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  1. Hello all, I hired a car via Holiday Autos, and it was provided by Alamo, who in turn actually subbed it out to Europcar when I actually received my rental voucher...... and that is fine. When I got to France I went to pick up the car, and decided to take out the policy excess insurance, and paid for it there and then (or so I believed I guess)..... which was something like 150EUR A week after my holiday I got a bill from Europcar which detailed that VAT had been charged on this excess policy..... this seems illegal to me. If the rental insurance was taken out seperately whilst in-country, and a credit card was provided to pay for this, then this is a French transaction surely, and so no VAT should be charged on top? What do you guys think? Thanks, Ben
  2. I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this (apologies if not, this is my first post) but I'm being driven crazy by my insurance company and a claim that I have for a flood in my kitchen. I made the claim back in the October (on my housedhold insurance) and they accepted the claim within days of me making it (I had a burst pipe in the wall). As part of the repairs to my Kitchen a number of old wall tiles and floor tiles have had to be removed (which has happened). The problem is that the loss adjustors (I think they are called LAS) are saying that they will only replace the broken tiles (not all of them) and only with ones that are a 'close match'. The problem is that the tiles are really old (i think they might be Victorian - they have old designs on them) and it's impossible to match them so they are insisting on putting in tiles that are a different colour. I've tried talking to LAS but they say it's a Tesco decision and Tesco say it is an LAS decision so I spend hours on the phone going from one to the other. I've had a builder look at the damage and he has quoted around £1,500 to replace all the tiles, which I can't afford. It wouldn't be so bad if it was a handfull of tiles, but it's quite a lot and in different places around the kitchen. I'm tempted to post reviews on various review sites but it will only make me feel better (it won't change anything). I'm not sure what else to do at this stage. I can't really afford to go to court but I don't want Tesco to get away with replacing old tiles in my kitchen with ones that look out of place. Has anybody managed to persuade an insurance company that matching tiles need to match (and not look similar) or any advice on what to do next.
  3. Hi again I have just been going through some old paperwork and found a Mortgage Repayment Protector Policy that my DH had with our bank HSBC from May 2005 to Nov 2006. I had forgot about this as I thought all our policies were life cover for the mortgages. Is this the same as PPI? If it is then my husband was self employed at the time and had all his business banking for his market stall with HSBC also. There is a full set of paperwork with it that has been completed by someone at the bank going though our needs etc and then at the end a signed advise form recomending this product. Can I possibly claim this back? I cna scan and put the forms on here if needed.
  4. Hi i come across the forums while searching for help regarding this company and wondered if any one could help. I missed a payment via DD on the 30th July 2013. I phoned octagon on the 2nd august to make this missed payment but was told they cant take payment and that the payment will be taken again. I then received a letter from Octagan on the 6th to say that the bank has cancelled the direct debit and to contact premium credit with bank details to continue the insurance if not done the policy will be cancelled. We phoned them on the 6th same day to make payment of missed installment and set up new bank details as i changed bank account. I was told by premium credit no payment was due only the bank details and that insurance was sorted and no further problems. I also have an active claim with them as someone went into my car and its a non fault claim which has been going on for 2 months now. Today received text saying your insurance has been cancelled! I rang Ocotgan and explained that i there has been a mix up and that they should not have cancelled my insurance. The call centre employee said i need to take up my complaint with premium credit and that my insurance can not be reinstated and that i now need to pay £350 and then take out a new policy to be insured. After a lengthy phone call and speaking to managers?? I am told the same thing nothing can be done as its been cancelled. I feel like ive been treated very unfairly and have also been a customer for over 1 year. Its the middle of the summer holidays with 5 kids i am now unisured i cant afford to get new insurance with another company. Please can anyone give me advise on how i can make a complaint or if you have been in this situation before what to do.
  5. I called up yesterday as i need to tax a car before finalising the sale of a car and was told they'd get emailed to me and yet i'm still waiting a day later. Not having them posted to me wasn't a problem when you can insure online but when you can't and need to tax at the DVLA office apprently they don't have access to the insurance database...
  6. PC World sold me a void Whatever Happens Policy and refused to repair a valuable laptop 23 months later blaming me for their errors. Having taken many months of installments they maintain that the blame rests with the customer for being sold a policy with a void product code by their incompetent staff. I am taking them to court but wondered if anyone else suffered in a similar way at the hands of these faceless, unaccountable, clumsy buffoons? I am so sick of their attitude I intend to make very long and loud warnings about this useless organisation and it's amateur attitude
  7. INSURANCE CANCELLED FOLLOWING CLAIM Hello guys! I've found myself in a bit of a conundrum with my insurance company, and desperately need some advice. Please bear with me as it's a pretty long story - I will try to explain it the best as I could. Over 2 and a half months ago, on 12th May 2013, I was involved in a car accident, about two weeks after I purchased the car. I was fully insured with a comprehensive policy provided by Eco Insurance (Co-Operative) with my father as the policy holder and myself as an additional driver. The insurance companies and the police concluded that the accident was my fault so I was viable for all damages. At the time, this was horrible news but at least all parties were insured and we thought all would be ok. Rang up the insurance company to file the claim, they decided the car is to be written off and collected it within a couple of days, and everything seemed to be running smoothly. Two days later we received from Eco Insurance asking us to explain why we declared my father as the registered keeper of the vehicle, when in fact the car was under my name. We responded immediately and explained the situation as follows: The 'new owner' part of the V5 document was filled out by the seller of the vehicle, who mistakenly entered my details for new owner, as I was the one handing over the cash to him. Also, the insurance policy documents and the new log book arrived after the accident took place, so we were unaware of these discrepancies. After we responded to this concern, the issue was never raised until 2 months after. After this, we spoke to the insurance company on several occasions to ensure that the claim is moving forward normally, and whether they needed any additional information. On two separate occasions when speaking to the claims department, we were reassured that everything was fine and that the value of the car will be paid out to us within a week, providing that we send evidence of financial interest in the cars (i.e. bank statement and sales contract). We reacted immediately and sent the required evidence on the next day. This was on the 14th July. Four days later, on the 18th July, we received the most disturbing letter yet. "In view of your failure to correctly respond to the question/assumption regarding registered keeper of the Seat Ibiza, we must treat this insurance as void from the inception date of 30th April 2013." So in essence, the entire situation is now being treated as me being uninsured and I've become viable for all 3rd party claims (including a claim injury filed by my best friend, who was a passenger in my car and got injured). I feel that this decision made by the insurer is completely unjustified, and unethical to say the least. We responded to all their queries, provided all the information they required, paid all monthly instalments diligently, cooperated with all their instructions, and now they're clinging on to the most pathetic reason as an excuse to cancel the policy and refuse liability. Simply a small discrepancy/technicality which wasn't even intentional. For a whole week we were on the phone to Eco Insurance, trying to resolve this but all we got from the other end were arrogant customer service advisors (and supervisors), barking quotes from their terms and conditions, with absolutely no desire to help. They just wanted to get rid of us, even if the manner they did it in was completely unwarranted and immoral. We tried to rationalise with them and explain that who the car is registered to had absolutely no impact on the insurance nor the claim but it is very difficult to reason with people just plain simply do not care. We are literally being bullied into accepting liability for something that the insurer should be responsible for, and whatever we say to them is being rejected. We have no idea what to do. We don't have the financial means to be able to afford a solicitor to handle the case, and we sure as hell can't afford to pay for the 3rd party claims, which I imagine would be in the thousands. If anyone has previous experience with similar situations, and/or is competent with the laws surrounding motor insurance providers, I would really really appreciate some advise - this is our last hope! I appreciate you reading the entire description, and I wish you a good day! Many thanks in advance!
  8. I signed up to my local gym the other week however they use an external company to handle the monthly collections side of things. I signed up 8/7/2013 however i'm now working 6 a week and back at uni from September part time - naturally finding time for the gym will be a struggle. I know with most things theres a 14 day cooling off period but i can't see anything relating to this on the confirmation email. All the email says is: Minimum period: 12 months (Non Cancellable in this period) Terms & Conditions Definitions: The Service Provider = "We"; The Customer = "You"; Debit Finance Collections Plc = "DFC" Terms of your Contract Period of Commitment You are agreeing to subscribe monthly for the services provided by the Service Provider and contracting to remain a subscriber for the minimum period shown overleaf. Termination of Service Limited right to cancel During the minimum period of the agreement you may cancel the agreement only: If we fail to maintain the standard of service you would reasonably expect. If we alter the operating hours of the services unreasonably. If you develop a medical condition which prevents you from using the services on an ongoing basis. An appropriate medical practitioner must provide written evidence that this is so. If you move away from the area by a distance which we consider, at our sole discretion, to be too far to travel to the services for regular use. We shall require evidence that such a move has taken place. If you lose your employment and are unable keep up the repayments as a result. You must produce documentary evidence and initially we shall be prepared to suspend payments for two months and review with you your financial situation thereafter. Termination Payment for Early Cancellation If you cancel your subscription during the minimum contracted period, other than in the circumstances set out above, we shall be entitled to a termination payment (a "Termination Payment") The Termination Payment will be the total of: The arrears, if any Any accumulated late payment charges that have been or will be incurred The monthly subscriptions that would otherwise have fallen due before the end of the minimum contracted period. You will be given credit for early payment and this will be a discount allowed against the total you have to pay. For details of how the discount is calculated please contact DFC. Missing Payments If you miss two payments you will be deemed to have breached your contract. Giving notice to cancel DFC (The Collecting Agent) will continue to collect your monthly subscription after the minimum contract period. Should you not wish to continue subscribing after the minimum period you must give notice to cancel the contract in the month before the final payment of the minimum period. If you wish to cancel the contract at any time after the minimum contract period you must give one month's notice. The notice should be in writing or by e-mail and sent to the service provider or Debit Finance Collections Plc. Collecting your monthly subscriptions Debit Finance Collections Plc ("DFC") is our agent for the collection of your monthly subscriptions. DFC will collect your subscription monthly in advance on our behalf by Direct Debit. If you fail to make a payment on time you will incur the following charges: 1) Fail to pay the subscription on the due date ..................................................................................................................................£10.00 2) Fail to pay the missed subscription within 7 days of the date of a reminder letter ..................................................................£20.00 3) Fail to pay the arrears and accrued charges within 7 days of the date of a Final Notice ......................................................£30.00 Late payment charges become payable immediately they are incurred. Other Charges 1) Payment other than by Direct Debit .................................................................................................................................................£5.00 2) Any cheque returned unpaid by your bank.....................................................................................................................................£10.00 DFC is also our agent for serving notice and collecting any Termination Payment which becomes due. Any notice served on you by the terms of this contract will be deemed to have been delivered to you the next day after it is despatched by us, or our agent. Data Protection Statement Debit Finance Collections plc always uses information submitted by you ('Information') in accordance with all relevant data protection legislation. By signing this agreement you confirm your acceptance of the terms of the Data Protection Statement. Debit Finance Collections plc will use information as follows: To supply services as requested by you including the transfer of information to employees, agents and third parties as required for this purpose. For administration purposes To market Debit Finance Collections plc services to you. Debit Finance Collections plc may also disclose details of your account to a debt collecting agency for collection and tracing purposes. Debit Finance Collections plc may transfer its business assets (which include information) on sale or merger of its business. The Data Protection Act 1998 gives you certain rights, including the right to request a copy of your information and to have inaccurate information corrected. Please contact the Data Protection Manager, Debit Finance Collections plc, PO Box 6046, Milton Keynes, MK1 9BA. Does this mean that for the next 12 months I'm going to have to pay due to there being a minimum term imposed on me? Is there anything I can do as I don't want to be shelling out £360 over 12 months for something I won't be using.
  9. Hi, I don't know if this has been posted before, but having recently been issued with an ES19 warning for my first instance of lateness in 6 months, and a threat of a DMA sanction should it occur again, I located the government policy document online, which someone else had requested under a FOI. I also recorded the JC office manager stating that they issue them as a matter of course i.e. whenever they want, which led me to believe they are using them as part of a policy to increase DMA suspensions. My warning was issued 8 days after receiving a compensation payment for being escorted off the premises for exercising my legal right to record my interactions at the JobCentre. Please note part 11, which states: ''11. The ES19 should only be used in exceptional circumstances where all other measures have been tried and failed.'' Unfortunately, I do not have sufficient posts to be allowed links yet, so to locate, type: ''Freedom of Information request 1829/2013'' into a search engine to locate. I hope this helps anyone who has been unfairly penalised.
  10. Hi all, My mum and dad wrote to andrews mortage services back in 2005 when they were told about the mis selling of endowments (they have a £65k Shortfall) and its really stressin them out. I have got all the paperwork, and andrews did reply in 2005 , but nothing states at all final responce. My mum is one that will not make a fuss, but this is making her ill. i have written to andrews and they have said tha they have sent their final responce in 2005 and will not reply as this is now time barred, i have read (and re-read) all teh paperwork, and it really doesnt look like a final responce. What can i do , your assistance would be greatly appreciated. they are due to retuire in 3 years and is really causing distress.
  11. Hi, my nephew wanted to complain about a serious matter on the building site where he works. I told him to ring up and ask for a copy of the grievance policy (as per our Stu007!), he simply asked for a copy to be posted to him and did not discuss what it was about. We wanted to work out if a grievance was the correct way to go. Even before the document arrived in the post he was approached by several people on the site asking him what his grievance was! He's livid, as it was to do with someone using drugs on site, and he wanted this to be dealt with in confidence to start with. He was really concerned about health and safety, and this person can be quite volatile, hence the need for confidentiality from the off. Now he feels he can't say anything, for fear of retaliation from the person concerned, who is already suspicious that the grievance was going to be about him. I feel now that it matters not what the grievance was about; that's not the point, the issue here surely is trust, confidence and confidentiality. Any thoughts? Would this be grounds for a grievance on its own?
  12. I was looking for someone to help me transport our household belongings when we were relocating from England. There was only one company that was able to help us on the dates requested. I had some questions which the shipping company was very quick in responding to (typically within minutes) so I accepted their quote and paid the £65 deposit. The transportation company than sent me some documents outlining their terms etc. I had some follow-up questions. No answer, so I called them 24 hours later. Got my answer. Then when I had read all the documents (lots of pages, and lots of rules) I had some more questions as the rules were not in accordance with what we had agreed on when communicating on Shiply. No response after 48 hours! As the shipment was going to happen a few days later I decided to cancel. Since there was no other bidder on Shiply.com I had to find someome outside the site. I did this and the shipment has now been done. In the meantime, I contacted Shiply.com asking for a refund. They looked into the details of the case and directly issued a "refund". The only problem is that it's credit on their site. Since I have already done the move as no one else on their site could help us, and I have no other moves planned for the next 6 months (which is how long the credit is valid for), this means that the credit is useless to me. After some emails with Shiply.com it's very clear to me that they have no problems what so ever with taking money in this way and are very keen to point out that this is stated very clearly in their terms and conditions - which of course we all read - and there is nothing they can do. - Shiply dont care at all about their customers. They are greedy and I hope someone else comes along and sets up a rivaling site. - The main problem is that I as a customer have no way of researching the companies that are bidding on my item (they are kept hidden until the deposit is paid). When the shipping company do not deliver what they have promised (which Shiply obviously agrees with since they issued the shiply credit "refund" directly), you would expect to get the money back. The way Shiply.com has handled this is disgraceful and I advice to find another shipping portal for your shipping needs. - If you search for Shiply on the internet, you will find heaps of bad reviews very similar to mine. So this is part of their strategy on how to make money.
  13. Hi all, Today, my girlfriend and I were called into separate meetings to explain that we have effectively 'run out' of contractual sick pay, and that any further periods of sickness would only be covered by SSP. Our contracts say: You will be paid any SSP to which you may be entitled. Payment of your salary or any part of salary during any period of illness will be at the absolute discretion of the Company and will include any entitlement to SSP and will normally be given at a rate of one day for each completed month of service subject to a contractual maximum of 8 working weeks. The 40-day tipping point has been calculated against the total amount of time that we have worked there, which is nudging four years. Is this normal? I have a mental illness which has caused time off recently, and at no point was this mentioned. It seems odd to have a clause which increasingly detriments the employee over time - my manager even admitted that they are looking into it as people who have been there for up to 10 years might be negatively affected. The timing is also odd - my gf's manager gave her a dressing-down this week over her sickness record, but actually the majority of the time off he blamed was actually dependant leave to look after me, or parental leave for her children. These meetings only happened after she pointed it out. This is causing me to panic a bit, as we are already fully dependent on both of our salaries, and if I have time off and lose wages - which is likely in the future - we can't afford to pay all of our bills, or actually get to work in the worst case. Any advice greatly appreciated.
  14. Insurance with Alliznz through pay as you go home contents with LA. He pays £11 a year for contents of his home. LA builders cause damaged to property and insurance is saying is not covered. Their policy says under breakage cover that glass and mirrors accidental breakages such as mirrors ceramic hops on cooker not built in. But they would not be covered if the home is unoccupied. My relative was out at the time the damage was done and did not find it until retuned home that evening, does this fall in the category of unoccupied. Another clause in the policy which under TV, Satellite and raid receiving aerials and aerial fittings breakage or collapsing. I am not sure if this falls within the TV receiver in the policy either. The council contractors turned off his TV aerial a year ago and did not connect back to the digital on the roof of the of his block of flats resulting in him not getting any digital TV, would that fall within the category in the policy. He was getting digital before the council contractors tuned it off last year. The council has been charging tenants £4 a month for the last 4 years for digital aerial which he as receiving before their contractors tuned it off.
  15. Hi I wonder if anyone can advise, on the way forward, back in 2008 We purchased a sofa and managed to get some discount off the sofa and put it on finance, part of this was the purchase of the guardsman policy for 5 years, we were told that we had to take this as part of the finance deal, even when asking could it be removed!! In any case we were told that it would cover Accidental damage for any stains rips burns etc.. "we could even sit on some scissors and puncher the leather, this will be covered" their words not mine, they were almost reading out of the leaflet we got as part of the sale, which specifically says. "No Pains with stains For a Small additional charge you can increase your peace of mind with our superb Guardsman warranty. Available on leather and fabric upholstery, Guardsman covers you in event of staining to furniture or accidental rips, tears and burns for five years from purchase, ensuring the best protection for your new furniture (please refer to policy for full details). Guardsman protection will help to prevent permanent staining of a suite, it cannot prevent general soiling." My 2 year old Daughter unfortunately spilled nail varnish that she got hold of on the arm of the sofa and this has effectively stained the sofa, I called guardsman and they advised that it was not covered and under the policy it does say point 12 Any instance of staining. I called SCS CS who advised me to call the branch, I spoke to the sales manager who asked to see the leaflet, I faxed this off and he called back to say that there was nothing he can do due to the fact the leaflet states (please refer to policy for full details) which we received a couple of months after the delivery of the sofa. I have spoken to the Citizens Advice consumer helpline who have recorded the case and will pass on to trading standards, but that I should send a Breach of contract letter to SCS Customer services recorded. My concern here is that im not entirely sure what to put in the letter and wondered if anyone else has had this issue, I know there is a lot of people in a very similar situation and that they feel misled regarding this. Any help would be much appreciated
  16. I had a business account with NW and recently sent them a SAR (and £10 cheque) which they received on 16th August now well in excess of their 40 day requirement I have also now sent them the letter before court action, time period also expired without any contact. Wherer do I go from here?
  17. Hi There Apologies to ask and I normally keep everything but I am unable to find my policy summary for a MPPI i have had on a mortgage with Halifax since 2003. Would anyone be able to help me and let me have either a copy of the booklet or the policy summary. Many thanks in advance.
  18. I wanted to know if any1 can help me with this? ive written a draft but i need it making more powerful as such and to the point?
  19. Morning All. A bit of a strange one this and I can not find any direction so turned to you for help. Due to my work in 2009 I took out additional Life Insurance FP Level Life. However, in November 2011, as my job role changed it was no longer required and as my wife was made redundant, the money would be best utilised in the family pot. As time marched on I thought no more, foolish. I have recently been contacted by a firm of solicitors acting for the company I had the agreement with claiming their 'Commission Clawback' I wrote back asking for some additional information to save money e.g whether there was a fee agreement, as one is not mentioned in any paperwork I have, because I have read commission is sometimes offset against this and only the commission to the value of this fee may be requested therefore maybe only liable for the difference. I also believe on reading the FSA Website on Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts the Terms of Business (TOB) agreement I signed may be unfair and in particular reasons for believing this when you use an IFA you should have a choice how you want to pay for the services - I was not given this, and the terms do not state clearly when and how much me, the customer has to pay the IFA so therefore not aware of the full cost of the financial advice. In addition I believe that my TOB agreement allowed the firm to reclaim an amount from me, the customer, if I stopped paying premiums and the IFA had to refund commission to the product provider as appears in this case. my interpretation of the FSA guidelines also leads my to think that this charge is a disproportionately large sum as I have not fulfilled part of my obligations under the contract. Surely a court would not enforce this over and above my rights to cancel this policy. I have also asked these Sols for my cancellation rights to which after a period of 1 month got nothing except a MCOL from Northampton. I also sent them a S10 DPA request as other members from the IFA had tried to contact me via text and email touting for business. In total the sum claimed is £1261 + Court fee made up of original debt £997.31 plus interest, a tracing agents fee because I moved and not told them £42 plus Sol fees £210 plus future interest. So, apart from acknowledging service can I assume this falls under CCA rules or send a CPR 31.14 request. Any help greatly appreciated.
  20. Hi All Sorry but I was unsure where to post this issue so thought best to put it in the general forum. My main question is - Is there a legal meaning for 'wear and tear?' My claim for a Head Gasket failure has been rejected because of this. My car is an S reg so their clause of things they will not cover 'Failure of parts as a result of wear and tear' can surely be used against every claim I ever make which is surely unfair. When I applied for the cover they asked for my registration number and mileage and then increased my premium because of the age and mileage of my car. I am about to complain to the Financial Ombudsman but I am looking for help on how to put my point across with regards to a unfair clause which can be used against any claim for a car of its age taking into account I pay more because of that very issue. Thank you and I look forward to your help. Tony
  21. Hi, Hastings have cancelled my insurance policy for my car due to non payment. Problem is, payment was taken, in full, after a total loss claim around 8 months ago. They are awaiting to see if they can reinstate, but I am not insured at the moment. Can they do this and should they reinstate my policy? Regards Matt
  22. Hiya all. The company I work for has a sickness policy which means that if you are off for 3 short periods (2 days or less) or 2 long periods (3 days or more) within 6 months then you receive a verbal warning. This is the only information provided in the employee handbook and on the employee website for HR queries. Okay, my problem is that I was off for 3 weeks (signed off by the G.P.) in August and again for 2 days on the 7th and 8th of January. Obviously these two periods are within 6 months of each other but one is a short period of absence (2 days) and the other a long period (3 days +). I was told by my manager today that I would have to attend a meeting with her a week Friday where I would be given a verbal warning for my absences as there were these two periods in 6 months and the first one was a long one. Is this right? No documentation that I have ever seen states what happens if there is 1 short and 1 long absence in 6 months so are they allowed to do this? Thanks for any help (hope it all made sense)
  23. A friend has recently lost her Empyment support Allowance and is most distraught.It appears the assesment was rushed and bears little resembelence to her and her condition at all.Is this normal ?
  24. Hi my car was recently written off (rear-ended). Other party has admitted fault. My Insurance company is about to pay out - however I only started the policy in October. and I *think* they are cancelling the policy with the payout. So I've paid for 12 months insurance. They are not out of pocket, as other party has admitted fault and was insured. If I get a new car after Christmas - do I have to pay for a new policy. If so this means that I'm losing money - 10 months policy unused? Even though I was not at fault? This policy was £404 (9 years NCD).
  25. I'm hoping somebody can give me a little advice on this one. I have no idea on where to go with it. The basics are this. We took out a breakdown policy with Green Flag 2 years ago. I'm 90% sure, they sent the renewal through the post last year and i paid it online. This year, renewal time arrives and it slipped my mind to do it. The policy expired at the end of August 2012. (We had forgotten when exactly it expired during the next part). In September my step dad took the van up to Blackpool and whilst there, the wiper motor failed. It was lashing down with rain, so obviously he called Green Flag. They sent a guy out to have a look at it. The guy arrives and diagnosed a failed wiper motor. He says he will have to have the van recovered to the nearest garage and from there we can arrange to have it fixed. My step dad refused this as it would have taken at least 24hrs for the garage to get the part in and requested to be towed back home with the van as we can get it fixed cheaper by the garage next door to us. He was advised that there would be a charge for the trip per mile. He agreed at the side of the road to pay £108.00 to be recovered. My step dad was recovered, we thought nothing more of the matter. I picked up a reminder from Green Flag in October which was dated September, asking for payment or the policy would be cancelled. I immediately called & gave them my apologies for the oversight and offered full payment. I was abruptly told that as we had not responded within 7 days of the letter dated in September that the policy had been cancelled and if i wanted to have a policy i would have to go through to sales and get a new quote. Not particularly happy with how she had spoken to me, i asked her why if we where members did we pay to be recovered from Blackpool and what we where paying for?. She was quite rude again and i told her to forget it and that i will give RAC a call. So i called RAC and took out a new policy for 3 vehicles and paid it in full. Today we have received a letter from Green Flag, demanding £168.00 for this years policy. I called them to explain that we had cancelled the policy due to what had gone on and they have stated that, 2 years ago we took out the policy online and there was a small tick box for auto renewing our policy. We had to remove the tick from the box if we didn't want Green Flag to automatically renew our policy every year (which includes taking payment in full from the bank). We changed banks earlier in the year so the account they tried taking the money from was closed. The lady i spoke to is demanding the money or it will be passed to a debt collector? I really don't want to pay this out of principal. Surely if the policy had expired and they couldn't take the money out of the bank that should be the end of it?. The lady i spoke to when i tried to pay them in October told me that the policy had been cancelled?. I also find it quite underhand that they would have a tick box for you to "opt out" of automatically renewing the policy and that it should be the other way round, you should have to tick the box to "opt in". Can anyone help? Sorry for the massive post Lee
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