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Found 5 results

  1. Is there a way of stopping or challenging this from being renewed at the end of its 5 years (before the actual debt is cleared)? Original debt: Nationwide Overdraft back in 2004 of £3500 Nationwide refused to deal with Christians Against Poverty who were sorting out a repayment schedule at the time and as soon as they were involved took me to court. They had been phoning me in the evenings to try and get me to repay the overdraft and had offered if I could pay the overdraft of £2000 - they would waive the £1500 over that but I was pregnant at the time and about to come off on maternity leave soon and did not have that amount of money available to me then. The guy I was speaking said that in that case they would take me to court and take my house away from me. Decree was granted in April 2005 and Order of inhibition on any property I own after that. Was renewed on expiry in 2010 and due again to expire in May. Have £1900 left of balance. Have not received any statement of the account since the decree in 2005, so have no idea of interest and charges that have occurred or how much I have actually paid back. First was passed to Morton Fraser solicitors and now with Aberdein Considine. I have tried to put in a claim for unfair fees and charges that were added to the account - the overdraft was £2000 and the fees and charges the rest. Morton Fraser said I was not allowed to contact Nationwide Building Society to do this. Never got a reason why they would not look at the fees and charges - on the one hand Nationwide were saying to contact Morton Fraser with a settlement offer and they would consider it through them but Morton Fraser said they received no such instruction from Nationwide - so just kept going round in circles. This was a few years ago and I had too many other things going on in my life to fight with them about who said what so just left it. However, I want this inhibition removed so I can move on with my life. I could possibly just about manage to settle the debt before May, but it would be a struggle (we are a family of 7 so every penny counts). I do still have some other outstanding debts that I still am paying that defaulted at the same time. Any advice on how to go about this one?
  2. Hope you can help, I was served with a schedule of inhibition after l was given a time to pay order with RBS. The debt was in my name, however l am now married. We have a joint mortgage.(which l had before my debt) We are now looking to sell our house and buy a new one but will need to borrow another 20K, which we can afford. In fact my husband could afford it himself, without considering my income. We have lots of equity in our house. So, l am wondering, will his credit rating be ruined because of me? Is there a high chance we wont be allowed more money, even though he could afford it by himself. Could he take out a new mortgage in just his name? In hope, HH
  3. Hi I am looking for some advice on a schedule of inhibition which I received on my property 17th October 2008 for an outstanding debt of £2978 owed to a nationwide credit card, I have just ignored this since it was issued and have since moved out of the property, my ex partner still resides in the property and pays the mortgage which I presume I am still on as I have not heard any different, my ex and I are not on speaking terms and I would now like to cut all ties with this property if possible and get bought out of my share in the property but I'm not sure if this inhibition still stands as I was told that after 5 years it gets wiped out but how true this information was I don't know. I was also told by a friend that if my ex partner has had no contact with me regarding the flat after so many years he will now have sole ownership, we both placed a £10000 deposit each for the property and I would like that back and I am happy to lose out on half the value of the property when I left in 2008 and stopped contributing to the mortgage, I have a lot of debt from around 2005_2008 but have know idea of finding out exactly how much and to whom, what can anyone advise I should do now to sort my mess out, it might also be of interest to know that I live in Scotland and so is the property in Scotland. I hope iv explained this clearly but can go in to more detail of needed.
  4. I received a Inhibition Order in April 2008 and I've been paying off my council tax debt monthly for the last 5 years. Today I received another IO as the original has expired. I also received a Debt Advice and Information Package (booklet) and it clearly states on the new IO that this booklet has been included. CAB website says: "A creditor must send you a Debt Advice and Information Package and if this was not done the inhibition is not valid." I've checked my original IO and there is no mention of a 'Debt Advice and Information Package' included with the IO. On the website below it states that 'Debt Advice and Information Package' Original publication date: 21st March 2008 (sorry, not allowed to post the link) Could it be that my first IO is invalid as I didn't receive the booklet? Or am I just clutching at straws?? I have no problem paying back my debt, it's all the legal fees and interest that really worries me Any info or advice would be much appreciated. Cheers x
  5. Hi All. Apologies if posting in wrong forum, couldnt find anything similar elsewhere. I am basically looking for some advice to make sure I dont leave myself open to further issues. For the record, I am, and all action, is Scottish based. Following my divorce back in 2004, it was decided that the legal expenses were deemed payable by me. The Scottish Legal Aid board then demanded payment (£3447.21) and I explained at the time I was in no position to pay, with barely enough income to allow me to eat at the time. They sent a chap to my house, who filled out a form with me, pretty much confirming my position at that time. I have never heard anything since from the Scottish Legal Aid Board. Since then, I have spent the last 6 years desperately trying to clean up my credit records, pay off all my debts, and try to return my life back to some sort of normallity, which for the main part, I have managed to do. I was even able to eventually get myself a mortgage (albeit from a "fringe" broker with higher than normal interest rates), and bought a small 1 bedroomed property, perfect for me. Then the bombshell! It would appear that a schedule of inhibition was granted on the 4/06/2005, which would prevent me from selling any property or land unless this legal aid debt was paid. I had no idea whatsoever this inhibition schedule had been granted until last week and even when I did eventually sell my small property back in 2009, nothing was brought up, mentioned, or apparant then. Last week, completely out the blue, a Sheriffs officer appeared at my current property and posted through the door a copy of this very inhibition notice. He then chapped both my neighbours doors asking where I worked, what vehicle I drove, when was I likely to be home etc etc. All pretty embarressing for me. Natuarally I called the number on the attached letter, and was surprised to find it was for the expenses awarded against me back in 2005. I explained I had no idea this inhibition had been granted, and asked why they simply hadnt written to me? They said they had written to me back in 2010, and the letter was signed for by (an ex girlfriend who lived briefly at this new property whilst I was working up North for a few months). I genuinely knew nothing about this. I can only assume the letter was set aside, and was perhaps accidently disposed of before I had a chance to read? Despite explaining this, I have been told to pay the full amount by close of business today, or this order will be enforced - affecting my credit rating etc. The total amount is £3672.37 which is the original charge, + serving fees of £114.48, + charge fees of £110.68. This will all but wipe out my entire savings which I have managed to accrue over the last two years or so (after finally paying off all my debts) through hard work and being extremey careful with my money. I just feel I am back to square one again, and wish I had known about this from the start - and was given a chance to come to some agreement in terms of paying this up. At very worst, a fair portion of it may have been paid by now. Should I, (indeed can I?) challange the order and risk my credit status all over again, or should I simply pay the lot and be left with nothing again? Or should I pay the expenses and challange the fees? Im not sure what to do here - but not thinking clearly due to the shock of it all. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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