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  1. You'll probably get two more begging letters from DCBLtd then a pretend lba, this is their wonderful letter chain that is, according to them very successful. If its not from DCBLegal ignore.
  2. I live in Bury and know this carpark well. It's pay&display but smart allow 45mins free if you get a free ticket from the machine, it's been this way for years.
  3. Cheers dx. This parking charge is 6yrs old today so I'm making what I hope will be the last update on this thread. Recap, After responding online to a windscreen ticket from UKPC in 2016 (company car so had to take my firm out of the loop) I got a begging letter from drp then nothing for 5yrs.(never got a response from UKPC) April '21 I got a begging letter from dcbl followed by 2 more and then the scary "we'll advise our client to take further legal action" letter in July. Since then I've heard nothing from anybody about this ticket and as I understand things it is now statute barred. I have no idea why UKPC failed so miserably to chase me for this alleged debt but I seem to have won by completely ignoring them apart from my first response on their web site. Maybe they'll pass it to another debt collector or send a lba which would be fun, 6yrs ago I was all geared up to fight them but in the end I didn't have to do anything. There just doesn't seem to be any logic in how the parking cowboys act. Happy days again.
  4. Exact same 4th letter I got. Your reg with yellow background like a number plate?
  5. That's just the 4th letter in their "effective letter cycle". I received the same set of begging letters last year between April and July. Heard nothing since. dcbl acting as debt collectors can't issue a lbc so ignore.
  6. @dx100uk the land either side and behind the pub is airport land but the land the pub, carpark and beer garden occupies is owned by Robinson brewery. Unfortunately no bylaws,
  7. Hmm, that contract states it is for a fixed period of 36months starting 1st May 2012. Isn't this claim for an incident after May 2015?
  8. This might be of interest. https://confidentials.com/manchester/the-manchester-car-park-disgrace-with-expensive-ramifications-for-the-city
  9. But you have a paper trail, they have refused to consider your appeal and already passed it on to DRiP. Also, where did the NTK only give you 14 days to appeal? UKPC are BPA members who give 28 days. Oh, doesn't that part of your lease (pic 2) make you a member of the management. company? Order UKPC to back off.
  10. If you look at the bottom of that letter you'll see it says zenith is drp wearing a different skirt. Ignore, ignore and then ignore some more.
  11. The first line reads, "We have been instructed by ZZPS..." so its just another threatogram, Ignore.
  12. So you told unethical no keeper liability, drp tried it on for £136 then Gladys tried for £160 and you told them where to go. 2 years later drp have a memory lapse and get their cross dressing office person to send a zzps letter asking for £130. What a tangled web they try to weave. I've been ignoring drp for about 2 years so do the same.
  13. You need to take that image down quick, you've left all your personal details on it. Plus dont say "I" say "the driver"
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