on? 2. I am not due to receive my IS again until 15 Oct, do I assume that this will be paid, or does it stop immediately? 3. I am on IS on disability grounds at the couple rate, I also get the Disability Premium as well because I get DLA (High Mobility/Low Care). If I have to appeal what level of income can I expect to get? 4. If I accept their findings and get pushed onto JSA, I understand that my money would remain the same, JSA IB couple rate with DP payable due to getting DLA. Am I right with this? 5. I have read about peoples DLA being stopped following a WCA, when found fit for work, this was in the earlier days of ESA. Is this still happening routinely, or has it stopped? I can't think of anymore questions right now but would appreciate any pointers. I will report back after my interrogation. Oh are they likely to give me any indication, or can I ask what their recommendation will be and will they tell you?
  9. Morning All, after 20+ years my quit day has finally come around. I am using a combination of patches and inhalers as recommended by the chemist. and i have an ecig if it all goes "pear shaped"
  10. Hi all, went to see a Merc Sprinter van yesterday and it looked okay. I asked the seller (trader) if everything worked and he agreed. the van was dropped off at my house this morning and I went for a run in it after I had taxed it and insured it. I found the Speedo didn't work and the glowplug light was on constantly. I took it back to the dealer and he couldn't rectify the faults and told me he needed to contact an auto electrican and then get back to me. This afternoon, I have also found the heater is not getting hot, the interior lights don't work & there is no spare wheel. Where do I stand and what time limits do I have, he told me that he would give me 3 months warranty. Thanks in advance.
  11. Did anyone else have problems not being able to get onto the site at all? I kept getting: Fatal error: Memcache is not installed in [path]/includes/class_datastore.php on line 183 Couldn't find any announcement on t'web about it either. Assume all is fine and dandy now - but was it thee or t'was it me?
  12. Trouble ahead! http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/14342/online-news/mortgage-lender-buys-credit-card-debt
  13. Hi all just wanted to introduce myself and say Hi. I am in the very very early stages of whats going to be a very scary time for me and just by briefly browsing some of the posts on here i know I can get some needed advice to help me along. :-Dx
  14. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/commentary/broken-britain-its-never-been-better/article4461053/
  15. From the radio 4 "You And Yours" web page, http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01jrlf1 heard this item about somebody being chased by cabot for an alleged debt that is 15 years old. Unfortunately it's not on iPlayer so quick précis, this was a credit card from capital finance that was cancelled in 1997. Due to the last payment on the card not going in on time there was a small charge but CF said don't worry the account is closed and you won't hear from us. roll on 15 yrs and enter cabot claiming about £46. (The programme also mentioned that debt purchasers might pay as little as 1% of the value) The reason for posting this is that the programme makers want to hear from anybody being chased for alleged debts older than 15 yrs. which might apply to a few on this forum. http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/features/you-and-yours/contact-us/ it's on iplayer now. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01jrlf1/You_and_Yours_Debt_collectors_Manchester_and_cycling_hospital_staff_telling_the_truth_free_high_street_wifi_copycat_books./
  16. Hi All. Apologies if posting in wrong forum, couldnt find anything similar elsewhere. I am basically looking for some advice to make sure I dont leave myself open to further issues. For the record, I am, and all action, is Scottish based. Following my divorce back in 2004, it was decided that the legal expenses were deemed payable by me. The Scottish Legal Aid board then demanded payment (£3447.21) and I explained at the time I was in no position to pay, with barely enough income to allow me to eat at the time. They sent a chap to my house, who filled out a form with me, pretty much confirming my position at that time. I have never heard anything since from the Scottish Legal Aid Board. Since then, I have spent the last 6 years desperately trying to clean up my credit records, pay off all my debts, and try to return my life back to some sort of normallity, which for the main part, I have managed to do. I was even able to eventually get myself a mortgage (albeit from a "fringe" broker with higher than normal interest rates), and bought a small 1 bedroomed property, perfect for me. Then the bombshell! It would appear that a schedule of inhibition was granted on the 4/06/2005, which would prevent me from selling any property or land unless this legal aid debt was paid. I had no idea whatsoever this inhibition schedule had been granted until last week and even when I did eventually sell my small property back in 2009, nothing was brought up, mentioned, or apparant then. Last week, completely out the blue, a Sheriffs officer appeared at my current property and posted through the door a copy of this very inhibition notice. He then chapped both my neighbours doors asking where I worked, what vehicle I drove, when was I likely to be home etc etc. All pretty embarressing for me. Natuarally I called the number on the attached letter, and was surprised to find it was for the expenses awarded against me back in 2005. I explained I had no idea this inhibition had been granted, and asked why they simply hadnt written to me? They said they had written to me back in 2010, and the letter was signed for by (an ex girlfriend who lived briefly at this new property whilst I was working up North for a few months). I genuinely knew nothing about this. I can only assume the letter was set aside, and was perhaps accidently disposed of before I had a chance to read? Despite explaining this, I have been told to pay the full amount by close of business today, or this order will be enforced - affecting my credit rating etc. The total amount is £3672.37 which is the original charge, + serving fees of £114.48, + charge fees of £110.68. This will all but wipe out my entire savings which I have managed to accrue over the last two years or so (after finally paying off all my debts) through hard work and being extremey careful with my money. I just feel I am back to square one again, and wish I had known about this from the start - and was given a chance to come to some agreement in terms of paying this up. At very worst, a fair portion of it may have been paid by now. Should I, (indeed can I?) challange the order and risk my credit status all over again, or should I simply pay the lot and be left with nothing again? Or should I pay the expenses and challange the fees? Im not sure what to do here - but not thinking clearly due to the shock of it all. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  17. Hi all, I'm looking for some help after my DLA tribunal today. We first applied on 7th October 2011 and were turned down; resulting in the tribunal which was heard today. It was the longest 45 minutes of our lives and felt like the Spanish inquisition! We had a medical lady, a Judge and a care person. The first two weren't so bad, although very thorough, but whilst we were talking to the medical lady, the care bloke fell asleep!!!! When it came to his turn, he was horrible, he actually reduced me to tears. Sorry, I should provide a bit of background first shouldn't I. I am claiming because I have degenerative disc disease and bipolar disorder. We had previously been to a DLA tribunal in march which was adjourned for more medical evidence; including my medical records and a 'medical' visit. Anyway surprise surprise, he completely lied and omitted things we had said, and the fact that he had suggested my GP refer me for an MRI on my neck. He said "no falls claimed" even though I showed him the bruises on my knees from a previous fall, and it is well documented in my records, which proved he had lied about that. He also failed to mention the wheelchair I have been referred for, amongst plenty of other things. This care bloke read out the list of things from my application form which I said I had difficulty with then said the 'Dr' who visited me said that I was capable of all of them. He asked why I thought this was, so I said about the problems I had with this report, and how upset I had been on receipt of this report. It just made me feel like we were on trial, it was soooo distressing. Anyway, we were finally asked to wait outside and were called back in to find out that we had been awarded low rate mobility and low rate care, after medical evidence and we had told them I could hardly walk, I use 2 crutches, and need help 24/7!!! CAB had told us that we deserve high rate mobility and at least middle rate care, so, if we meet the requirements, how can they only award low rate for both components? My question is, where can I go from here? Can I appeal this? They don't seem to have listened / they couldn't even hear me properly as it was in a big court room, and I had to keep repeating my answers. Do I stop the claim and reappeal, or can I keep claiming and submit another claim as I saw earlier on another post? Apologies if this is a bit longwinded, I wanted to give a bit of background. Thanks in advance
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