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  1. I am being chased by Capquest for a debt of £550 which came about due to bank charges with Natwest from 2006. Back then I had no income and was unable to pay the bank charges. Natwest closed my account in 2007 and I never heard any more about it until December 2011 when a demand letter arrived from Capquest. I ignored the letter because I had never borrowed any money from Natwest and therefore considered that I owed them nothing. Many more letters arrived threatening me with all sorts of terrible things but nothing happened. In Feb 2013 after 15 threatening letters from Capquest I obtained my credit reference agency credit report which showed the alledged debt and Capquest were the owners of the debt. I noticed there was a default date recorded of 23 May 2007. Therefore the alledged debt would become statute barred on May 23 2013. Sure enough at the end of May 2013 this default was removed from my credit report as I expected. Despite this, Capquest continued to send letters but offered a large reduction for prompt payment. I ignored them so they recently passed the debt onto CCS Collect who have sent me more demand letters. In their latest letter thay say if they don't hear from me they will pass the debt back to Capquest for further enforcement. Seems to me that these DCA's are barmy. I wonder why Natwest didn't take me to court back in 2006 and also why Capquest didn't take me to court before the statute barred date. Maybe because the alledged debt purely consisted of bank charges there would have been little chance of them obtaining a CCJ against me. I have recently considered sending the statute barred letter to the DCA to stop them bothering me. However, I find it quite amusing how they are happy to keep wasting money on paper, envelopes and postage charges chasing statute barred debt. By ignoring all their letters they must surely realise that they can't frighten me into paying, so why do they continue? I know they are legally entitled to chase statute barred debt but surely by now they would have realised they had bought a lemon. Well they say you can't educate pork.
  2. Hi All Been on these forums for years, now need advice please. I had a halifax credit card I defaulted on in Sept 2005 for £3500 (although I as far as I can remember I never saw a default notice issued), this was handed over to BOS, with whom I agreed tp pay £10 a month. I kept this up right up to Dec 2012. I missed a few payments and called up BOS, who said they would need to review the case and would get back to me. Around sept I started getting calls/txts from Capquest which I never picked up or responded. They had sent letters to an old address from which I had moved over 2 years ago. I recently, by accident got hold of these letters. They are as follows: First one dated Sept 2013: From Capquest stating I owe £2770 and to pay up immediately Second dated 8th Oct From HL Legal stating if I do not pay by 22nd OCT then Court Proceeding may be issued Third dated 23rd Oct From Capquest, stating that Scotcall Limted, doorstep recovery agents will visit you Like I said I have moved from the corresponding address over 2 years ago. Another DCA did send letters to another old address I lived at 5 years ago, but current occupiers sent them back to sender. I dont know how to go about this, because they dont have my current address and obviously I dont want to give it to them. Any help would be helpful.
  3. Hi All, Reading around the various threads on here and looking at other forums it seems capquest have become very litigious. Have they or is just me being paranoid about them as they are chasing me.
  4. Hello Caggers Today I had a text message from CQ asking me to call them to "discuss a potential offer". I know better than calling these people.. they used to write to me but I put the letters away as the debt is over 10 years old and they offered a substantial rebate, at one point 70%! Now they start messaging me but doesn't say what it relates to or that they are a debt collection agency ..their message was: " Dear..,please call CapQuest today to discuss a potential offer on 03339997201 quoting ref XXX: Offer Code : Offer1". Should they not saying who/what they are?
  5. I have received a Judgement for Claimant today which orders me to pay £1661.42 by 26th November (today's date). The Judgement is dated 19th November. However, I did not receive any papers or any notification that I would be taken to court to get a CCJ. I have recently moved and as I was unaware of the debt I obviously did not notify them that I have moved. I do have a post redirection in place which is why I have received the judgement today. But surely any documents would have been forwarded by the post redirection. I have never had to deal with anything like this and am at a loss as to what to do! I have checked my credit report and it states that Capquest registered a default on 21/10/2009 and it says account type is bank - but I have had the same bank account (and no others) since approx 2004. says the account started on 02/06/2008 My main questions are; - I do not know what the debt is relating to - how can I find out? - Can I do anything about the CCJ now? If I had received the documents prior to the court date I would certainly have looked into it at that point. - I cannot afford to pay the debt - we are barely keeping our heads above water as it is, is there anything I can do about this? As for more time until I have determined what the debt is for? I feel that I should not be paying for a debt when I do not know where it came from? Any help would be really appreciated - I have been looking at advice given by others for similar problems but am getting lost with all the CCA/SAR abbreviations - I don't know what they mean . Thanks
  6. CapQuest bought a defaulted Halifax credit card account. The debt is real, but also contains a lot of penalties and late fees. I sent their solicitors, DrydensFairfax, a CCA request. Six days later, they issued a County Court claim. Subsequently they acknowledged the CCA request. "We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 15 October 2013 [the CCA request] and we note all your comments. "As a result of your letter, we have contacted our client [CapQuest] to clarify the current position and seek their further instructions. We will write to you, further, once they have responded. We confirm that, in the meantime, the matter is on hold. "We trust this resolves any immediate concerns but, if you do have any further queries, please let me know." So they say it's "on hold", but the clock is ticking on the County Court claim that they should never have started in the first place. I have made an acknowledgement of service. I need to put in a defence or they could get judgement in default. Any suggestions?
  7. Hi, brandnew to the forum so first post - My partner took out a loan for £4k going back to 2006 and struggled to make the loan repayments and was then pushed into taking an additional £4k by an ex partner!! now i know the debt has to be repaid but the repayment plan that Capquest have set up means it will take her just shy of 40 years to pay back !! the interest has gone out of control and the debt now stands at 12k ! she repayed the loan for over a year at around 150 pounds per month - this does not add up to me and seems unfair that the amount owed is now 12k. is their a way that the interest can be frozen and the debt repaid at an amount that is fair ?(actually pays the debt and not just the interest) any help would be much appreciated
  8. Hi all, I need some advice. I have sent letters plus £1 postal orders to ask my creditors for a copy of your credit agreement under the Consumer Credit Act 1974. 2 letters to Capquest who have taking CCJs against me and 1 to BW Legal who have threatened to force me into bankruptcy/CO. The Recorded letters were signed for on the 22/10/2013 by Capquest and BW. I had a reply from BW Legal on the 31/10/13 and from Capquest on the 24/10/ 13. Both saying they're referring my request to the original creditors? So this means that they don't have the signed contracts? From Monday the (11th Nov 13) it will be 21 days and I have not had these credit agreements. What is my next step? Thanks Jez
  9. Hi everyone, I would appreciate some help. I received a threatening letter from Capquest recently which I duly responded with an SAR. My suspicions are with the copy of the CCA that they have sent through. It has all account transactions info from 2007 but there is a "received" stamp on the front that is dated 2004?? the copy does have my signature in the relevant box, albeit very faint, but it has not been dated by me which is something I would not do. It seems to me that there is something fishy with this. can anyone give me advice on how to tackle this or if something similar has happend to you. Many thanks, SJP37
  10. Hi, I have received help from these forums in the past and am looking for help once more if possible. I have an old credit card debt (card was taken out in 2001/02 and I have not made any payments since early 2008 and have been in default since late 2008) with Lloyds. It has done the rounds with various DCA's until last month when I received a notice that Capquest had bought the debt. I received 2 letters from Capquest - both last month - I ignored at usual (I know - bury your head in the sand syndrome), but today, I received a Claim Form from Northampton CCBC which completely took me by surprise! The date of the claim is 25 Oct 2013 - the claimant is Capquest (Hampshire) and the address for sending documents is Optima Legal Services in Bradford. The particulars of the Claim: The Claimant's claim is in respect of a credit agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974 whereby LLOYDS BANKING GROUP Original Creditor provided the defendant with a credit card. In return the defendant agreed to pay at least a minimum payment given in the statement. A default notice was served on the defendant which has expired and upon which the defendant has failed to comply with. A Notice of Assignment has been sent to the defendant notifying them that this debt has been assigned to the Claimant. The Claimant therefore claims the sum of 11,537.60 plus costs. The Claimant has complied with Sections III and IV of the Practice Direction on Pre-Action Conduct. The claim is for 11536.60 + Court fee of 190.00 + Solicitor's costs of 100.00 = 11827.60 Naturally I am very worried at this stage - I simply do not have the means to pay this (debt was run-up years ago, trying to save a failed business). I did send a CCA request to Lloyds a couple of years ago - but cannot find the proof of posting - so no use. What can I do now - if anything? I take it a CCA request to Capquest will not stop them? Do I enter a defence - is it worth it? If anyone can help at this stage, I would really appreciate it. Many thanks in advance.
  11. From 2008 - June 2013 I have been paying off a debt via a door step collection agency - Original debt Home Shopping Group... ..However, the door step agent had received instruction to cease collecting payment & I would be contacted by 'The Client'. Received letter from Capquest asking for 3 times the amount that was outstanding on my final balance of my Payment cards - contacted Capquest & they sent pages of statement with my payments received on there, BUT also Interest that had been added every week!!! Help please
  12. hi there Long story short Husbands company failed due to fraudulent partner - he was a director so ended up being massively in debt we have slowly worked our way through trying to clear up the mess - we still owe money but both credit files were looking much healthier - until yesterday when I checked his to see a CCJ for £399 from last month - issued by capquest regarding an old company mobile from orange We received no paperwork regarding this - and in August this year I had written to capquest to ask for a full and final hoping to clear it fully They replied that they had no record of it so I contacted Experian to have a notice of correction put against the entry on hubbys credit file which they did and lo and behold now we have a ccj! Typically I cant find the letter they sent me to say they have no record - only the emails to and from Experian asking for a NOC I phoned the court but as it is 6 wks old it cannot be removed although the clerk did say to try to have it removed as it wasn't sent to the correct address I phoned capquest and spoke to a mini hitler who refused to be of any help atall until I paid some of the amount outstanding so where does all that leave us............ Is it worth applying to court to try and get ccj removed? It will be paid in a couple of months so then should read satisfied but that wont be of any help to us when we try to find a mortgage will it? Have I a leg to stand on as they it sent to wrong address ? sorry if this is all a bit muddled but Im in shock - all the hard work done to clear up our credit files seems to have been for nothing!!
  13. Hi newbie here I have been looking through the forum for some help re: a reconstituted cca Lloyds have sold my credit card acc to Capquest after many years of seeing off various dca's. After sending off a cca and prove it letter to Capquest they have supplied 1) Reconstituted copy of the credit agreement 2) Terms and conditions As i know this account was opened pre 2007 (opened about 1998 if not before) am i right in thinking this agreement i have been sent would still be unenforceable. Can i still dispute this account? with the usual dispute letter ao should i point out that i know the agreement was pre 2007 and that they should supply the original copy fully executed and signed Any adivce would be gratefully appreciated .
  14. Good afternoon After looking through these forums for the last six months, i have finally picked up the courage to ask for some advice. I am being tormented by a debt collection agency called Capquest over a debt that has absolutely nothing to do with me. I moved out of a property in 2003, and it seems a mobile phone contract was taken out in my name at this address in 2008. It is obvious it is fraud but Capquest have been less than accommodating with resolving this issue. I was told to place the account into dispute and demand a final response s o i can elevate the complaint to the Office of Fair Trading and Financial ombudsman if required. After more than 12 months of this i finally receive a letter today. They are stating that they have confirmed i was on the electoral register from 2008-2011. I have contacted the Local Authority and that is bogus. They want me to provide my life story to aid their own investigations. They will not provide any details on this orange phone debt as they say it is a service agreement and that i have to contact the orange shop for those details. Do they not have to provide signatures, handwriting etc?? Can they just demand i owe this with no proof?? They have stated that they will close the complaint after 30 days and continue collection action if i fail to cooperate. They also refuse to give any final response to my complaint. Any suggestions people, i have a backbone and i am not worried, more annoyed than anything else
  15. Hi everyone My Brother received County Court summons from county court bulk centre from Northampton today..dated 1/10/13 for the amount of 499.99 plus 30 court fee and 50 solicitors fees .total £579.99, it is in reference to a Vodafone contract. He is really worried and doesnt want a CCJ. He doesnt know from how long ago this is from, on the summons it says that capquest were assigned the debt on the 23 Aug 10. He says he cant remember taking out a vodafone contract? Please can anyone help with what to do? Thanks
  16. I've decided to tackle all my debts and get them paid. This one however, I refuse point blank to pay. I was on contract with T-Mob back in 2009. They convinced me to take up a new contract on the grounds that a new phone would solve the poor signal problem. They gave me a 4 week cool off period. The phone didn't resolve the signal issue and I returned the phone in Nov 2009, Special Delivery with a letter saying I quit. 2 years later I notice a strike on my credit rating for £400, for the contract. I've moved house in that time and no longer had the Special Delivery reciept. I still have the IMEI. I write several letters and they don't budge. I notice on the 3rd September that Capquest have taken a CCJ out against me at an old address. The court want £80 before they'll set aside the judgement and defend myself (Justice4cash.com?) nice to see the courts now use 0845 numbers too, justice4profit.com does that mean that the statute barred has been reset for another 6 years? How the hell do I defend myself?
  17. Hi, my girlfriend has received a letter from capquest about her outstanding debt to orange for a mobile contract. This bill is for calls she made whilst on holiday in the carribean. She owes £2000 !!!!! This was in 2009 the account was defaulted july 2009. It got passed to debt collection and it started with the usual threats. Then a debt collection agency threatened her with bankruptcy. She received a statutory demand. I did not know about this site got no advice and we ignored it. Some time later she got a letter saying the debt had been passed to capquest. ALL OF THIS HAPPENED IN 2011. She has received letters from capquest just with the usual threats. She has now received one saying she has to make contact immediately or the debt will be passed to ZINC to arrange collection. We was hoping to wait untill it becomes statute barred but thats 2 years away. What should we do? What are ZINC likely to do I have seen on here that they seem nasty peices of work.
  18. hi there everyone, i received a letter from capquest approx 2 weeks ago instructing me of ccj action i wrote back asking for a copy of my credit agreement for this debt. i opened the account in approx 2003/2004 and the last payment on the account was approx 2009/2010. they sent me a copy of the agreement. .. but unsigned. ...it has my name printed at top with address and account number, they sent me 2 copies of these... both unsigned and no date i have checked my credit reference agency file and it doesnt appear on there either just wondered if someone could advise me on the next step to take i have apparently till the 22nd september as they are putting account on hold till then or so they have instructed me so need to take whatever course of action tomorrow, latest saturday morning help lol
  19. Hi everyone, its me again with another debt. Stupid me got burden of debt. I received a copy of my agreement with no terms and condition. I also received few statement showing my token payment. What I have also noticed from the statement is, credit limit on Capital one credit card was £1250 however debt went up to £1694 after I enrolled with DMP. I guess they are all late payment charges. I have already sent SAR to Capital One. Now my big question is, is this debt enforceable at court of law? Is there anyway I could get out of this? Should I make F&F offer to Rob&son Way? I have 10 days to reply but I am going away for 3 weeks towards end of next week. I don't want CCJ as my CRA file is clean and don't want court letter while I am away. Please help.
  20. need help have had 4 letters from capquest got this one today, threatening door stop call id I do not pay up and the man from scotcall will itemise what I have to cover the debt is I don't pay up. this account has been passed around about 7 different collection agencies and everytime it was passed back to Lloyds I have attached a copy of the letter and would be grateful if somebody could look at it for and advise me what to do I was going to send a cca request but not sure
  21. Hello I have received a letter from capquest stating that they are taking me to court over a credit card debt which they bought from lloyds tsb. I am pretty sure that this debt is over 6 years old and I have in the past requested a copy of the original contract which has never been supplied. They are quoting something called "letter of cliam under the Practice Direction - Pre Action Conduct. I was wondering if anyone has any experience of this type of action Many Thanks
  22. Hi can anyone please help me, i am new on here i really need some advice. Lloyds tsb sold a cc debt to capquest i have had 2 letters from capquest one saying they bought the debt and the other letter which i got recently says that i still have contacted them (which i havent) and they can check my employment status bank account and credit file to see how im going to pay the debt. Can they do this?? Also i checked my credit file this morning and it says capquest so they have bought it. I really dont know what to do for the best, the debt is from 2007, i had a payment plan in 2009 with another dca but then stopped paying them. This was not on my credit file tho that still said lloyds default 2007. Up untill now it says capquest default sep 2013. And there are no perivous years. Does this mean the 6 years has started again?? Im really stressed out with this if anyone can help id be most grateful cheers.
  23. Hi, I have also had my Halifax debt purchased by capquest a few months ago... I sent them a polite letter explaining the debt was/ is/ and has been I'm dispute since October 2008 ... And that the Halifax have never produced a credit agreement..... All I received was a ' we have received your letter and we are looking into our next plan of action ' etc etc ...... Hey presto, I ALSO. Received this letter this morning.. With no mention of the credit agreement... I take it, they CANNOT DO THIS ???? Has anyone got a lovely informative letter I can reply with to show them am not a pushover ... Anyone.?? Would be most appreciated ... Thanks in advance
  24. could anyone please advise on the enforceability of a response to a cca request received from jdwilliams https://www.dropbox.com/s/rfy5s9s2z5nsvc7/DSCF2342.JPG the name and address by the way has simply been written on the sheet and has not been signed , but they claim they do not have to provide a copy of an agreement bearing or some other proof of the customers actual signature. This become statute barred in 3 months and the balance of just under £400 has charges of over £200 can anyone advise how to proceed with this , still on cra file , account was opened on 5/2007 and last payment made on 11/2007
  25. Hello Guys, I requested the credit agreement in relation to the credit card debt that I had with capital one and the debt was bought by capquest. Capquest has provided the actual credit agreement. The CCJ was placed in 2008 for £288 but the actual debt is £644. They say that to minimize cost the rest of the debt was not litigated on. They also wrote that they are willing to discuss a payment arrangement. Now how do I persuade them to remove the CCJ if I confirm a repayment?
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