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  1. Introduction I'd like to document the correspondence of my dealings with Erudio, aka Arrow Global / CarVal Investors in the hope it will help others; my student loans are from 92-95. Mission Objective To get written confirmation of deferment, as has been the case since loans were originated via SLC. Salvo #1 First contact was a big wad of paperwork as documented in other threads, asking for bank details, eye colour, inside leg measurement et al....and a signature! I ignored this first contact. They phoned and I requested any further correspondence to be in writing.. .they sent a second wad of paperwork, the same as the first; this accounts for three trees chopped down thus far for their thud of paper through the letterbox. This also had a cover letter saying I was in arrears for ~£200....huh? Salvo #2 I ignored their paperwork and instead scanned the original SLC document I had, with a signature and no more, I did not divulge any bank info on this form. I then copied my bank statements for the last three months into a PDF (I redacted all personal info from the statements) and along with the SLC doc, sent them via email: Dear Sir/Madam, Please find attached a signed deferment form and three months of bank statements. My customer reference number: xxxx Regards John Doe Salvo #3 They replied two days later via return email: Please be advised that the information that you provided is currently being processed and you will receive a letter in due course. Salvo #4 Almost two weeks later, they sent an email: Please be advised that the bank statements you sent were unreadable , could you please resend them again so that we may continue to process your deferral application. I resent my statements as a PNG picture on the same day as their email. This email from over a month ago, was the last correspondence I have received. Salvo #5 Today I received a letter stating another notice of arrears, this time it's gone up to ~£400. No mention of the deferment nor any other confirmation of the process thus far. It seems they are just sending generic letters with the computer regurgitating random amounts to scare the peeps; their goal is to get payment...any payment so they have your bank details. Salvo #6 Removed. Will update as and when they reply... -------------------------------------- Edit: I'm removed the email I sent in salvo #6 , as I'd prefer to wait for their response before publicly posting info; you never know who's reading these forums. He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War Txs dx - I think it was one of your posts buried deep in another thread that inspired my verbiage.
  2. Hi team, looking for some advice I have beaten a very serious gambling addiction a few years ago for which I received professional help, but, left my council tax in arrears, over £1900 in arrears for a number of years, have worked 7 days a week, 72 hr weeks on overtime to pay the arrears off, and as of this month it is now up to date I am scared to think of the charges they made on me for my arrears specially as it went to sheriff officers Alex M Adamson, and they charge£££ hundreds if not more, Now that I am up to date do I have any recourse to claim the charges back? Any advice would help
  3. After spending the last 6 months dealing with numerous PPI claims i can now concentrate on reclaiming my Barclays mortgage arrears fee's covering 2004-2012. Will be claiming £880 plus £4,000 restitutionary interest at 24.90%. Will issue claim via CCMCC Salford (room for full POC) Any suggestions / ideas on my POC ?
  4. Hello, As the title reads, we have council tax arrears that have accumulated over several years. Last week we received a letter through the door threatening bankruptcy from the council. Some background info - I am a full time student. My mum is the one who is liable. She has severe mental health issues. She has not sought help and is not in contact with any mental health services / CGP etc. She is on Employment Support Allowance, which is paid sporadically - has not been paid for the last month or so. My parents are separated and my dad lives elsewhere. He pays the mortgage for our house. Please advise me on what steps I need to take. What info do I need to get from the council about the debt? Should I send a SAR? Or just offer to pay whatever my mum can afford? I understand that writing to the council and providing a letter from the GP explaining her illness and an account of her expenditure is probably best. I am unsure as to how to word the letter, and how to tell the council that I am writing on my mother's behalf. I am also unsure as to what amount to offer to pay, that is likely to be accepted. Is there anything else I should do / anyone else I should seek help from? Any help is much appreciated.
  5. Hi Caggers My son has got himself into another mess.... He had a joint tenancy (AST 6 month contract). He was unemployed for a while, we gave him money for his rent which he decided not to use for that purpose. The net result was that he ended up at the end of the tenancy with about 4 months of rent arrears; his flatmate also did not pay for at least the final month. The letting agent has now issued a court claim for the rent arrears and a load of other charges (and is of course withholding the deposit - which we paid). Some problems I have spotted: 1. Can the letting agent sue for the rent arrears - surely only the landlord can do this? 2. No LBA was received prior to the papers from MCOL. 3. The figure in the claim has no breakdown, but appears to include the rent arrears from the joint tenant. 4. My son agreed a payment plan with the agent, and made the first payment on this plan. The claim form states that no plan was put into place (we have an email trail showing it did). The claim was only received today, so we have a few days to respond. Any advice on a suitable response (note my son owes some money - but not the total stated on the claim; he is in a position to pay off the arrears in installments). Many thanks Bacon
  6. Hi I hope someone can help on where to start our secured loan has just finished and we made our last payment on 1st April 15, 120 payments later thinking loan was paid off, we had difficulties in the past been made redundant and business venture not working, we got into arrears these have all been paid back within the term of the loan. We claimed our PPi misselling back a few years ago direct with Ge they offered us £8000 but our arrears was £3000 roughly so they took that amount of the payment and sent us the remainder. Now we have received a letter stating that they want £2299.45 by the 9th may for outstanding fees and interest on a sub account this was a secured loan and I have asked if this balance is held on the property to which I got a reply we will have to check with our solicitor. I'm hoping someone can advise on where to start either get the ball rolling on not paying these fees? or will they take me to court over them even though I have kept to the original agreement of 120 x £??? and loan paid of within set timescale do you think I should do an SAR ? and ask them to freeze intrest until I get reply I don't know where to go. the original loan value was £15000 over 120 payments
  7. Hi Last year we were in mortgage arrears and were told we would be taken to court, they were after a possession order. Stupidly I didn't get legal advice due to cost and my local CAB being unavailable pretty much all the time. The Mortgage company said if I arranged an amount per month with them in additional to my payments they would just get a suspended possession order and I needn't attend court (bad advice it seems but I was naive). so they got their suspended order and we started paying it, but then had some work difficulties and went through a period of not being able to pay the full amounts. Now they are saying they are going for an eviction though no date is through yet. There want a large lump sum, I don't have one. Help! I have filled in an income and expenditure which proves I can now afford the regular monthly payment, the spo amount and a small additional amount towards the arrears but it sounds as if they won't agree and just want possession now. Will they get it? There are a few hundred £'s of insurance payments on there which they say they will remove due to me already having buildings insurance elsewhere. They have bought this mortgage off another company which were charging me arrears charges of around £55 a month too. Can anything be done about that? Because if all of those things came off we would be a bit nearer to making a dent in the arrears? Basically help! I have three kids and am worried sick!
  8. Hi all I wonder if I could ask for your advice please. I am in arrears with my mortgage and am trying to sort out making repayments towards the arrears. I have sent them a letter with a list of my expenditure and made an offer of £100.00 pcm towards them. They have replied saying they will not accept the offer until they have spoken to me on the telephone. The letter sent also said that they will continue charging me an arrears monitoring charge of £50.00 pcm. So I have a couple of questions 1) Can I reclaim these charges - they do go back a couple of years to be honest 2) Is there a template I can use regarding speaking to them only by letter or email. I really don't want to speak to them on the telephone Any advice is really appreciated Thanks Madge
  9. I have received a letter today Dated the 10th of march. Claiming that I have "failed to make repayments as ordered by county court judgement" and stating that i am now " in arrears with the order in the sum of £***.**" I have been given instructions to make payment immediately to bring the CCJ order up to date and prevent further enforcement action being taken against me. they have given me this web URL www dot bryancartersolicitors dot co dot uk and this phone number 08458396157 Apparently their client has instructed for them to take further enforcement action if i do not pay the arrears or contact them within 7 days . They have then listed what this enforcement action may include; Warrant of control, Attachment of earnings, Charging Order, Order to Attend court for questioning. Their client is apparently Lowell financial limited The brand/ product is Vodafone I can provide the account number if needed and the claim number also. They have also given me a reference number. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I'm very naive with this sort of thing and want to get as clued up as possible before throwing the book back at them so to speak. What should be my first actions and who should I contact as this is the first I have heard that i owe anybody any money and have read some reviews on these people and none of it has been good? Thank you in advance. Al
  10. Hi. I seem to be having trouble with the above company with regard to interest rate, increasing monthly payments and charging £50 per month for being in arrears without an agreement. Is there anyone who has had or still has a loan from kensington secured on there house. If so can anyone tell me what the svr was on their loan in March of this year. Also does anyone know whether one can obtain a written statement of kensingtons svr for the last 5 years? Has anyone had their mortgage payment increased even though there was no increase in the interest rate? Has anyone successfully reclaimed the £50 charges and if so how does one go about it. I know this is rather a lot of questions but it would appear that second mortgages are not covered by the FSA and therefore help from them seems not to be forthcoming. many thanks
  11. This is unbelievable. Yet another calculation error leaving me in arrears when I just paid off the last calculation error. After another stressful week with the CSA I have finally got to the bottom of the latest arrears and this takes the biscuit. In September my partner moved in with ONE of her Two children. The child who didn't move in was 16 and living with the Grandmother so she could commute to the college of her choice. The 13 year old lives with my partner and I. I declared this situation to the CSA and the tax credits were made for just the ONE child. The grandmother claims for the 16 year old. The first recalculation failed because HMRC had not completed our joint claim. This shows they have very up to date information with HMRC. The second change of circumstances was successful and only one child living with me is on the paperwork, the 13 year old. The CSA sent me details with just one child on my change of circumstances. This week I learn that the latest arrears were caused by them calculating TWO children live with me. Two? Tax credits only have one, I only claimed one to the CSA and HMRC have a claim for 16 year old in the Grandmothers address. After four exhaustive calls a case worker called me back. She stuck to the calculation error yet could not explain how they got the wrong information. She also said I should be extremely lucky that I am not being prosecuted for giving false information? This is just unbelievable, everything I have supplied proves that I gave them the right information,. So yet again I am in arrears and they asked me to clear these by Next Friday or DOE may be served. I pay every week without fail and can only pay what they ask for and now I am wrong. The incompetence is staggering, they constantly change the goal posts.
  12. This website has been a lifeline for me over the last few months. I've read avidly and learnt so much from other people's experiences and from the advice posted. I'm currently managing my "relationship" with Rossendales and have managed to survive this far without too many hiccups. Empowered by knowledge gained here, I've stood my ground, kept my doors and windows locked, parked my car miles away , have sent out the requisite standard letters (found on here) and, finally, have sent my first payment directly to the Council via online payment completely bypassing Rossendales. I'm sure Rossendales will discover this fact soon if, indeed, they haven't already. The computer-generated letters from Rossendales were becoming more and more "assertive" and despite my advising them in writing that hell would freeze over before they crossed my threshold and paying them what I thought was a "reasonable and sustainable" amount each month to cover outstanding Council Tax from 2006, they still insist on demanding "full payment" in contravention of the OFT guidelines. However, thanks to everyone here, I feel as if I'm back in control of the situation and can sleep nights. Bailiffs are indeed paperless, powerless tigers - but, unfortunately, like mosquitos they do need to be controlled cos they're pesky!! Thanks again!
  13. According to the Telegraph councils are having their wings clipped to prevent overzealous collection and issue of PCNs including possible banning of collection by bailiffs. Sadly it won't prevent Parking Eye, now part of Capita, et.al from ripping people off http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/road-and-rail-transport/11453090/Motorists-will-be-given-10-minute-grace-period-when-parking-tickets-run-out.html
  14. I had a bad few years from 2011 onwards after getting Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (which left me bed bound), and subsequently losing my job, having a child bereavement and all the anxiety and depression that came with all that. Prior to that I had a decent job and my OH and I had divided up the bills accordingly, with me paying Council Tax amongst other things. Unbeknownst to my OH, when the proverbials hit the fan, I just 'switched off' ignored my payment responsibilities (hiding bills etc ) until things got out of hand and the CT bill got passed first to Newlyn PLC. Long story short, I've applied for benefits (and after selling off some of my belongings) have managed to pay off an outstanding amount of over £1500 (directly to the Council) in the last year including £190 in court costs, with only £100 of the CT arrears remaining. However, Newlyn EA fees keep sky rocketing and according to their last letter (I have never been in contact with them), the debt is £470 and counting. The new legislation that came in April just complicates things further! Anyway, my social worker just rang the CT department and explained that under the circumstances, (being diagnosed with a chronic illness and mental health issues) that I should be considered a vunerable person or a vunerable household. However, the CT call centre operative, who conferred with CT Recovery dept has said that since the CT was in both mine and my OH's name, making him therefore jointly liable for the debt (even though he wasn't aware of it because I was hiding the letters) my specific circumstances made no difference and that there would be no circumstance in which the household would be considered vunerable. Meaning they would not consider calling the debt back. The conversation took all of 3 minutes and they were very closed to considering anything. They would not even pass my social worker onto the Recovery dept so she could speak directly to them. I guess I'm asking if their position is the correct one or whether there might be anything I can do? It was a massive blip caused by unforeseen health issues but it seems that any support or consideration is not forthcoming from the Council. Any views would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  15. Hi all Just wanted a bit of help for my daughter if possible. She's a single parent on benefits, and unbeknown to me, she took a couple of doorstep loans out with a company called GR Finance Ltd. Now, she's having trouble paying them. This isn't enitirely her fault, although she should accept much of the blame. She missed a payment before Christmas, but paid it a few days later by debit card. Then the company tried to take the following weeks payment + the missed payment by direct debit (I believe) which bounced due to the extra amount being taken that she wasn't aware of. She then got a bank charge, which left her short and so on. they were charging her card under a CPA and there were bits of money coming out of her account all over the place she asked for a statement of exactly what had been paid etc, and said she wouldn't pay any more until she got it. She got a spreadsheet on excel which she couldn't make head nor tail of, and nor could I, She asked them for something straighforward, showing payment dates, and balances, but they said that was all they would give her. Since then she hasn't paid anything. They are constantly ringing and texting her, and have spoken to her mother, who doesn't even live with her, regarding her debt and missed payments, which they had no authority to do. She can't afford the £20 a week, and should never have taken the loans out, which is her fault, but if they had done proper affordability checks, they shouldn't have granted her any loans either, certainly not the second one, She has tried to offer them a lower payment and asked they freeze the interest, but they point blank refuse to accept anything lower, and would not give her an address to write to (which I see has happened before from another thread on here). Today she got the letter attached, seems completely unprofessional to me, no company number, no CCL number, and when I've searched the company name is actually G R Finance not GR Finance as shown on the letter. The letter also makes it sound as though she will be facing a criminal court, stating 'if you are found guilty' surely that can't be legal? got any advice on what to do, not just on how to go about making an offer of lower payment (now she has an address) but how to respond to the letter and if she has grounds for complaint to anyone about it? Only things I've done to the letter is remove personal information. Many thanks
  16. in July my housing benefit was stopped as i received child care element of tax credits, due to being a carer for my son. The council said i was not entitled to this child care element and to pay my full rent, i got my local MP involved and he did a great job just this week my housing benefit has been reinstated and payment made to landlord, but i fell in arrears on council tax as i had to use the money i used to pay council tax to pay rent, i explained this to the council and explained when the housing benefit was reinstated i would be able to catch up in my council tax. They did not like this and are now taking me to court for full amount even though I'm only 2 months behind (well now 1 month as i have paid the other and the oner will be paid before court date) but they dont care they said they still taking it court as no matter i should have not fell into arrears on it, I explained the situation and she said well you shouldn't have paid for childcare! I'm outraged as it was essential for my son to be in there to maintain his routine ready to start school, but she said that doesn't matter and that it still going to court and now i owe an extra £49.50 for court fees and another £15 for the order!
  17. Can someone advice me here please? I have arrears with Swalec for £900 and they are threatening to install a prepayment meter which I do not want. They are willing to take £200 a month which I really cannot afford, and thats the repayment plan I have been offered.I want a repayment plan I can afford to pay each month. What can I do? Thank you
  18. Hi, I sent back the deferment form back in April, several weeks in advance of my deferment expiring, however I didn't sign or date it as I was concerned about the legal implications of doing so, I just filled out the bare minimum of information and sent it off along with a Jobcentre letter confirming I was in receipt of JSA and a template letter from a website [removed] explaining why I wasn't signing the form. Not too surprisingly I subsequently received a letter from Erudio rejecting my deferral and resending the form to be signed and dates. At this point, I wrote to them asking them to fully explain what - if any - legal differences there were and any possible implications in terms of signing their deferral form compared to the one used by SLC. I also sent them a postal order for £1 and a request for my original signed credit agreements. I received an acknowledgement letter off them and told that someone would respond in due course. a few weeks later, 6 weeks after my deferral had officially ended I received a leter from Erudio saying they had not yet received my monthly payment of £112.38 and that now 'account is now in arrears'. It went on to say request that I make arrangements to clear the 'total overdue amount of £407.73 ass soon as possible'. Last week finally got round to sending me my original signed credit agreements but they did not include any response to my questions about the issues I raised concerning signing their deferral form. I was considering signing the deferral form today, and called ahead to to query the arrears as I had been told over the phone that my account had been 'frozen' for three months (3 months from the original deferment date ending) and the woman I spoke to said that amount was £300 (she couldn't say why her amount was lower than the one stated in the letter). I explained that I thought that because the account was in dispute they weren't legally allowed to build up arrears and charges, but she wasn't that knowledgeable and said that someone will call me back today before 5:30. Can someone here give me any info on this? It seems pretty unfair that that if you have legitimate questions about the way in which a new company is handling your deferment and they take weeks and weeks to get back to you and endlessly dodge the issues, they can they not only build up arrears on your account, but add charges too.
  19. I was rang by my decision maker today and told I had failed my medical with no points but when I explained that the woman didn't listen and was a horrible person she said she would put me in the support group and I could go to a medical in 12months I put my claim in approximately oct 2013 I was wondering will I get an arrers payment and does anyone know approx. how long thankyou
  20. I have been helping a friend of my daughters sort her debt problems out. She has 3 payday loans. I have sorted 2 of them and got them to freeze interest and allow her to pay the loans at a minimum amount. The 3rd one is with Clear Account and they just won't play ball at all.On her debt of £350 she is paying £35 per month and they are charging her £15 in interest. Is there anything that can be done to get them to freeze the interst and not charge her anymore? TIA
  21. Hi - Could you advise me please. I lived in the ROI for approx. 4 years. Then the horrendous property and economy collapse happened and me like many others were left with very high mortgages and a property worth prob 50% of the value. I am faced with huge mortgage arrears and am trying to get them to agree to a reduction in the mortgage (i.e write off a lump of the negative) then re structure. They might not go for this but wondered what my options were. My mortgage is for circas 500k and the house is worth circa 280k IF I was to hand the keys back could they chase me in the UK for the debt? Is my bad credit in ROI going to cause issues for me in the UK? If I go bankrupt in ROI does that cause issues for me in the UK? I have currently been back in the UK for 6 years and the have been in sporadic contact with me. Any advice or direction would be much appreciated. Regards
  22. Good Afternoon All. I was really looking for some advice on way's I can move forward with the following situation: My partner, son and I live in a housing association property and pay £870 per month for a 2 bedroom house. As of February 2013 I had to change jobs due to my previous company making redundancies and jumped into the next suitable job for financial security purposes etc. I went from a 30k a year salary to 23k per year and my partner takes home roughly £650 per month as she works part-time due to being the primary carer for our son. Unfortunately as we both have bad poor credit scores we need to use payday loans to help us get throught the month but now are in a situation where we are taking them out to help with living and the cost of rent! Each month we are needing to pay back the previous loan and take out another one and the amount with interest has gradually increased as we have needed slightly more each month as we are loosing a lot of money in interest. The problem we have now is that the maximum loan I can take out just about covers the rent but we'll have nothing else to live off of for the month. I'm not too sure what to do with this one, I don't want to get into rent arrears or have a payday loan we can't pay back, especially as I can't imagine them being that flexible. Is there any support or advice out there to help manage housing association rental arrears as I don't see any other solution to get us through the month then to pay less on the rent? Unfortunatly there isn't anyone we could ask to burrow the money from. Thank you for your time.
  23. Hi looking for email address for Temple Finance so can forward email regarding arrears caused by there store failing to inform me that they had cancelled my Debit Card continuous authority due to their system being changed They took payments from money that had accrued from a slight overpayment and then allowed the account to go 2 weeks into arrears before making any contact They require a new arrangement to be set up and need to have the card swiped to set it up, however, due to work commitments have been unable to get in store and have asked them to send me details for online banking so i can control payments but instead have sent the door step brigade demanding goods back whilst i have been at work have now sent in letter of complaint to the store but cannot find email address for their parent company and customer services I want control of the payments as about to hit them with SAR request and then refund of insurances as despite giving copy of my insurance when agreement was taken out was told theirs was compulsory but after reading this group and others realise it is not !! Also aware from this of the 1/3 rule and repossession of goods and as the agreement has been in pace since Nov 2012 and has just 12 months to run will be standing my ground
  24. Parents who default on child maintenance payments face being turned down for mortgages and credit cards under new government plans. From March 2015, information from parents' payment records in England, Scotland and Wales could be shared with credit reference agencies. Financial organisations would then use this data to decide whether or not they want to offer someone credit. The record of a missed payment won’t appear on a credit record until a liability order is made against them.
  25. Hi, I recently received several letters from Marstons regarding council tax arrears, some dating back almost 8/9 years. They were completely out of the blue and when I called the council I was told they are correct and to deal with Marstons. When I initially called them to discuss a payment plan I was told the total monthly payments would come to over£500, which I simply do not have spare each month. When I explained I couldn't meet this the guy on the phone told me to email them with a bank statement or wage slip and a list of my outgoings each month. I did this and also explained that my income varies if I have been off work sick and that I am expecting my first baby and need to therefore buy items like a pram, cot, clothing etc and that I also had other creditors I was still negotiating with. I also explained I own nothing in the house as it's all my partners. I had to chase my original email up several days later to be told that I would have to pay set amounts totalling just over £400 and that items like personal care and my mobile contract and other creditors wouldn't be taken into account as they are non priority. I then email back to advise that my mobile was as cheap as I could get, still in contract and my only means of contact with my partner, midwife etc and even if I did have that amount of money spare each month how did they then expect me to provide for my baby. All I got back was the same email again, my pregnancy wasn't even acknowledged in any email from them. I then had a bailiff knock on my door tonight saying he had a liability order and even though I tried to explain I was trying to negotiate payment terms he wasn't interested. All written correspondence from them was prior to my contacting them to arrange a pay plan also, nothing since. They clamped my partners care even though he showed them he was the registered keeper, I only just have a provisional licence and don't own a vehicle but they said because we live together they could seize the car. My other half needs the car for work and business. Because they were so aggressive and confrontational and threatening to remove the care I gave them my debit card to pay it off the single sum they were there about, which has left me with pretty much nothing for the rest of the month. My partner is understandably furious and wants to speak to both Marstons and the council in the morning to complain and get this resolved but I'm not sure where we stand legally. I'm sorry to ramble on but I'm seriously stressed out and it's already made me feel unwell enough to have cause abdominal pains round my baby. Any advise or help would be greatly appreciated.
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