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  1. Oh my. What an exciting opportunity. Those wonderful clever clever people at Cenote Marketing (dot) co.uk have offered us a huge amount of personal data about you relating to a variety of aspects of your personal life - and no doubt of your family as well. What a unique opportunity to pry even more closely into other people's lives and to pursue them with marketing or other distressing and nuisance communications. It seems to be available to any NosyParker (dot) com agency and no mention of any checks as to whether the buyer is a responsible person or is registered with the ICO - although maybe that comes later once you make the phone call. And I wonder who sold it to them ... ... anyway, who cares. I can't wait... ... the CAG is about to snoop on your poop. Yummy!
  2. This could have serious consequences... http://parking-prankster.blogspot.co.uk/2015/10/parkingeye-subject-to-data-protection.html?m=1
  3. http://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/aug/27/thousands-died-after-fit-for-work-assessment-dwp-figures
  4. The mobile phone retailer Carphone Warehouse has announced that they’ve suffered a huge data breach which could lead to the accessing of up to 2.4m of their customers information. Following the breach, the company has investigated and found that the details accessed could have included names, addresses, dates of birth and bank details. This includes up to 90,000 customers who have also had their encrypted credit card information accessed. Customers who've potentially been affected, have received emails about the incident and are encouraged to: Alert your bank and check your statements Watch out for phishing calls and emails Check your credit rating to make sure no one has taken out loan and credit in your name Report fraudulent activity to Action Fraud http://www.carphonewarehouse.com/information.
  5. Please have a read of the attachment as it provides information for homelessness from the start of the year till the end of March. 1st quarter. It is now once again on the increase... " If faced with the loss of their home, any household can apply to their local authority for acceptance for housing assistance. A household is considered homeless if they no longer have a legal right to occupy their accommodation or if it would no longer be reasonable to continue to live there, for example, if living there would lead to violence against them."
  6. Says it all in the title really. Without naming names, I sued a financial institution a little over a year ago, the case was compromised by Tomlin. For various reasons [mainly because the terms were thrashed out in 20 minutes in front of a slightly grumpy dj] the agreement made no mention of CRA's. Not particularly a biggie as I got 90% of the money I was claiming and the default was due to drop off about 60 days later anyway. Roll forward a few months and it [a few weeks ago] began reporting the account again. This time without the default marker but with an erroneous £12.00 balance [would have to assume its created a balance with a late payment/other charge]. Ergo, the account was reported as defaulted for 6 years, disappeared for a few months and later reappeared at year 7 with no markers. My problem is....... .what exactly within the DPA prescribes the 6 year data reporting. The ICO guidance [at January 2014] certainly defines that it shouldn't be but what within the instrument says that it must cease at the expiry of 6 years and what prescribes that the account cannot return to normal status at any point during or after 6 years of reporting a default? Is this a simple matter of acting contrary to principle/s in manipulating the data?
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-33835185 Apparently it knew about this last Wednesday and has only just started informing customers !!
  8. HI all, my wife works as a Bank Catering assistant with the NHS. We also have a little one we arrange childcare for. My wife rolled into work today and her supervisor asked her if she could work an additional day per week, she also said that she had cleared this with the childminder first so that wasn't an issue. To add my wifes supervisor and our childminder are sisters. Surely on both counts it much breach some kind of regulations/policies. Both my wifes supervisor or our childminder shouldn't be discussing my wifes hours or availability prior to having the conversation with my wife. Just wondered what the best course of action is here. IS this wrong??
  9. In line with the government’s commitment to free data, Companies House is pleased to announce that all public digital data held on the UK register of companies is now accessible free of charge, on its new public beta search service. This provides access to over 170 million digital records on companies and directors including financial accounts, company filings and details on directors and secretaries throughout the life of the company. Free access to the data is available both through a web service and an application program interface (API), enabling both consumers and technology providers to access real time updates on companies. You can try the new service here.
  10. Just rejoined Skype, needless to say since Microsoft took over it is now plagued with adverts I am using an internet dongle from Three so my question is? If i leave skype running in the background, will it eat all my allocated data on my price plan?? Thanks
  11. Hi, hope somebody can answer this for me. Been driving for nearly 20 years with no fines...until last year, my dad is the registered keeper of my car, he received the letter and sent it back advising my name. Sent it back, paid the fine etc, job done...I thought. 2 months ago I got another, did the same with the letter but didn't hear. The other day my mum rang me and she was fuming, said that she rang the number to find out why nothing has happened and they told her my licence was revoked for failing to send my licence back last year. This was the first I knew of it, I thought points were automatic and didn't receive letters from the DVLA. However what I need to know is, did they have any right to disclose such personal information to my mum? Surely this is a DPA breach? This has caused massive arguments...surely they can't just disclose this info can they???
  12. A US firm is to extend its free mobile data, voice and text offering to the UK from July this year. FreedomPop will offer Sim cards that offer 200MB of data, 200 texts and 200 minutes of voice calls per month using the cellular network at no cost. The company already offers a similar free mobile data plan in the US to more than half a million users. The firm, which is backed by Skype founder Niklas Zennstom, says it will make money by selling extra services. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-32704051 US mobile phone provider FreedomPop is launching its Sim-only service in the UK - which offers free calls, texts and data. The service is launching as a virtual network operator using Three’s mobile network to provide users with 200 minutes, 200 texts and 200MB of data for free. FreedomPop has not said whether there will be an upfront cost for the Sim. Users can buy more allowance or additional services such as a second phone number tied to one mobile phone and will have to pay to go over the free calls, texts or data allowance. http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/may/13/freedompop-bringing-free-mobile-calls-texts-data-service-to-uk
  13. Hi All, First post on the forum, but have read many other similar threads now that I have done some searching on the internet - wish we had done so before switching to Vodafone. Brief summary: Vodafone seem to have messed up porting a number and while it can call and text the SIM can't get any mobile data at all. It's been like this for 6 weeks and Vodafone don't seem to be able/willing to do anything about it. Meanwhile they're still taking our money. I've complained in store (more than once waited in the store while staff are on hold to someone else for so long that the store closes and I get kicked out!), I've spoken to them on the phone, and have spent hours on the webchat system, I've even made a complaint directly to the CEO. Every time I complain I'm told just to wait 24/48/72 hours and the mistake will be corrected. It never is. From what I can gather only a handful of people in Vodafone can actually interact with the porting system and they are never customer facing and difficult for even executive level complaints to get in touch with. I'm on here to see if anyone can give advice about what to try next? It seems like options might be: Complain to ombusdsman services - unfortunately they won't take the case on until 8 weeks have passed, so have to wait a little longer before approaching them. Try to tackle Vodafone legally as a breach of contract - they're more than happy to collect the direct debits but are not providing the service we agreed to - perhaps there is an appropriate angle here? Something else? Maybe the better informed users of this forum have good suggestions? Looking forward to getting peoples thoughts - help! Thanks for reading Owen
  14. Hi All, First post on the forum, I am having a problem with Vodafone since porting my number across. Like many others by the seems of it I have no mobile data. I can call and text but no data. I have spoken to Vodafone customer services numerous time on this issue and the call has allegedly been escalated to the network team. This call has been with this team for about 10 days and I cannot get an answer as to what is happening. So far I have been through the internet settings with every customer service person on every call. I have had the texts sent to me to do the Telco equivalent of have you tried turning it off an on again. They have blamed the SIM card and have had a new SIM sent. Another half a day without a phone at all while switch took place. Then I was told the call has been escalated to the network team and I will get a txt in a couple of days to let me know what is happening. This was about 10 days ago and nothing has happened since. I have spoken to customers services again today and there is still no update and I was told there is no SLA to fix this issue and to wait a few more days. I did not realise how much I rely on the mobile data for little things when out and about. I am now very frustrated as I have a smart phone which I can't use as such when away from wifi. I cannot wait 6 weeks or more like other users who have posted here and I am still paying for a service I am not getting. To rub salt into the wound I get a text from Vodafone stating you have unlimited uk data for 2 more months. So enjoy watching movies or listening to music. Would have been nice to use some of it. What sort of action can I take with Vodafone? e.g. Do I have grounds to terminate the contract and return the phone as they are not supplying the service I have signed up for. Any advise or possible routes other that customer service to get the issue solved. Thanks Matthew
  15. Microsoft has taken a stand against the US Government and put itself into contempt by refusing to hand over data stored on it's Irish cloud servers to the NSA. More and more companies are using the cloud and if they can't rely on privacy and secrecy of their commercially sensitive data, they will stop using the cloud for storage. Microsoft has a number of allies include Apple, Google, Dropbox, and Amazon. May they win for all our sakes. If business stops using the cloud, there will not be enough income to maintain the services just for the public storing music and pictures so they will close. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxNZRSuuTzg
  16. Hello everyone, I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this...hope so. I wonder if I share a story, if anyone can offer advice please. 9 years ago, due to illness and family tragedy, my husband got into financial difficulty. Via the CCCS, token repayments to creditors were agreed an interest suspended. Since then, payments have increased in line with affordability. We have reapid a considerable amount, but still have a fair way to go. I know some will say, 'why didn't you try to go the non-cca, unenforceable route' but, all apart from one were helpful (I did get SD set aside re Arrow Global as they wouldn't play ball) so did not want to pursue the fight with the others. Fast forward to now and our circumstances have taken a turn for the worse and, due to a reduction in income (husband self-employed and work slowed, loss of income due to ongoing health issues and hospital visits), we can no longer afford the current repayment levels, so we have written to the remaining creditors to explain the situation (and included an up-to-date I&E). The one I would like to ask advice on is Idem. ORIGINAL DEBT TO MBNA APPROX £7800 APPROX MBNA PAID £4400 APPROX PAID TO IDEM SO FAR £2000 Original Creditor MBNA agreed a repayment programme that, provided we kept to until they were repaid, they would leave us alone (which they did). We continued the payments, then in September 2012, we were advised that they had sold the remaining debt to Idem Capital Securities Ltd, but that the agreement would continue (which it did). We began paying the same payments to Idem but, we cannot afford these now. Idem has written (see letter C) saying that they need express consent to process the information in our letter and I&E, either in writing or by a phone call. As we won't deal with any of this at the telephone, the signed confirmation is the only option. DO WE HAVE TO SIGN AND RETURN THIS? WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS IF WE DO? WHAT IF WE DON'T? What we don't want is for them to 'get heavy' with us, because we can't pay what we can't currently afford. If the repayment programme with MBNA was in place and a default notice never issued as a result (don't have one in file anyway), when the debt was sold to Idem, did that terminate the account and could Idem take us to Court if we can't agree on continued repayments? Any suggestions on how to proceed? Thanks Sorry, forgot how to attach copy letter, it's been so long since I posted on here!! Think this should work. Didn't-too small, sorry. Hoping this works. Can someone let me know if you can see this copy ok. If not, I'll try the other suggested method. Stigman, Thanks for the response. Yes we do have our own house (with equity, I'm afraid). You said send a CCA request (to Idem I presume). Is that n preference to a SAR (to MBNA)? Also, do you know anything about the request to sign the 'express consent' letter and whether we have to do this in order for them to look at our chnge of circumstances/I&E? I've got all the MBNA statements so I can look at them with regard to charges and a possible reclaim. How far can I go back?
  17. Hi, Firstly sorry for the long winded post but just trying to summarise our problem and will get to the point eventually lol, hopefully someone can help with my fiances problem, My Fiance moved in with me in July 2014 and she has some serious medical conditions that have been going on for 9 years and aren't going to get any better, She moved from the south to join me up north and we both new it was important to become registered with a local GP as soon as possible with her requiring constant repeat prescriptions for controlled drugs. She approached the local GP surgery and requested registration, was given a form to complete and thought that was that, from there its been nothing but a nightmare. On our first visit to the GP we were informed that the secretary had registered her on a temporary basis and not permanent meaning her files wouldn't be requested and the GP would have no info on her conditions and problems, the secretary said it was done in error but it was ok as after the 2 month period she could register again on a permanent basis, creating major problems as the level of her medication which had been established over the last years with her old GP was under question by the local GP and trying to explain all the medical problems (there are many) seemed to be falling on deaf ears and literally taken with a pinch of salt and disbelief by the GP. As my fiance is on such high levels of meds she frequently had to request repeat perscriptions due to the GP not allowing the levels her previous GP and pain clinic had perscribed as they had no medical notes infront of the explaining her medical history. On one occasion my fiance (who struggles to get out of bed some days and has great difficulty getting about) walked up to the surgery as per practise rules to order a repeat prescription and allowed the 48 hours for processing, as my fiance was unwell and had ran out of her med's for a day I went to collect the script that had been ordered to be told that there wasn't one there and the secretary then looked at her computer screen and said there was no script, and went on to work out how much medication my partner should have left for the time period from the last script (thought this was a clinical decision and not one a secretary should be making or discussing openly on reception infront of waiting patients), despite my fiance being on a sliding amount relevant to her pain, this calculation made by the secretary was wrong leaving my fiance with no med's and told that it would take a further 48 hours to rectify (the med's are controlled drugs and cannot just be stopped), despite this there was no offer to rectify the secretary's error straight away and refused to be able to see a doctor urgently. Obviously we were disgusted and frustrated. On another occasion my fiance had an appointment to see a GP, as she is unsteady on her feet I escorted her to the surgery, her appointment lasted 25 mins to my surprise and on her exit she had a urgent referral letter to hand to the secretary, she informed me that the GP had found a lump in her arm, one in her armpit and one in her breast, the reason for the lengthy consultation was that the GP had to call a second senior GP for a second opinion, the urgent request was handed in and we awaited an appointment. Several weeks passed and we received a Book and Choose appointment to the local Skin Tag clinics, my fiance rang and enquired with the skin tag clinic if this was the correct referral for lumps in flesh i.e lumps in breast tissue and in armpits, she was told it was a skin tag clinic for removal of lumps ontop of skin and to contact her GP surgery and notify them there has been an error as she had been referred to the wrong clinic. upon doing this my fiance managed to speak to the secretary that had made the referral and she apologised for the error but was told that she couldn't rectify the problem and that she would have to go back and see the GP for it to be rectified, an appointment was made for two days later for 11.30am despite my fiance having an hospital appointment the same day for 3.00pm for an endoscopy but due to the worry of an urgent referral that hadn't turned out that urgent in their eyes my fiance accepted the appointment. On the day of the GP appointment and the endoscopy appointment my fiance hadn't slept all night with worry, she fell asleep at 7am. I tried to wake her (which is difficult enough on normal days due to the medication she is on) for her GP appointment but was unable to do so right upto half an hour before the GP appointment, so i rang the surgery 25 mins before she was due there to notify that she wouldn't be able to attend and informed them the reason why, I was told in a not so nice way that I should have called Half an hour before the appointment and that this would go down as an Did Not Attend, despite the secretary being very off in her manner I asked if we could reappoint as the appointment was regarding an Urgent referral that had been made with the wrong clinic and that the referral was supposed to Urgent despite 3 weeks passing and hadn't been rectified. With that the receptionist checked the appointment and informed myself that my fiance had been made the GP appointment but that she had Dropped of the system due to her only being temporally registered and the 2 months had expired so she wouldn't have been able to have see the doctor anyway! Obviously this created great confusion and frustration, my fiance had an appointment booked but had she have arrived at the surgery she wouldn't have been able to see the GP?? and was told before my fiance could have an appointment she would have to go to the surgery and register as a permanent patient, I was then asked if my fiance was available to talk (due to patient confidentiality) I told the receptionist that my fiance had just stirred from her sleep due to her bad night of worry and that she was'nt really in a state to talk but she said its fine if a can just talk to her plz so i passed the phone over to my fiance, i was by her side and could hear the receptionist being very abrupt and talking down to my fiance, to that my fiance asked the receptionist said 'excuse me iv'e only just opened my eyes, would you mind not speaking down to me like something you've just stepped in and talk to me a little more civilly), my fiance was explained why she would'nt have seen a doctor today if she had attended and told to visit the surgery and register as a permanent patient, my fiance hung up, this was a friday so she could'nt get to the surgery until monday as she had her endoscopy to attend that afternoon. Monday came and my fiance realised that her meds were very low and that she needed to register as a permanent patient to avoid complications as in the past, she rang the Surgery and asked what the procedure was to register permanently and that she needed an appointment due to her med's running low. She was told by the receptionist that the surgery would'nt accept her as a patient due to being Verbally Abusive to staff and she had to find another GP surgery, she was also informed a letter was out in the post notifying her as to the reason why. We never received any letter so we rang and asked the Practise Managers name to address our complaint to and was informed Dr X by the receptionist, so we wrote to Dr X asking for a meeting regarding the accusations and what had happened in the past, Dr X replied refusing a meeting/appointment stating that on several occasions my fiance had been verbally abusive to staff and due to the NHS zero tolerance procedure the practise wouldn't accept her as a patient. So we sent a section 10 Data Protection Act Request for my fiances notes and copies of any documentation including notes of the alleged verbal and abusive behaviour including dates and copies of any referrals made urgent or non urgent and to which clinic, along with the stat £10.00 postal order. we have since been sent a reply from Dr X returning our postal order stating that they no longer hold any records and enclosed a list of dates and circumstances that my fiance was supposed to have been verbally abusive to staff but these are written in his letter not copies and to be honest none of the dates tally with appointments she had and the seems all fictional there's double appointments she has missed apparently after the date her notes so called dropped of the system??? the GP clearly refers to evidence he holds in his hands and on a recent telephone call to the surgery with an enquiry about my fiances sicknotes the typed her name in their system and they informed us of dates that they stared and finished in the past, so obviously something is on their system. We sent a letter notifying DRx that he had failed a s10 Request and returned the postal order and that the days are still counting down, and just had a reply stating that ' we do hold statements from staff regarding your communication and conduct during your contact with the surgery, however as it has been abusive both in the surgery and over the telephone I'am refusing to release those statements to you on the grounds that should I do so, I feel there is a real risk of my staff having further abuse which is not acceptable' and that he has taken advise from his local NHS information Governance Support Officer. We have since found out that Dr X isn't the practise manager as informed although Dr X has taken it upon himself to reply and that Dr Y is the Official Practise manager. (again informed by receptionist that Dr X was Practise Manager???) Can anyone please advise if this is correct??? if we can continue persuing any documentation they hold on my fiance?? the pure incompetence of the receptionists is unbelievable and beyond belief the claims being made are so far from the truth, my fiance has been with her old GP for 13 years and not one complaint made against her but yet she moves here and within 2 months there's two or three and I have been with her in the surgery at the alleged times and also within earshot on the phone.. and none of these alligations are true. Since this farce with the Local Gp and only a week after the refusal to re register there my fiance ended up in hospital for two weeks prior to christmas and this could have been avoided had she her GP to call on... Again sorry for the lenthy post just hope we can get some help/advise Hadituptohere
  18. Hi there I will try to keep this as brief as possible. I was off sick from work and visited the company Doctor. I was then emailed the report as was my employing manager. It stated the letter was private and confidential and at the bottom of the email it stated it was restricted. This email has now been used in a potential disciplinary investigation against myself. I received the disciplinary papers with this email included, yet some of it had been redacted although not very well as you could still see certain parts of the email, however the nature of my illness had not been redacted at all. I have also been told that the other person involved in the disciplinary has been given the exact same pack that I have which means that they have not only access to my medical papers but also my home address. I work for a well known large company. I believe there is potential for two issues here. Any advice is gratefully received.
  19. Hi need a bit of help/advice please from Vodafone and I believe they have a rep on here. April last year my son got his first new full time job and treated himself to a new phone contract without telling us, well he is a young adult so he didnt think to tell us. hes been using the phone as they do and occasionally it would go off and he said oh I havn't paid the bill I will ring them which he did and it got put back on. Now its been off for a while and he owned up to a huge bill and he cant pay it, he says not his fault as CPW said he had unlimited data (this is the huge bill) I checked his contract and yep it did say unlimited but for 90 days only he assumed it was the contract even though it does state 2gb a month. He's an idiot TBH expects everything to be done for him and with vodafone switching his phone back on each month without paying the bill hasnt helped at all. I rang vodafone yesterday and they gave me a run down from Sept 2014 and it comes to £736.90, mostly if not all data. I have checked and on one day he used 847mb even though he was at home and we have wifi so I think something is not right. I use my phone for business and only use approx 400mb a month. He even thinks on that day his phone wasnt even on, it had been blocked by voda. and other days that show high data usage. I asked why he hadnt been checking his bills he said didnt get any, asked about online account and he said cant log in just goes to a help page each time. I tried and found wrong password in five minutes I had logged in to see all these bills from oct 2014. Its absolutely unbelievable that vodafone have been unblocking his phone each month by him just ringing up and promising payment and not paying it. Whilst in his account I notice on the summary it states £30 a month inc VAT but checking his bill he has been charged £30 plus vat. Now his phone is still off, its about to go to collections and he cant pay it. Yes I know he should he used it, it wasnt free but my worry here is not too long ago he took an OD due to money problems so im worried he might go down that route again. I have spoke to CS but to no avail thought I would see if anyone on here could help. He to has rang CS but gets no where so ends up frustrated and very moody. P.S. I got through to Vodafone CS and asked the exact date the phone was switched off and was told the 18th November and just looking at his bills the phone was still being used after that date again mainly data and have incurred charges. How can a phone incur charges and use texts, calls and data when its been fully barred from use and hasnt been used. I have uploaded a couple of screen grabs. This now makes me think all the data may not have been used by him at all and I can see its common.
  20. Hi Am transfering some data from one External HDD to another - about 40gb worth. However, i have noticed that the transfer speed is only 84kbs. Doesn't need a rocket scientist to work out that this is going to take ages. Any idea why the transfer is so slow?
  21. hi all my daughter has a ipad contract with 3...she had this for 2 years never missed a payment..she phoned 3 up and they offered her another year for £5.00 a month which she accepted and now 6 months into this..she has never failed a payment..this month 3 took £50.00 on top of the £5.00 because she used 436mb ( less than 1/2 a gig )..of data..this is well over the top..we phoned them and after a heated exchange they offered to reduce this to £29..99 which we refused...what am I able to do can I cancel and is the amount excessive..cheers paul
  22. I took my laptop to Currys Crawley store on the 3rd of September 2013 for repairs to a faulty / non-working CD drive. I was dealing with KnowHow’s Customer Service team at the branch. I provided the service assistant with my own flash drive / USB as a precautionary measure for them to save my data should there perhaps be a need for KnowHow to make some change to the hard drive (I asked that a written record be kept that I had left my USB as I did not want to lose it). I was advised the laptop would be taken to their repair centre and 2 weeks after I left my laptop to have the CD drive be repaired, I received a text from KnowHow saying my laptop was ready for collection. I went into the store to collect the laptop but the USB was missing. Fearing the worst, I switched on the laptop as normal whilst still in store and quickly realised that all my data and documents had been wiped out. This is what I had feared when I left the USB as I had hoped that the repair centre would save my documents on the USB before they made repairs to the CD drive. The KnowHow service consultant, immediately and in my presence called the repair centre to follow up on what had happened to my data / documents plus the missing USB. The service consultant advised me that a follow up would be done and I would receive a call from the repair centre to advise me on status. I was told to take the laptop with me home as the search for my data and USB would be done. To this date, I have never received a call from the repair centre with an update /status. After 2 days I went back to store to let them know that I had not received a call from the repair centre. The KnowHow service consultant advised me to give the repair centre an additional 3 days. At the end of the 3 days, if I had not received a call from the repair centre, I was told to return the laptop to the store and they would take it back to the repair centre so that they could put back the old hard drive which had been replaced. On the 26th of September I took the laptop back to the store – this was more than a week after the 3 days that I had been given by the service consultant. The KnowHow service consultant on this day took out a new usb and my laptop for sending to the repair centre so that they could replace the data that had been on my old drive onto the USB. The laptop was with the repair centre for 6 weeks. On the 31st of October, I received a text from KnowHow asking me to go into the shop to collect the laptop. On arriving, when the KnowHow service consultant opened the laptop box, we realised that the 2nd USB (the one that had been provided as a replacement for my missing USB) was missing. The service consultant (in this instance, it was Paul) called the repair centre in my presence to follow up. He complained in my presence about the missing USB as well as similar matters of customer property being lost when they went for repairs. Paul the service consultant agreed with someone from the repair centre I would receive a call from the repair centre once they had located the USB. The repair centre would call me, arrange to pick up the laptop, replace the missing data onto the laptop and return the laptop to me (this is in writing). To date, I am yet to receive a call from the repair centre or from Currys Crawley branch / KnowHow. It has been 5 days now and I am seeking advice on how to proceed with this shambles of service that I have received. How can I retrieve my data? What is the best way to proceed?
  23. Can anyone tell me the name and address of the above. Background is that back in 2005 the posted a financial association with a person I know to be a debtor, but being so long ago, they have no idea why it was posted. This has been rattling around their complaints dept for some months now, going nowhere. They are saying that they want me to forward a copy of my current credit report before they will remove it, (despite the fact that it would not show information from 2005). In short I think they are just messing me about. I am now minded to send a letter before action to their data controller. Would that be the right person? David
  24. Hello, Before I jump in accusing the other solicitors I wonder if any of you had any advise on what act or code this would come under? I'll keep it brief. Ongoing personal injury claim, my own solicitor is excellent. Defendants solicitor has just taken 4 statements from managers at my ex employers. Which is fine however my concern is all 4 use very similar language but most worryingly they all include 3 facts about my personal life they were never told about, while you say this can't be proved. Several facts weren't know about till months after I parted company with these managers, never to have spoken to them again. A partner's redundancy didn't happen till 5 months after I left the company - so for all 4 do include the same personal info that simply couldn't be predicted when I knew them (they all claim I told them) I was unaware as these were future events. This to me shows that the defendants solicitors must've leaked several parts of my personal life personal data for their statements or have all 4 could've seen into the future at the time yeah right I left that job in the Feb of that year so was unaware of a future redundancy and relocation for my partner and I, they have a letter to prove this was later on in the year. I'm not happy at several parts of my personal life has been leaked - what can be done? Surely it's a breach under some act? The personal life info above and other personal stuff mentioned is not relevant to the ex-colleges.
  25. Hi, I've had the unfortunate experience of having to deal with British Gas customer services since January to date. They're aggressive, ignorant, incompetent and disconnected in many ways, to the extent that their collections team are unable to view things going on with the account in the billing team. Its clear that I'm getting nowhere with them by complaining, so I've resorted to: Transferring to Ovo (Who have been brilliant so far) Spreading the word and telling everyone I know about Ovo. Most significantly though, I have raised two e-petitions on the government website to force British Gas into improving their services. One has been accepted and one has just been submitted. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Energy Suppliers Service Related Charging Responsible department: Department for Energy and Climate Change I would like the government to impose a mechanism upon the Energy industry whereby a company's charges are determined by the levels of service they provide, as with the Water Industry & SIM (Service Incentive Mechanism). This would force the likes of British Gas with a 39% customer satisfaction rating (Which? 28/04/14) to concentrate on improving their services to customers. --- ******** http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/64429 ********** --- Recently, 'British Petroleum' embarrassed our nation with their disaster in America. 'British Gas' currently have a 39% Customer Satisfaction Rating from a 'Which?' survey. I would like the government to licence the use of the name 'British' in company names to ensure that any company using it, provides a world class service that reflects traditional British qualities. Quality of service should be measurable with pre-defined parameters that companies must meet before they are allowed to use OUR good name. --- I hope you agree with these sentiments. If you do, please help and sign my petition. Also, please don't forget to confirm your entry by clicking the link in the email they send you. Best Regards, Rob
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