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  1. Hi I bought a TV in October of 2012 and it developed a fault after just over 24 months. I emailed LG because on their site it says they guarantee TVs for that 24 months but they said it was just out of time. I ended up paying about £150 to get it repaired on the high street but after a month or so one of the two symptoms reappeared. It started exhibiting the symptom very infrequently but is now getting worse. The date of repair was some time in March or April I think, and we've never taken it back to get it looked at again. Can I go back to Currys/PCWorld with durability claims under the SOGA? I should mention that the primary issue is that the screen goes black until the TV is power cycled. Sound continues ok.
  2. my daughter bought a iPhone charging lead from a 3 store and 5 days later the lead did not charge so is damaged..she lost her receipt but took her bank statement in to show as proof or purchase.....they refused to refund her saying the receipt has a code on the bottom and they need this...help please...paul
  3. I bought a car on finance about 6 months a go now. I found out recently that the compressor is faulty and needs replaced. The car had only done about 19000 miles and was just over four years old when I bought it. When I had an air con specialist look at it he told me he was very surprised it was the compressor causing a leak due to it being rare to fail on my type of car and because of the age and mileage. I found out about this just before I had the car for 6 months so first contacted the dealer I bought it from who said they could look at it and fix it but because I'd nearly had it for six months would not pay to fix it. I then made a complaint with my finance company who have sent me a letter as a final response saying that they won't repair the car as air conditioning is a wear and tear issue so is not covered under the sale of goods act. I don't agree with this as I have not been able to cool my car in the summer and I can understand if they meant something like the car having no refrigerant but a main component like a compressor which will cost around £500 or more to fix is not a wear and tear issue on a car that I bought less than six months ago. After doing research I've found out that this problem is normally caused by the car not being used for at least 2 weeks or more. It had only done 19000 miles in just over four years and I know it had been sitting at their dealership for weeks before I bought it as well so I believe I have a strong case. I'm now going to make a complaint to the financial ombudsman service but was also wondering if I got the car repaired would claiming the cost of the repair back at a small claims court be a possible option? I'm really annoyed with my finance company as I think they're being completely unreasonable.
  4. first I will describe the problem, I am paying for gas by prepayment meter , the prepayment screen on the meter is blank and it will not except payment by the card, the meter gas reading still works and there is gas supplied even without payment via the card, it's been like this for at least two years. I recently transferred to another supplier for both gas and electricity. I was sent a final estimated bill for nearly two and a half thousand pounds from my former supplier, assuming that I will have to pay them something my questions are: 1 can they calculate an arbituary estimate which I must pay or should it be based on actual readings from meter, I have noticed on some of my previous statements that they indicate that I have submitted readings to them which I haven't done. 2 can I make them send me documentation of the period that they are charging for and the calculation of the fee for that period. 3 with the rules of them not being able to back charge beyond the last twelve months, how could they accuratly calculate how much was used during that period. 4 The point of being on a prepayment meter is not to get into debt, is part or all of the fault down to the former supplier and should they have to accept all or some of the the losses incurred 5 if I have to pay would they except payment by installments niyaman
  5. Hi I'm currently in a back and forth with AppleCare regarding my Macbook Pro, which I purchased in from Apple's online store in 2012. I also purchased AppleCare for £279, which is due to expire in November. At that point, I'll have had the machine for three years. I've had three repairs on the machine so far. I've had the screen replaced twice, within a couple of weeks of one another, and then the bottom case replaced (a screw hadn't been tightened properly and came loose, scratching the bottom case in transit). I've been offered a fourth repair, after which Apple said they would seek to replace my laptop if the problem persisted. Given that I keep having issues with the screen, I requested a replacement rather than a fourth repair. My argument is that in the three years I've had the laptop, it has rarely worked the way I would've expected. After doing some reading on Apple's own website about consumer law/SOGA, I decided to pursue that route instead, and request a replacement. Apple obliged, and have arranged an independent, Apple certified technician to have a look at the machine and decide whether the fault was caused by misuse. From Apple.com Since I've had three repairs, does this not mean that I have the right to withdraw from the contract? I don't want a full refund, though. I just want a replacement laptop. I now want to know whether it will be feasible, if the results come back in my favour, for Apple to replace my MacBook rather than repair it again. I've had to go back and forth to the Apple store multiple times with this laptop, and as a result have spent almost a month without a machine, so I don't think it's unfair for me to say enough is enough. Where do I stand legally in this matter? Any input or advice is appreciated. Kind regards
  6. Good Morning everyone, hope im posting this in the right area. I bought a Toshiba Chromebook 10 days ago from Very on a buy now pay later. The product is not fit for purpose and when having only a few tabs open it freezes, crashes and restarts. This is very frustrating as my DD is trying to study and research for college. We reviewed the product before we bought it online and it seemed a fairly good product for the price and more then capable of doing what we needed it for. Phoned Very last night which of course meant i ended up with a over seas calls center. I explained the problem and told them i was rejecting the goods under the sales of goods act as it was not fit for purpose. This got me nowhere and they are insisting i contact Toshiba to arrange a collection and repair. I dont feel i should have to accept a repair to a product we have had for 10 days. Ive tried reading up about my rights but everything seems so vague. So thought i would ask you guys as you have always been very helpful in the past. So, what is the best course of action and what are my rights in a situation like this Kind regards Haven xx
  7. Hi, I have a TV from brighthouse (a baird 48") The quality of sound is very poor, there is quite obviously a fault as as soon as you turn it up (Just a little bit) the back of the unit vibrates. The sound is like its playing through a tin can. ive phoned them today and they are coming to collect it, they have offered to repair etc but ive said no and i will sign the cancellation waiver form. Now, I took the contract out 20 days ago so im outside the '14 day cooling off' period to receive a refund. I have quoted the consumer rights act which states that the buyer is entitled to a refund within 6 months. The manager was not very clued up so has said they would phone me back tomorrow after she had done a bit of 'research' So when they phone i just need to know for sure that if the item is faulty i am entitled to a full refund within 6 months regardless of the '14 day period' Many Thanks
  8. HI, I am wondering if you could offer any advice regarding my faulthy GHD's that are about 2 1/2 years old Whilst using them the GHD’s overheated, made a fizzing sound and burnt my hair. Obviously, there is a safety issue with them overheating and burning my hair. It took a good chuck of hair that ended up stuck to the plates. In terms of what can be done with regards getting in touch wtih GHD, what hints / tips do you have? I have seen a fair few reports on the internet about the ghd's overheating.
  9. Hi there everyone! This is my first post so apologies if its in the wrong place. I brought a car at the begining of july, 8 weeks on and its developed a very serious fault that requires the car has a new engine. we have priced the engine at 600-700 then whatever the labour will be to fit it. having discussed the matter with the garage they have said they will offer me 500 pound back towards the cost and i do it myself. the car was purchased for 1300. i can fit it, i have someone that will do it for me but should the dealer be sorting this? Do i accept his offer and put the rest in myself? or should i continue to pursue the matter with trading standards? how long would i be looking at to sort this sort of issue? im in the position now where i cannot afford to pay for the work to be completed and i cant be without a car for much longer. i put everything i had into getting the car, making sure it was serviced, low mileage etc, good condition. thank you in advance for any help!
  10. Hello, I used this forum a few years back and it helped me greatly so hopefully I can get good advice on where I go with this problem. Basically I employed a car electronic/audio firm to fit a rear headrest DVD system into my car for the kids. This was back in May. Whilst the system worked lovely and I had no issues with it, it did however play havoc with my car's electronics. Within minutes of me driving off I had a tyre pressure system warning on the dash (which remained on) The reversing camera and the keyless door entry systems worked intermittently and the FM reception was poor. I messaged the guy a few times asking if anything he did could be contributing to these faults and his replies were basically to disable the tyre pressure system. I took it to the dealer and after plenty of visits and investigations they found the following : "disconnected DVD system. Found live wire wrapped around a fuse and pushed into fuse board for boot release. System earth wire was wrapped around a bolt. Advise wiring to be fitted correctly from a direct power supply". Basically the installation wasn't good by the sounds of it and it was interfering with my car's electronic systems. Anyway now they have left the DVD system disconnected and my car is all working perfectly again. Now however I am left with a system that I paid for not even connected. I paid for the DVD system by credit card but I am not sure what the score is here. Technically the DVD system worked ok and was not faulty. It was the installation that wrecked my car so are they still jointly liable or not? I am over £1000 out of pocket. Can anyone advise me on what I do and who is best to claim from. As I say it is not quite as cut and dry than if the system itself was faulty.
  11. We bought our kitchen and appliances from Hombase back in January 2014. We bought an oven package which included oven, hob and extractor. At the time of purchase, they tried to fob us off with extended warranty, we said no because under the Sale of Goods Act you are covered up to 6 years if items develop electrical faults. 14 months after purchase, the oven started to cut out when heating up and was making a loud rattling noise. We sent in am email to Homebase; they said for us to get a tester out and they would honor the call out charge and replace the oven if it was faulty. We called a firm out, and when they tested said the cooling fan was faulty and looked like it had been faulty from original purchase. We sent this in to Homebase who sent us payment for call out charge and replacement oven. Everything was fine with the new oven, however within a week of using it, the glass door in the oven smashed and went all over the kitchen floor and also ruined our dinner. We took photographs immediately and sent it in to Homebase. We could not believe it 2 faulty ovens from the same shop!! Anyway, we got a call on Friday, to say the department dealing with the issue will be in touch to discuss the matter, yesterday, out of the blue, Argos phoned to say they had an order for a replacement oven. I refused the oven because Homebase was supposed to have contacted me beforehand to discuss the matter which they failed to do so. I stated I wanted a full refund of the £499 we originaly paid for the oven package so that we wanted to buy an oven elswhere as we did not felt confident in another one being provided. I was suppossed to have had a phone call from the manager of Homebase this morning, nothing!! So, what can I do, not been down this road before, and certainly never had 2 faulty appliances being given!!
  12. Hi, I received a faulty phone from Vodafone (sometimes it displays nothing even though there is "life" in the phone) where i have been a customer for 2 years. I received this phone on the 6th went on holiday come back and started using the phone requesting that my number change (because of PPI calls), they happily arranged this. Once i reported the faulty phone they said that they would send a courier to switch the phone for a brand new one which i was pretty happy with. Then the customer service assistant discovered i had changed my number and that this switch wasn't possible and told me that a courier would have to come and pick the phone up, take it for repair then have it sent back to me. I asked for some times scales as i need my phone as part of my job and she couldn't give me any and the earliest the courier could get to me was the 25th. So not only am i sat with a broken phone for 6 days I also don't know how long im going to be without a phone. When i pressed on the issue of weather its going to be a week, month or year she still couldn't give me any sort of indication. To top it all off i get a faulty phone that's been refurbished when surely i should be entitled to a brand new phone. Surely I'm entitled to a better service than i received I'm just not too sure the best way of going about it. Could somebody suggest the best way? Thank you.
  13. I bought a used car for £7000 with climate control which appeared to work on the test drive, but it was a cold day. Now I went to use it and it is only blowing warm air so the car is uncomfortably warm. The car was advertised as having climate control and air conditioning, being well maintained and with 6 months warranty. They have stated they only cover major engine and gearbox faults under warranty. They are a decent sized garage with about 50 - 60 cars for sale ranging from £1500 - £30,000. I've had the car a week and I'm otherwise happy with it. But if I had realized the climate control didn't work properly I would have offered less or bought elsewhere. What rights do I have to get them to fix it or pay for a diagnosis and repair? I accept I should have realized it wasn't working but then again so should they and they shouldn't have advertised it with Climate control if it doesn't work!
  14. Handheld rechargeable vacuum. Purchased (online) 31st March. Initially fully charged in accordance with the instructions, works fine. Used 3 times before fault appears - battery will not charge again, though the charging light comes on as it is supposed to. Reported to retailer (in this case, also the manufacturer, Vax) 24th July after several attempts at getting the battery to charge. Retailer insists the charger must be at fault and have now been waiting 2 weeks for a replacement, which has apparently not even been sent yet as they don't have any in stock. In the meantime I have a useless product sitting around doing nothing when I need a working vacuum cleaner - I didn't buy this one for fun! Am I obliged to wait indefinitely for something which is unlikely to solve the problem (if it was the charger, it's unlikely that the charging light would come on, more likely it's the battery) or is there anything else I can do?
  15. Hi. I took my BMW 3 series to my local garage to have a 2nd hand engine put in as my last engine died due to no oil after a leak in that engine. the RAC took it to the garage and the garage gave me a quote of £800 that's the engine and delivery then about 30 mins later they rang me back and said it was £900, so I paid. I got the car back after about 3 weeks the engine was fitted and they also charged me for a new clutch plate but not the labour this was an extra £250 that they didn't even ask me about. altogether I spent £1,900 on this engine and I drove it round for a week and it started making a noise and loosing power again so once again I called RAC and they said I had an oil leak. so took it down garage and they said they couldn't find a leak but cleaned the engine and told me to go back in a week to see if they can see where its coming from. in the mean time I took it to another garage for some advice and they said I have 3 leaks in this engine. what can I do to make sure they repair the engine and also they said that if they have to take the engine out to repair it it will cost me labour even tho its their fault for not checking before putting the engine in. PLEASE help Thank you
  16. My Sky+HD box won't come out of standby. I called Sky CS to be informed as my box was out of it's 12 month warranty I would have to pay a charge of £60 which they quickly brought down to £30. I'm not happy about an 18 month box being faulty and being forced to stump up £30. I would have thought I would be covered by the SOGA as I wouldn't consider 18 months a reasonable length of time. Opinions?
  17. After a little bit of advice at the moment… I am concerned our integrated Neff Fridge Freezer may not be fit for purpose (as opposed to faulty). I purchased it from AO.com roughly 18 months ago and paid via credit card. For the moment I have been following the manufactures warranty claim procedure. I am aware my contract is with the retailer but elected to contact the manufacture as I deemed this the path of least resistance and quickest route to a working fridge freezer. To their credit, they have been very quick in despatching engineers and overall I am pleased with their response. Unfortunately however it hasn’t necessarily resolved my concern. To put it into context, last Wednesday was the hottest day for several years, I believe temperatures peaked around 34c in the hottest parts of the country, and that’s when problems started. I came downstairs at roughly 10PM and heard the fridge freezer alarm sounding. I went to check and the freezer was at -10 (it should be -18). I attributed it to what had been a hot day (though by this point it was obviously much cooler), put the freezer on to ‘super’ mode and assumed it would be back to normal in the morning. By the morning it was still alarming, this time at -2! That’s despite being on ‘super’ freezing all night! I contact Neff who advise me to do a manual defrost (turn it off for 8 hours). Once I had done this (pretty inconvenient) I turned it back on. The fridge very quickly reached its set temperature of 4c. The freezer did absolutely nothing for at least 5 hours until we went to bed. I contact Neff who arrange an engineer visit. Annoyingly, at some point during the night the freezer miraculously started working and by breakfast time it was at -7. By evening it was back to -18. At this point I prepared to put it down to ‘weirdness’ and hope that it’s just a one off. Not wanting to end up paying for an engineer to find “no fault” I cancel the visit. Saturday comes and it’s also a pretty warm day. Early afternoon the freezer alarm sounds again, its back at -7. I clear the alarm and reside myself to the fact it really is faulty. I did not monitor the temperature beyond this but noted the alarm light was on until my last observation in the evening. I call Neff once again and schedule an engineer visit. But, once again come the next morning it’s back at -18. Being quite convinced there is something wrong with it I see through with the engineer visit. The engineer has today visited and whilst being helpful and thorough, unable to isolate any particular fault putting it down to a “glitch with the weather”. I attempt to clarify this, but don’t really get anywhere – the freezer is rated for ambient conditions up to 38c – even in the hottest parts of the country it’s only touched 34c. To my mind a £1000 Neff fridge freezer should be the best of the best, I shouldn’t get nonsense like this just because it gets a bit warm – a freezer should by definition keep food frozen (within its rated environment). If no individual component is faulty yet the system as a whole does not meet specification surely this renders the device not fit for purpose? My question is; if I ever wanted to bring a claim against the retailer under the sale of goods act how would I substantiate this? Even an independent engineer may not be able to document a specific fault - It appears to be a result of an under specification in the units design. As I mentioned earlier, it’s not like this is a cheap and cheerful fridge freezer – it really should be able to cope with the extremes of a British summer, as indeed significantly cheaper models do.
  18. Hi please can I get some help Faulty steam shower - retailer refuses to honour 5 year warranty In May 2012, I bought a steam shower, as it had a 5 year warranty from Heat and Plumb London, (they still sell these), there are several faults which have now made the shower unsafe if not impossible to use, I wrote to them last week after speaking to which legal (they give you advice but are now very busy) they said the shower was covered under the Sale of good act 1979, so I wrote to the retailer asking for the repair or replacement as it should have lasted more than 2 years.........they have come back and state the original supplier to them is now bankrupt and they can send me parts if I remove the old ones and send them the details of them and will have to charge me, I am not happy as the shower is not working and we have no resolution, I sent this email below and have still not heard anything from the retailer at all now since last week when they stated the supplier is bankrupt, so no warranty - I need to have a new shower installed this weekend as this is no good, and cost me £800 in 2012, I am having to pay another 500 for the new shower cubicle, now! I sent this last week! Dear Sir Sale of goods Act 1979 - defective shower unit - request for replacement and/or repair at suppliers cost. I have now taken legal advice in this matter, I can confirm that my contract for the purchase of the above shower unit which cost approx. £800 is with Purity Bathrooms T/A HEAT AND PLUMB, after considering the matter closely and due to the nature and cost of the appliance/shower unit, I can confirm that the durability and Quality of the product is not of satisfactory quality and failed to be fit for purpose. Sale of Goods Act 1979 Under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 goods must be as described, of satisfactory quality and fit for purpose. I can confirm that the shower Unit is not fit for purpose as this should have lasted longer than 18 months, moreover the shower steam unit has failed and so has the thermostatic selector for the shower, in addition the build quality is of a inferior design, which has caused these failures, I must also inform you that the reason for buying the shower at such a high cost was due to the 5 year, warranty which you supplied as part of the sale. The contract remains with Heat and Plumb, therefore I now wish to replace the Unit as there is no guarantee for this item and the terms of the contract has been broken by your Company, accordingly any product you now supply (replace) must be of a suitable quality, under the terms of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 and must be as described, and of satisfactory quality and ad fit for purpose, unless you are prepared to supply me with a shower unit which you can now guarantee to be as stated, then I will expect a full refund by return. I await your written response by return and give you no more than 7 working days to conclude this matter and either send me a satisfactory and fit for purpose shower unit which will last longer than the warranty, or send me a full refund, failing which I will have no other option but to issue a County Court claim for damages and loss, which will include legal costs and costs for time to issue proceedings. Please send your response in writing only so there is a record of this issue and I look forward to resolving this matter as soon as possible. Kind regards
  19. Let me begin by saying this - I have never experienced such awful customer service on this level. Or in my life. Quite upsetting really. I upgraded with Vodafone for a 2 year contract and a new handset - an iPhone 6. I then discovered a fault with the screen. Went to the Vodafone store in Trinity Leeds and was told by the manager that it was Apple's problem. I was not even offered a repair by Vodafone as 14 days had passed. Got an appointment with Apple - they agreed, faulty screen and provided me with a refurbished handset. Once I got home that day, I discovered the new handset had the same problem, but it was 10 times worse than the first handset. You could actually hear the screen click when pressing on it gently. Went back to Apple the following day - got another handeset. Surprise, surprise...handset also has clicky screen. I subsequently called Vodafone and asked them if I could get another handset or even a different model. They said go in store as we don't deal with it. This was on Sunday. So, to recap, this weekend gone, I have been provided with 2 refurbished phones with faults. Monday - went to the store. Was told we don't deal with it, call customer service. It's also an Apple phone which is provided by them, so we can't repair. Called customer service - was told that they would look into the issue as this was my third handset in just over 1 month. Promised a call back. Vodafone never called back. They didn't even call back today. So, I decided to go back in store today. Was told that as it belonged to Apple, they had to repair and that they should have provided a new handset. Aaron at Trinity Leeds store seemed to be baffled as to why Apple had provided refurbished handsets. If it had been the phone Vodafone provided they could have sent it for repairs. Told him I was not informed of this. Went to Apple - spoke to manager. They are going to take steps to retrieve original handset provided by Vodafone, but can't guarantee it will be in one piece. They also queried why Vodafone had not offered repairs. Take note Vodafone, Apple's customer service was fantastic. Always polite and lovely, and the lady dealing with my issue was clearly going out of her way. Went back to Vodafone store - asked Aaron to confirm what part of the agreement related to faulty handsets. He rudely replied 'go online'. After having questioned him some more, he became defensive and appeared to have very little understanding of the contract. In addition to this, he was also training a newbie - might not be the best person to train him. Got home for 6pm, have spent the last 2 hours on call to Vodafone. Was put through to a lady in the billing department after I requested to be transferred to someone senior. She said she did not have the authority to send out a new iPhone but the only option was to send it back for repairs, and if it was faulty the 4th time, a new handset would be issued. However, I had to go in store to do this. I said this was not good enough as I use my mobile for work therefore I required a mobile. She put me through to someone else. Rather a very rude Scottish chap who ended up shouting at me, and cutting me off. And he also did not leave a note on the system. I was able to find this out as I was out on hold for 58 mins before someone spoke to me again. I have even screen shot this for my records. Perhaps this is a new record? The final chap seemed more concerned about finishing his call as it was nearing 8pm. The line also started to echo at this time, very convenient. He offered to repair handset, which would mean that I would be without a mobile for 2 weeks. No replacement phone to use whilst repairs taking place. I stated this was ridiculous for a professional person, he simply laughed and offered no alternative. He then started to accuse me of actually damaging the phone by stating 'how do we know you've not caused it if it wasn't evident in the first 14 days'. My response is this - I take great pride in an item, particularly handsets which I have contracted for 2 years. I would not intentionally damage my phone at all, and to suggest this in his line of questioning was unprofessional if not underhand. In short, Vodafone appear to be very good at making attempts to 'pass the buck'. I asked him what other options I had - he offered none. I asked him why a new handset could not be sent out, as this would simply solve the problem. I would not have to be without a phone whilst repairs were taking place. He did not offer much insight, the call ended with him taunting me and I cutting him off. Bravo Vodafone for employing professionals such as this imbecile. Can anyone advise some next steps? I feel like Vodafone customer service and instore are extremely unhelpful, I have been passed from pillar to post, with different accounts, and just general lack of respect. They don't even seem to have a complaints department hence my reason for this post. I honestly wish I had not upgraded with Vodafone. They are quick to sign you up to a contract, but when you actually genuinely need assistance, they simply do not care. I have experienced better customer service in countries from people who do not even speak the same language. Vodafone has some serious customer service issues. I welcome your thoughts and hope this can be resolved ASAP. If I get my original iPhone back from Apple, in pieces, are they going to attempt to fix it?
  20. I have an LG G3 which keeps switching off. It has been repaired 3 times, and it still keeps switching off. Initially vodafone said they would replace the phone, but now say they won't as I can do an early upgrade. The best they will do now is to have the phone looked at by a senior engineer. I don't want the phone going into repair a 4th time, I want what they initially offered, a replacement handset. I really don't see what a 4th repair will do, that the previous 3 didn't. I do not want an early upgrade as an early upgrade is just fobbing me off with saying go and buy a new one, but they say as i am within 70 days of an upgrade they say it's now another repair or upgrade. Surely that's their problem not mine. The phone is actually only 9 months old, as the previously supplied phoned also kelp going wrong and was replaced.
  21. Hi all I am just back from spending 2 and half hours in a store arguing about the Sale of Goods Act. I bought a Laptop online, which keeps freezing, so I phoned Customer Services and asked how I go about returning it, I was advised to just call into my local store and they will sort it all out. So off I go to said local store, only to be met with abuse by the General Manager. Anyway, the guy on the 'KnowHow' desk claims the Laptop is not faulty at all and therefore I can't have my refund, so I quote the SoGA and he said hes not allowed to talk to me about that, so I ask for the Manager, he comes over and again refuses to speak to me about this. He phones Customer Services and I speak to them and am put through to their 'Legal' Department, who also dismiss my claim, even though I quoted the SoGA to them. I also asked them for a Letter confirming why they were refusing my refund and why they think they are above the Law but they even refused to do that. So I am now left with a faulty Laptop and no refund. Where do I stand on this? Can I pursue a Criminal case under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008? Thanks in advance.
  22. Hi everyone, I bought a Bell Tent from Boutique Camping on 29th July 2014. We used it for 3 days in august 2014 then yesterday I put the tent up at home to air it for this years holiday and noticed the canvass stitching had unravelled causing the inner canvass to begin to come away. After emailing the company some pictures they claim it is wear and tear and not covered by manufacturers warantee. My thinking is that it needs to be repaired/replaced as not fit for purpose. They claim the best they can do is to recommend a good canvass repair centre. Surely they cannot expect a tent to last 3 days before the stitching fails? I figured I would throw the breach of sale of goods at them and if need be a claim against them. Any ideas would be welcome, Warm Thanks Tom
  23. Hey guys, Quick brief for you. I bought a second hand van today from a dealer for £3700 + £740 VAT. I found it on autotrader the day before. There was no admittance of any fault in the ad. There hardly ever is on autotrader adverts. I'm 30 miles from the dealership so it isn't too far from me. It seems that the gearbox crunches in 1st gear, which wasn't present during the test drive as it was a brief one. The van is a semi-automatic so it is a very situational fault whereby it only happens if I'm crawling slowly and the van decides to drop to 1st. There was little traffic during the test drive so the fault didn't appear during this time. As I got closer to home the problem started happening. I bought the car from a trader who has 100+ cars in stock so they seemed very established. My question is, where do I stand in this? - Am I able to get a refund or repair? - I feel disheartened as the van seemed perfect during the time of purchase but 30 minutes later I'm having gearbox issues. I haven't contacted the dealer yet as I would like your advice as to how I should proceed. Thanks.
  24. Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me dealing with Wacom.eu I bought a Cintiq from them which is still under guarantee unfortunately, it only worked for a day and went completely dead. Wacom offered to send me a refurbished one or alternatively repair my one but I have to cover the postage cost in this case. My problem is that the item in question costed about £1600 and I do not want to accept a refurbished model as I think it would be extremely unfair to get a second hand machine in return for a fault that was inherent in the machine to begin with. Any help would be very much appreciate it, Thanks!
  25. Hi Everyone I am after some advice regarding a laptop bought 26/1/15 A few weeks after I bought the laptop it began to be very slow at loading pages. I rang Rang Knowhow Customer Service Team who tried to help but as they were unable to help me they said to take it back to the store for them to take a look. I did this and when they gave it back to me it was exactly the same so I took it back a second time for them to investigate. When it came back it was exactly the same so it went back a third time. When i got it back it was even slower and was taking 6 or 7 mins to load any web pageit went back to store a for a 4th time. When I got the laptop back it was exactly the same it went back for a 5th time. It is now worse than ever and is taking 15 mins for a web page to load. The store are saying it is really not their problem. As I am still within the first 6 months and as they have tried and failed in store five times to fix the problem, am I now entitled to ask for a replacement? I am worried that if it keeps going in for repairs I will go past the 6 month mark and I will lose some of my rights. Thanks
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