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  1. I have had a dmp with pp since 2006 and now approx 24K is outstanding. The final two defaults drop of in November. All debts were sold on to DCA's and I pay nearly £500 per month and to be honest everything has gone along fine. As far as I can see no interest or charges have been added since the debts were sold on although a lot was added on in the first instance before they defaulted with the origional lenders. I am getting to the stage where I really want these debts cleared off so as it is becoming a real financial strain but equally I do not want to hinder my credit reports which look like they are finally starting to reapir themselves I would really appreciate some advice on the following? I only had PPI on one of the loans which I have succesfully claimed How do I go about claiming back any interest and charges from the original companies before the debt was sold and can I do this? PP said not? I am not in a position to offer large full and final settlements but would like to try and do so bit by bit, how do I go abouth this? As most of the debts no longer show on my file, can I confirm they would not reappear once settled with the companies that now own them? There is one credit card debt origionally with MBNA sold to Link which is showing on my credit file twice but both defaults drop of in November so I am assuming it is not worth raising this? Any help appreciated
  2. Hey there, I have been on a debt management plan with CCCS for a number of years, paying a total of £48 each month to five different companies with a debt totaling around £15800. I have a mortgage on a house with negative equity, which I can currently renting out as I am living with my girlfriend rent free. She has offered to give me a lump sum of money to clear this debt (she's an absolute belter!!!), however I am a little bit worried about explaining that I am living with her and she has money. My question (number 1) is if I tell them this, is there any way that they can try and get the money from her as we are in cohabitation? (question 2) I spoke to CCCS and told them I was hoping to make a settlement offer and asked their advice for how much I should start at. They told me it should be however much I have and they would not advise on a specific percentage. The problem is that I don't actually have any money and will be relying on my girlfriend, she says she's happy to give me it but I don't want to completely wipe her funds out, after all she has her own bills to pay and children. Can anyone suggest what sort of percentage I should offer? Thanks in advance!
  3. Good morning All I am new on here and am in need of some help. I have 5 payday loans that I can no longer afford and have entered into a DMP this week. I have been told to cancel my debit card which I am in the process of doing. Can you help of what needs to be done from here. My loans are with Wonga Quickquid Cfo lending Swift sterling Toothfairy finance lending stream Do I need to contact them and advise I am in the DMP and they will be contacted shortly Can they still access my account even though my card has now been cancelled. Do I need to speak to the bank and set anything up with them regarding payments. Sorry for the questions as you can see I am knew to this Thanks in advance for your help Mark
  4. Hi guys, Just looking for a little advice on the best course of action. I have a 2k debt with EON. I am with Payplan, and they sent an offer through of 80 per month. This was then rejected by Payplan. What would be the best thing for me to do here? Continue paying through Payplan despite them rejecting the offer? Should i contact EON directly? Will they just issue a CCJ? I really cannot afford anymore than i have offered through Payplan. I have moved house in the last couple of months and my current supplier is not EON. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. EON are the only company to have rejected my offer. KatySue.
  5. Hiya, Im new so sorry if have posted this in the wrong place. I am on a DMP with CCCS and have been for almost 7 years. 2 pregnancies also which meant reduced payments for a year and a half, so still have a long way to go. My experian credit report is very good, no defaults. Car finance shows 2011 payment not received for 1 month, then balance settled month after. Unsure why they classed as missed payment because it was all agreed with the company before that payment had been due. Egg shows as settled, no missed payments, but am still paying them although now through Barclaycard. Noddle report not v good. 1 out of 5. Default with Arrow, dated 29.06.07 re MBNA cr card. So due to drop off end of the month, although I am still paying them. Previous car finance showing same as experian. Closed account with MBNA which went to Arrow, shows default. Egg showing again as no missed payments and account closed. Equifax shows the same accounts as above. No credit score as have to pay for that. I am also paying CL finance (HSBC) which isnt showing and RBS Tesco which isnt showing. (fallen off?) My main question is could I apply for a mortgage once the default falls off? If so would I be asked/or have to say that Im on a DMP? If it was just me and my husband we would just carry on renting. But my oldest boy is Autistic and I think better to move now as he doesnt like unfamiliar places. He knows the way home now from school and anything different he goes crazy. Older he gets, it could get worse. I know we can afford it as it would work out a lot less than what we are paying for rent. Weve both worked since school and if the worst happened would take any job to make ends meet. .although I do know it isnt as easy to get a job as it used to be. Please can I have some advice? Thank you. Cath.
  6. Help please, I am a Newbie and have been reading lots of threads but I am now totally confused. I had two credit cards with MBNA and they agreed to my repayment offer. They subsequently sold on the debts. The first DCA have honoured my agreement with MBNA and have only written to me once telling me this. However, the second debt was sold off and I immediately started receiving calls from DLC. I refused to discuss my situation with them over the phone and told them to write to me, which they did, I sent them I & E, but they said repayment was too low (but never told me how much they wanted), I told them that I had an agreement with MBNA but they still refused to honour the agreed repayments. I have received letters from their solicitors to inform me that they would proceed with court action if I failed to pay the full outstanding amount. Which I again responded with the proposed repayment. They have now started court proceedings 'to obtain Judgement for payment forthwith then applying for a Charging Order' but then state 'the Judgement will not be enforced if you maintain the payments at the proposed rate' to be reviewed in six months. I have now received the court papers what do I do now?
  7. Hi everyone! I have a question which I think has been asked many times before. Here is my situation: I have 38K debt with 3 creditors(Natwest loan,overdraft, 2credit cards,30K, Barclays credit card 4K, Mbna 4K) I want to sort it out ,I buried my head in sand for too long.I contacted Payplan and they went into details with my income and expenditure and said IVA best suited for me. As it stands I got 320 pounds surplus but making a bit more sacrifices I could afford 500 a month or even more(+overtime and second job) but 500 looking 100% sure. Also I`m selling my car so I`ll have 5-6K in a month time. After reading a lot about debt managemen I think I would go for DMP and see how it goes and hoping all creditors freeze interest and charges. What I read about IVA it costs money I mean Payplan is free but other fees involved. DMP is free and could be seen by creditors I want to pay everything back. Am I rightly thinking DMP is better in my situation? Any answers or opinions appreciated!!! Thanks!!
  8. Hi I have just under £40K in unsecurred debt through 5 creditors. I have been to CCCs who have recommended a DMP. After goping through the budget it looks like I have a surplus of £718 per month to pay towards it meaning if interest id frozen i can be debt free within 5 years. all sounds a bit too good to be true so have a few questions: 1. How likely is it my creditors (Halifax, lloyds, HSBC, Tesco) will freeze interest? 2. Can I still pay £75 month to my pension? comes out before taxed And finally the most important one for us is after the DMP is finished how likely are we able to get a mortgage? We have one now and are not looking to move for probably 10 years if at all? thanks so much in advance
  9. Hi Just wondered if a loan account falls into arrears and goes into a DMP, whether the PPI payment is still included on the debt or is taken off?. I have a 2 loans that ended up being paid off via a DMP. Admittedly I do not have all the paperwork as I couldn't cope with the amount of debt at the time but on the paperwork I have it doesn't seem to have been cancelled. I am looking to claim back PPI but I'm not sure if I only paid it until the account went into a DMP or if the entire cost of the loan and PPI was sent to a debt recovery agency.
  10. Just need a bit of advice about my DMP. I'm expecting a pay rise in April and would like to save some of it to help pay for my wedding in September when i call them to give them my new budget. Does anyone know if this is possible, or will the banks see it as an unnecessary expense? I thought the DMP was going to be a life saver, while it has obviously eased stress it also makes me feel like my life is on hold. We are getting married in September and hoping my future father in laws will make it until then as he is quite ill, if it wasn't for his illness we would probably be putting it off because of the money. Regardless of this i only intend on getting married once and I still want to have my dream wedding so I feel like i need to contribute so that i can have more input.
  11. Hi I'm just about to enter into an IVA if all goes well (creditors meeting 25th March) so wrote to my current Debt Managment company to inform them to cancel my DMP with them selves with immediate effect. They emailed me today saying that want a termination fee of 1 months payment to close the account down. I emailed them back asking for documentation that I had signed agreeing to a termination fee in any sort of contract as I knew nothing about this procedure. Have I done the right thing and are they allowed to do this? Thanks M
  12. I've been managing a DMP directly with my creditors for several years now and have never missed a payment. I'm currently 3 months pregnant and with the prospect of 6 months off work on the horizon from Sept this year, I wanted to contact my creditors and ask them to accept a drastically reduced payment for 12 months, while I am pregnant and then on maternity leave, with normal payments to resume once I am back at work. I would put the money I usually pay them to once side to help pay my priority debts while I am off work as SMP does not cover what I have to pay out as well as the cost of having a child. Does anyone have any experience of doing this? Or an advice about the best way to go about it?
  13. Hi All First of all, I'm not overly convinced this is the correct area for this thread so please move if needs be (although it doesn't seem to fit in any category ) I have sent my SAR to Gregory Pennington so I can see exactly what I have been charged for doing what. My question is what is deemed as an "excessive charge"? Does it depend on the size of the debt or is there a scale used or a "suggested amount"? I'm a bit clueless here really but after spending 4 or 5 years paying off this debt I want to make sure I wasn't shafted too badly:D (Already guessing I was lol) Thanks Ustasi
  14. I have already submitted a ppi claim to Natwest which I believe is with the calculations dept! 2 questions really. 1) They have just requested authority from my husband as the main policy holder which has really bugged me as this is the first time since the claim was submitted so surely they should have requested this before. Delay tactics? 2) We are on a DMP with cccs atm and the company I am claiming against are 1 of our creditors. The claims are for 4 closed loan accounts. The remaining loan account has already been ccj'd and has a court order to pay a set amount each month. My quextion is, can they or are they likely to offset any claim award against this account with a court ordered payment in place already. I could really do with the payment to fix a few house problems and fix my car which I need for work. any remaining would go to our credittors but I think it should go pro rata not just to natwest. Have any of you guys had the cheque straight to you? I don't intend to waste the money but think it should be my decision who get what! I am also considering a self managed dmp as I don't think cccs have helped that much and were useless when natwest took us to court.
  15. I have been asked if I can help a friend to manage their debt problems. After a troubled relationship broke down her partner disappeared leaving her with considerable debts. These were mainly on credit cards in her name, although at the time she hadn't realised quite how much he had run up the debt before finally vanishing. She accepted responsibility and approximately 5 years ago she voluntarily entered a dmp agreement with a non fee charging company. There were three main debts, an RBS credit Card (£14500), Natwest recoveries (£25000) and Santander (£12000) She has reclaimed PPI in respect of the Natwest one which managed to recover approximately £10,000, but no ppi is due from the others. She has never missed a payment. Where she feels let down is that last August after having paid off about £15000 to the RBS debt the DMC stopped making payments to them in the shared belief that that debt had been settled. She continued to pay the same amount and the balance was split between the other outstanding debts. RBS then issued a default notice saying that she still owes almost £9000 because they didn't freeze the interest and charges etc have been added to the debt over the last 5 years. She has contacted them direct and they have told her she 'sounds like she can afford to pay it so, tough, and she has paid for the last 5 years so if it takes her another 20 years then she shouldn't have got into debt in the first place'. After this last comment she was crying so much she just hung up on them. She has contacted the DMC who have said that it's not their fault because it is down to the banks discretion whether they freeze interest and she should have checked at the start of the DMP because it is her responsibility to check these details not theirs. even though they were clearly under the impression this was the case and the debt was finished they are offering no support apart from reinstating the payments to RBS. After one call to RBS they did offer to credit her with the £12 default fee. for a debt of £14500 she has now paid £16300 but still owes another £9000. This is just the RBS debt. She is at her wits end and is really beginning to suffer from the stress of this seemingly never ending saga. She thinks the interest has been frozen on the others but isn't sure, as far as I know has never requested a copy of the credit card agreements and apart from the ppi claim has not claimed any charges back (I thought that window was closed now). I'm not really sure where the best place is for her to start. She is willing and I think capable of managing the debt herself if she thought that the money she was paying was clearing the debt and not just taking her two steps forward and then one and a half steps back because of the interest. Any suggestions or advise would be very gratefully received.
  16. I have contacted Step Change (formerly CCCS) to start a DMP, one of the loans involved is an almost £800 with 247 Money Box. (along 7 more) The due date is tomorrow, I still haven't received anything from the DMP company and I asked them about this but still no reply. What should I say to them?, I am not gonna pay of course, Step Change says in his web I think that in this cases you should make a payment, even when not full, just to show willingness to pay.. but I don't know. What do you advise? Thanks a lot!
  17. I’m looking for some advice regarding my current DMP please if anyone can help. This is a little long winded, so I will try to stick to the pertinent points. I have been with a DMP for a few years now and all has gone well until now (it’s a fee charging DMP). Back in June of 2012 I noticed that I hadn’t received a monthly statement of payments made to creditors so I contacted the provider to ask whether payments had been made as I hadn’t received the statement. They said they would check and get back to me. The next thing I knew was when they sent me a letter about a week later saying that they were looking for new ways to help their clients and that they were introducing a debt reduction plan. This gave me the explanation that I was looking for regarding missing statement for June. I discussed with them the debt reduction plan and agreed that I would go for it on the proviso that they would keep me updated regarding progress and status of the programme. Essentially, what they do as part of this plan is SAR each creditor and then claim back any unfair charges and/or PPI on my behalf. I agreed to go onto this plan early in July. I continued to make my monthly payments, and token payments were being sent to my creditors until as the DMP put it ‘a true balance was provided by each creditor’. In September I contacted the DMP by e-mail to ask for an update as I had not received any communication from them. I was e-mailed back stating that PPI claims and credit agreement requests had been sent to each creditor and they would update me in due course. At this point I decided to drop my monthly fee to cover the token payments (all additional monies are supposedly in a ‘holding account’ until all information is received, etc. and then pro rata payments are meant to resume. I then heard nothing from them so e-mailed again in December to be told again that they are currently sending PPI claim requests, blah, blah, blah. I replied stating that I thought this had been done months ago as I had received the same response months ago – I told them that I though that creditors had 8 weeks in which to respond to PPI claims. They told me to be patient and that they couldn’t put a timescale on when they would hear back. I tried to ring them on 4 January and they kept cutting me off so I e-mailed asking them to call me. They never did. I rang them on 7 January and spoke to someone and asked for an update – someone was meant to call back but I’m still waiting today. I e-mailed them on 8 January saying that I was still waiting and would someone call me and guess what? I’m still waiting. So, enough is enough! I e-mailed them on Friday of last week to tell them that their reluctance to provide me with an update leaves me with the view that they have done very little on my debt reduction programme and that I want them to cancel it. I also told them that I want them to refund the money that is apparently sitting in my ‘holding account’. I also asked them for a copy of their complaints procedure I am extremely dissatisfied with their lack of support, etc. You’ve guessed it – still no reply. I’m now really suspicious – I have cancelled the standing order and will be contacting each of my creditors myself to manage my own DMP. Has anyone please got any advice on how to proceed with this – they have about £1700 in my ‘holding account’ and have let me down badly. I would be really grateful for any help, advice or guidance anyone can offer me. Sorry for the long post, but I needed to give you all of the info. Cheers.
  18. Hi all. Looking for some reassurance if thats possible. DMP has been set up and running since August 2012. The majority of creditors have been really positive and supportive through the entire process which has really helped. The only sticking point at the moment is we have had notification from stepchange (cccs) that 2 of our payments have been returned and an ongoing increase in rbs current account balance. 1.Payday UK (approx balance £800) are no longer accepting payments from stepchange on our behalf....and at present my wife is receiving calls from Credit Resource Solutions insisting she contact them asap. I understand that CRS is a DCA working on behalf of/ under the same umbrella as payday uk but we hve had no written communication from payday uk informing us of a change of arrangements. 2.Our payment to RBS personal loan (approx balance £11000) has also been returned, with the account no longer able to view on online banking. 3. Our rbs current account was sitting just below our £600 overdraft limit when we entered into our DMP. During that process we slipped over that limit by £4 or so. I have attempted to write to the rbs to ask them for support with our dmp but we notice now that our current account balance is now approx £1200 ......about £600 in charges. Help?
  19. Hi there, I hope that somebody may be able to help me here and that the information is clear. I have had debt problems for years and years as well as mental health problems. For the best part of 15 years, I have banked with Barclays Bank and have constantly relied on the overdraft and the reserve usage fee, meaning that between £22-£88 would be coming out of my account every month. In February of last year, I had a particularly bad episode and had much less control of my finances than usual. I took out payday loans and maxed out credit cards. I finally came to my senses in March and started a DMP with CCCS, who were brill and at the same time I wrote to Barclays, asking them to stop all the payments to Speed Credit. At this time my account was £550 (£50 of this was reserve) The problem is that Barclays claimed not to have received this letter and then started charging me for the unsuccessful payments and being over my limit and they were ringing me constantly on my landline, mobile. They claimed that they had not received any paperwork from the CCCS, even though I had checked with them several times, and more worryingly that no money had gone to pay off my account. The stress of everything really had a negative impact on my mental well being that it was very difficult to function, so it was difficult to keep on at them. I wrote them a letter recorded delivery to complain, and received a phone call from a manager, saying that they had no evidence trail therefore no charges could be refunded to me. She also said that she would send me letter to that effect, she didn't. Eventually in July, after another threaten to default letter, I rang them up and insisted that they check all their records of a payment. They found payments made since April but insisted that they had still not received the paperwork. As it happens, my DMP was under review so I was able to pay more to my creditors, therefore they would have received a new batch of paperwork. Since then, I have not received any correspondance from them. Today, I checked my credit report and Barclays have reported a default, with months of missed payments, with the total sum of the debt at £975, that means that they have charged me £400 because they charged me for not paying them and ignoring my requests to stop speed credit emptying my account. I'm coping much better now and would like to know if I would be able to complain. I would like to dispute the debt and maybe get back some of the reserved charges back. Do I have any chance of winning? Thank you guys, I have been following the forum for a while and it helps to know that you are not alone.
  20. I have just received a letter from FD totaling charges to be added on 10.10.06 of £110ish. This is because I went over my overdraft (£30 charge), they paid 3 bills while over my O/D limit (3 £25 charges = £75) and debit interest (£4). Now I know I went over my limit (struggling a bit at the moment) but it has lead me to believe it is excessive charging and thats why I've come here. I am now just completely fed up of them as its not the first time. I did phone them and ask them to consider the charges but they say 'terms and conditons blah blah blah. When I told them these charges would again take me over my limit they didn't really have an answer as to what I could do apart from speak to there 'credit department'. I have decided along with my wife (she has had same problems) to pursue the matter and start with the S.A.R. but can't seem to find who to send it to, as a lot of you have already done this could you please reasure me I'm doing the correct thing and also give the best name and address to send it to. Many thanks in advance. P.S. Thinking of doing Yorkshire Bank aswell, why do they all take from the poorer end of the scale
  21. Hi all, in a nutshell we are up the creek without a paddle with money.. or lack of it... and would be really grateful if anyone can help us to help ourselves please. Background is-dont think it makes any difference to how we continue but is how we got here so will put you in the picture... ....hubby is a fulltime student in his 2nd year of a 3 yr degree, I was a self employed nail tech working fulltime (and some) up until july 2011 when I ceased trading to have our little boy who is almost 1. We now have 3 children-one in comp, one in juniors, plus baby Since July this year we have been living on student finance, child benefit and child tax credits (since my maternity allowance stopped). Had a few problems along the way with getting ANY other help we were entitled to including free school meals, housing benefit, healthy start vouchers. Still dont know the exact reason why they were keep saying we didnt qualify but suspect it was due to tax credits not updating their systems correctly for months until I rang every Tom Dick and Harry to get it sorted including CAB who confirmed we should be getting them but the 'authorities' concerned still wouldnt accept this??? with determination I got everything exept healthy start vouchers backdated including 600+ in housing benefit (which was calculated wrongly TWICE by South Tyneside Borough Council might I add..) Usual story, borrowing from Peter to pay Paul and the debts we were once managing to pay pretty well are now totally consuming us. These debts include 3 online catalogues, 3 credit cards, 2 payday loans, 1 store card, and an overpayment of wages by a previous employer due to them not crossing their T's and dotting their I's when hubby finished work but legally we have to repay back to South Tyneside Council I have been scanning through past threads and have had a good look at a DIY DMP which sounds good, but also read things such as requesting CCA's and something els about waiting then letting the debts default you. ...these parts have confused me a bit as there's so much to take in and I'm just not sure what we should be doing first, CCA, DMP, something else?? Obviously would love to save our credit file from being totally wrecked but dont know if thats possible.. .seems DMP or default stays on file for 6 years from DMP completion/date of default. We dont have ANY CCJ's and the only letter we have had was today as we missed one of the catalogue payments last statement. PDL is due for payment on 17th and then the other on 2nd Feb(I think). Have printed out a letter to give to bank so they stop all CPA from my bank and have just applied for another account should they mess me about. Can anyone please advise us which of the aforementioned steps we should take first if any????? Any more info please ask... Thanks so much guys
  22. please help i'm having kittens, I have set up a DMP with Step change and am terrified they won't accept the plan. Has anyone had experience of this? will they phone all the time? I have emailed step change with my fears and they keep reassuring me but its been two weeks now and i've had no confirmation that they'll accept. they are offering £70. Littlewoods apparently knew nothing of the DMP. Im so panicked i'm wondering if i've made things worse I can't believe i've got myself into so much trouble
  23. Hello out there, thanks for maintaining such a great forum - i was wondering if anyone would be able to lend their wisdom to my predicament. I recently found myself jobless and juggling a number of payday loans - in scrambling for work and having no sociable hours to work with my payday loan providers i approached Debt Reverse - and established a DMP - the first payment has yet to be made but i'm hesitant to send it as despite DebtRev' describing a 'good working relationship' with my payday lenders, i have still received incessant contact from them ( i'm told this is all normal ahead of the first payments being made as part of the DMP - and i do expect something of it from the payday sharks - but the additional costs i've incurred in this period seem ludicrous) i have even had to send a token payment outside of the DMP myself to one lender? as instructed by DebtRev'.. . They are otherwise very curtious and allways at the other end of the phone but ahead of making my first payment to them i was looking for some insight from you guys and girls, i find it hard to place stock in 5 star reviews i find online... Many thanks for any info you can provide!
  24. Just received a letter from them this morning which said application for ccj on the top of it. I wrote to them a couple of weeks ago stating i will pay them £40 per month as this is all i can afford and they havent even acknowledged a word i wrote . Looks like they are going for a ccj. My other payday loan with wonga is also not going anywhere. The recorded delivery letter i sent offering installments to the dca they have appointed was returned even though i double checked the address i sent it to. My DMP with cccs is due for a review, i know now that i shouldnt have taken these payday loans and want to ask cccs for their help but believe they will throw me off the dmp. Dont know what to do next! Any ideas?
  25. Hi everyone, Basically between me & my husband we have £18,000 of debt. £6,000 - Santander (Car HP) £5,990 - Lloyds TSB (Overdrafts) £1,700 - Top up for Car HP finance £2,000 - Hitachi capital (CSL sofa) £1,700 - ISME catalogue £700 - Next directory This is around £1,000 per month, NOT paying off the overdrafts, just interest! Hubby earns £1200 a month and i am unemployed due to a terminal illness. We have 2 children. Monthly income is £1600. So once petrol and food/baby items have been paid for, we're left with nothing. I have looked into a payplan DMP, and have been offered it at £330 a month, then £240 for car HP as they can not take that on. I have read that they often can't stop interest and that gets added on at the end of the plan, meaning we'd need to pay for a long longer. Does anyone have any advice for us, should we be taking this path? Or are there other options?
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