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  1. Not looking for advice here as I have it covered, but just wanted to know if anyone else has had problems with their Sky email service since it was taken over by Yahoo. Thanks Guys
  2. I have just noticed that My first payment has just left my bank account for sky talk and broadband. what is bothering me was that i never received a bill, on phoning SKY, i was advised that they do not send out bills and that they have to be requested with £1.00 Fee. To check your bill you have to register with sky to view the bill online. I was not informed of this. It is not a complaint as such, just that i was never given a choice as to how i want my bills. I like to know what is being deducted from my account prior to the deduction
  3. Can anybody help with this, Sky took 132 euro fee from my debit card without any prior warning. When i called they said they sent me a letter which they did not as I did not receive this. How can they do this to my account without my giving them permission. It was not direct debit but they said the system trawlled their records and found the card details I had used to book Sky the first day and then used those card details to take it.
  4. I took out a Sky TV, Broadband and Telephone package with Sky in Oct last year. When I took out the package, I asked the sales person whether I needed to contact BT to cancel anything and was told Sky would do everything and I didn't need to contact them for anything. I expressed my concern at having to pay twice if it isn't cancelled and the sales person reiterated I definitely didn't have to do anything. Sky came in November and did something to the phone line, which activated my Sky Broadband and set up the router. I assumed that was the end of it. Then at the end of December I received a statement from BT showing I had been billed up to 31st December and setting out my bill for the next 3 months. I rang them and they advised that Sky didn't contact them, that the BT line was still running and I needed to take it up with Sky. The Sky customer service person I then rang on was very apologetic but also unhelpful and told me to go back to the salesperson and ask why he told me that I cancelled BT but had to put 31 days notice in so was billed for one more month and the 2 months before I received the bill. I wrote a letter of complaint to Sky who offered a £20 compensation but stated that it is the account holder's responsibility to cancel BT so they are not liable for any fault. I replied and explained once again that I was given incorrect information by their sales person who told me categorically I did not have to contact BT at all with regards to my transfer to Sky. Sky have replied once again refusing to take any responsibility, saying I should have checked my terms and conditions (which I do understand but why would I when I was told explicitly by their staff that I didn't need to do anything) but they increased the compensation to £35. I am still over £15 out of pocket with the offer of £35 which I am very annoyed about as the whole point of me switching to Sky was to save money. Should I accept the £35 or push this further? Where can I go next? Any advice? Thanks in advance.
  5. VFR flight-planning and navigation software: http://www.skydemon.aero/ Get an Ipad, load it in.
  6. First time in this situation, soon discovered not many external agencies able to assist me (unless enlightened here). Had SKY for 5yrs+, HD TV, broadband, phone, essentially the works. Prices steadily increased so started looking elsewhere. In November 2012, got a vgood quote from Virgin to take on all Sky services. I wrote to Sky 5th November giving my months notice. Essentially advising Virgin will be taking over from 8th December and as I pay DD and this is collected in advance, I belive my final month would have been collected within the November payment, if not or I incurr more costs within this period then Sky to inform me. Recieved a letter from Sky re my phone line being taken over at the begining of December. 8th December, Virgin installed all new sevices and sky was disconected and removed. I cancelled my DD with Sky. We went away a few days later for Christmas arriving back 6th Jan. Received an email from SKY circa 4th Jan stating DD wasn't collected. I replied stating I had given notice in Novemember. Had several emails asking I call them, I refused as I am not going to pay thier 0845 fees but asked I be called by them and gave several dates and times, all ignored by SKY. Recieved an other email in Feb asking again why I had not paid, I replied by email in full. Heard nothing for 4 weeks then recieved a letter last week stating as I had not cancelled my TV service, they were chasing payment and have referred this to a collection agency. I wrote again to thier customer service office with a copy letter stating that their maladministration should not mean I have to pay for a service which they concede I have not had access to! Today recived letter from debt collection agency demanding payment within 7 days......hence this thread. Where, what, who do I go to or speak with now? Thanks for reading through this.
  7. Sky cut us off today. To be fair the bank bounced their direct debit payment due on Feb 27th. I paid that off today but the lady I spoke to said that they also want the payment for next month as well which is not due until March 27th. I thought you paid a month in advance? So does anyone know why I still haven't got my services back? I asked the lady at the time would it come back if I paid today and she said "It could do. I don't know? It might do." But is it not the case that if I pay in advance I am not getting the services I've paid for? Does anyone know what I should do next? Thanks in advance. K.
  8. I tried to sign up for NowTV, but after registering , despite filling out all the forms and ticking all the right boxes, I was told I had the wrong password over and over again and had to reset it every time I tried to do anything. Then I had to fill in all the forms and reset my security password yet again, only to be told when I clicked ‘watch now’ on a movie that I had to subscribe to watch and was taken back to the subscription form/payment details screen for a 5th time!!! I tried firefox and chrome, same story every time. Just 2 days later, despite the 30 day free trial promise and emailing Sky ‘customer service’ they have alreay taken the money from my account. Here's what my sign-up email said: Your first payment will be collected 30 days* from the Order Date shown below. You'll automatically get our introductory offer of £8.99 a month for 3 months. After that, it's £15 for each month of instant movies. Order Reference: 451M4647190 Order Date: 09-Mar-2013 Today's Payment: GBP 0.00
  9. Where do i start As my contract was up with BT, i was impressed by the offer SKY were doing for six month free internet if i changed service providers. I contacted sky, give them their due they handled everything and gave me a date my service would be transferred. That day was Monday 18, February. BT disconnected me at eight AM on the Monday morning, then nothing. I continue to phone sky who insist their is a fault on the line. Strange that has BT had noticed no fault and my service was working fine up to the time they disconnected me. Sky are now saying after phoning them again today that they have had to get this problem sorted through OPEN REACH, and that i am to allow a further five days. This is unexceptionable I need the internet as i am allowed to work from home as i have access to an internal employer INTRANET, and my time is logged, My employer is getting rather annoyed now i have no phone or internet, SKY promised me a change over the same day with no problems, i am quite peeved off with sky and am about to ring BT to change by service provider back to them Seems all the talk on sky and talk talk are true with regards to service problems and customer service Comments please
  10. hi all, just after a bit of advice here its a long one so ill try and be brief. in feb 2012 we took a home tv bb and phone package with sky for a 12m contract. in july 2012 they changed the prices and we cancelled our contract under the "change of terms" section of their contract. it took a few calls to get the cancellation agreed because my hubby is the acct holder so they wouldnt accept the cancellation from me and he had already moved to canada working so he had to call them, they then tried to tell him he couldnt cancel and he didnt have the relevant email and terms and conditions etc to quote at them, finally i got back thru to him on skype and heard him have the conversation with sky to cancel in which they told us we had given 31 days notice and they would terminate our contract on 23rd august. we paid up to and including that date and i then cancelled the direct debit as i know sky and they have such a dodgy rep that i was anticipating problems leaving them. in august we left our rented house and moved out to canada to be with my husband.we had our mail forwarded to our old house, which we have sold to my mum. in december we had a letter from a DCA saying we still had a contract with sky and they had passed our bad debt on to them. again refused to speak to me when i called them to explain that we didnt owe sky anything and i called sky who eventually agreed to speak to me ( having given them the password!) the agent i spoke to (taking date time and user id of the call) said he could see the problem and would get it sorted out and wiped clean. he also said he would contact the DCA and they would withdraw the issue. in late jan we had another letter this time at our old address (now owned by my mother) saying that the debt still had to be settled and they would come round and knock for it. hubby called them and told them the debt was in query still and gave them the details of the agent we spoke to and they said they would leave it for two weeks until they heard from sky. we also called sky to ask why the complaint had not been dealt with yet (dated 3rd dec) and they told me it takes as long as it takes and we care unable to contact them to ask for progress. we told the DCA they had the wrong address, we do not live in the uk any more and we do not own that house or anything in it, my mother has nothing to do with the debt they think we owe and they should leave her alone. every day for the last three days the DCA have knocked on my mums door, harassing her and her disabled husband. im after something legislational i can use to get them to back off until sky sort out the conplaint and call off the hounds... to recap. we dont owe anything, we cancelled and they accepted our cancellation, we paid up to and including the date of disconnection. they know we do not live there and that my mother has nothing to do with the debt yet still go round there every day to ask for hubby. also when we took out the contract we did intend to keep it for at least the full 12m, but when work came up over here we took it ( better quality of life etc) when they changed the prices it seemed serendipitous and we took advantage of the chance to cancel mid contract.
  11. Hi forum. It's nice to meet you all and to join. I'm looking for a bit of information if anyone at all can help I would be very grateful. without going into too much detail, I'm having to run away from my debts. The problem is that I need a phone for work and I've had Sky for over 10 years. I'd like to take them to my next address but I was wondering if they inform the CRA's of a change of address. If that's the case I'd have to work out something else. i work as a counsellor online and on the phone and without the phone I would have no work. Does anyone know if Sky notifies the Credit Reference Agencies or if they don't do this. Many thanks for your help.
  12. Can anyone advise me please, I have Sky email which I am also able to receive on my Blackberry mobile. Sky are switching to Yahoo in April and I have read on the Sky forum that there wll be a lot of problems as Yahoo use Pop and not Imap. Can anyone suggest a suitable email programme I can switch to - I have Sky broadband - that will also work with my Blackberry? Thankyou
  13. My services with Sky were recently cancelled by Sky themselves due to an alleged debt that I owe them. I’ve had Sky since 2007 and it is only now that I’m hearing of this debt at my address for Sky. I gave them a call and they told me there were multiple accounts at my address, this I is correct as I had a previous account that I cancelled. I have recently gone back to Sky with a new account number I said I didn’t need any boxes but they sent them out regardless. But anyway, the account number of the Sky account with the alleged debt of £X,XXX.XX is not mine and the account number starts 200x so it seems it’s a very early account as my two accounts which have been paid in full each month since 2007 start with 621x. I will quote the letter in a 2nd post, but the reason I am posting is that I'm looking I’m looking for any help in what I can forward to Sky as it now seems they have assigned the £X,XXX.XX to my name at my address. The tenancy documents I will not be able to provide them with, since I am back living with my parents as I suffer from a bad case of Psoriasis / Psoriatic Arthritis so my parents are in fact my carers since 2007 and they never had Sky before I moved back in with them so any tenancy documents would be in their name and not mine. I don’t know who owns the account with the account number starting 200x, but now I’m concerned because for Sky to be switched back on at my address, I need to prove I, myself don't owe the debt and that whoever owns it does not live at my address. So any help would be great, as I said I’ve paid for Sky since 2007 and have never missed a payment, so they have been happy to take my money and now suddenly this has come out of nowhere. I've removed the account numbers for security as well as the debt, but is notified how much by the number of digits.
  14. i have about 5 debts totaling 3k and i am trying to clear my credit file so i will be able to obtain a mortgage in the future, The problem i am having is that no matter how many times i request a copy of paperwork stating what the debt is for and a Breakdown of charges i am always told on the phone they will send this and it never arrives i send letters and get no response and if i email i get an auto reply saying we will reply in X days (some quoting upto 28) is their any way i can approach the credit referance agencys and ask they to remove these debts as they in effect wont let me pay them as they wont tell me what they are for! also how do i get linked address's removeD? or at least the correct dates for living in each property sorted? i know an ex partner applied for some things with out my consent and it has so many different times on their! Also if a company has repeatedly searched my credit file how do i get these removed? i am completely baffled by the whole scenario and i dont know what do to! its the same as anything you wouldnt pay for it without kbnowing exactly what you are paying for this is stressing me right out and i just wanted it sorted out and clear as soon as possible! Thank you
  15. Hi guys, Just aiming to help other consumers out there... I got a letter in the post today from Sky informing me that my services were going to increase in price, to the tune of £1.50 for tv, and few other increases... I am still in a 12 month contract (until november 2012), as i recently upgraded my services adding HD, multiroom ETC. Now long story short... Simply call up to the "thinking of leaving us department" tell them that your not happy with the price increase so they can cancel all of the services provided by them. They will then (hopefully) give you a £1.50 credit (and credit for the other amounts depending on the services you recieve - ie: sports, movies etc, all have seperate increases) They are applying these increases across to everyone, new, existing ETC... even if your in a fixed term contract... HOWEVER: the UTCCR 1999 regulations state the following: this is a little paragraph from my orange complaint, but is relevant here... also, bear the following in mind: if your out of contract, you have more legroom for discounts "fueled" by the price increase... - dont be happy with the £1.50 credit, tell them you want the best available deal, as you can get services by XYZ service (IE: Virgin Media, BT Vision ETC). My current offers on account are: 9 months free telephone line rental (expiring jan 2013) 12 months free hd package (expiring july 2013) £1.50 credits to counteract price increase (expiring july 2013) my offers are due to a multitude of failures by sky (took them over six months to activate my broadband etc) but I am a little annoyed that the sky adviser i spoke to tried to argue with me that i wouldnt of been able to leave either way... despite their price increase terminating the validity of their "lock in clause" lol. hopefully if anybody else has some info to add and i do hope this helps you guys avoid being ripped off! Wayne.
  16. We have been Sky customers since 2010 and received a Sky box as part of the contract. In May 2012 we decided to upgrade to a 1TB Sky digital box. We paid for this as a one off and nor connected into any contract. A couple of months ago we started experiencing a green screen and phoned in about it. We went through a planner rebuild, but the fault came back after a week or so, however now we have sound dropping out and the picture freezing occasionally. It happens about once a night and only seems to happen on recorded programs. Sky have agreed a fix, but on questioning them they will be replacing our box with refurbished box. As we bought our box outright, we do not want a refurbishment box preferring either a fix or a new replacement box. Under SOGA, can we demand the fix or if they cannot fix our box, a brand new replacement box? Thanks.
  17. If a Subject Access Request is sent to Sky tv, must they respond, in the same way that a High St Bank has to? A subscription was set up by telephone, and the price agreed was £38/m, they originally suggested £48/m, but tne prospective subscriber wasn't able to afford that, so the lower figure was agreed. Their first letter says that the monthly bill will be £50.89 ! The subscriber is rather deaf, but is 100% certain that £38 was the agreed amount, she would never have agreed to an amount greater than the one she refused - the direct debit has now been been cancelled, and we would like a transcript of the telephone call. Sam
  18. ive been with sky for a while tried to get fiber optic with them its been a night mare was ment to have it on the 1st november didnt happen problem with exchange box so was told it would be done on the 9 november then told a couple of days later could not be done that quick then told it would be done on the 26 november and told everything was sorted phone them on 26 november to make sure everything was still ok women on the other end said yes engineer would be hear between 1-6 afternoon and said she would check to see if problem solved and put me on hold but she must have pressed wrong button as i could hear everything she said and what i heard was her laughing with someone else saying theres another one who cant have fiber optic ha ha but then told me its ok everything fine we will have that installed for u today engineer arrived sorry no good the problem is still there so he had to cancel my order SKY really no how to look after ther customers not, will be taking it further with ofcom if u want broadband my opinion go esle where let u no what happens
  19. Hi, just need some info on sky billing. I got my sky broadband, phone, tv, cut off about two years ago (don't miss it). Every month I get a bill from sky for; £10.00 sky additional services (sky + subscription) £ 4.00 invoice admin charge I still have the ability to record programmes, and do so. I could use my Sony recorder. The bill is now £629.00, has anyone got any way I can get out of this, or should I just pay it. Any help would be great thanks.
  20. I currently use Sky Insurance as my broker to arrange my car insurance, and have just renewed my policy with them having been using them since Sept 2011. I renewed my policy on 20th Sept this year, with the 1st installment due on 5th Oct. Unfortunately I was 30p short on the direct debit, so it bounced, and was referred back to Sky. I cant remember who the actual policy is with, just that Sky are the broker and Creation supply the finance. Anyway, Sky rang me on Oct 10th to take payment over the phone, to this they had added an admin charge of £25, which I refused to pay until I'd had a breakdown of how they reached that figure, and which they have failed to provide, only quoting that it is in their terms and conditions and that a breakdown is not available. Please just bear in mind this is their admin charge, not Creation or the actual policy provider. Today I receive a letter to say that as they have not received the admin charge they are giving me 7 days notice that they are cancelling my policy. Now, if it is their charge as a broker, why are they looking to cancel my policy? My policy is up to date, so isn't it a bit unfair to cancel my policy because their charge hasn't been paid? And £25 seems a bit steep anyway, especially when they are unwilling to provide a breakdown of the charge.
  21. Good news is customers will be allowed to leave without any penalties. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/bills/article-2216136/Sky-hikes-line-rental-18--charges-SECOND-time-year.html
  22. Sky ispushing up the price of its phone line rental by 18% for 3.5million customers -a hike so big that angry subscribers can leave with no penalty. Readthe story More ...
  23. I wonder if you can help me with regard to my rights to an ammended final bill from sky. I telephoned them to give the required notice to end my sky subscription and the date was set to end my services one month later on 12th August. At that time I was changing banks and did not feel it worth the effort of setting up a new direct debit for sky for that final month and decided to wait for the final bill which I would settle online in one go. However sky decided as I did not have a direct debit set up that they would (without notice) withdraw my sky services on July 25th so from that date could not use the TV and all programmes recorded on sky+ were not viewable etc. no internet either. I then expected a bill to arrive for the dates from the previous bill (paid in full as had all bills before that each month) up to July 25th when my services ended but have since received bills for the whole month even though they had withdrawn the services and so I had not been able to use sky. I do not feel I should have to pay sky for the dates when no services were provided by them so have asked for an ammended bill from 14th July (last bill date) to 25th July when they withdrew the services. Do I have the right to demand this or have they the right to withdraw services, not provide them but still bill for them? Thanks.
  24. I hardly use my landline aside from Broadband so the connection for BT comes in at the front door and finishes there. The Sky box is a good 30 meters from there downstairs and same upstairs. I got a engineer out to wire it for me but was quoted a nice tidy some and also told that the wires would be visible as I don't have carpets or places for the wires to be hidden. I don't wanna get this done. So every month Sky sends me a letter and I hook it up through a extension to call each box in. Lasts a month then Sky again sends me a letter. Highly annoying! Is there anyway to avoid this?
  25. Ok, here is the situation. I changed from Bt to SKy in January 2012 for telephone and broadband. One of those offers where the first 6 months broadband is half price or something. I make a fair number of national calls so as with BT I subscribed to Skys 'free' national calls up to one hour blah blah. In August i had to complain to Specsavers head office so rang their Guernsey telephone number. It is a national dialing code, not international prefix obviously. 7 minute call. Today I was checking through my online bill and found a national call charged at 74p total, which was that call. I sat for 40 minutes in a chat window with someone in India who basically argued the toss with me about Guernsey being in the UK or not. National dialing code, listed on the bill as a national call, no contest I think. They are now going to escalate this enquiry to the right team blah blah, who will IF they decide it is national refund me the whole 74p. Woooooooo! I know i am right and they are wrong, even by the very definition that they themselves have listed the call as a national call! Foot and shot i think! So, as they will not budge at the moment, are they in breach of the 12 month contract I am tied into by way of overcharging? I am obviuosly not happy and will gladly say goodbye to sky. Anyone know if they are in breach? if so i am free to go, so to speak.
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