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  1. In June, I initiated a formal complaint with Virgin Media as they came and installed a media cable onto my property without my requesting it (eg they basically came to the wrong address!). In doing so, they drilled several holes in my front garden wall, damaged a plant, etc. Whilst they have since returned (after I brought the mistake to their attention) and removed the cable, I still expect them to restore my front wall (which is fairly new) to its original condition and pay compensation for the inconvenience, recorded delivery, phone calls, etc. Despite an exchange of letters in which they claim to have repaired the wall they have failed to do this and have also said they don't believe they are liable for any of my expenses! I contacted the CAB who advised me to contact the Comms Ombudsmen (which I did), only to be told that Virgin are not covered by them. They put me on to CISAS, but it appears I can only use them if I am a customer of Virgin (which I am not). I'm running out of ideas on how I should proceed now. I even tried raising it with the Police as I believe it constitutes criminal damage, but they didn't seem to share my view. Any advice on how I can get this matter resolved? Is it time to appoint a solicitor?
  2. Hiya I'm stuck wondering what my options are, what i really want and what i should do about it. A part of me is telling me to leave it alone and the other part is saying i shouldn't let them get away with this. heres the story... In Dec i got a phone call from a VM sales rep offereing a free Tivo box and the only difference to my account was that it would increase by a pound an something to 28.59p) . So i agreed. in Jan my tivo box was installed and in fed i received a bill of over 34 pounds. by May it had gone upto over 43 pounds. when i called last week to find out whats going on i was told that they had a price increase in feb and that i had a 10 pound discount for 3 months and the price of my line rental is 43.09p. Further more when i asked to close the account i was told i was in a contract. Now the person i spoke to was daved Aka Mr Unhelpful and he had enlightened me of all this which i was furious about because i did not know i was in a contract. Further more after specifically asking him not to make any changes to my account as i intended to complain, he went and changed it and signed me up to a new contract of 29.99. Now i would like think of myself as an honest person. They said they had sent out a contract in the post for dec and maybe they had but i had not received a contract or saw a contract of any form But i did see an e mail that explained the changes to my account and on the top it says "This is not a bill or a contract" So now the new one that Mr unhelpful signed me up for. when i called Yesterday and spoke to an Allen and another person, they told me that my account had been changed and i said "I had not asked for my account to be changed but asked for him to leave it as it is for i am going to complain" now instead of both of them saying, ok she didn't ask for it, lets change it to the way it was, they left it. Today i got a phone call from someone called Mathew who was from a different deparment who had come to make me a nice offer but upon reading my account that i was in a new contract (Thank you unhelpful) and further more was receiving a good will gesture from VM of a 7 pound discount for the first 4 months (he thinks) he could not make me any nice offers. Now what is this good will gesture that i've suddenly heard about? i haven't a clue. i haven't a clue what to do. what i want tho is all this time that i thought i was paying 28.59 to be refunded the difference which comes up to 56 pounds. Tell me, what would you do? what can i do? what should i do? Sincerly A confused sister
  3. I have written a complaint on Virgin Media's forum re my recent treatment and service. I originally phoned over my Wi-Fi not working but it's opened a whole can of worms. I don't know whether I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill but I would like to think not. Please take a look and let me know whether it's me that being ridiculous or not.
  4. does anyone have the virgin mobile ceo email address? i tried graeme oxby and i just got a delivery failure so not sure if thats still active thanks
  5. Hi all, I am after some advice please. I have recently received my credit report from experian and there is a default from VM on there from 2010 which I know nothing about. The amount is only £114, which I don't mind paying if I do owe it, but I don't want a default on my account. I haven't been in contact with VM yet as I wanted some advise first as what approach I should take. Thanks in advance Steve
  6. Hi guys wondered if you can advise i was with virgin for just over a year and a half and had alot of issues with the service. I had my Tivo replaced about 4/5 times and had at least 15 engineer visits with issues with the TV. The box would keep freezing and we had to pull the plug to get it back on, there was other times it was so slow that if i pressed a button on the remote i would have another birthday before it did anything. i raised numerous complaints about it and it was always we will get an engineer to attend. eventually after about 15 months they then said we think we found the problem water was leaking in the cab and we have no switched the cab your on, and you should have no problems, however it continued. I ended up having an engineering manager to attend and he tried various things and said any problems get in touch with him, problems continued and he never answered the phone. In the end i managed to get them to cancel my contract over all this issue, the guy offered me a discount of £12 a month to stay but i told him why do i want a discount on something that isnt working correctly. he then said the final bill would be generated and i would get a refund due to paying ahead. i emailed him a couple of times afterwards trying to get info a about how much my refund was and when it would arrive. however i was ignored. the cheque arrived and lovely virgin media gave me 20£ which to be honest with all the problems i had i find insulting, so emailed again and i asked for their CEO address on where i can send it back to however a few more emails passed still being ignored. In the end someone got in touch " stating, we are sorry you have felt our service was blah blah" no apology for their service being crap just sorry that i feel its crap. i emailed back explaining this while on holiday and a guy called me about an hour later form the CEO office asking why i wanted to return the cheque etc and also what did i want to happen. I asked for a formal apology on paper actually apologising they gave me a poor service and not an apology for me feeling they gave me a poor service, he said that he would be in touch in 2 weeks however its now 3 and a half and ive had enough. would i have grounds to demand a small percentage back of all the monies I paid them for the below par service i received , something like 11.5% (which works out over all bills 12% less than if i took the £12 a month option) EDIT decided to match what was offered initially to stay 20% or do you think i'm being unreasonable? all i wanted initially was a proper apology but they haven't even done that! Cheers Steve
  7. I have just emailed Virgin Media the following: "Dear Mr Mockridge, I am writing to make a formal complaint on behalf of my mother, Mrs C******** *******k. I have taken this matter into my own hands as she is, frankly, no longer able to cope with it due to the distress it has caused her. She has contacted Virgin Media Customer Services to inform them that I have her authority to discuss her account with you. My mother became a Virgin Media customer upon moving into temporary rented accommodation in September 2013. I read the information on Virgin's Home Mover website, which made a future move and transferral of services seem entirely straightforward. In February of this year she bought a house 1.6 miles away from her rented property. On 5th February my mother phoned Virgin Media to inform you of her intended house move, and to arrange transferral of services. Having been a loyal customer thus far, and having intended to remain so, she was shocked and upset to be told that, as Virgin would be unable to provide any services to her new address, she would have to pay a severance fee of £173.00. In other words, she wished to retain the service, but was told that it was not available, and transferral/retention of the service was not an option. Furthermore, she would be financially penalised for this. The lack of availability of this service, however, is down to Virgin Media, not my 71 year-old mother, and this is a forced cancellation, carried out by Virgin Media, not her. Regardless of your T's & C's this is plainly unfair. On the same day, my mother wrote to Virgin Media Customer Services outlining the above complaint, disputing the severance fee, and also pointing out recent correspondence from Virgin stating that, as the price of services would be increasing from 1st February 2014, customers were entitled to cancel "without penalty". (The same correspondence states that "the process to be followed is set out in our terms and conditions at virginmedia.com/legalstuff" - my mother is not a broadband customer, and does not own or use a computer or the internet, however I was unable to find any information on "the process" at this web address). She also asked for your help and advice, and stated that the matter was causing her to feel depressed. (My mother has been treated for severe mental illness since the death of my father, and my divorce, which has caused her to lose all contact with her three grandchildren for several years). On 18th February my mother wrote again to Virgin Media Customer Services regarding her imminent house move, the forced cancellation of services, her distress, to inform you that she had cancelled her direct debit, to enclose a cheque in payment of her most recent bill dated 7th February, to state - again - that the matter was in dispute, and to request - again - "as a matter of courtesy", a response to her letter dated 5th February 2014. On 4th March, my mother moved to her new address, an ex-council house in need of new windows, re-replumbing, re-wiring, and so on. In other words, all she could afford - she subsists on a modest pension and disability allowance. On 17th March, she wrote to Virgin Customer Services for a THIRD time, regarding your bill dated 7th March for £60.92, (billing period 19th March to 18th April, i.e. commencing over a fortnight since she had left the rented property), and referring you to her previous to letters. On 9th April, she phoned Virgin Customer Services. She discovered that correspondence was still being sent to her old address, despite having informed Virgin of her change of address weeks previously, and that the services for which she was both being charged a severance fee AND being billed (despite being unable to make use of them) were still active at the old address. She was also assured that she would receive a written response to her previous three letters. I visited my mother recently. She broke down in tears whilst trying to explain the situation to me. Clearly, she was extremely anxious, distressed and upset, as was I to see her in such a state. I instructed her to forward all further correspondence from Virgin Media to me, for me to deal with, as I didn't wish her to suffer any more upset or anxiety. To date she has still received NO reply to any of her letters. She continues to receive bills for billing periods during which the service was not in use by her, AND for which she has simultaneously been charged a severance fee. She has also received your "We're sorry to hear you've decided to leave us" letter/final bill reminder (dated 30th April), followed less than 14 days later by a default notice - on an account which is in dispute! I am only relieved that, as yet, my mum is unaware of this. She is an old-fashioned lady, and has never received a default notice or indeed any blemish whatsoever on her credit record in her entire life. I respectfully request that Virgin Media waive all outstanding charges (if indeed they can even be accounted for), all subsequent enforcement action against my mum (she did put the account in dispute months ago - as I understand it, enforcement action, including a default notice cannot therefore be taken), and immediately remove all adverse data from her credit file, with all credit reference agencies. I wish to be able to inform my mum - as soon as possible - that the matter is closed, and that she can stop worrying or getting depressed about it. That is my concern and my priority, as she is an elderly, vulnerable, fragile woman. I, however, am not, and shall be referring the matter to CISAS, the Telecommunications Ombudsman, Trading Standards, the Financial Conduct Authority, and my mother's MP, should the matter not be resolved forthwith. I look forward to your prompt response." Within an hour Virgin offered to halve the cancellation fee, bringing the total cost from £223.40 to £145.46 (cancellation fee plus revised final bill). Job done, or push harder?
  8. Had no clue where to post this. Anyway through the door this morning debt letter come for 200 pound. From virgin media/debt handed to some company. i actually forgot about this debt.the debt was about 7 years ago now they must of traced me. Am i right in saying debts go away after 6 years or something? I actually have virgin media services in my new property but nothing ever said.
  9. Hi, To try keep this brief I've seen the adverts saying virgin were boosting their broadband speeds to 50Mb. My neighbour told me that he had been upgraded free after having some problems with his bill. So I spoke with an advisor on their web chat service who stated that in order to receive the upgrade we would need a superhub 2, a new modem that could accept the new upgrade, this seemed a bit strange as the equipment we had was more than capable of 50mb speeds. The advisor told me that the bill would remain the same but that we would need to sign a new contract for 12 months. However when we received the contract to sign it stated that the bill was for £52 with a 18 month loyalty discount of £5. This would make the bill the same as we pay now but it would go up by £5 in 18 months. I contacted Virgin and asked them am I paying for the superhub or is this a price rise, the advisor stated it was not a price rise and proceeded to state that we were getting a loyalty bonus for 18 months and avoided the question completely, it was only on the fifth time of asking he stated the £5 pm was indeed for the super hub 2. He offered me another loyalty discount and asked us to call them in 18 months to have it applied to the account, but I am far from confident about this. My concern here is that they have stated we will all get an upgrade and following research it would appear that we pay £20pm for our basic broadband package while new customers now pay £25pm for theirs and automatically receive 50MB connection, this would seem like a attempt to bring other customers in line with new customers receiving the same basic package, bearing in mind they have alreay appklied a price increase this year of about £2. If I return the super hub I will go back to the 20MB connection I received prior to the upgrade a package they no longer offer. Is this legal, is it not misleading, is there anything I can do?? Am I not entitled to the same basic package as everyone else as per the contract. I found this on their website Will my broadband speed upgrade cost any money? Absolutely not! Your speed upgrade will not change the amount you pay for your broadband service each month
  10. Hi, Just need some advise concerning a repair. I sent my Virgin (newly new) phone for a warranty repair, which was the on button not working, and they have found a second fault with the phone which is a faulty micro sd card slot. The sd card slot is being classed as accidental and now they will not repair the original, in warranty, fault without me paying for the second fault to be repaired. What are the rules concerning repairs under warranty. thanks Richard
  11. Hi all. Hoping for some guidance on a mortgage which is heading towards the end of it's 2 year fixed period, seems as though Virgin Money have made a mistake. In June/July 2012 i went to buy my first house. Things didn't quite go smoothly and we didn't complete until Nov 2012. The mortgage we took was a 2 year fixed rate with Northern Rock (now Virgin Money). Everything's been fine since, but today we got a letter through the post from Virgin Money stating our fixed period is coming to an end and we'll be on SVR from 1st July this year. This is good for us as it'll be approx £90/month cheaper, but it seems like a mistake as the mortgage wasn't taken out until Nov 2012, so i would expect to be on the fixed term until Nov 2014. Have logged into my mortgage account online and it confirms the correct date my mortgage was taken out, but also says that special rate (i.e. fixed term) ends 1st July. Has anyone come across this before of a 2 year fixed rate only lasting 20 months? Also, if it is a mistake would i be liable if Virgin Money realise this at a later date and ask me to pay the amounts they didn't charge me for (i.e. the £90/month that SVR will be)?
  12. OK guys I need some guidance please... I have been a Virgin Media National Customer for over 15 years, I have had the same 5 e mail addresses and I have moved once in that time, but remained a VM National customer all that time. When I moved in 2012 I asked if I could transfer to a Cable Customer to get a better broadband speed and the answer was no, then a chap contacts me last week to say he is coming round to survey my area to see if I can be a cable customer. He turns up, confirms I have the infrastructure in my road and offers me a move to Cable service and includes a TV package, the deal is struck and I sign and I'm told that the Cable service will be installed on the 5th April and my existing National Service will cease on the 4th April. I'm having work done on the house so it seems an ideal time for the cable service to be put in so I drill holes for the cable route and sit back and wait for the time to come. Saturday I receive a 'sorry to see you go' letter from VM telling me my service will be disconnected from that day - I check the phone and while I still have dial tone and the internet service is still working I cannot make or receive phone calls. I get straight onto VM Customer Services and after spending most of Saturday on their 0845 service from my mobile I'm told a mistake has been made and my service has been ceased early - I respond that it is still connected but restricted and I'm told the same thing applies and they cannot get it back on, I'm told to call and complain on Monday. I call back today and after 3 hours (I'm not exaggerating) I eventually get told that my National Service has been ceased wrongly and I will have to wait to see if the Cable Service can be provided, when I ask what they mean I'm told that Cable Service may not be available to me and they cannot reconnect my National Service. I have spoken, complained and requested escalation to no avail to many people within VM today, it culminated in me e mailing the CEO Tom Mockridge which resulted in a person from Customer Services contacting me and telling me the above. I have lost my National Service with VM and if they cannot provide the Cable Service (I doubt that they will as my council will not grant wayleave to dig up roads that were only laid last year) they are just going to wave goodbye to me as a Customer as they say they cannot reconnect my National Service. As I write this my dial tone is still present and my internet access is working, as a Telecoms Manager with the NHS I cannot understand how they cannot just reconnect me as a National Customer. Their Customer Service is appalling, at one stage I was put through 3 times to a different Customer Service Agent with no information being passed on and i had to explain the same story 3 times over. The change over has already cost me £25 which I will insist on getting back if they cannot achieve anything, but more importantly I have lost a service that I have had for a number of years. The inconvenience in changing the email addresses alone is huge, especially as the e mail address I had was xxxxxxxxxx which is a very rare thing by today's standards. Has anyone got a senior contact in VM that I could get involved in this to get my National Service reinstated?
  13. Hello, I hope someone can help. I recently made an attempt to deal with some old debts, virgin being one of them. I contacted virgin to make a payment arrangement but they said that it had been passed on but couldn't tell me who to as it had sent back on passed back on and they didn't know who to. However, they agreed to take a payment of £5 towards the the £221 debt. This was last month. This week i have received 2 letters from Atlantis demanding money and threatening me with court action. I stress that I have received 2 letters within 1 week, which hasn't allowed me time to even respond to the first one. Please excuse my naivety but, this has really got my back up and if possible I would prefer to tell Atlantis where to go and deal with virgin direct. Although it had been passed on, virgin still accepted a payment from me, could i have a case to deal with virgin directly? I do find it rather odd that a company claim to have no power to deal with outstanding debt even after it is returned back to them but keep passing it on to a next dca, I suppose I will learn. If I can not deal with virgin, how do I move forward with Atlantis? They seem very unpleasant, do I send a letter offering an instalment plan? What are my rights if any?
  14. I have just moved into my own house, which service is best Sky or Virgin Media?
  15. Hello everyone, I'm writing on behalf of my girlfriend's family here. They signed up for Virgin Media 6 months ago, knowing that they would be buying a house soon but referred to Virgin's Home Mover website which makes moving seem a breeze. They were renting, but bought a house 2.5 miles away from their rented one. When they informed Virgin they had moved, Virgin informed them that they (Virgin) were cancelling the contract as they offered no services in the new area, and that my girlfriend's family must pay the full cancellation charge of £240. I did some reading up (on Broadband Choices) and found that Virgin usually offers their standard broadband service on a smaller contract, so they asked if this was possible, Virgin refused and said cancellation was the only option. They didn't feel this was fair and so wrote a letter to their complaints department. A week later they have received no reply, just a bill for £240. Is this fair? Is there anything they can do to argue/fight this? Thanks very much for your help.
  16. Been with Virgin Media for a number of years, but am now concerned. I moved house back in December. The account was cancelled and a new one setup on the 27th December. They billed me from the 27th December up until end of February. Payment was taken from my account on the 6th February; how can the payment be taken before the billing date ends? When I got my bill, they were charging me £140. I objected and kicked up fuss. They basically wanted 2 months in advance. I have not signed a contract with them. I want to cancel, what can anyone advise me to do as I am fed up with how they are charging for 2 months in advance. Can they legall do that?
  17. hi guys I stumbled across your website and forums earlier today via iphone and I found a thread which I wish to read in greater detail on a larger screen As a newbie and the fact you guys all seem really helpful, can you assist with the following: 1. how and where can I find the thread I first came across (its dated 2008) 2. where do I search for said thread I hope someone can help me as this thread is important and I wish to bookmark to help me
  18. Hello, Please help me out as always. I have the RTB and applied for a mortgage from VM, they know I live in a council flat hence the RTB after the valuation report they told me they can't now lend to me on for the following reason Ex Local Authority, Housing Association or Ministry Of Defence (MOD) flats are acceptable in blocks to a maximum of 3 storeys. That I live on the 3rd floor which makes it a 4 storey building, beside the council consider my flat as 2 storey, just depends on which side of the building you choose to stand. Question is would you consider my flat as an Ex local authority flat? and can i argue the number of floors
  19. I don't seem to be able to get through to Virgin that I just want a response by email to my simple query about why I've been charged for two landline calls that were in my allowance (never use it all up these days). I have received no response to this - just keep getting someone phoning me up, from abroad so the signal keeps coming and going, echoing on the line so every word I say is repeated, I cannot understand them half the time because of the poor line quality and that their regional accents are hard to understand. demanding the whole password and security answers, and completely ignoring what I say to them, which is not good enough. I have asked them to stop calling me, but they keep doing it - I've had to turn my phone off to get some peace last night and I don't see why I should pay to call CS to tell them they've made an error and ask for the overcharge to be refunded. And I'd like it in writing - so I have proof that they are going to refund it. Is there a rep here who can sort this out and get the bill corrected?
  20. I wanted to cancel my broadband / phone line service with Virgin. I phoned up to cancel a few months ago but was told of the cancellation fees so I didn't bother. I have recently found that I could cancel without charge because they are putting the prices up in February. But apparently you can only cancel a month after they first tell you about the price increase. The problem is they emailed me about it in November, so now the month has passed. I was wondering if there is any way that I could still cancel without any charge?
  21. I made a call from my virgin mobile to Traveline 08712002233 to find out if a certain bus route was operating as normal tomorrow, as the young person I look after was panicking about getting to her boyfriend's for Christmas. I was on the phone for 2 minutes 45 seconds. A bit later I had a text from virgin saying I had nearly reached my credit limit. I was confused as my bill is only normally about £25. I went online to check my bill and I have been charged £67.94 for this one under 3 minute call! Does anyone know if this is correct? And is there anything I can do about it I'm a full time foster carer and can't afford to pay this. Any advice would be appreciated.
  22. Okay so here we go ladies and gents. Im tied in for 12 months with Virgin Active In my local area... I love the facilities it has and its a very good front end product, but the administration side of it? Not So Great. My dilemma is this. Virgin are kicking off about me refusing to have a DD set up on my account.They refuse to let me in until i sign a DD mandate form and this has happened about 3 times... However if you see the attached letter, youll see that I owe nothing... Why? I circumvent their requests for DD by paying them in advance for the next month 5 days before its due... (On their advice i might add) I have checked my T&Cs and it doesnt state i am limited to pay via DD for my gym services or contract. Now its gotten to the point where i made payment on the 29th November but they sill took the DD from the current account i have. So much so , Barclays have now put a 13 month ban on Virgin taking or attempting to set up any DD at all. So My question is this, how to do I make Virgin Active understand that A Direct Debit is not the way i want to pay if im not required to by their contract or law?
  23. Hi there, just looking for advice before I try to take on the delightful virgin media, I have heard they are tricky! Last week i checked my credit report with experian and equifax before I apply for a mortgage. I was surprised to see virgin media on there for my internet contract, I didn't realise they could record data with CRAs for your internet service but I suppose it makes some sense as I had 12month fixed contract. In any event, I was concerned they have recorded 3 late payments entries against me earlier this year and have now been told this will hinder my mortgage app as they are within the last 12months! What i am cross about is that virgin media failed twice to set up my direct debit properly which meant I fell behind with payments! The first time, they took the wrong amount out of my bank account on a direct debit, I had to file an indemnity claim with my bank and Virgin told me to cancel the direct debit and set it back up again! I went to set it back up again a couple of weeks later and this time they wrote down the wrong sort code so the direct debit was never set up correctly! What resulted was late payment fees galore, I had some of these refunded but it seems unbeknown to me they had still marked late payments with the CRAs! What makes me doubly cross is when I settled the account finally a few months later determined to leave them all together . . They talked me stupidly into moving the internet with them to my new address and taking out a new 12month agreement which we are now halfway through, paying on direct debit without drama! I feel so mad I want to ring to cancel the whole thing with them tomorrow! I tried to call them to discuss the whole thing when it materialised on Friday but was on the phone to not terribly helpful agents in India who accepted virgin had made mistakes but refused to remove the late payment markers. Eventually one mildly sensible American agent agreed it should be looked into and gave me an email address for consumer underwriting services... I sent an email that bounced back as a wrong address!! I have now written in to complaints team and raised dispute with experian and equifax . . Any similar experiences or further advice ?? Is there an ombudsman or regulator I can defer to if no satisfactory response?? Thanks S
  24. Hello everyone, new here so sorry if I'm posting in the wrong section. My problem spans across a number of years and also relates to my times as a student. While in my last year in university i took out the 9 month student deal with virgin media for there internet package. I was only at the property 10 months and before i left the property the phoned to make sure that the contract had ended. I believed it had ended, and seeing as it was only a 9 month contract i believed that it would end after that amount of time regardless. That was around 3 years ago, iv recently bought a house with my girlfriend and while sorting our finances out i discovered that they had been taking out £20 a month for the past 3 years! I quickly got on the phone to them to resolve this issue and explained my situation, they said they had no record of me cancelling the contract and that if i didn't phone to cancel it they it would carry on, hence the 3 years of £20 payments. They had trouble finding my details on their system as i didn't have any account numbers or letters off them but eventually found it. They cancelled the contract and told me that no more payments would come out. So far they haven't. Now my girlfriend works for a bank and told me about a direct debit indemnity, i am yet to speak to my own bank about this but was wondering if anyone has any experience with this, or has been in a similar situation and what was the outcome? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Daniel.
  25. Hiya, hope that anyone can advice me what to do. I have a Virgin credit card and a MBNA credit card and I have been on a repayment plan with them since April 2013. I have been paying them an agreed reduced amount every month. I tried to login on my online accounts since yesterday and I keep getting this message: Based on the current status of your MBNA credit card account, access to this feature of Online Card Services is not currently available. Please call our Customer Services Representatives on 0800 062 062 for further information. Then I just get some basic information about my accounts and I can see the last statements were issued in September 2013 and there has been issued no statements for October 2013. September's statements show a correct balance but when I click on October, its shows that the new balance is £0 and the minimum payment is £0. I owe more than £3000 to each company. I am not sure what is going on because I haven't received any correspondence regarding this matter. Could it mean that my debt has been sold to DCA? I am not able to pay online by Debit card but I can pay by BACS. I'm not sure whether I should wait and see what happens or whether to continue paying them into their bank accounts? Hope anyone can advice me. Thanks. Robert.
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