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  1. Thanks indeed to everyone for all the info. I cannot thank everybody individually but I'm very appreciative of everyone's contribution! We'll write to the insurers and the ombudsman, hopefully that would accomplish something, but like most of you said, we are in the wrong so I'm not expecting miracles. SamLovesWispa - thank you for your professional advice. We received the Consent & Indemnity letter on the morning after your post, so spot on! Any mods on here who could remove the thread please, unless there's a delete button somewhere I've missed?
  2. Just to add to this, I spoke to Citizens Advice Bureau this morning and they said they were unable to help after I explained the situation.
  3. Guys, first of all, thank you for all the input. I really appreciate all your feedback. So do you think there's any point in writing a complaint letter to the insurer? Seems they're pretty stubborn and their unwillingness to help is second to none. Perhaps write directly to the financial ombudsman? I can see how the insurance company may interpret it as fronting (although it was never mentioned in any of their correspondence), but it wasn't our intention. The car was to be used by both of us equally but we wanted to utilise my father's NCB. I think it's important to emphasise that we received the new log book and the policy documents AFTER the accident, so we were unaware of the fact that the car was registered under my name beforehand. We did not do this purposely, and fraud was not our intention. unclebulgaria67 - good to see a fellow countryman on the forum. Thank you for contributing. It's important to mention that neither myself nor my father signed the 'new owner' part of the log book. The seller said he'd fill out all the details and take care of it on our behalf. Furthermore, I don't think there's any point in attempting to change ownership with DVLA as the car has already been written off and they have been made aware of that. They also sent as an acknowledgement letter to confirm it is no longer registered to us. What do you think? I've sent a few emails to various solicitors I found online and we're waiting to hear back from them. But does anybody know any good ones that you have previous experience with? And preferably ones that don't charge an absolute fortune? And do you reckon a competent solicitor would be able to achieve any results, considering this complexity of this situation? Thanks again guys, and I'm sorry that I take so long to respond but I'm unable to use the internet whilst at work so I try to deal with everything when I get home in the evening.
  4. I will give FOS a call as soon as possible. And from past experience, writing a letter to this particular insurer has never triggered a response, they just seem to ignore them and often pretend they haven't even received them, even though we use recorder delivery. I'm 27 years of age. Granted, it worked out cheaper for my father to be the policy holder as he has 6 years of NCB but the car was to be used equally by me and him. My father does have another vehicle but it's a van he uses only for work, not SDP. Again, thanks for your responses guys. It appears that we'll have to get in touch with a solicitors as it's all getting very complicated. I just hope they have monthly instalment plans..
  5. Guys, honestly, thank you so much. This is the most constructive and optimistic bit of information I have heard/read all month! Precisely - incredibly petty excuse to avoid honouring my claim . I already sent a similar email to the FOS, detailing the situation and asking for advice, but I shall also write a complaint letter directly to the insurer and hope for the best. It's just unbelievable how they can treat their paying customers in this manner. Please spread the word and warn all your friends and relatives to avoid all dealings with this company at all costs! Bunch of corporate bullies! Again, thank you for the information, I really appreciate it!
  6. INSURANCE CANCELLED FOLLOWING CLAIM Hello guys! I've found myself in a bit of a conundrum with my insurance company, and desperately need some advice. Please bear with me as it's a pretty long story - I will try to explain it the best as I could. Over 2 and a half months ago, on 12th May 2013, I was involved in a car accident, about two weeks after I purchased the car. I was fully insured with a comprehensive policy provided by Eco Insurance (Co-Operative) with my father as the policy holder and myself as an additional driver. The insurance companies and the police concluded that the accident was my fault so I was viable for all damages. At the time, this was horrible news but at least all parties were insured and we thought all would be ok. Rang up the insurance company to file the claim, they decided the car is to be written off and collected it within a couple of days, and everything seemed to be running smoothly. Two days later we received from Eco Insurance asking us to explain why we declared my father as the registered keeper of the vehicle, when in fact the car was under my name. We responded immediately and explained the situation as follows: The 'new owner' part of the V5 document was filled out by the seller of the vehicle, who mistakenly entered my details for new owner, as I was the one handing over the cash to him. Also, the insurance policy documents and the new log book arrived after the accident took place, so we were unaware of these discrepancies. After we responded to this concern, the issue was never raised until 2 months after. After this, we spoke to the insurance company on several occasions to ensure that the claim is moving forward normally, and whether they needed any additional information. On two separate occasions when speaking to the claims department, we were reassured that everything was fine and that the value of the car will be paid out to us within a week, providing that we send evidence of financial interest in the cars (i.e. bank statement and sales contract). We reacted immediately and sent the required evidence on the next day. This was on the 14th July. Four days later, on the 18th July, we received the most disturbing letter yet. "In view of your failure to correctly respond to the question/assumption regarding registered keeper of the Seat Ibiza, we must treat this insurance as void from the inception date of 30th April 2013." So in essence, the entire situation is now being treated as me being uninsured and I've become viable for all 3rd party claims (including a claim injury filed by my best friend, who was a passenger in my car and got injured). I feel that this decision made by the insurer is completely unjustified, and unethical to say the least. We responded to all their queries, provided all the information they required, paid all monthly instalments diligently, cooperated with all their instructions, and now they're clinging on to the most pathetic reason as an excuse to cancel the policy and refuse liability. Simply a small discrepancy/technicality which wasn't even intentional. For a whole week we were on the phone to Eco Insurance, trying to resolve this but all we got from the other end were arrogant customer service advisors (and supervisors), barking quotes from their terms and conditions, with absolutely no desire to help. They just wanted to get rid of us, even if the manner they did it in was completely unwarranted and immoral. We tried to rationalise with them and explain that who the car is registered to had absolutely no impact on the insurance nor the claim but it is very difficult to reason with people just plain simply do not care. We are literally being bullied into accepting liability for something that the insurer should be responsible for, and whatever we say to them is being rejected. We have no idea what to do. We don't have the financial means to be able to afford a solicitor to handle the case, and we sure as hell can't afford to pay for the 3rd party claims, which I imagine would be in the thousands. If anyone has previous experience with similar situations, and/or is competent with the laws surrounding motor insurance providers, I would really really appreciate some advise - this is our last hope! I appreciate you reading the entire description, and I wish you a good day! Many thanks in advance!
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