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  1. Ok, so no-one can recommend a solicitor as written above. And I am getting no-where here. Law centre gave me same information as on yell.com as they don't give information on solicitors for specific areas ie Sale of Goods Act when you are in Scotland. Thanks for everyones help.
  2. As mentioned in my first post, car is not on credit. A personal loan was use to buy it with. And it was paid for in cash and using a debit card. Sorry am I confusing people. I didn't realise I was. I'm not looking for any advice on the legalities etc of this. I have so much legal information about where we stand, even that they have broken the law with CPR's etc and the fines applicable by a Sheriff, I just need a good solicitor in the Sales of Goods Act to help. Trading Standards gave us such incorrect and opposing advice, we had to look elsewhere, including the OFT. I was hoping someone could give a solicitor they had used. Sorry if people think I am after advice about the car. That is well in hand. I would like to try with a solicitor before it has to go to court. It is not my car. it is my daughters and her partners. They are totally unable to take a case to court as they have no confidence, experience etc . And being honest, I've done it before, won, and do not have the time or energy to do this. Hence I want someone to take it out of my hands. To sit in front of a sheriff takes a lot. I am well aware of that. It will be the last resort. Hence the solicitors letter first
  3. The reason I want a distance away as it is a small area. Everyone knows everyone. Trading Standards gave me information which was wrong and backed the seller. When in theory it was a major fault after 20 weeks of purchase. TS told me we wouldn't win as garage were the professionals and I didn't have any car mechanic knowledge. never once did TS mention Burden Of proof. It was only when I rang them back after a good amount of info searching that they admitted this existed. Had problems with TS here before not going against a seller in the area who was breaking the law.
  4. Hii, They gave me solicitors but I need one a far distance away from the car garage. The one I rang didn't even ring me back
  5. Hi All, I'm looking for a solicitor who specialises in the Sale of Goods Act for Car Purchase. I have already tried to fight the car dealer (major problem 20 weeks after car was purchased) and got no where. Trading Standards gave me wrong advice after they were handed the complaint from Consumer Helpline. I got OFT evidence and challenged them. They backed down and said I was correct, then he rang me back and said the law is based on a book by Cowan Ervine, so i wouldn't win as I am not a professional, I don't know what I am talking about, where as the dealer is a car mechanic. CAB have been good since this, but I need someone with headed paper. there is also many other things. CAB think we were miss-sold the car due to not being given the full information about various points. There has been a replacement engine installed, but Log Book still says old engine number, and the replacement engine is presenting itself as an engine from a scrapyard according to other garages. Garages will not touch it as they know nothing about the engine. the replacement engine came with no details to even verify the mileage on it which he told us it had. He never gave us the new engine number. Even the receipt states the old engine number. The car is an 08, currently sitting on SORN, can't go anywhere, and now because of all of this, has just ran out of MOT also. The car is on a personal loan, not credit. Was paid for by cash and debit card. All of the information the CAB and Consumer Helpline is excellent, they have thought of far more things than we had even ever considered and built a case. But apparently they have taken advice from the local Trading Standards, the same ones that gave me the wrong information and deliberately directed me into the wrong direction. need help please Thanks
  6. Hi All Both my hubby and I received a summons ;for Council tax for a property this morning that we moved out of in 2009. But still owned it. Our daughter lived there until June last year when we handed the keys back to the mortgage company. The mortgage company did nothing about it, even though we supplied them with a 8 page letter giving them the go ahead to repossess the property. they eventually did at the beginning of this year, but by this time we had run over our 6 month free council tax period. Every time I rang the council I was given different advice, they were horrific, and eventually I got in touch with the leader of the council who farmed it out to other people to deal with it. This itself was hilarious. And the final email was from a member of the council and the information she supplied was factually wrong, telling me that my daughter only left the property this year and not last year. I replied asking her asking if her response was factually correct to which she replied it was. Today we received a summons to us. We both received a summons which has been issued from the council and not the courts, it does not say if the debt is each or is to be halved (we only owe £59.22 in total) with costs of £35.00, but the summons make it look like it was per person, when really it should be joint! The surname on the summons for both of us is spelt wrong. i presume they will say it is a Typo. The village name is wrong. I am so annoyed with them. We had been totally up to date when we left. We are paying council tax in the property we now live in which is a council house. there are thousands of people who never pay and they get off with it, yet they are chasing us for under £60. We now live in Scotland, and this debt was in England. Are we stuck where we have to pay it? I read on a few different forums that it would be Perjury to send a letter out as a summons if it is not through the council. But then I read that councils are allowed to issue their own summons. I have also been told that if they ask for my hubby's employment details we do not have to supply them as they are only allowed to request and not demand. the council will not accept that their staff have acted wrongly, giving out wrong information. The do not record calls, so it is my word against theirs. they are a disgraceful council. I have just submitted a complaint into the Local Authority Ombudsman, but I have been told by some people, that they tend to be bias towards the council. I have no idea if this is true. Can anyone help are we stuck with it. Thanks Helen
  7. Hi, After dealing with an ex-council for months and months they have issued a court summons for both myself and hubby. How do I make a posting in the correct thread as I am totally stumped Cheers
  8. Thanks for the info. Is it law that the local agreement must be given to an employee, or at least on display for all the employees to see? The whole situation is crazy. And the unions thoughts on all of this are that the company can do what they want as it's their company!
  9. Hi All, My hubby is a driver for a large company. His working hours vary each week hugely due to shift patterns. He has a contract and also a local agreement. No one has ever seen the local agreement. Firstly as believe it or not the Union have 'lost' it and secondly as the local agreement is not issued to staff when the start with the company. This is where the problems begin. The duties that 'Must' be done at the end of their shift were sold out for a lump sum payment a few years ago before my hubby started. So they don't get paid for what probably takes about 15 minutes at the end of their shift. this is not mentioned in their contract, so we are presuming that it must be mentioned in the local agreement. the company have now added in a couple of things that will also encroach onto the final part of their shift which is unpaid. Can this be added on to their unpaid time? please please don't say contact the union as they are allowing the employers to get away with this. Not just shop floor level but also higher. Thanks
  10. Hi, does anyone know if this is only Halifax or if it is all Halifax companies. Ie Birmingham Midshires? Cheers
  11. Hi, thanks for the reply, if worst comes to worst, can I put a claim in through Ebay to the resolution centre. Helen
  12. Hi, I need some information about how to deal with a problem I have on Ebay. I bought some material from America, and the seller on sending it to me has put the wrong value on the back, which has ended up with me having a Customs charge of £11.28. I have receipts etc. so I can claim the amount back off Customs, but the £8.00 handling charge from royal Mail, I can't apparantly. Can I claim it back from the seller as it was their error, which I can prove. Any help gratefully accepted Helen
  13. Have edited my earlier post, as when I previewed it, it rearranged itself. Sorry. Hi, I tried applying for Step Account with NatWest in August, to run along side the Step Account I have had for nearly 4 years. Had an appointment with my branch, but because I am discharged bankrupt, they needed to see my Bankrupcy Discharge from 2003 which was at home. I ended up going to another branch which is nearer me and they faxed it through. Rang the girl dealing with it at my branch and she had received it. No problems. Or so I thought. But by this time it had dropped off the system, so she sent me a letter out with income into my Original Step Account etc. which I had to sign and return. This I did. And she received this. Then it started going wrong. She changed branches and my paperwork mysteriously went missing. I contacted the New Account dept at head office, and they had nothing on the system for my new account. So I spoke to the bank and was told that due to sickness they didn't know anything about it, but someone would ring me back. They didn't, so I contacted them, and unknowingly spoke to Manager. I was told they would have a look for all the paperwork. When I contacted them next time I spoke to the manager again. They thought maybe it was in someone elses file. The girl who had moved branches said she hadn't taken it with her. But it was no where to be seen. I put in an official complaint, they then contacted me, and said that it be disposed of in the confidential waste, but I had nothing to worry about as it was totally safe. They then credited me by £75 and told me I could contact the Financial Ombudsman but they hoped it wouldn't come to this. I was not happy at all about this, and wrote a long email stating that surely they should check all information before it is destroyed. Because of the possibility of something important being in it, or the possibility of cheques, cash etc. I also said I believed that no paperwork could be destroyed immediately with details on, going off to somewhere like Iron Mountain, or staying within the branch. Then there was the possibility that the girl had taken it to another branch, which was a possibility in the first place. Thank you for your recent email athough I am sorry that you remain unhappy that documents containing your personal information have been mislaid by the Bank. Regrettably, there is little that I can add to the information you have already been given. You say that the Manager at ******** branch told you that he had no idea where the paperwork relating to your new account application was but it may have been placed in another customer’s file. If this is the case, this information would not be shared with any other customer. As we only hold our files for a certain period of time, the paperwork would eventually be placed in our confidential waste and as mentioned in my previous letter, it would then be destroyed under secure conditions. You were also told that the Customer Adviser, ****, may have taken it with her when she returned to ********** branch. Having contacted ******, she assures me that the paperwork was left at **********branch and therefore at no time did it leave the branch premises. You have asked me to explain what checks are made on our confidential waste before it is disposed of. As this is an internal procedure, regrettably, I am unable to discuss this process with you. I can only reiterate my previous comments and confirm that it is destroyed under secure conditions. While there is nothing further I can do to locate the documentation, for regulatory reasons, I am obliged to include the following paragraph in my response. I was then advised I could go to the Ombudsman if I am not happy about the decision which she does hope will not happen, and I can also contact her. Does anyone of this wonderful informative forum think I should take it to the Ombudsman? In my opionion, because they do not know where my paperwork is, the easiest solution is to say it has been destroyed. But being honest no-one knows where it is, or if it has been destroyed. And this is the easiest and the safest option. I cannot believe that a bank does not check what it is putting into it's confidential waste. And there must have been no checks as if it has gone in, it would surely have been spotted and removed. To me this all seems like 'Supposition' on NatWest's part Any help gratefully received faltskog5450
  14. Hi, I tried applying for Step Account with NatWest in August, to run along side the Step Account I have had for nearly 4 years. Had an appointment with my branch, but because I am discharged bankrupt, they needed to see my Bankrupcy Discharge from 2003 which was at home. I ended up going to another branch which is nearer me and they faxed it through. Rang the girl dealing with it at my branch and she had received it. No problems. Or so I thought. But by this time it had dropped off the system, so she sent me a letter out with income into my Original Step Account etc. which I had to sign and return. This I did. And she received this. Then it started going wrong. She changed branches and my paperwork mysteriously went missing. I contacted the New Account dept at head office, and they had nothing on the system for my new account. So I spoke to the bank and was told that due to sickness they didn't know anything about it, but someone would ring me back. They didn't, so I contacted them, and unknowingly spoke to Manager. I was told they would have a look for all the paperwork. When I contacted them next time I spoke to the manager again. They thought maybe it was in someone elses file. The girl who had moved branches said she hadn't taken it with her. But it was no where to be seen. I put in an official complaint, they then contacted me, and said that it be disposed of in the confidential waste, but I had nothing to worry about as it was totally safe. They then credited me by £75 and told me I could contact the Financial Ombudsman but they hoped it wouldn't come to this. I was not happy at all about this, and wrote a long email stating that surely they should check all information before it is destroyed. Because of the possibility of something important being in it, or the possibility of cheques, cash etc. I also said I believed that no paperwork could be destroyed immediately with details on, going off to somewhere like Iron Mountain, or staying within the branch. Then there was the possibility that the girl had taken it to another branch, which was a possibility in the first place. Thank you for your recent email athough I am sorry that you remain unhappy that documents containing your personal information have been mislaid by the Bank. Regrettably, there is little that I can add to the information you have already been given. You say that the Manager at ******** branch told you that he had no idea where the paperwork relating to your new account application was but it may have been placed in another customer’s file. If this is the case, this information would not be shared with any other customer. As we only hold our files for a certain period of time, the paperwork would eventually be placed in our confidential waste and as mentioned in my previous letter, it would then be destroyed under secure conditions. You were also told that the Customer Adviser, ****, may have taken it with her when she returned to ********** branch. Having contacted Lisa, she assures me that the paperwork was left at **********branch and therefore at no time did it leave the branch premises. You have asked me to explain what checks are made on our confidential waste before it is disposed of. As this is an internal procedure, regrettably, I am unable to discuss this process with you. I can only reiterate my previous comments and confirm that it is destroyed under secure conditions. While there is nothing further I can do to locate the documentation, for regulatory reasons, I am obliged to include the following paragraph in my response. I was then advised I could go to the Ombudsman if I am not happy about the decision which she does hope will not happen, and I can also contact her. Does anyone of this wonderful informative forum think I should take it to the Ombudsman? In my opionion, because they do not know where my paperwork is, the easiest solution is to say it has been destroyed. But being honest no-one knows where it is, or if it has been destroyed. And this is the easiest and the safest option. I cannot believe that a bank does not check what it is putting into it's confidential waste. And there must have been no checks as if it has gone in, it would surely have been spotted and removed. To me this all seems like 'Supposition' on NatWest's part. Any help gratefully received faltskog5450
  15. Hi, just to bring you all up date, CCS have informed me that they will be entering into no more contact with myself. personally I think it's beacause she has said to much already. But that was my aim, but all the statements she made, she would not clarrify what she meant. Hmmm! But I did email with a few facts, a sort of parting gesture, and wished all at CCS a happy xmas and good new year. Waiting to hear back from Scottish Power about wether CCS own the debt or wether CCS are acting on behalf of Scottish Power. Helen
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