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  1. The rcvs will help and no it won't bring your pet back but it will certainly make sure it doesn't happen again. Surely if your story saves someone else's pet won't that be worth it? I'd also consider going to local media.
  2. Have you thought about writing an official letter of complaint. I know you are presently too upset to deal with it but the quicker you do the quicker this can be stopped, write in correspondence a description or name of who you spoke too on the phone and in person and direct it too the manager/owner with the full details of the situation. Do vets have a governing body because if it was my dog I'd head straight to them. No matter what the animal it was still your pet and NO animal deserves to suffer like this.
  3. that's what we initially accepted when door above housing unit bubbled 2 months after installation but yesterday I found a base unit door had bubbled and this particular door is on conservatory side (open plan) where there is no heat or water source and this morning I've found another bubble appearing. They seem to be erupting like boils either that or my kitchen has caught chicken pics!!
  4. ims21 thanks for that its been a while since Ive used a forum
  5. it is and ive just posted on it. thank you for that, I just need to familiarise myself with this site x
  6. hi guys I know theres a big gap in dates here but I came across your thread after searching for reviews for b and q kitchens. I had a crème gloss kitchen fitted in april 2013 and around 2 months later I noticed the door above microwave housing was bubbling. under the terms of the guarantee I phoned the installation centre and they sent the fitter with a new door. He said my microwave seal had worn away and caused it (although his sidekick confirmed not all microwaves have a seal) the fitter then said to me "ill leave this door as im sure your husband is bright enough to fit it!, and we wont keep coming out to it" - not the level of service I expect to receive. anyway around 3 weeks ago I noticed the door under sink has bubbled and blistered - we put this down to water possibly splashing over from sink and running down door, which granted would have to be a lot of water. anyway today I found another door blistering (this door is neither near heat or water) I phoned installation centre immediately who agree it doesn't sound good and are supposedly phoning me on Monday to arrange a surveyor visit next week. it was at this point I came across this thread which I intend to show to this surveyor. since finding this thread on iphone and taking time to search on laptop so I could view on a larger scale I have since discovered 2 more lots of damage; these being on side of wall cupboards one of which has separated the laminate from the wood so it will flake in time. I am absolutely gutted as id waited 6 years for a new kitchen and this has happened so soon. on the flip side though it shows its not through neglect (which it definitely isn't) so a big thank you for the posts which definitely backs me up
  7. its a thread regarding b and q kitchens dated 28th jan 2008
  8. I am on my laptop now which is where I want to view thread - any other pointers? ive book marked on my phone and tried to search on laptop using the info available but I cannot find it.
  9. hi guys I stumbled across your website and forums earlier today via iphone and I found a thread which I wish to read in greater detail on a larger screen As a newbie and the fact you guys all seem really helpful, can you assist with the following: 1. how and where can I find the thread I first came across (its dated 2008) 2. where do I search for said thread I hope someone can help me as this thread is important and I wish to bookmark to help me
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