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  1. Hi Everyone, Thanks for all your comments - I posted back special delivery yesterday to Head Office with a long letter about my treatment but equally to 'confess' that a product was found. The lady from Customer Services was just lovely. She was horrified the way I was treated and very shocked at 'my honesty'. I did confess I was more worried about my picture appearing in the local paper to find out who I was from the CCTV. She is calling the store manager now and is replying with a letter. A very positive conversation where I told her just how worried i'd been and how I was too scared to go back in the shop. I just wanted to say thank you for the very wise advice. I've not slept properly since Saturday! I feel a bit more reassured now and feel like I have done the right thing. You have all been very kind - thank you x
  2. thank you for your help! Sounds like an excellent idea, I am going to send it back to head office with a letter - should I copy a letter in the home store too, or just let it filter down from HO? Brilliant idea.....I actually think I would be too nervous to go back into the store again, which is a real shame as I am a total Boots addict!!!
  3. Thank you. My concerns are I guess.... although I was extremely miffed that he stopped me in my car....he was actually right, I had actually had something although 100% I had no idea......convinced my little one was either holding it or had put it in the seat or the pram etc? Is it likely as his 'hunch' was right, although my husband says if he was absolutely convinced I had it he would of asked me to go back in the shop, and me being me prob would of gone with him! Is it likely that if they review CCTV they can persue me after the event? I paid for my goods, ironically by my rewards points! so can they chase me that way if they wanted to persue? I may be being very dramatic but I have images of my face being displayed in the local paper as a CCTV image! It's just the value! of all things my little one could watch me pick up and put down its a £20 face cream he chose!!! I dont think I can go back in there - I said to the shop assistant who accompanied the pretty abrupt security guard, I buy all my baby things in here, I come in weekly I dont steal and even she give me a grimaced look...... So I guess my question is can they chase any event 'after the event' and after in their eyes they have dealt with it and let me go? Thanks for the advice! One worried mummy whose child will remain securely strapped in apushchair for the rest of his childhood shopping vists!!!!
  4. Sorry, second time of writing this as lost my first post. Hope someone can give me some wise advice!! I was shopping today in boots, bought a few items paid and left quite happily with my toddler who for the first time EVER I let him walk with me rather than pushed in the pushchair although still had it wth me! Left the shop quite happily, spent ages faffing in the car park changing my little boys nappy and sorting him out - chucked pram in car and got in. Just as I was pulling off, a knock on my window from a security guard.. I opened my window and he asked me if I paid for a face cream that I DID pick up.. ..contemplated paying and then put back in not the same place. He said he couldnt find it and would I mind showing him my buggy.. ..I got it out.. .shook it out and nothing there. even offered willingly to show him my handbag which had nothing in . ...and offered to let him look in my car but he said he couldnt do that and would have to give me the benefit of the doubt!! was so upset!! got home told my husband and he was furious I'd been accused. However this evening my husband was cleaning the car and rolled under the car seats is the bloody face cream! i am horrified. ..... so my question is, I am not going to take it in to them for fear of what they will do.. ..but if I posted it back to them, or posted a letter with the money value is that worth anything at this point? my husband is scaring me with suggestion of me being all over cctv etc etc. What is the best thing to do?
  5. It was issued on 20 August. I have acknowledged online for 28 days, so does that mean I have 28 days regardless or if I choose to just send in my finances it is still 14 days? I have the doctors in the morning for the 'talk' so just trying to get that out of the way first. I started to complete the form last night but got a bit in a mess, so figured will try and calm down a bit with everything that is going on then get it going. The CCA request was sent on 14th August before the papers arrived. I do have defaults on my account so figure probably (don't know if I am being a bit naive here, that a CCJ is prob not the worst thing that can happen right now) Can I submit a letter with the form if I do choose the route of 'admitting all' explaining my circumstances?
  6. Thank you so much. Got a bit tearful trying to sort it out tonight as my finances actually just don't add since I was on my own. Even being truthiful and adding it what I do get still makes it look rubbish. I kinda think looking at it that maybe it will be easier doing it this way than the DCA. I have managed to keep up to date with my personal loan as it is with my own bank and am always terrfied they would just take it from my wages leaving me unable to pay the rent - will the court look at me badly for keeping up with one debt and not another?
  7. If I choose to just to complete the form with expenditure - can i include my babies nursery fee in this? Just worried as I owe the debt if I am doing the right thing - if they can't provide the CCA does this make a difference to me having to pay the debt? The expenditure looks dire as it is. Plus just had some really rubbish health news from Friday from a lump being removed on my leg and it seems so bloomin hard work to fight any of this. If I was to offer £5 or £10 a month would they laugh at me? I work about about £360 a month for household? to include my babies nappies, milk and my food - would that be about right.
  8. Sorry - knew I started another thread but I did it before the old thread was moved from the DCA group - sorry to cause confusion. The Claimant is listed as Santander Cards UK limited. I have just been online and acknowledged the claim and requested the 28 days. So, I have sent already a CCA to Howard Cohen, do I need to send the CPR 31.14 to him as well, or to Santander? Could anyone tell me where I find a copy of a template to send?
  9. Hi, Thanks for this. I actually don't know which DCA it is, as I have only heard from Howard Cohen. Once with a letter asking me to contact them a few weeks ago - then that they intended to commence legal proceedings which I then sent a CCA this week, then 2 days later these papers so I am a bit bewildered how its happened so fast. The PoC says the following: The claimants claim is for the sum of £1070 being monies due from the defendant to the claimant under a regulated credit agreement made in writing under reference xxxxx The defendant has failed to make payment in accordance with the terms of this agreement and a default notice has been served upon the defendant pursuant to section 87(1) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. The claimant owes the sum 1070 Court fee £65 Solicitors Cost £80 Total £1215 So, I acknowledge online then send the acknowledgment of service to Cohen saying I defend? I sent off CCA to them special delivery this week, so they should have this by now. Sorry, not done any of this before, what is a CPR 31.14? Thanks for any help.
  10. Sorry I think I posted as Brig merged it (sorry didn't want to create extra work by having to merge the threads!) - it was taken out in 1999 - never been changed. Thanks
  11. Hi,. Could I have some advise please I have a Capital One credit card which I have request PPI to be reclaimed. After waiting almost 5 months for a reply (December to June) with letters inbetween saying that they are very busy etc etc they replied to say that I applied for the credit card online and ticked the PPI so therefore I agreed. Obviously I dont remember clicking the button to ask for PPI (can never see I would ask for extra money to be added each month to be honest!) Is there ever any way around appealing this? What is more frustrating is that they are STILL added on PPI despite the letter in December to say I don't need it. Would be grateful for any advice before I write back to them again or contact the F.Ombudsman.
  12. Hi, I have posted a thread in the Debt Collection Forum where I was getting some really good advice, but I have been advised to post in this forum too, so hope I am in the right place. Bit of background - I owe £1080 for a Santander store card last paid last June, basically not been able to pay due to a messy break up and have a little one. I actually haven't heard much from anyone about it (compared to by BarclayCard!) but on Monday last week receieved a letter from Howard Cohen saying that unless I contacted them immediately they would commence court proceedings. I asked for help on here, and sent off a letter sent special delivery the next day with a £1 postal order for a CCA. 2 days later I have receieved blue court papers from Nottingham CC. My question mainly is there any point contesting it? the debt is mine but certainly can't afford to pay it in one. There is so much PPI and charges on it. Tried claiming PPI but they refused - had this card open for over 12 years so there would be so much on it. So, is there a defense to my claim (as I was waiting the CCA then going to SAR them for the full PPI totals) or just fill the papers in to accept what I owe? Also, looking at all the paying out parts - can I include childcare in being a day to day cost? my child goes to nursery for the days I work which obviously has a huge part of my earnings - are these taken into account? If I am working (I quite literally have nothing left after everything is paid!) and it is a card debt, would they make me pay lots? Be grateful to know what to do as to whether to apply for a 28 day breather (can I do that anyway?!) or whether to get on with the papers? Sorry to ramble, just been awake all night worrying about it. Thank you
  13. Sorry to sound a bit blonde - just not sure if I can defend myself so to speak? I do owe the debt - albeit I was hoping to get to it first with the PPI claim and the charges which must be on it. I just wonder if I can defend myself so to speak? Sorry, I prob sound a bit defeatist today! Miserable girlie this afternoon!! If by defending myself I can explain my circumstances? then that is a possibility - sure you know if it is worth contesting or not or if I don't have a leg to stand on!
  14. The PoC (guessing this is the particulars of claim?) The claimants claim is for the sum of £1070 being moneys due from the defendant to the claimant under a regulated credit agreement made in writing under reference. The Defendant has failed to make payment in accordance with the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been servced upon the defendant pursuant to section 87 (1) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. The claimant claims the sum of 1070. Amount claimed 1070 Court fee 65 Solicitors cost 80 With the acknowledgment of Service which box do I tick? intend to defend all of this claim, part of this claim or intend to contest jurisdiction. This account has PPI on which was refused (as per previous post) and was in the middle of a CCA request, so not sure if that applies now? Thanks for help again
  15. I this morning have had a blue letter from Northampton County Court for a claim form I guess for a CCJ. Says there is a limited amount of time to complete the form - do I complete it now, or do I do something else. How long do I have to complete? I am now extremely worried.
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