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  1. Sorry, second time of writing this as lost my first post. Hope someone can give me some wise advice!! I was shopping today in boots, bought a few items paid and left quite happily with my toddler who for the first time EVER I let him walk with me rather than pushed in the pushchair although still had it wth me! Left the shop quite happily, spent ages faffing in the car park changing my little boys nappy and sorting him out - chucked pram in car and got in. Just as I was pulling off, a knock on my window from a security guard.. I opened my window and he asked me if I paid for a face cream that I DID pick up.. ..contemplated paying and then put back in not the same place. He said he couldnt find it and would I mind showing him my buggy.. ..I got it out.. .shook it out and nothing there. even offered willingly to show him my handbag which had nothing in . ...and offered to let him look in my car but he said he couldnt do that and would have to give me the benefit of the doubt!! was so upset!! got home told my husband and he was furious I'd been accused. However this evening my husband was cleaning the car and rolled under the car seats is the bloody face cream! i am horrified. ..... so my question is, I am not going to take it in to them for fear of what they will do.. ..but if I posted it back to them, or posted a letter with the money value is that worth anything at this point? my husband is scaring me with suggestion of me being all over cctv etc etc. What is the best thing to do?
  2. Hi i was looking for some help on an issue with the DVLA. I had to go for a dvla medical on 7/4/14. I was told my results would be 3 to 4 weeks, i waited and on the 5th week i received a letter from them say it will take a further 12 weeks to be reviewed! i waited again but after getting a job offer i contacted them to ask why it was taking so long only to be told its in a queue.. This has been almost 150 days from my application.. I emailed complaints who contacted me today to say they received my complaint and they checked my case and unfortunatly i have been recommended not to drive for road safety! I called them instantly and asked the guy on the phone from dvla on what grounds has it been refused... He said he will check the file.... Um 2 secs... Ohh, i just need to read this there is quite alot, il put you on hold.. After 15minutes he comes back to say him and his colleage next to him doesnt know why the licence would be refused by the information he has. . He said he will get a manager to check it over asap.. high priority and if i receive the letter i got in the email in my mail i have to ignore it.. All this happened about 2olclock.. I never received a call! Has anyone been in this situation before or anyone know what i should or can do about it.
  3. Hi all, Quite some time back now we used DHL to import products from china. The problem was that DHL quoted one price and then invoiced me another price. I raised this as a complaint and over several months this happened over and over. In the end I had several invoices that had been questioned, eventually we got a credit back for the over payments but intrest and late payment fees still applied. I contacted DHL and told them that I would not make payment until they removed said fees, they wouldn't do it. Eventually I received a CCJ for the amount outstanding minus the fees and interest, so I foolishly filled the form in and sent it back. I had admitted that I owed them the amount on the form because that is what I owed them. I received a letter explaining I had 30 days to pay the outstanding amount and this would stop any entry onto my credit file. After a couple of weeks I had a hand delivered letter at my office address saying I had not made payment and that a bailiff would be back to seize any good equating to the amount outstanding. I got onto the phone and they explained I had 14 days to pay it and 30 days before it goes onto credit file. The lady in the office suggested I send a cheque direct to DHL and it should stop any further action. I did this. Today I have another letter from the same bailiff wanting a further £900. This is absolutely crazy!
  4. I had a gas pipe installed by National Grid which has been a complete nightmare. The story is very long, but this is the gist: Missed several appointments or never turned up on time, meaning I had to take 7 days off work at short notice on top of all the days off I had originally taken off. Messed up the planning application with the local council, and luckily we had someone who works with them regularly chase it and get it rushed through in the last minute. Chucked a load of road signs on my next door neighbour's drive meaning they were unable to park their van Knocked over the wall of the neighbour across the street [see pic] Refused to start work on the original date because they are not allowed to dig inside my garage, but we had a surveyor visit 4 months earlier who did not mention that, and all their paperwork says "We will excavate all private land" Marked an area inside the garage to be dug, so we paid a building firm to do that, and we later found out it was the wrong size for the pipe Installed the pipe in the wrong position and did not attach it to the wall, so the meter installer refused to work on it because he deemed it dangerous. We had to have the pipe moved [pic] Made the original hole bigger due to them having to move the pipe, and in doing so broke my outside drain (all water from my front garden is routed into this drain) Smeared concrete all over my brand new doorbell [pic] Repaired the drain badly and poured concrete into it [pic] Refused to acknowledge my complaint about the drain for 2 months, which eventually lead to the garage being flooded yesterday Handed to new surveyors who claim to be more senior than the last, and then they refuse to answer my calls (this has happened 3 times) Refused to acknowledge that we had been overcharged (£1,191.60 is the price where they dig private land, £424.80 is the price where we dig private land) I was told by the most recent surveyor that we would be getting compensation. Later I received a cheque for £20. I wrote a letter of complaint and they responded basically saying everything was my fault, and they upped the offer to £200 'as a gesture of good will'. I feel like I'm at least entitled to the £766.80 they overcharged me! Does anyone have any advice?
  5. Can anyone advise on what to do please. We hired a carpet cleaner at the weekend as living room carpet looked slightly flat and grubby in places. Spent all afternoon Suday cleaning with a machine hired from tesco. Rug Dr. Used the recommended cleaning solution and followed the instructions to the letter. Next day carpet looked like new. Tuesday morning we noticed a strange smell which has steadily got worse. It's like a combination of wet dog and old running shoes!!! I've had the heat on and windows open. I've tried shake and vac and febreeze. Still no better and getting worse if anything. Any advice would be brilliant.
  6. I've already started a thread in the repossessions forum section, but thought this section might be more appropriate for this question. GE are asking for a court date to ask for repossession claiming £6000+ arrears, I have to admit we have missed about 3 payments over the years, but this would add up to £960 (£320 per month). The £6000 "arrears" from what I've gleaned on this website is mostly made up of unlawful charges. looking at our last statement each month looks something like this : Monthly installment £320 which is fine, we owe that. But on top they add: Admin fee £40, Modified contract amount £24.24, Interest £126.83, additional interest £21.28, PPI (miss sold) £24.24. At that rate we'll never pay off the loan. So my question is, how many of those charges are "unlawful" and what do I do about it. Look forward to any help, thanks.
  7. Hi, My brother was working intermittently 2012-2013 (agency work) and did not earn a great deal during that year. He repeatedly had contact with the CSA who kept telling him he owed nothing (he had paperwork to back this up). He thankfully, found a full time job last April and informed the CSA of his new circumstances after a few weeks of letters,calls etc. they said he had to pay £40 per week plus arrears of £3,500. He was shocked to say the least and asked for a complete breakdown. They had charged him for every week during the year he had hardly worked. He flagged this up and they said they would find out what he earned that year. Nothing happened, so my brother has continued to pay the arrears plus maintenance for his 2 adopted children. He queried it again this year as he was fed up paying all these arrears. They have now reviewed his case and slapped another £73 a month on his payments and increased the weekly sum for the children. He only earns £15,000 a year for a 50 hour week. His rent is huge , he has to pay council tax of course and all other bills and is worryingly depressed at this point. I e:mailed the CSA as it is so expensive to ring them, but we are getting nowhere. They send random letters saying he owes nothing and then increase the payments. He isn't great on the phone and is baffled by all the stuff they tell him, so I am trying to help. His ex left him and has a new partner and he doesn't see his kids,because he does'nt know where they are. Life is so unfair sometimes. Any advice would be gratefully received
  8. On 28th January 2014 I was hit in the rear whilst stationary by another vehicle and subsequently contacted my insurance company Hastings Direct to process a claim through the insurance company of the person that hit me. I've since experienced a catalogue of errors and miscommunications. I was firstly advised once my car was collected to go for an assessment of damage I would receive a 'hire car' (not a courtesy car - but I would not be liable for the cost of this vehicle) only to later be told that this is not the case and I shouldn't have been advised this. I asked that the recording of the conversation be listened too and that someone should call me back. No-one called and so a couple of days later I followed up and asked again. This time the call was listened too and I was issued a 'hire car' for one week despite the fact that I was indeed misinformed. So, my own car although deemed it would be a total loss was collected to go to a garage for repair assessment and I was informed by Hastings Direct that if I were to want my car back then that would be no problem. I followed up to be told it was a total loss and at this point I did mention that I may want the car returned at some point. I received a call a few days later from the 3rd party valuations assessor who informed me that the valuation of my car was £600. I then called Hastings Direct a couple of days later as I had heard nothing from them and informed them that since I was hit in the rear whilst stationary I didn't feel I should be liable for my £200 excess and the person that hit me should therefore be liable for this. I was told that once his insurance had accepted liability they would waiver this. NB. Why did he have to accept liability when every insurance company would automatically see this as a non-fault claim??? To add to this I have text messages from the person that hit my car admitting liability! Also I have photographs taken at the time of the accident. I then had to chase Hastings to have the hire car collected or I would have been liable for the costs after one week! At this point they decided that it was time to issue my final payment. I was then advised it would be £250(!!) as I needed to pay my policy off in full and pay my excess. Naturally I didn't want to do this as I had my car from brand new for 14 years and it was reliable with under 60,000 miles on the clock and most of damages were cosmetic. I asked for my car back to then be informed it was with a salvage yard and I would need to pay £99 to have it returned!!! This is the first I'd heard of this. At no point was this communicated to me and I was lead to believe my car could be returned no problems straight from the garage. The conversations went from bad to worse and I reluctantly accepted the £250 cheque as I was getting nowhere fast and told the situation of waiting for liability with the other persons insurance could go on for a long time, months if I didn't accept. Then the case would go to the Recovery team so that Hastings could try to reclaim their costs from the third party's insurance. I then asked if Hastings would send me my £200 once admission of liability was in and was told no that they need it before the cheque is issued. I was then advised by Hastings that they would instruct Carpenters (solicitors) to contact me to try and reclaim my £200 excess from the third party's insurer and that they operate on a 'no win, no fee basis'! A fee to reclaim my £200!?! WHY AM I PAYING INSURANCE!!? Being forced to pay an excess on this is a joke. Being left without my car and a £250 cheque is a joke....albeit not a funny one (unless your Hastings Direct). I've done nothing but have to chase Hastings Direct constantly and the outcome is a far cry from satisfactory. Avoid Hastings Direct at all costs.
  9. I sent a parcel via Parcel2Go using their "shop to shop" service When it arrived at the destination shop in Nottingham my customer received a text to say it was ready for collection at the shop. (as planned) The text message said that the parcel would be there up to 1st of March. When he arrived on 23rd February, the parcel was not there. The shop assistant in Nottingham said they had returned the parcel as they did not have enough room to store it. The parcel was sent back to Parcel2go in BOLTON (NOT BACK TO ME)... and now they want to charge me to send it back to me as the receiver of the parcel refused it. The “receiver of the parcel” was the shop IT WAS NOT THE PERSON WHO THE PARCEL WAS SENT TO Why should I have to pay to return the parcel to me, when the agent at MAHAL STORES, 250, Trowell Road, NG8 2DS refused the parcel !!!.... NOT MY CUSTOMER And when you contact them they are only available via web chat and the returns team are only open whilst I Am at work between 9 & 5pm. I am livid. WHAT A JOKE
  10. I switched to a Vodafone monthly plan on my new iPhone 5s and ported my number from Orange about 2 weeks ago. Since then I'm not receiving most calls and messages. I've now spoken to Vodafone about this 5 times! and visited store twice! I'm being told it is a porting problem. I was promised this would be sorted out within 24 hours 2 days ago. I've not even had the courtesy of a call back. When I called them today and spoke to the 'porting team' they say they can't get an update from their 'back room staff'. They seem to be useless and uninterested. I'm starting a new job on Monday and missing important calls. I'm sick to death of Vodafone. But if I get a new provider will it just make the porting problems worse? Any ideas?
  11. I went into Menkind, a gift shop, in Westfield London a couple of weeks ago. At the till I paid for two items, but just as I walked away I had a hunch that I had paid a good deal more than I should have. I looked at the receipt and saw that a third item had been added. The cash desk was clutter-free so it was an odd mistake to make. I turned round and spoke to the cashier. He denied any knowledge of putting the item through and then passed me to a girl next to him who then rather insultingly asked to check the bag he just packed. She spoke to me rather offhandedly as she asked me to return my card for a 'refund' - it would be refunded within 7 working days. At this point I realised that I needed to have the money refunded in cash. It was Christmas in two days and I couldn't afford to lose anything out of my account till maybe January 2. They refused to refund the amount in cash, and I responded by asking why should their accounting systems be kept in order over mine? The manager on duty was now nearby and affirmed this was impossible. I calmly stood my ground, though I didn't really know if I had a right to retrieve my money - I just felt I would surely have some rights. Meanwhile a queue was building up and a guy at the top started shouting at me 'it's only 8 quid'. Things started to escalate from there as I told him to shut up and then found others in the line joining in, together with various shop assistants! Eventually everyone was shouting at me and two shopping centre security guards came in, spoke to the manager who told them I was insisting on a 'cash refund' and hilariously, really, they called the police. I was very polite to them and said that was great, since I had nothing to worry about. When the police arrived I told them what had happened, and of course they said it's a civil matter and they couldn't deal with it (as if I had asked for them to be called!). One of the security guards then clocked that I was the victim rather than the shop and tried to get the cashiers to give cash, but eventually gave up and promised to take me to make a complaint against the shop if I would just hand over my card and have the amount refunded. He did lead me to an information desk. The girls on it had no forms for complaints so I had to scrawl it on a 'customer survey form'. They promised to see it through but I have never heard back. I'm sure many people reading this may be laughing about the risible amount of 8 quid that I needed back. I actually earn quite good money and have no debts, but was totally maxed out like many others on credit cards and my bank account with nothing coming in till 2 January. I don't even have to justify it, but I actually really needed that 8 quid available for travel on the Friday otherwise I couldn't get back from where I was going for Christmas, and I didn't see why I shouldn't have it back immediately if they had taken it off my card for nothing. It would be good to know if I was in my rights to ask for the cash, before I now just make a complaint straight to the chain's head office. I would also point out that the hysteria from the staff was very odd, particularly as I was only speaking forcefully against the shouting. I therefore do feel I caught out the cashiers stealing rather than making a mistake. It's one of the oldest tricks, running other stuff through when the shop is packed with people so you are hustled out quickly before you realise. Is there any point me telling the HQ of my suspicions?
  12. Please PLEASE can someone offer me some advice. I have had a small business account with British Gas for over 10 years. In 2010 I received an invoice from BG for several thousand pounds saying that my bills had been estimated for several years and here was a bill for what I owed them. Up until this point I always paid the bills they sent me and un be known (yes I agree this was my fault for not reading the bills properly) I hadnt realised they were estimated The recession had hit however and I was unable to pay this HUGE bill so I contacted BG. My turnover fell to £14k! It was really bad. This took several months of backwards and forwards between us to sort out and their "Special Credit Solutions Team" allocated me my own account manager and they agreed for monthly repayments. This amount they agreed was the minimum amount they would accept and I was bullied into agreeing to repay at this amount. I wasnt asked to produce or prove my zero income and my lack of work. These payments started, but then I stumbled 6 months later due to lack of work and monies. I contacted my account manager who said not to worry they would sort it and get back to me. They asked me for an up to date meter reading which I gave and they explained they would sort it. This didnt happen. I then received a notice of disconnection and called BG again. They repeatably said "Dont Worry" ignore the letter and they would sort it. Next I find that they have a Warrant, entered my premises at 5:00pm on a Friday evening, changed the locks and left me with a note to contact for new keys and another bill. This contact number went through to an telephone number that was unmanned. As we had work to carry out over that weekend we called a locksmith who changed our locks so that we could then gain access. I called BG on the Monday morning discussed this and the ongoing issue with their Warrant Dept who said that they would speak to "Special Credit Solutions Team" and get back to me. I was asked if I would like to file a complaint and I said yes and was given a Reference number for the complaint. I was told the complaint procedure could take up to 8 weeks for me to get a response but in the meantime they would get the Special Solutions Team to contact me and sort it out. I outlined that I was told to ignore the letter to disconnect my gas and that my account manager said they would sort it and get back to me. I also explain to the Warrant Dept that I have queeried if my meter was faulty because the offices were unmanned and had been for several years. There were no staff present on site and I was not happy with why my meter readings were this amount when I had not been working there at all. I asked if my meter could be looked at. I was told they would have to check to see where the meter was and that were not sure if they still had it. Nothing happened and I heard nothing. I called again at the beginning of May and the Warrant team said they would get my account manager to contact me and sort this out. Again I heard nothing A month later I email them and am told "I will look into this for you and reply as soon as I can. It is in the hands of a manager, please be reassured that we are dealing with your account." And again I still hear nothing. Then I receive a letter and several answerphone messages from a debt collection agency threatening me and then two weeks later I've received a formal demand for payment. By now another £500 has been added as administration fees! So, I'm writing to ask what I should do. As far as I'm concerned I filed a complaint with BG. I've had no response. I've had no letters, email, or telephone calls from them. They then appear to have passed this over for collection, even though I am told that this was being sorted by their Special Credit Solutions Team. Can I contact the Ombusman about this case, or do I file another complaint with BG? I need to get this sorted as we have no gas on the premises. (This happened back in April) I would like my meter testing but they dont know if they still have it, and havent let me know when they said they would. Look forward to some advice PLEASE
  13. Long story short, I failed ESA medical, still in shock, but the more I read about it, I realise I am one of many. However, Just before the decision was made, I had received a phone call from one of the decision makers asking for more evidence re dr's report so forth. I asked him why and he said that so far looking at the Atos report they said I could get a wheel chair and go to work. He then told me to go to my doctor and get a prescription for antidepressants. I asked why, when my disability and injuries are physical concentrating on my mobility. I was annoyed as I have dr reports, mri's and surgeons who all state I can not work and will not allow me to work. He told me that he has worked there for many years and this is what I need to do for a better chance of getting esa. He told me even if I get a prescription, not to take them and just throw them in the bin. I was really bothered hearing this as I am genuine in my health and medical condition and even told him that I would sign a waiver for them to have access to all my medical info since it is quite extensive. He gave me 21 days to get any further evidence to him. I did so, with my doctors report and sent it recorded signed for delivery. Imagine my shock receiving a letter saying I have been denied due to not sending in the required documents. I immediately phoned and asked to speak to him and told him I did send them in. He told me that they do not have them and really didnt belive me. I then disclosed that I sent them recorded and pulled up the tracking on the computer and read out the date time and signature to him. He says "well I didnt get them." He asked me why I didnt phone him and tell him that I sent them in. I said I was never told to phone him, I was just told to have them in within the 21 days which I did, decision stands and cancelled my assessment rate esa. I phoned again and got the same runaround. eventually phoned to speak to a manager to complain and she explained things about their postal routines. I still dont get it as I did send it, have proof and a signature they received it in time. the manager informed me she still cant find it as apparently it was sent to maintance dept in error. Their error not mine! still no reinstatement. she told me she will look into it and sent it for a reconsideration. I told her about how I felt I disclosed what the decision maker told me in regards to getting a prescription for anti depressants. I said It shows that they know it is impossible for persons with physical disabilities to pass this atos test. She said she will look into it. I reminded her that all the telephone calls are taped by them and she told me she will listen to them all and I also want a copy of the tapes for an appeal which I will probably have to be dragged through. Can they do this? any advice appreciated. thanks Kate
  14. Hi, I hope someone can help me with this nightmare I am having with Vodafone. I was looking at moving to a new service provider and requested my PAC code, however as I was away on holiday and busy at home, I didn't get around to using it, so as it was nearing the end of it's period, I called Vodafone to find out if it could be extended or if I needed a new code? I stupidly was convinced to stay with them and they would reduce my charges, I was told everything would just continue as normal on my account . A few days later,I lost service and called to find out what was wrong? I was told to switch off my phone for 5 to 10 minutes then everything would be okay, however this was not the case, so I called back and was told the same thing from the Cairo call centre who were really rude when I asked to speak to a supervisor and was told "it's all fixed " there is no need to speak to one. When I persisted I was told I would be called back in 24 to 48 hours. I called again the next morning and was passed from pillar to post before being told that I had ported my number across to O2. I told Them that this was not the case and that I had never used the PAC code and had never contacted any other service providers. I. Eventually spoke with a supervisor called Lynn at Glasgow who told me that I must have used the PAC code. By. This stage I could have banged my head against a brick wall!!!!! Lynn told me she was raising a fraud investigation and to call O2. Why should I have to call? I. Have done nothing wrong!! I did call O2 whom I had been with before I moved to Vodafone and they were very helpful. They told me that my number was still a Vodafone number and had not been ported across????? I have had to fight to get a temporary number from Vodafone and have never been called back by anyone, although I keep being told that they will get back to me. I. Have had my number for 10 years and want it back!!!!! I am now out of the country again and have had to contact family and friends to give them this temporary number. I informed Lynn the supervisor that I wanted it noted that I wanted my 7 days cooling off period extended until this is resolved, because if I leave now I will have no chance of getting my number back. I am appalled and disgusted by the level of service at Vodafone and my next step is the ombudsman. Someone please please help!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Lee... I hope you read this... It got very ugly this evening. Long story short... Since returning to Vodafone I have been a loyal customer. I pay a lot of money every month to your company and now its taking the literal ****... Back in December time, i opted in to take insurance for my beloved Galaxy Note II from Vodafone.... Supplied By Vodafone (Please make sure you pay attention to the Supplied By Vodafone) I decided to trade it in for the marvellous HTC One when it was released in March this year... and I went straight into the Vodafone store and put it on my insurance... Which the handset was supplied by Carphone Warehouse... (This was supplied in Crawley and is a 3rd party handset) They insured and updated it no questions asked and it was covered. and that had been my main handset for 6 months... Wait for it though it gets better... At no point through the time it was on the insurance did I make a claim for it (And thank goodness i didnt, because this would have been the end for me and Vodafone) Yet yesterday i get my hands on a Galaxy Note III, Supplied by Phones4u and today i went to register and replace the HTC One while im in London Victoria Station... "Sorry Sir, its not coverable under the policy and it has been this way for a long time"... (Store Manager) "Er Sorry? Your saying 3rd party handsets not supplied by Vodafone are not covered?" (Me) "Yep... Sorry!" (Store Manager) So i make a few calls to Customer Services and to the Underwriters directly. The underwriters confirm that the policy shouldn't cover the phone and has been misplaced on the account and should have been terminated when I got the HTC One. They referred me to you and your overseas call centre seem to have very selective hearing... Somewhat so the second call after being transferred from ACE Europe / Lifestyle went along the lines of "I hear you are looking to add insurance" I blew my rag at him and asked to speak to someone from Newbury and his response "Sorry, I don't know what you mean" Seriously Vodafone.... How do you train your staff with Basic company knowledge?!?!?! The last call before i gave up was to a lady that went (No word of a lie) after i had explained in Clear, Precise, Calm English exactly what i wanted... "So How Can I Help You?!?!?" I eventually gave up trying to register a complaint because she had no clue looking over your system and quite frankly after tieing myself in for another 2 years, I really wish i had gone elsewhere and terminated my services... The point here is I've been mis-sold the insurance supplied by Vodafone PLC and its subsidiaries and i want ALL my premiums i have paid back for a service that is useless... I have checked your Terms & Conditions for the insurance and Ace Europe confirmed that it doesn't make any mention of that it has to be a Vodafone locked device and the terms which are provided to your customers in store are misleading and provide a sense of false security. Your Customer Service team even admitted this to me. FYI - I've done the whole WRT165 & your reference is; (WRT165 - Complaint - To Be Dealt With By Lee From Web Relations ONLY!!! [#11817422]) Under the FSA Insurance Key Points; - You must treat a customer fairly by the points below; *Point 1: Products and services marketed and sold in the retail market are designed to meet the needs of identified consumer groups and are targeted accordingly *Point 2 : Consumers are provided with clear information and are kept appropriately informed before, during and after the point of sale. *Point 3: Consumers are provided with products that perform as firms have led them to expect, and the associated service is of an acceptable standard and as they have been led to expect. *Point 4; Consumers do not face unreasonable post-sale barriers imposed by firms to change product, switch provider, submit a claim or make a complaint. My point being with the above; A) This product does not meet my needs as off March this year. It still doesnt now but your staff didnt remove the insurance not today or back in March. B) The Terms are not clear enough to advise it must be a "Vodafone Supplied Device" C) I have been misled by what the product does cover me for if it is not as above. D) If I had made a claim, it would have been invalidated by it not being a device as supplied as above.
  16. Hello there, I’m hoping someone can help me regarding a company named Parcel2Go (P2G) A parcel containing a laptop, monitor screen, and a few cables was sent from Surrey UK using P2G on the 4th September 2013. The delivery SLA was the 9th September 2013. Destination Lanzarote. Copies of passport documents and customs forms were present at the time of collection (for customs purposes) and copies of the passports were sent to the P2G admin team that day as well. The passport documents were then re-requested by P2G and sent to them (AGAIN) well before before their cut-off time. On the 9th September the parcel had not arrived. No delivery attempt was made. The parcel never even made it out of main land Spain! Since the 9th September a call (or more than one per day) has been made to the “customer support” department at P2G – so that’s a total of 14 days (excludes Sundays) we have called them continuously to be fobbed off every time. Calls and emails promised back have never happened. Around the 19th September Fedex were contacted out of sheer frustration for having no info from P2G (Fedex were the other courier company receiving the goods from P2G in mainland Spain to deliver to Lanzarote). FEDEX advised on the 21st September that the parcel would be returned to the UK. This is because the passport paperwork was received from P2G 3 days outside of the cut-off time, so it had not even attempted to go through customs. We were cc'd into these emails proving these details. What is most frustrating about this is that the parcel was over £100 to send. P2G have then not delivered the package, or had the decency to return any calls / emails and at their fault for providing the required documents nearly 3 days AFTER the customs / Fedex cut-off time. The parcel then arrived back with us in the UK at about 9.30am Monday 23rd September. The airport sticker was showing transit back to stanstead at 8pm on the 21st September. I’m not sure how we can get a refund for this appalling service. Which is ridiculous - very day since the 9th P2G have promised a call / email back NONE of these have ever happened. Sorry - apart form an email advising WE DID NOT HAVE TO PAY FOR THE RETURN COSTS TO THE UK!! We called Monday 23rd asking to speak to a manager, or anyone of authority only to be told (quite rudely) there is no manager prepared to take the call and its 3 weeks to send a complaint in via the post only!!!!!!! I put a direct complaint on their FB wall after this call on Monday 23rd this is not something I have ever had to do to a company before (we were thinking there has to be SOMEONE who works there that is actually is bothered about how appalling they have been throughout the last few weeks, or a manager SOMEWHERE who cares about their reputation) Their response said a call back would happen on Monday 23rd - at 4.55pm – no call. So I added to the FB complaint, to be told it would now be Tuesday (thanks for letting us know!) We should have known no one would call! At 11pm Tuesday 24th still no call or email all day. I added another comment and currently “they were expecting us to receive a call yesterday and will get right on it” At this point we have no idea how to get a refund, the payment was made by debit card – let alone the items have now had to be sent by a friend travelling out, at an additional cost for baggage on the plane! And the items are going to be more than 3 weeks late. I just can’t believe they have no management structure in place to deal with a complaint that is approaching the 3 week mark, with no contact made to us apart from their comments back on their FaceBook wall – which is obviously to show the world they are “responding” - when in fact behind the scenes no response is or has been made to resolve this issue, or to refund the £100 they have taken but not provided a service for. I would appreciate help / advice on how to get the £100 paid for nothing but 3 weeks worth of frustration refunded. I have read the SOGA but cant seem to get anyone to action anything at Parcel2Go, even a call back! – its becoming very stressful and frustrating. :mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2:
  17. Hi Caggers, Quick summary. I previously had a BT landline and broadband from BE. Sky have acquired BE. So I was told that if I migrated from BE to Sky early and moved my landline to Sky I would get a large discount on broadband. I did this a couple of months ago and paid for 12 months line rental + 12 months broadband in advance. The line rental transferred without any fuss on the 30th July. I was told that a MAC code was not required to switch the broadband over since BE was now part of Sky. So I assumed that all had gone through smoothly and I was now connected to Sky's broadband network. So I was surprised to receive a bill from BE a few weeks ago for the period in which I believed I had been swapped to Sky broadband. Sky customer service confirmed that I had not been on their broadband network. Numerous phone calls and hours on the phone have solved nothing as everytime I get close to having the problem resolved I am transferred to someone else and cut off. I wrote to Sky Complaints Dept 2 weeks ago and have heard nothing back. Where should I go from here?
  18. Dear CAG, Can anyone help me out here. My son has been issued a court order for reposession, yes there are rent arrears but this was not the only reason why he is being evicted, the landlord wants his property back to sell I think. Anyway the council advised my son that he has to wait to go to court and then wait till the bailiffs come to evict him, only then he would be classed as homeless. Well today he went to the homeless persons unit and they told him basicially he is not priority and not guaranteed or words to that effect be housed. Apart from all this is the court cost and other fees from the letting agents solicitors which all mount up to about £800, my son is unemployed so I guess because i stood as gaurantor they will come to me for the money. What gets me if he knew he was not going to be housed by the council why would someone be it anyone get taken to court and cost themselves £800 only to be told to naff off. He has been on the bidding list for three years now and nothing yet Barking & dagenham has housed all the immigrants and no doubt illegal immigrants. God I feel like screeming can anyone tell me what to do and if this is justice on people that have been born in this country and and went to school and have no where to live. Please can someone help me out here. Mashmallow
  19. Hi, All I need some urgent help with a company called Loansathome4U. I took out a loan and repaid some of it and got into financial problems with my other priorty bills ie council tax, rent, water etc. They are ringing me each day and knocking on my door every other day and I have told them I do not have the money and I am trying to go through a debt mananement to try and pay a token payment, but I can even afford that. They will not accept my offer of a £1 per month intill I get myself sorted. I have had enough of this everyday and sent them a letter I think I found on here stating I do not want a meeting with them and if they continue to knock on my door I will ring the police for trespassing. I just had a phone call saying the letter is not valid and they will continue to knock on my door. What can I do this is very stressful and they will not accept my token payment and I have many other creditors that are willing to accept it. Thanks in advance
  20. Hi just wondering if anyone could please give me any advice on my situation. I was parked (legally) in a city centre waiting to pick someone up when a taxi came down the road too fast slammed on his brakes and practically stopped before lightly tapping the bumper of my car. I jumped out and there was no damage to my car and a small crack on his bumper. I said there was no problem and we went our separate ways. Then a week later my insurance company (which is a traders policy I shared with my father for business reasons) called to ask why I haven't reported the accident id had. This taxi driver had said id reversed into him. I disputed this then after some backward and forward calls they said they are voiding my insurance as the policy is in my fathers name and my logbook is registered in my name which was an innocent mistake on my behalf for not reading small print. Anyway by all means they are in their rights to do this but where does it leave my with the ongoing claim. Am I going to be taken to court. Am I going to get in trouble for driving without insurance even though I didn't know I was. I am so worried about all this any advise or information / previous experience would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks
  21. We were with British Gas as our energy supplier, because we moved into a property in a new area and they had supplied the previous owner. Mistake! We began to receive our bills as business customers as it is a residential property, made contact at least three times, but continued to pay the bills, until they transferred us to a residential account. All of our bills have been paid we have all of them, and the bank statements, but while we were paying this they were also charging us for a business account, although we were not sent bills for this, effectively charging twice for the same energy used. With the best will in the world we can't use the same gas and electricity twice! One meter! I went into hospital as a cancer patient and came home to find debt collection letters, eventually British Gas wrote to us and said it was their error, then the letters started again, I've asked the debt collectors to take us to court so we can counter claim, clear this up once and for all. Our clean credit rating is affected by this, I'm not in remission so do not need the stress, my husband has tried to talk to them and he received a phone call apologizing for the error although not in writing, today another letter. We have a new supplier now, who would not have taken us on with a prior debt. Confused? Yep us too. I'm desperate to take them to court for harassment and compensation as this is two years of hell. Any advice? Lily-Anne
  22. HELP...my insurance wont do anything. Phone bill to date..approx 197 pounds...approx three and a half hours..result....my car is damaged..unsecure and not being repaired. autoglass will not fit audi glass without insurance permission. Insurance cannot find price of audi glass. Its 75.00 pounds...took me thirty seconds to find. they cannot communicate with each other and they are so rude and obstructive you wouldnt believe it. I cannot afford to take it to audi. this is day three now without response from my insurance. They have offered to take the car for 'secure' storage at my cost. WTF am i insured for. I am getting nowhere. i have put in a formal complaint. 2 managers have phoned back and still not managed to find out the cost of the glass from audi or autoglass. In between...autoglass mad an appointment to repair but didnt turn up because the glass hadnt been oredered. they then offered another appointment which i could not keep due to work...so they also bnecame rude and unhelpful. I m lost for words.
  23. Hi all I have been looking around your forums for some time, butnever posted. This all started for me last march I was on incapacitybenefit and have been for 4 years due to back problems and knee problems, I gotthe form to fill in march. Then Got called in for a medical, they tried to get me tocome in early with 30 minutes notice when I said I couldn’t get there in timethey reluctantly agreed I could keep original appointment. The medical report was of information that quite frankly theyjust made up. And said I scored o points and should just use a wheel chair andwould be fine. After my appeal, I called each month to check on thereconsideration, Each time it was done, it wasn’t done, I got the points Ididn’t get the points, letter had been sent out, no notes they didn’t know andwent round in circles with a different answer each time. Finally February came and I still score 0 points and I amgoing to tribunal. Tribunal was last week it was the most awful experience inmy life. The Judge seemed nice enough but the doctor seemed like hecame from ATOS he grilled me on my walking over and over, made up this reallyodd scenarios. Anyway even after all the grilling, the fact I said Icouldn’t repeatedly walk 50 meters, the letter from doctor, specialist phyisotherapy and Cab all said this too. But they put me down for 100 meters puttingme in the WRAG group. Meaning its all over for me as my partner works. The judge was willing me to appeal I’m not sure if she wasbeing nice or its some kind of trick to take it all away from me. Does anyone know if I can appeal the tribunal on the groundI believe the wrong amount of meters has been put down? What classes as a pointof law? Thanks All
  24. I've noticed previous threads on this. My own experience with this started with an upgrade to Fibre on 12th March. Plusnet sent BT Openreach engineer for upgrade and since then NO BROADBAND AND OFTEN NO LANDLINE EITHER! Have been pushed from pillar to post - BT landline people, then Plusnet to their "suppliers" BT Wholesale who then speak with their BT Openreach people. No communication between the different sections - all of which are BT. One Plusnet chap confessed that they speak with the same folk in India as if I had gone direct with BT! So much for their marketing of local service in Yorkshire etc! Have been long customer of theirs (10 years +) and bitterly regret letting the engineer into the house on the 12th. Wish I had gone with BT direct now but they talked me out of it when I asked for MAC code. Out of loyalty stayed with them. HuH. Getting desperate so will write to CEO but doubt will get any response. No resolution in sight.
  25. Hi everyone, i have signed up to this forum because i am at the end of my mental state and needed some advise and from what i have read on here this is a great community with excellent help for those that need it and that person is me ! We purchased Coverplan on our laptop and have been paying the direct debit for months, we were rusing out of the house for a business meeting and "smash" the laptop went down the stairs and was in a very bad way, this was aweful because i had all our images on there and the thing wouldnt turn on and was in a mess. So, i called Knowhow who told me the unit would be being picked up and that they estimated i would get the unit back within 7 working days, if they could not fix the unit by the 42 day which was April 19th i would be entitled to a write off. Well after Knowhow ringing me almost everday to report the unit was waiting on several parts the 42nd day arrived on the 19th of April and i telephones them to ask when i would be getting the write of confirmed. I was talking to a Richard who assused me the unit would take 3 days to be written of and on my notes he had argued with another rep that said i was not under a 42 day policy when it states that i am when you ring them up and give them my details !? This went on for almost a week and after speaking to a Mrs Catherine Crapper who is a manager she also assured me it would be written of, then out of the blue a phone call with a gentleman asking for my email address so he could send the voucher code to go and get my new laptop and this is were it went horrible ! I was contacted last week by a guy from Knowhow that started the conversation with the following "Mr ******* im calling to tell you that there is no way i writing this laptop of so you have no chance sir" .................I was gobsmacked and amazed as he followed that by saying "we have unlimited time to repair your laptop" i asked what would happen if i was still waiting at Christ,as and he said "Thats your problem sir" Can someone help me here ? Its been over 50 days and its still not fixed and we have been told they do not know of they can get the parts to fix it ! I need my laptop for business and i am currently grounded when it comes to using a laptop because of them. The worst customer service call centre i have ever delt with in my entire life ! Regards David
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