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  1. Hi, My brother was working intermittently 2012-2013 (agency work) and did not earn a great deal during that year. He repeatedly had contact with the CSA who kept telling him he owed nothing (he had paperwork to back this up). He thankfully, found a full time job last April and informed the CSA of his new circumstances after a few weeks of letters,calls etc. they said he had to pay £40 per week plus arrears of £3,500. He was shocked to say the least and asked for a complete breakdown. They had charged him for every week during the year he had hardly worked. He flagged this up and they said they would find out what he earned that year. Nothing happened, so my brother has continued to pay the arrears plus maintenance for his 2 adopted children. He queried it again this year as he was fed up paying all these arrears. They have now reviewed his case and slapped another £73 a month on his payments and increased the weekly sum for the children. He only earns £15,000 a year for a 50 hour week. His rent is huge , he has to pay council tax of course and all other bills and is worryingly depressed at this point. I e:mailed the CSA as it is so expensive to ring them, but we are getting nowhere. They send random letters saying he owes nothing and then increase the payments. He isn't great on the phone and is baffled by all the stuff they tell him, so I am trying to help. His ex left him and has a new partner and he doesn't see his kids,because he does'nt know where they are. Life is so unfair sometimes. Any advice would be gratefully received
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