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  1. I hate to burst the bubble of hope here, but the certificate was issued AFTER the telephone call, albeit immediately. The telephone call could constitute a verbal contract HOWEVER the certificate issued after that verbal contract would in law supersede it. There are circumstances where uninsured at the time can be rectified, for example insurance is cancelled due to not paying DD, driver stopped, car siezed etc etc which turns out to be incorrect as DD was paid, so insurance is reinstated and backdated to cover that period, thus making the driver insured after all and thus no fine, points or recovery of vehicle costs. In this case, you could (with the taped call details) argue that you were insured perhaps before you received the certificate, but not once you received it as (and I know you know this now) you MUST read it and make sure all the details are correct and to your satisfaction. Yes, all 4 pages in font size 5, blue ink on blue background stuff, down there in section 91a clause 5R, paragraph 26c........... In my opinion, your son is uninsured and unfortunately this will likely end with a £200 fine, 6 points and now the bad news....... as far as insurers are concerned, he may as well be a joyrider. He is young, drove (innocently in a way) uninsured, end of. Wrongly in my opinion I must add. However, it will prove a very expensive mistake. Your only hope would be IF you can get that tape and then persuade the insurer that their agent did verbally tell you that you would all be covered and they then agree to change the policy in retrospect. Whilst not impossible, I would think it highly, highly unlikely that they will do do.
  2. No. I am going to use them, although the first one ran out this morning which is about 3 days quicker than usual. I didn't ask for them or want them. However, it would be mad to just throw them away even if the whole lot only last a day, as they are free.
  3. Well, thanks for all the answers. I am, erm...... underwhelmed! Just an update from me then. Went back this morning and spoke with the trader. He could offer no explanation as to why the price tag had been conveniently put over the expiry date and tried to show me that the batteries are fine because they show 1.4v on his little meter. I had to inform him that I am an electronics engineer (retired) and voltage means diddly squat, it is the AH that counts. I may as well have spoken in Chinese really. He did tell me he has been selling batteries for 30 years. That made me wonder why he hadn't moved on and got a shop by now. However, he did give me a full refund without quibble and insisted I kept the batteries too. So cannot say fairer than that and hats off to him for that at least. I have no doubt that he will continue to sell out of date batteries as it will be very profitable. But at least I can just go back to my usual supplier and haven't lost anything.
  4. On Friday I found I had run out of my hearing aid batteries. Thought I had another pack, but didn't. I normally buy them off the web and always buy Duracell. They usually come with 2-3 years before expiry left. As I had none, I went to town and the only place I could find any was a market trader. Got the correct ones and came home. I noticed a price sticker over the expiry date and peeled it off to find the batteries are over 6 months out of date already! We are talking just £4 here, but considering I normally pay £2 a pack and they have 2-3 years left, you will see why I am less than happy. My question is this. Am I entitled to take them back and demand a refund? I have obviously used one battery, but have put it back in the pack. I have no doubt whatsoever that the price was deliberately put over the expiry date which is pretty naughty. Where do I stand on these?
  5. Oh, I know what kind of company this is already. India call suggest that the company is too mean to employ UK workers even on minimum wages. I will happily leave at the end of the contract just on principle because of the way they buggered me about for 40 minutes yesterday. People, talk with your wallets!
  6. Thanks for the replies. I was not aware of the Channel Islands being excluded, but I am now. Problem is that I was not aware that the number given to me by Specsavers was the channel islands until I saw this bill. It is a national dialing code. Not Sky's fault in that regard, but it annoys me just on principle if nothing else. As it is in Sky's T&C's then there is little I can do. I ended up with £450 worth of glassed for £35 so I am not exactly out of pocket, it was the principle of the matter. The same as Couriers charging a premium to deliver to Scottish Highlands but offering no discount for delivering 2 streets away from the pick-up. Take, take and take again. Oh well. For once it looks as though this one is my error of sorts and I will have to miss out on some of life's treats now. Sorry. M&M's.
  7. Ok, here is the situation. I changed from Bt to SKy in January 2012 for telephone and broadband. One of those offers where the first 6 months broadband is half price or something. I make a fair number of national calls so as with BT I subscribed to Skys 'free' national calls up to one hour blah blah. In August i had to complain to Specsavers head office so rang their Guernsey telephone number. It is a national dialing code, not international prefix obviously. 7 minute call. Today I was checking through my online bill and found a national call charged at 74p total, which was that call. I sat for 40 minutes in a chat window with someone in India who basically argued the toss with me about Guernsey being in the UK or not. National dialing code, listed on the bill as a national call, no contest I think. They are now going to escalate this enquiry to the right team blah blah, who will IF they decide it is national refund me the whole 74p. Woooooooo! I know i am right and they are wrong, even by the very definition that they themselves have listed the call as a national call! Foot and shot i think! So, as they will not budge at the moment, are they in breach of the 12 month contract I am tied into by way of overcharging? I am obviuosly not happy and will gladly say goodbye to sky. Anyone know if they are in breach? if so i am free to go, so to speak.
  8. What are you talking about? I willingly borrowed. Nobody persuaded me to take a credit card. I asked for it and used it at my desire. Not the banks fault at all. My illness is the reason for my financial situation, nothing else. Without my illness I would still be working and happily paying MY debts.
  9. Thank you both. I will ask my doctor for the statement then. I am just a proud person and don't wish my GP to know I am in finacial trouble.
  10. I have been rather ill recently. I am already disabled with a broken back, but I was diagnosed with cancer last year and had surgery to remove the tumor. I had to go back again this March to have some more surgery to finish things off. I have been unable to work for some time, and the little money I have coming in does not cover the bills as such. I wrote to my creditors and asked them to write the debts off as there was no prospect of paying them. I have received a letter from one credit card this week. A nice enough letter, but it asks me for a doctors letter to confirm my illness. I am not actually sure what thay want me to get, but I feel very uncomfortable discussing my personal finances with my GP. Any advise would be appreciated.
  11. To answer your question, no you cannot leave disabled tax on any car for the new buyer as the tax disc is issued for the exclusive use of the disabled person who's details entitled them to the free tax in the first place. The tax disc MUST be surrrenderd to DVLA upon sale or issuing of a new tax disc for a new car. As soon as the new car is taxed, the old tax disc is cancelled anyway so it cannot be used under any circumstances.
  12. I wonder if anyone can help me with a problem. I cannot seem to find the answer anywhere and am pulling what little hair I have left out. I will try to explain. I am disabled and thus get free road tax. I have just replaced my perfect but old car with a newer one. My old car is a Ford Galaxy. My new one is a Vauxhall Zafira. The Galaxy was in use until Monday last week. I foolishly decided not to accept the part exhange offer from the garage and decided to advertise the car myself as I beleive I will get a much better price all round. So, I drove that car home, still taxed and insured, where i parked it on my driveway. I changed the insurance over to my new car, and declared my Galaxy SORN via the DVLA website. My insurance arrived on Wednesday so I got a taxi to DVLA office where I taxed my new car free. I gave them back the old tax disc for the Galaxy. I then got the taxi to the garage and collected my Zafira. My problem is this. I was going to send off the V5 to change that car from 'disabled' back to PLG' so I could sell it. Apparantly I cannot do that unless the car is to be taxed by the registered keeper (me). I cannot now tax it as my insurance is on my new car. I cannot sell the car either because the new owner will also not be able to tax it as it is on SORN and disabled tax class. That is what DVLA tell me on the phone. Can anyone tell me if that is correct or if there is a way a new owner can take my V5 (with me if needed) to DVLA office to tax the Galaxy as theirs? I haven't explained it that well so I hope you get the picture. The car I am worried about is my old Galaxy, now SORN and uninsured (for me). I wish to sell it and don't know if a new owner can tax it so they can drive it home. Thank you very much.
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