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  1. The DVLA appear to have taken my HGV license away from me. I am a type 2 diabetic and have to take insulin. There is supposed to be three stages, regarding getting your license back. The DVLA have only done two stages and taken my license away, without going to the third stage, where you see an independant consultant who specialises in diabetes. I have emailed the DVLA on several occasions, but just get told it is with a team of people and that it takes a long time to answer. I have been waiting for about 7 months overall and I have also been told that I can go to a Magistrates court. The only problem is that I am not sure what I am supposed to do in a Magistrates court. Has anyone been in this situation and possibly help me? Thanking you
  2. Hi all I am looking for some advice re GE money and a repo hearing set for 20 December 2013. They are trying to reposess for the below reason 1) A warrant of execution shall not issue without the permission of the court where – (a) six years or more have elapsed since the date of the judgment or order; There was an initial hearing in May 2007 and then another in May 2009, since 2009 all payments as ordered by the judge have been made. GE money have continued to apply a £40 admin charge and additional interest costs each month. Despite them refunding me some of these charges, sending me someone else's information and then offering me £50 because of it ( i declined their £50 offer). My monthly payments are 402 i pay 500 each month but because of all the charges my arrears have only reduced by about £59 in all this time. Can someone please tell me are they able to do this even though i have made all payments as ordered in May 2009. They tried to repossess without a hearing i completed an N244 and sent it to court. What do or can i do to stop this! It now feels like i have struggled for years paying them and now they are going to take my home when i only have 3 years left with them! Any guidance would be greatly received as i can't let them get away with this :mad2: P.S sorry for the length of this post
  3. Someone who works for a well known supermarket (think of the colour green) as a delivery driver (for over 2 years) has been having an hour's lunch break deducted from their wages, even though the said lunch is never taken...All this has just come to light recently. Ordinarily if you work in store you have the option to 'skip break' on the clocking machine but being out on the road all the time means they are not in store to do this. The supermarket's internal electronic timing system will automatically deduct a one hour's break if you have been clocked in over a certain amount of time. THe point is, they believe this has happened well over 100 times since they started. Delivery drivers, at least at the store where they work, do not get a lunch break. So what would be the way forward to claim this money back? Even at £7 ph , it's nearly £1000 they are 'owed'. They have tried internal through the management team and HR but they are just simply ignored.
  4. Hi, Not sure where to start so I will start with the obvious. I am defending myself against MKDP LLP for a Barclaycard debt they say is mine. This all started two years ago when I started receiving Barclaycard letters saying I had missed payments, I rang them and was told the same even when I was able to demonstrate that I had been paying my account (mins only) eventually I recieved letters and phone calls from Robinson Way who seemed to want to help and suggested I paid them £100 a month until they could resolve the matter for me. 6 months later and I was no further on, except I was now receiving threatening letters from Raven. I stop the direct debit to RW and found this fantastic forum and your great template letters. What followed was requests for CCA and SAR with the appropriate fees asking not to be used against alleged debt ect. The following agencies having ALL continued chasing this debt with differing amounts on most occasions. (Apex, Robinson Way, RMA and MKDP LLP) the amounts differ from £6,805.32 to 8,847.14. MKDP LLP court documents claiming £9,257.14 (C/Fee £410) Needless to say my CCA requests and SAR requests went unanswered except for one communiction with Apex which acknowledged receipt of my communication and stated "Please advise the customer that copies of applications are only available for legal reasons, we now require confirmation of this" here I am with Papers served returned acknowledgment of service with the 28th June as deadline for defence. I have used a template letter from here informing MKDP LLP that I intend defending the whole claim and requesting CPR 31.14. This was sent special delivery on the 29th May. To date I have not even received an acknowledgement yet alone anything under my request. My question is this: How do I draft a credable defence using the fine examples on this forum without looking like a complete numpty quoting legal terms out of context and manage to cheese off the District Judge before I have my day in court (assuming it goes that far) For information MKDP Claims: The claimant claims the sum of £8,847.14 being monies due from the Defendant to the Claimant under a regulated agreement originally between the Defendant and Barclaycard. The Defendant's account was XXXXXXXXXX and was assigned to the claimant on 22/6/2012. Notice of this has been provided to the defendant. The defendant has failed to make payments in accordance with the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been served persuant to the Consumer Credit Act 1974. The Claimant claims the sum of £8,847.14 and costs. The Claimant has compiled as is necessary, with the pre-action conduct practice direction. I am still recieving letters from Apex and letters from MKDP LLP "to avoid court action, blah, blah" Sorry for the lenghty post K
  5. Computer maker Lenovo has been forced to remove hidden adware that it was shipping on its laptops and PCs after users expressed anger. The adware - dubbed Superfish - was potentially compromising their security, said experts. The hidden software was also injecting adverts on to browsers using techniques more akin to malware, they added. Lenovo faces questions about why and for how long it was pre-installed on machines - and what data was collected. The company told the BBC in a statement: "Lenovo removed Superfish from the preloads of new consumer systems in January 2015. At the same time Superfish disabled existing Lenovo machines in the market from activating Superfish. Complaining "Superfish was preloaded on to a select number of consumer models only. Lenovo is thoroughly investigating all and any new concerns raised regarding Superfish." Users began complaining about Superfish in Lenovo's forums in the autumn, and the firm told the BBC that it was shipped "in a short window from October to December to help customers potentially discover interesting products while shopping". User feedback, it acknowledged, "was not positive". Last month, forum administrator Mark Hopkins told users that "due to some issues (browser pop up behaviour, for example)", the company had "temporarily removed Superfish from our consumer systems until such time as Superfish is able to provide a software build that addresses these issues". He added it had requested that Superfish issue an auto-update for "units already in market". Superfish was designed to help users find products by visually analysing images on the web to find the cheapest ones. Such adware is widely regarded in the industry as a form of malware because of the way it interacts with a person's laptop or PC. Security expert from Surrey University Prof Alan Woodward said: "It is annoying. It is not acceptable. It pops up adverts that you never asked for. It is like Google on steroids. "This bit of software is particularly naughty. People have shown that it can basically intercept everything and it could be really misused." According to security experts, it appears that Lenovo had given Superfish permission to issue its own certificates, allowing it to collect data over secure web connections, known in malware parlance as a man-in-the-middle attack. "If someone went to, say, the Bank of America then Superfish would issue its own certificate pretending to be the Bank of America and intercept whatever you are sending back and forth," said Prof Woodward. Ken Westin, senior analyst at security company Tripwire, agreed: "If the findings are true and Lenovo is installing their own self-signed certificates, they have not only betrayed their customers' trust, but also put them at increased risk." Clean install Although Lenovo has said that it has removed Superfish from new machines and disabled it from others, it was unclear what the situation would be for machines where it had already been activated. Prof Woodward said: "Lenovo is being very coy about this but it needs to explain how long it has been doing this, what the scale is and where all the data it has collected is being stored. "There will be remnants of it left on machines and Lenovo does not ship the disks that allow people to do a clean install." It raises wider questions about the deals that computer manufacturers do with third parties and the amount of software that comes pre-installed on machines. Mr Westin said: "With increasingly security and privacy-conscious buyers, laptop and mobile phone manufacturers may well be doing themselves a disservice by seeking outdated advertising based monetisation strategies." Users were particularly angry that they had not been told about the adware. One Lenovo forum user said: "It's not like they stuck it on the flier saying... we install adware on our computers so we can profit from our customers by using hidden software. "However, I now know this. I now will not buy any Lenovo laptop again." The problem also caused a storm on Twitter, where both Lenovo and Superfish were among the most popular discussion topics.
  6. just wondering if anyone can advise me, my son is 20 years old and has been diagnosed since an early age with autism and has recently been diagnosed with moderate learning disabilities, he was at a school for special needs up until he left school at 16. he is currently receiving DLA but he has no real idea of money and always wants to spend it as soon as he gets it. The problem is because he wants to be more independant we allowed him to sign up for a phone contract and have sky installed in his room both come out on a monthly basis on the understanding that the money would always be in the bank. recently he was getting parcels delivered to the door, we found out that he had set up 2 catalogue accounts online and had been getting things from there, also buying many items from other online stores. also we have just found out that he has also been purchasing tickets to concerts all over the country without discussing it with us, he has purchased over a dozen tickets for events in just the last few months. it seems like he has been spending just for the sake of it. here is where the problem is, because he has been spending all his money he has been taking out payday loans in order to subsidize this habit, we had no idea of this, only finding out about this today. each time he was borrowing more and more in order to pay of the previous one and has he has no idea when it comes to money it seems to have spiralled. he is due to get his DLA friday and has just decided to tell us that he is unable to pay his phone and sky because there is over 800 pound due to come out of his account from payday loans... 3 different ones in total! and he is not making the payments to the catalogues because the funds aren't there. i now need to contact all the catalogue companies and payday loan companies on his behalf. i have already gone into his bank with him to cancel the payday loans from coming out but i still need to contact the companies. could anyone point me in the direction of a letter or advise me what to write that will highlight this situation he has gotten himself into. any help would be greatly appreciated thank you
  7. This may be a little long winded, please bear with me. I am describing what is happening between my daughter and TV Licensing. She moved into shared student accommodation in 2013 in Exeter, on a road with many student houses, Victoria Street. They were doorstepped one evening, when my daughter was not present, told they don't have a license and needed to get one. A week later it was purchased. Fast forward several months (I don't recall the date but am in the process of finding out and documenting all this), and she receives, at her home address, a Notice of Enforcement for £340 for Use of a Television set without a license. This is the first letter received. I accompany her to a local magistrates court to perform a Statutory Declaration that she received no summons. On the clerks papers we can see that they had my daughter's student address incorrect, instead of Victoria Street it is Victoria Road. This explains why she has not received any letters to this point, and why she did not receive the summons. The clerk provides us with no papers with this information on. The Stat Dec is sent off, and my daughter calls the TV License people to explain the situation, saying please can you call off the hounds. They say no, you will have to explain in court. Fast forward again to December last year. Again at the home address she received a second Notice of Enforcement, for a different court case. Again she provides a statutory declaration. This time the court at which she provides the stat dec doesn't send it through correctly to the court issuing the warrant and they are insisting they cannot cancel the warrant - the fine stands. She is in her final year, extremely stressed by it all, cannot afford to pay the fine, and should not as she had a license. She has been to court twice, made in the region of 40 phone calls to the court and tv licensing, and seems to have no way out. She can't fight a summons that does not get sent to her. I'm trying to put together all the information to write to the Consumer Relations address to complain to TV Licensing but it seems rather a toothless approach. Anything else we can do?
  8. 10 years ago I upgraded my kitchen, and purchased some granite work surfaces. Due to other issues I was going through my credit card statements back from 2004 and noticed the transaction as it was substantial. I had forgotten about it but I noticed they had taken the payment out 3 times, which rang certain memory bells in my head ! I checked through more statement, saw a refund once, but not twice !!! It's all there in the statements obviously, can't be argued with So, as the company is still trading, although it's a franchise model, and I'm fairly sure I was dealing with them before franchises became prolific, do I have any legal standing to recover monies...? Is the burden of proof on me to show without a doubt that they didn't refund a 2nd time, or is the burden of proof on them to show they did...? Cheers Rich.
  9. Hi everyone On September this year I have realised Vodafone did not take their monthly DD for my mobile monthly contract for the last 15 month, since then I was confused of what to do, the total debit is over £1200, yesterday afternoon Vodafone sent me a text msg to call them urgent. ... I did not....... .... at around 10pm my services was disconnected. I had the contract for over 6 years, on FEB 2013 I had a higher bill than usual, Vodafone agreed that I can spread the bill over a number of months, Vodafone took £50 by DD to cover the bill and called me to take the payment for the new bill using my debit card, when the bill covered Vodafone never call me and I took it as they have gone back to DD for the new bills. My main concern is that am preparing myself to take out a mortgage next month and I would not like this to effect my credit score in anyhow. ....and off course I cannot afford to pay all of the debit in one payment. Can anyone advice me on how to deal with this?!.. .and the best way to approach Vodafone. regards
  10. Hello Not sure this in the right forum. I have a very difficult situation here that I want you to help me to solve as soon as possible. I have removed names, companies and numbers for now. I have difficulty paying my credit card, which I have for security reasons, what with a house move and Christmas coming along, it will be very difficult for me, financially. I was so desperate that I have contacted loan companies, one of them has contacted me, I feel very anxious about it. I wonder if you can help me with this. I felt that £2,500 would clear my card and have something left over in my bank account for my move and for Christmas. I selected 24 months to pay it off as I was optimistic that I could afford the repayments. Now I know why my bank and other companies turned me down for a loan. On Wednesday I had a telephone call from a loan company. The man on the phone said said that he could offer me a £2,500 loan but under certain conditions. First of all he said that I had to pay a £100 deposit into a bank account. He forced me to pay £100 into the account of someone who is supposed to be the Managing Director. This man then insisted that I purchased £225 in UKash receipts at 2.02 pm and 2.03 pm - one was for £115.00, and the other was for £110.00 at my local off-licence. He made me quote the numbers on the receipts over the phone. He then said that he still had problems with the loan and asked me for a further £350 for in UKash receipts, late saying that he would accept £250, and then he would deposit my loan into my bank account. I have never applied for a loan before, but I have to say that this feels so suspicious that I have had to depart with £325 of my money, and another £250 of it. He said that I would have to get this out of my bank account tomorrow morning as I don't any funds in until my money comes in tomorrow - when my benefit money comes in. I have asked if I could cancel this, but the man says that I can't. I was so distressed over the phone. I have looked up this man's name online and I found out that I wasn't the only one who had been duped by this. I feel sick and drained that my money has gone like that, and I feel that I am not going to get the loan deposited. It is disgusting because I trusted this man. Is there anything you can do to help me with this with the information I have given you? I don't want to get more money out of my bank tomorrow, and I have a gut feeling that I am not going to get this loan. I have been so badly affected by this that I want compensation as well as my money back so I can live normally. I live on my own and I have Asperger Syndrome, and I was already struggling as it was. I am going to move house soon. My family normally have money in supply for me, but because they have been buying furniture for the new flat, I doubt there would be much left at the moment. I only have £17 in my bank account. Tell me how can I pay £1,440, with £325 on top of that, Credit Card bill? I only have 1% of that money in my bank account, and it will take me years to clear it now. I only get just over £300 in benefits. I was clearing the card ready for the house move. Going back a couple of years, I could complete pay it off, but now I can't. I have bank account listing the payment as the UKash slips as evidence. I also have the details of the account number and sort code of this Managing Director as well. Please help me. I have learnt my lesson if one has to be learned.
  11. Today my Landlord has taken possession of ground that I rent. All my equipment is still there. I am late with my rent - I pay six months in advance and I am a good few weeks late with my payment, but it was paid into their account yesterday. I have been to see them and they have said they still need to take possession, but will give me a decision on Monday as to if I can stay or not. My lease is a Fixed Term Farm Business Tenancy and it's for three years, I am a year into the lease. Please people, is there anything I can do if they turn round and say I cannot have possession back? Please don't read and run - I'm really upset and any kind of help or advice would be most welcome right now.
  12. Hi, My specific question is whether there is a time limit from the date of a parking "offence" and the date when a private company take court action? I received a ticket for an incident that happened on 10th January 2014 (short story: free car park, I left the premises temporarily to get money from an ATM for the shop in question, got a ticket 6 minutes after parking for leaving the premises). I have so far ignored all letters completely, that's my decision after reading up online whether or not that was the right thing to do, I've taken a punt on it being so. The last letter I received was on 4th April, however, have received another one today, nearly 8 months later! I'm guessing there may be a 1 year time limit and this is their final throw of the dice before the time limit is up perhaps? I do have reasons why I chose to ignore correspondence (UKCPS have made some very basic errors with every piece of correspondence so far which I believe would see them lose in court, that's my gamble I'm prepared to take) I'd prefer for UKCPS to not know about these errors in advance, but just wondering what the time limit is for them to potentially take court action. Thanks in advance.
  13. I'm a Mozilla Firefox user. each time I click on the Firefox Icon to access the Internet I get the Mozilla tab and my Google homepage...simples... The other day I downloaded something and somehow it has thrown up Vosteran as the preferred browser - even though I clicked the Mozilla icon - I've never heard of Vosteran.... I went to program removal and uninstalled it and anything remotely looking as having Vosteran name in it and as far as I can see, that was it.....but, the same things continues even once uninstalled.....any of you techi's know what this is and how I can rid myself of this irritating screen? I bow to your better knowledge than I on techi things.... Thank you A1
  14. Hello, I'm just looking for some advice about an incident that happened with northern rail. I have just moved to the area and was travelling from my local station to Manchester Victoria for the first time. I tried to buy a ticket at the machine however it kept on saying that were no fares available for my journey which completely confused me. Anyway, I was going to buy a ticket at the manned office however the queue was huge and there were only a couple of mins until my train so I just thought I'd get on the train and buy a ticket from the conductor. The train was slightly delayed which meant that I was going to be late for work. Also, the conductor didn't come around meaning I couldn't buy a ticket and as I got off there were people checking everyone's tickets. As I was in such a rush and panicked because I hate being late, I stupidly just flashed an old ticket that I had in my purse and I got pulled up by the revenue protection officer. He took my details and said that northern rail would write to me and he said that they would either let me off or they might charge me. Anyway, I've been scaring myself to death reading forums and things like £1000 fines and prosecution have popped up?! I've been frequently using trains for over 8 years and I have never done anything like this before. I have hundreds of tickets to prove that I always buy a ticket. The same guy also saw me doing the same journey today with a ticket. It was just a stupid mistake because I was in a rush, panicked and was unaware that nobody would come around on the train giving me the opportunity to buy a ticket. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks
  15. Hello folks this is my first post, As stated in the title my letting agent has been taken over by a bigger agent and I would simply like advice as to whether I require the following below: 1.Changes to AST contract, eg deviation in terms. 2.Changes to details in the Tenancy Deposit Scheme with reference to the agent. 3.Change the standing order to suit the new agent although the old agent is stating that it is continuing to run under the new agent (which if true why do they need me to change the standing order to suit the new agent) my gut feeling is that once they have got the existing tenants to implement the changeover to the new agents bank they will dissolve the old agents company. Any advice would be most appreciated, many thanks in advance.
  16. hello I need some advice re car finance, I owe £5k, my car is worth at best £2.5k, I need to get them to reposess the car as I can now get a mobility one, hows best to go about this ? I am one year into a 5 year agreement, the car was £7k all in when I purchased it last July.
  17. Hi all, sorry if ive posted this in the wrong area. The issue ive had is a bit of an on going thing. In a nut shell, ive taken a garage to court trying to reclaim money. The issue was that the vehicles purchased were breaking down all the time, they tried to repair the fault but just couldnt. Then left us completely in the dark and would not help out. We started the legal proceedings and then his communication stated again. Hes defended the claim and has literally written a load of lies. Its extremely annoying that the fact this isnt even a fair fight now, and we have no evidence to prove him wrong, well nothing concrete anyway. In his defence letter, he does contradict himself a little, so this will be used to our advantage. What im looking for help with is, After his defence whats the next steps with MCOL? Do we just fight the case and hope he stumbles on his lies? I've received a offer of mediation from MCOL and dont feel this can help, or is this a good route to go down? sorry very new to this stuff. any help much appreciated. Kenny
  18. Hey guys n gals, I'm not quite sure if this would be the place to ask about this but ill just go ahead and ask anyway. I've recently been "harassed" by a debt collector firm known as BCW. Buchanan Clark and wells. They've been harassing me over a "missed" payment. now the problem is, the money is there and it has also been there since I put it in for the specified collection date of the 12th of each month. I am completely confused as to why it isn't being taken by them. I have no outstanding payments other than them and the internet company I am with. I also have all accounts in order, nothing is out of date or in the red. The direct debt has also not been cancelled as I haven't cancelled it nor have I even attempted to. So im completely confused as to what's going on, f urther more every time I attempt to ring barclays I ring them then about 5 minutes into explaining what's going on their end of the phone just goes dead so they aren't much help. can someone explain this too me? these debt collectors are quite frankly starting to annoy me. thanks in advance.
  19. Ok... I was staying with friends near manchester, it then became a formal agreement (paid in part by benefit and part cash). They proved to be quite odd people so I went in search of work in London, found work, after about 5 weeks in London at friends places I decided to move here so I informed my landlord I had some money, and wished to return to collect my possessions and settle up the money I owed them for keeping my stuff in their home. They immediately put all my belongings into storage at another of their properties, opened my post (looking for an "address") sent me a (dishonest) bill and claimed further debts I know nothing about. In my post are cheques for the work I have done that I cannot now get. This put me into quite a bad financial position as I was unable to move into the bedsit I had planned as they have my post and all my tools etc. Ive been running about trying to make up this impossible sum. They are now threatening me with further legal action and interest. To make matters worse I am in the middle of custody battle/access battle for my daughter and they are withholding my legal documents and post. I have no doubt this is because they want the valuable mountaineering equipment and tools I left behind with them. They wont even let me inspect them, or have a friend look at my items. What do I do now?
  20. Paid a Builder £900 advance for a job that he quoted me £1200 for and he has only finished half the job and for the last two months keeps on saying he is waiting for the bricks which are out of stock. There are piles of old bricks in the back yard where the kids play so the tenant is now threatening me that in case something happens they will sue me. He isn't going to come back I am sure of that. What should/can I do? Shall I get the work completed by someone else and send him a legal notice for what the new guy charges me?
  21. Hi I am about to seek legal advice with my problem, but thought I would post on here first. I was suspended on the 8th July following an anonymous letter alleging inappropriate posting on a social media site, this hinges on privacy setting's, but I can prove that they where in place. My main concern is the process... I have been accused of gross misconduct and the disciplinary hearing is at the end of this month. The paper work says I was suspended on the 5th not the 8th, I had an investigatory interview on the 24th July, and didn't receive the minuets until the 16th September, to amend and return. Two days later I received the disciplinary papers dated the 1st Aug!! The letters also refer to our meeting on the 29th not the 24th.. I know it sees like picking at straws, but as the "person on the Clapham omnibus" it does seem a bit messed up, and something as important as this needs to be right. I have worked in my role for over 10 years, and its a local authority, and would welcome others thoughts...
  22. Hi all, Not sure if this is right section (moderator please move to more appropriate one if needed). Story so far: Back in February my brother asked me to pay one of his invoices in regards to rental of unit for his business while he was away in germany. I called company, paid over the phone with my debit card etc. 2 days ago i found out that there are 5 payments taken out of my account by the same company. Called them but no response, so sent emails. They have responded that they took payment from my card in regards to same unit and since they got my card details (as they said - according to our policy) they are using it as default payment. I told them that i never gave any permission (except for one payment in February) to use my card. They have only replied that they dont issue refunds and i should get my monies from my brother.. Any ideas? Thank you in advance
  23. I checked by bank account this evening and SP have decided to take over £600. I recently moved house from rented to mortgaged. I transferred my account from the rented property knowing I had £600 winter debt I put up my monthly DD. I have mail redirection from the rented property to come to my new property and therefore can safety say I have received no correspondence to state this will happen. I am now financially insecure for the rest of the month because of this and not very happy. Can SP do this to me without any warning. If they would have sent a letter I would have contacted them to discuss further. Please help!!
  24. Hi, I'm new here and only found this lovely place by looking on google. I have been working for my current employer since June 2011 (temp till 12 Dec 2011 made perm). My company was well aware I had long term illness issues which I do everything in my power to control. Last year I had a PIP done (Performance Improvement Plan) as they said my sick leave was to high. I accepted this and tried to make sure I was here as much as I can be. But now since I have had time off again it has been brought up again. This time there are going back to the time I started I have had 32.5 days off sick (24 individual occasions), 9 of those were related to my chronic lower back injury and pain, 6 to migraines, 1 for time off with stress, rest thing like cold ect... Now they are using it all saying I have to go back to the occupational health nurse who prior wrote a report to say I am classed under the disability act and that the conditions were ones that were not going to change at all. Some background, I have had 2 surgeries on my lower back for collapsed L5/S1 disc. Both failed. The last operation caused damage to my sciatic nerve, which causes chronic lower back pain, back spasms and stiffness. I suffer from Migraines caused by stress. I am currently receiving help from a psychologist for stress. I worked my butt off to get off my PIP and even came to work when I really should not have. What is my standing on how to go to HR and deal with all of this as my manager is now calling into question my capability to do my job.
  25. Hi all, There is a portion of land at the rear of my property that belongs to the local council…it is a 'dead' piece of land as it is accessed wither from my garden or from a conservation parkland area at the rear…there is no public access onto this land. I moved in in 2001 and at that time a lease had been in operation for 25 years and I took this over from the previous owner…at the end of this lease the council have variously tried to sell the portion of land at an exorbitant cost which I refused and after involvement from my then MP the matter was dropped…they then tried to set a new and very expensive lease in place which I have been resisting for some years and last year they said that they would commence legal action to recover the land - I disputed this and that was the last I heard of it until Friday last when I received this email from the council…. The Council obtained a Possession Order in XXXXX County Court on 12 February 2014 in respect of the allotment land which was previously leased to your predecessors in title at XXXX. District Judge XXX ordered possession forthwith and ordered you to pay XXX in respect of costs and use and occupation charges. We will be reclaiming possession on site shortly and will be dismantling the shed and placing it and any of your belongings in your garden. If you wish to have a representative attend on site when we are reclaiming possession please let me know. In addition if there is any substantial further expense to the Council regarding removal of fencing or reinstatement of the boundary we will be claiming same in addition to the XXXyou have been ordered to pay by the Court. I have received no notice of court action or anything from the court…they have my email so I think they may have just sneaked this through…. I really need to know what my rights are if any and whether they have acted illegally in taking this stealth action. Any advice gratefully received… GIB
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