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  1. Hello all from this forum, Lets start back from 2012, on september 2012 I was going to complete 14 year living in this country and for the ones who think I am another foreigner trying to reach the easy life, i can assure you that I have done more to the english elderly than a lot who has bourned here and I am very well documented about that. but the matter is not that yet. Two months before I completed the 14 years life in the UK which would give me the right to apply to the ''leave to remain'' the prime minister, Mr Cameron changed the rules of 14 year to twenty two years, but gave the right for the ones close to complete the 14 years, we need to prove our good character and that we lived in this country 14 years or ''close'' uninterrupted and also be able to pass from the test life in the UK which I done, so with all my homework done and a dossier made by myself explain everything I had done in this country during these 14 years and with all photos you can imagine sustaining my claim, it was a matter of time as it couldn't be any better application as far the home office were concerned, so got all together with the solicitor application and I issued two cheques, one of four hundred something for the solicitors fee and another of nine hundred something for the home office fee, my account had all the funds in it just waiting to the cheques to be presented and one day before the closure for the applications to the home office, I had mine sent by my solicitor. After one month got a letter from the home office confirming the receipt of my application and that I should keep waiting until their decision, by this time I had all the monies laying on my account ready to cover the cheques I issued, and then first come the four hundred something cheque cleared without any problem whatsoever and strangely the home office cheque was taking too long to be presented until after a month I got the letter from Barclays stating they had refused to pay my cheque to protect my money as I didn't have a mandatory signature and making things worst the letter from the home office saying that my cheque bounced and my application was not considerate, it was like the impossible happened, i couldn't breath, I couldn't react to that news and after proving the solicitor it was not my fault we agreed to sent the home office another cheque with a explanatory letter from barclays proving i had enough funds on my account and after a couple of months I had my entire application sent back to the solicitor office still saying that my application it was refused because my cheque bounced and that was their final decision and since then my live become a hell, after spending so much with solicitor and having to move due to the home office threat of deportation and many other events related drove me and my partner to contemplate suicide every single day until now, we are suffering from a very bad depression which make us fell really numb for anything and wanting to die, everyday I think about taking my life, it is so bad that I got phobia to answer and make phone calls and also having depraved sleep. So if anyone could help me with some advice I would really appreciate and please believe me, if I had done nothing for this country I would really leave without a question, but apart of learning to love this country I gave my bit for some guys life which really made a difference on their lives and would again and again if needed. Thank you all SM
  2. Hi Y'all and Happy Easter I was wondering if anyone would be able to offer me advise regarding my claim with Barclays over mis-sold package account? I have had an acknowledgement saying that i had an ADDITIONS account in 1999, but i have no statements going back that far, only from 2004 when it was upgraded to an ADDITIONS PLUS. Does anyone know how much I would have paid in fees per month, back in 1999, for a Barclays ADDITIONS account? They are taking forever on this, I first complained in December '14 and have only just had acknowledgment wanting more info - I had an ADDITIONS in 1999 which was upgraded in 2004 to ADDITIONS PLUS and in 2011 to CURRENT ACCOUNT PLUS ( I left in 2012 as I was having problems with them raiding my mortgage account to pay my barclaycard) But as I have no statements from 1999 I don't know how much I was paying for the account Jo x Thanks to anyone who knows and can help
  3. Barclays started possession proceedings against me after I lost my job. To save embarrassment at court I sold my house for substantially less than its market value. To add insult to injury Barclays have charged me over £5,000 in early redemption fee. I feel this is draconian and legalised theft. What can I do?
  4. It's been a while since I had to use the advice on this forum, which is a very positive thing! Anyway, I am currently trying to help a relative claim back PPI from Barclays and PBP from Monument. 1. Barclays have replied to state that apparently the relevant box was ticked and so there can be no claim. I reckon there's more than a hint of male bovine excrement about that statement but am unsure how to proceed. Exact wording from the letter is; "Following my investigation I have identified that your application for PPI was submitted by post. This means that at the point of applying for PPI we did not give you any advice." Then goes on to explain all the details that provided eligibility. Basically I am aware that the 'you ticked the box' excuse is being rolled out, but don't know where to go from here. 2. Monument replied that 'without admission of liability' they could offer of a few hundred pounds. Firstly, they seem to have worked this out based on only 3 years data when (I will have to double check) I think the account is much older than that. Secondly, they say "Refunds will only be offered on condition that any monies still owed from the original debt are offset by the refund." - This account is still being paid off and the refund will not offset the full amount - but surely they can't do that!? Also, is 'PBP' just a stinkweed by any other name? It seems like they're trying to use the different term for legal squirming room. So, that's my situation and any advice on how to proceed would be most welcome. Thanks km1988
  5. Hi all some advice needed, last Thursday went to withdraw £350 from my local Barclays at 6am only for the machine to make lots of noise then "Thank You" and the cash draw opened and closed with no cash. The machine then displayed "out of order" so i went along to the next cash point but the £350 had been taken from my account. So at 10am i went into the branch and noticed the cash point was still out of order the cashier told me there was indeed a problem with the cashpoint and the withdrawal should right itself overnight it was not there in the morning so went back in only to be told i should contact my own bank. On doing this i had to answer lots of questions and was then told it would take up to 2 weeks to resolve the matter as they had to contact Barclays and wait for them to reply. Now £350 may be nothing to some but this was my weeks wages and i have bills to pay and shopping to get in my bank say they have to wait for Barclays and Barclays are saying they have to purge ? the cashpoint no one seems to care i have been left with nothing what can i do
  6. My OH has been successful in reclaiming monthly fees plus interest but bank has refused to pay back any other charges, where the monthly fee amount affected some months being overdrawn and also additional charges added. They have also commented about going to FOS within six months. Is this correct or should she revert and disagree with their comments ? There are quite a few charges been added. Thanks
  7. Hi, Thought I would start the next (and probably last) round of my ongoing battle with Barclays. This time it's for mortgage fees that were levied between 2002 and 2010. Total is about £1500 and compounded restitution interest at 22% adds another £7.5k. There's no previous claim history with this but the mortgage is still with Barclays (v low variable rate and I will likely remain on this until full term). Also, the arrears were cleared at the end of last year but there is still a suspended repossession order on the house. I believe I can apply to the court for this to be removed at the end of this year (after 12 months of clear payments and no arrears). Should I be concerned about the repossession order and leave my claim until this has been removed? Also, since there are no arrears and payments are up to date, would I get the choice of crediting this payment to the balance or directly to myself? Thanks, J
  8. I meet all the criteria for financial hardship (checked the Moneysavingexpert advice on this) and have been absolutely crippled by Barclays charging me £3 a day or nearly £100 a month on my account since they changed the rules. I have also suffered from charges piling up on my account to form the overdraft that is the basis for those £3 a day charges. I sent them an SAR, got my documents and duly sent off an email to Barclays Head Office following personalized templates from here asking them to stop all further charges and refund me those for the past four and a half years I have been in hardship. They turned me down flat, stating: Under the Lending Code (section 9) and Banking Conduct of Business Sourcebook (Section 5.1.4), Barclays does have a duty to treat customers in financial difficulties positively and sympathetically. Any such obligations on Barclays where financial hardship has been shown are guided by these codes and rules. However, I would advise that neither of these, nor the Banking Code which proceeded them require Barclays to refund charges or suspend the application of them when someone is suffering from financial difficulties. Having reviewed your account I can see that all charges have been applied correctly in accordance with the terms and conditions of your account therefore I would be unable to offer a refund. However, I have arranged for our Financial Assistance team to review your account and they are keen to have a full discussion with you to ascertain you current position including your current income and expenditure. The Financial Assistance would then be in a better position to look at more permanent solutions to your current position and they have several potential solutions that may assist you ; if agreeable I can arrange for a member of our Financial Assistance team to call you at a time which is convenient to you. I'm sure the 'Financial Assistance team' are no such thing... Where do I go from here?
  9. I have issued a County Court Summons against Barclays Mortgage Service, PO Box 8575. As they failed to respond I have entered judgement against them and a warrant for full payment was attempted to be issued by the bailiff, because we only have a PO Box address the bailiff is unable to execute the warrant. Does anyone know the real address for this office in Leicester ?
  10. Morning Everyone, I was hoping to get some much needed advice from anyone who may be going through or has gone through and claim with Barclays bank. To give you an overview of the situation; about 9 months ago my business account was frozen by Barclays due to a technical error which concluded in my funds going from £20,000 to - £3,500,000 overdrawn. During that period I had no access to any funds and no money could go in or out. As a result two contract which were signed and dated during the error were unable to be fulfilled resulting in a loss of profits close to £62,000 both customers being unhappy with my service (understandably as it took 4 months to resolve the issue with Barclays) have decided not to use my services in the future. Everything was clearly documented and sent to the FOS who put in a claim to Barclays for the £62,000 but was rejected on the grounds Barclays have within their terms and conditions a clause which protects them from paying out for any loss of business as a result of any internal or 3rd party errors. Clearly I am distraught as not only have I lost out of both of the contracts but I was also forced to close down the business during the four months it took to resolve the original issue. If anyone has any information it would be greatly appreciated.
  11. Hi, This is my first post but I have been looking around on here recently as have been seeking some advice. I haven't been able to find a post similar enough to mine to get an answer so I'm going to tell you about my troubles in hope someone can steer me right! I took out a Barclays Career Development Loan back in 2007. The company I took it out to train with then soon went out of business - I'm sure some of you would've heard of them. 'Connectivity IT Training' based in Docklands, London. I telephoned Barclays after I'd found out to then be told, Ok that's fine, we will take today as your course end date and you can start paying it back. How considerate of them. I made a few payments but seeing as I was on a CDL course, I obviously had no job or low pay. I stopped being able to make payments and the letters stopped coming through. Fast forward to the present day. I moved away from my Mums (I've lived at 7 addresses since then, my most recent has been just under 5 months). At the end of Dec I received a phone call from Westcot asking me if I was me. I was surprised as I have no other outstanding debt (none that would be referred to a collection agency) and as I do get a lot of junk calls I said no. The lady said she would remove my number from their system, end of. I didn't have that number when I signed for the CDL so no idea how they had gotten it. On the 2nd of Jan I received a lovely letter from them to my NEW address. Sent to my name, telling me they are attempting to contact me and that I need to confirm if it's me or not living here before the 12th of Jan or else they will assume the contact information they hold for me is correct. Now if I didn't indeed live here then I would have gotten this letter addressed for someone other than myself and not opened it just binned it and they couldn't assume that I live here etc. I have switched EVERYTHING to this address as I have moved away from the area I used to live in and it's not convenient to pick up post from my parents anymore. I did switch to other addresses I've lived at recently too and they are all previous addresses showing on my Noddle credit report. I could be on the wrong track here and thinking that this is for the Barclays CDL when it isn't however theres nothing else it can be in my opinion. Everything else is paid up to date and I've never missed a payment on anything, ever either. I am also aware that by the middle of this coming November, the loan will be 6 years with no payment or contact so will be 'Statute Barred'. The date of default displays Nov 2009. I'm guessing they are aware of this and trying to get me now before the deadline. Total outstanding is around £8600. I am not in a position to repay this as my girlfriend isn't working (on SMP as we have just had a baby and I am covering all the bills and trying to repay an old credit card which was at £8500 and now down to £5500). Is there anything I can do or anything you can suggest to me? I have no experience with Debt Collection agencies and I also don't want to have any experiences with them! Thank's a lot for reading.
  12. Hi I wonder if anyone can help? I had a business that went sour in 2006 and debts that had a personal guarantee attached. The debts are made up of historic overdrafts and a business loan. I have been paying about £800 a month off the debt fo:|r several years and thought the figure was down to about 5k. The bank has been reluctant to send me regular statements and even said they are not obliged to do so. The bad debt that has now become personnel (because of the PG) has a 8% interest charge on it. When I eventually got my statement I was horrified to discover that 28k is still outstanding! A book keep friend has now offered to help me but has asked for all the original paperwork including the opening balances (via bank statements) showing true balances when the loans and overdrafts closed, plus the original loan agreement including all terms and conditions. The only paperwork the bank now has is the statement that has now been constructed by the recoveries department. They say they no longer have the original paperwork and even if they could locate it they would have to charge me. As I am disputing the amount I need to get to the bottom of this and I would also like to know if their was any PPI attached another question they cant answer! Anyone know where I may stand?? Thanks if you can help, Roger
  13. Very silly situation. Years ago had a good business, took out a loan to help grow, but down the line a big client failed to pay and the business suffered and closed. The loan - unfortunately - was secured against property. And even more unfortunately the interest rate was super high - almost 8% above base. To cut to the chase - 7 years have passed and I paid hardly anything - because I was simply surviving not earning enough to pay a huge monthly amount. Barclays never sent any statements. The original amount has just grown and grown. And Barclays haven't recalled the debt as it is secured against the property. I now find myself in a situation where the original debt has increased by 50%. I am not working. The property concerned is a semi-rental but the rentals only just about cover the mortgage - there is nothing much spare. I would like to clear this ever increasing debt. It was huge 7 years ago; it is humungous now. I just don't know how to go about beginning to discuss the situation with them. I have tried. They initially said they would be open to some kind of settlement, but not below where it stood 12 months ago. I was kind of wanting to re-finance with someone else at a better rate. With rates at .5% I was thinking that may be possible. But to even agree to any kind of debt clearance they want financial statements filled in etc And I don't even want to go down that route as my mortgage is with Barclays (Wlwich) too. And I don't want them to get nervous about the property security... In preliminary discussions they said they would want to discuss the mortgage with W.... especially if there was a problem paying the mortgage I am considering re-mortgaging with a different lender to clear both debts - so really don't want any negative vibes from Barclays or W. I probably sound very vague, but am always unsure if Barc reads these forums so I don't want to say too much in case.... Any advice on how to deal with this. I am so stressed by it.
  14. Hi, This morning, I intended to pay off a portion of my Wonga loan, I accidentally paid in full, which I really couldnt afford to do (paypacket wasnt what I was expecting!!) Anyway, obviously Wonga wont refund anything, nor will they give me another loan for some stupid reason or other. My question is, does anybody know if Barclays are able to recall a payment I made in error?
  15. Hello I'm hoping someone will be able to give me some advice. Last week I received 2 letters. The first was from BCW asking for me to verify my address and that they needed to communicate with me about a 'private matter'. I subsequently received a letter with a Barclays letter head stating that a debt (£1900) with them had been transferred to BCW and that I should now pay this in full. No breakdown of the debt was provided but an old current account number was quoted. I did hold an account with Barclays until 2004 when I switched to the Coop Bank. I moved address at the same time and so have not received any further statements or correspondence from Barclays since then. From memory I am sure that I instructed Barclays to close the account in 2004 but I don't recall if this was done by telephone or letter. I don't have copies of correspondence from this time. It's clear from other threads that I should avoid telephone contact with BCW. I need to know how they/Barclays reach the figure of £1900. It seems possible that Barclays left the account open. If that happened there may have been one or two small standing orders to charities which I forgot to cancel and which have simply accumulated over the last 10 years. What should I do now? Presumably Barclays will have to provide me with statements over the last 10 years to show me how this debt has built up. Can I ask them to let me have this bearing in mind that BCW are asking for all communication to go through them? Also, would there have been any onus on Barclays to contact me when it became clear that the account was inactive - no income going in, no cash withdrawals, just possibly 1 or 2 standing orders? And would they have been able to keep renewing the annual overdraft without my agreement? Any help on what to do would be much appreciated.
  16. I am a private house hold and have an ex-directory private landlines telephone with BT. I am 64 years of age with health problems. I do not run a business from home and this telephone number has been with me since 1966. On the night of the 24th October I started to get telephone calls from mid-night onwards which got picked up by the answer machine that I have no sooner the answer machine started the calls were cut off after giving a fax signal and then the process was repeated again up to seven or eight times call after call then after a twenty minute break it started again. This was kept up all night long. When I dialed 1471 to find out who it was it said caller withheld the number. However, after five days and nights of this nightmare harassment, I managed to get the two telephone numbers that the calls were made from. They are 01 452 378 483 and also from 01202 406 090. I contacted BT and asked them to check these two numbers as I did not want to dial myself in case they were some soft of international [problem]. They told me the numbers were for Barclays bank and it was Barclay's bank that were making these endless harassment calls to my number. I then called the first number and I wast old by a very rude Indian man that it was Barclay's Call center in New Deli and that I was placed on what he called a Hit List. and he told me that I can not be removed from the Hit List. I then had to make seval calls to Barclay bank to be told on several occassions after being given a complaint number that they will look into the matter which takes three days and mean while I will just have to put up with whatever they dish out such as these calls all night long. I had five days of this from the 24th until the 28th October all night and all day. I was not able to use the telephone most of the time as they also managed to block the line making it unusable each time they made a series of these calls as the phone line would go dead for a while. I am ill with Ostio Arthurits plus heart problems as I had a heart attack last year due to stress and this was the last thing I needed as I also had lost my elderly aunt who passed away at the end of August. I have now been told that Barclays have put a stop to the calls however, I had a further two days of calls on the 13th and 14th of November when it started up again after being told that they had taken me off the list. Barclays have just contacted me and made me an offer of Fifty Pounds which I refused for all this harassment they then made an offer of Two Hundred pounds which happens to be twenty pounds per night and twenty pounds per day for all this aggression. I have told them I will not accept that sum of money and I will now taken this further to the Ombudsman. I find Barclays the most outrageous, and ruthless bank that could not care a dam for their customers and I hope that this helps any one that reads it to stay away from Barclays as they are the most rude and unhelpful bank I have ever encountered. When asked a very simple question to why did they do this to me they said that they have no answer to this question and they were really not concerned about health situation.
  17. hi had a Barclays additions account up until recently which I paid off. i want to claim for charges etc on the account, how would I go about doing it? any advice would be great thanks
  18. My son is 24 earns good money and has very good credit but has never had a credit card or a loan. He applied for a £6000 loan to buy a new car with Barclays bank which he has been bank who he has been banking with since he was 17 years of age. Barclays have been sending him letters about getting loans and credit card which has previously declined and now he has applied for one he has been refused. My son lives with me and I do not have good credit and I am sure that credit applies to the individual and not the household, is this correct????
  19. I apologise in advance for the long post. There are a lot of details to this story! August 2005 I open a bank account with barclays. Its a student account. They try to deliver my bank card one day when I'm out of the house. Because I didn't open the door they removed my address from my bank account and said I don't live there anymore. A few months later they give me a card. In April, I pay around £1500 in rent online using said card. I then go to the bank to pay in £300 cash and get a mini statement. My account is a couple of grand in credit. The machine eats my card. I speak to a man in the bank and he said my card has been reported lost/stolen. I say this is incorrect, its my card. They make me call through to someone who says my card has been confiscated due to irresponsible spending. They ask to speak to one of the cashiers. I hear the lady say 'so its down to my discretion?' And then she cuts my card in two. I then meet with the bank manager. He says in a few weeks they will replace my visa card with an electron. I call a few weeks later to chase my new card. The lady on the phone says 'they don't have to give you a new card. They don't have to do anything, its their account not yours' I stopped using the account, put my money with natwest. From this point I never heard from the bank again. I didn't close the account. Once or twice in 2014 I've had a text from barclays saying 'we need to talk to you about your account' I assumed phishing as there were no identifiers (whereas natwest always put the last 4 digits of acc number) I then get a letter this month saying i am 99.15 over my £200 overdraft and if i don't pay, my overdraft facility will be closed and I will have to return my bank card when I obviously have not been issued one since 2006. The week after they send me an ordinary bank statement as though I was a regular customer. The whole thing is bizarre and I don't know how to proceed. Do I owe them £299.15? Shouldn't it be statute barred? If I do have to pay it, I will but I really don't know how to approach the situation.
  20. As a student in 2002 I took out a Barclaycard for which I was charged for PPI - was told I was unable to have one if I didn;t take out the option, IIRC. I also took out a Barclayloan as a graduate in 2005, on which I believe I paid PPI. I don't have any details of the account numbers anymore, and moved banks in 2006. Is it worth a SAR? I've filled out the Barclays questionnaire online to reclaim, but without specific details I'm not sure I'll get much more than a fob off.
  21. I wonder if anyone can assist? I was in my overdraft (always near the max) I regularly pushed over my limit and incurred a charge (or 3) as a result of Interest charges levied on my account. I was under the impression that Interest Charges & Late Payment Charges would not then trigger another Late Payment Charge, is this correct or was I misguided. Thanks
  22. Hi there, I moved house mid Jan this year. With one thing and another it took a few weeks to get all of our change of addresses done, and one of the few I couldn't do online or by phone was Barclays Bank. I don't use them as my main bank anymore, but have held an account since I was a child which I used during university and had quite a big overdraft on. I had been paying small amounts off this overdraft so that I could eventually close the account, but it was still £900 when we moved. I filled out a postal change of address form they have, and sent it off. I received a letter back to my new address, thanking me for the update, but saying I needed to go into branch as the signature they held on file for me needed updating. This was end of Feb. Again, I work long hours and didn't get around to this for a while, but had assumed they had acknowledged the change of address. Went into branch mid March, to be told I didn't have an account with Barclays anymore, and that they had closed it due to 'tracing issues'. Turns out they had sent a couple of things to my old address that got returned, and they hadn't acknowledged my change of address form because I hadn't been in to update my signature. Staff in branch at that point said the account was still with their in house collections team, and should be easily sorted. They agreed to call me back within the following few days to confirm the next steps. Got a call a few days later saying actually it had already gone to a DCA (the previous week apparently) and that I needed to contact them. Gave me the details for BCW, but no reference number or anything more than their phone number. I wrote a complaint to Barclays asking that they allow me to just clear the overdraft directly with them, and also wrote to BCW (whom I had not heard from at all at this point) saying the same. They quickly wrote back saying the account would be put on hold whilst they investigated. In June, both wrote to me saying my complaint would not be upheld as 'I had failed to provide enough details about the situation to allow them to investigate'. Not sure how as I had explained the situation fully and sent copies of my change of address form, the letter of acknowledgment etc. I again wrote back to both saying I would be putting in a complaint via the FOS as I didn't feel they had dealt with it well. I also put in my letter to Barclays that I was still willing to pay them back directly, but they have ignored all correspondence from me. The FOS acknowledged my complaint but said it could be several months before they have an answer, s o to be honest I have just waited - kind of surprised that I had heard no more from BCW, and not sure who I could even make any payment to at this point. Probably naively I assumed that as my complaint was still in progress all was on hold. It has plagued my thoughts on a daily basis, and aside from this, I did have a good credit file with everything up to date etc. so it's really worrying me. this weekend I get a letter from a different DCA - Moorcroft, addressed to me, but with no indication at all of what it's in relation to - just says they believe I live at this address, and need to contact me regarding a personal matter. I have been feeling sick to my stomach all weekend and unsure what to do now... Could it be that BCW have passed it on? Surely moorcroft would have put in their letter who they were acting on behalf of if so? Do I write to Moorcroft and ask for more detail and see what they come back with? Who can I actually make any payment to? I can't pay it all in one go, but could probably do it in two halves end of October and November with some juggling. I fully accept I had the overdraft and just want it gone and sorted, but I also don't want to give money to some random company that might not even be the right one. Ideally, Barclays would let me pay them back directly, but they won't respond anymore, and would that even be correct? Have they now sold the debt on or are these DCA's just acting on their behalf? The default placed on my credit file, which I'm also really upset about, is from Barclays, and there is no search or info placed on there by anyone else. Just terrified that someone is going to come knocking at my door all because of a stupid change of address. Apologies for the long winded account, and thanks in advance for any advice.
  23. Share the same computer systems? Many thanks
  24. Hi, I am looking through my credit report to get details of old loans and credit cards in preparation for making PPI claims. However, I have come across an entry for Barclays Bank plc that I can't recall. It mentions a current account opened in 2000 and closing in 2009. I have never had an account with Barclays, so I am wondering if they have taken over someone that I used to bank with? That said, I have only ever had current accounts with Natwest and Halifax, who I am still banking with. Does anybody have an idea what this could be? If I were to send an SAR to Barclays, could they give me all the information I need even if they took over an old account halfway through its duration? Thanks for your help.
  25. Hi recently SAR Barclays and have received a list of documents from them, can someone give me an idea as to what they should have sent me. They have sent me a print out of statements which point out telephone calls made to house and late payment charges going back 6 years dont seem to see any T&Cs included. I know I have had an account longer than that, is this all that they are required to send me, any help would be appreciated.
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