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  1. I have woken up today feeling awful, no energy at all, sore throat, achy and just feeling terrible, can hardly walk around the house. The thing is i'm due to go to a Work Programme appointment on Tuesday and a job fair Thursday and i'm worried because if i'm not better for those things then I won't be able to attend and I'm worried because I know the Work Programme has a habit of sanctioning people, I have only ever been sanctioned once (unfairly) and I won that appeal so technically never had a sanction. Need some advice on this, thank you.
  2. My friend separated from her boyfriend about 3 months ago. About 4 months before he went, he brought two items of exercise equipment on H.P. My friend will be moving to a smaller place in about 5 weeks. Her ex partner sold one of the items but the other remains in her property. She as had no contact with him for about 6 weeks. Should she ring the H.P company involved and ask for them to take it back, (she is unsure if he is making payments). If they do not want it what can she do because it is quite a large item and there will be no room at her new place. She is also receiving mail for him from debt collection companies. I have told her to send the letters back with not known at this address wrote on them. Is this the correct thing to do.
  3. Hi, I've been directed here by dx100uk from the Advent Computer Training forum. I was an Advent Computer Training student in 2009/2010 shortly before the company went into Administration. At the time of signing up to the course, I was unemployed and under 21 which, according to the employee that was signing me up, I needed a guarantor to secure funding from Barclays Partner Finance (BPF). My mum became my guarantor and BPF paid for the course (£5950) with a 12 month interest free payback period. I was still doing the course a year later and incurred interest which made the amount owed rise to approx £12000. The company went into Adminstration shortly after. BPF apparently sourced Computeach to take over the course. During this time I was told to do nothing and I'll hear news soon. After getting on board with Computeach and getting the basic Technician qualification, I was then told by Computeach that I wouldn't be able to do the qualifications I had originally signed up to Advent to do (Adobe certification). I was told that their courses were similar but I wasn't told who they were certified with. During this time I was contacted only a couple of times by Telephone to see how I was doing. The last conversation I had (in August) with Computeach I was told I need to do my exam by November, for which I did not believe I was ready. Since the phone call I never heard from Computeach again. I was doubly upset as I signed up to Advent with no deadlines to any courses, I could proceed at my own pace. I have since been to CAB about 6/7 times, had numerous phone calls with Consumer Direct (run by CAB). I was told to double check with Computeach if I was still a student. I wasn't. Then to write a letter to BPF to, essentially, ask for my money back and why (Advents breach of contract due to undelivered services, unsatisfied with the services provided). They replied to my mum as it was in her name saying no dice essentially. I then replied with a final demand before court action (as advised by CAB) stating I would take them to court. I also included an offer of Advanced Dispute Resolution. Again they said no. At the moment I have just returned my Directions Questionnaire to the court and need some advice on how to win my case as I know others have been in the same position. Thanks
  4. Hi All, I am looking for some fairy urgent advice please as i am kind of stuck to sort this out at the minute due to working away from home. My partner and i split up 3 weeks ago and she moved out finally last week. The details> 1. We are not married 2. We had property on 75/25 with Barrats. The house is on £33000 negative equity 3. Halifax wont transfer her name to just me - bank says showing some late payments NOT for mortgage but for other stuff but not behind on anything either 4. in 5 years we had the house she has never paid a penny towards it 5.She wont give me the keys as apparently she has a right to have them still 6. The above worries me as when she moved out last week her and her parents have been through ALL of my personal stuff like pensions, wage slips, will etc and have taken documents. 7 As i work away a lot i am worried that she will just enter the house and open letters anytime she likes What are my options? What are my rights? What rights does she have? We have a 5 year old son, and she wanted £355 from me via what the csa have advised. I have said if she goes that route i cant pay the mortage and then we will be both be liable. Eventually she saw sense, and we have come to an amount i can afford. Sadly i think i will get done over by her. I think that if the mortage comes out of her name then she will then go via the csa and then i am right in trouble. So any thoughts on this on at all please??????
  5. Apologies if this is in the incorrect forum,but i would be grateful for advice on my current situation.I have a loan agreement with Barclays partner finance(BPF) for a car purchase taken out in 2010, all payments made on time as agreed for the last 3 years,having suffered from depression i had to reduce my working hours leading to a drop in income i contacted all my other creditors explaining mt circumstances and all have accepted my reduced payment offer,which was worked out using the" My Money steps" website some have defaulted the account but have still been understanding,all except BPF,i have wrote to them 4 times,3 times i have included I/E breakdowns,but all i have received in return is 3 late payment charge notices,my last 2 letters to them were recorded delivery,asking them not to contact me by phone,only in writing i also included the Telephone harassment template letter, but i am still getting 4-5 calls a day,i told them i was a shift worker and the disruption this was causing but still the calls keep coming. I have E mailed consumer direct with my complaint,who passed it to Trading standards,and so (finally) to my question,at what point would it be considered acceptable to issue small claims proceedings for harassment, i forgot to add that the most recent letter from BPF,was to inform me that the matter was being passed to Mercers for further collection action. Any advice gratefully received.
  6. Hi, firstly, apologies if this has been covered before! I have just under 6 months left on a 12 month private tenancy agreement and have split with my partner who has left the flat and moved on without contributing anything towards the rent/bills etc. My question is whether or not I can go after her for half of everything (or at least a partial amount)? The complication comes because when we first separated I tried to do the right/honourable thing and said that I would pay everything solo so that she could get on with her life. Now it has become apparent that I should have asked her to still pay towards everything but she claims that due to our earlier discussions (and some texts I sent to her at the time) that I won't be able to make her stump up one penny. Any advice that people can give? I feel like I'm a bit of a catch 22 - either I leave the flat early, risk being fined and having to sort everything out, or I continue to pay everything on my own and potentially run myself into debt. Help!
  7. I hope I have posted this in the right place. I am involved with a partnership which owns a couple of houses on a buy to let basis and one of the partners has died. We are concerned that his estate could take over a year to sort out (it seems very complex) and have tried to contact his solicitor who seems to be pretty ineffective (and that's being polite) but got nowhere - he may even have frozen the partnership bank account. Before we contact our own solicitor are there any pragmatic steps we can take to protect our tenants (as students its getting close to lease end) and make sure that they, through no fault of their own, experience any hassle as a result of this and also to protect our own interests. Thanks in advance for any advice.
  8. Hi, My ex-partner recently died a few years ago while I was with him he took out a 2nd mortgage loan on his house to clear his debts but I signed too - the loan people said I needed to sign because I lived there. The house was not in both our names - it was his house and the loan was secured on his property. He said it would not affect me, they just needed to know who was living there. We split up nearly five years ago. I don't know where I stand with this. He had not been paying it, his mother says she has found a lot of horrible letters regarding this with my name on them too. I'm afraid I may be in a serious amount of debt. Any thoughts or advice you could offer would be appreciated very much. Ali.
  9. Hello, sorry for the long story but here goes, I had two bailiffs from marstons at my door this morning over a unpaid tv license fine from the courts. The fine is my girlfiends who came to the door also, they said they had a distress warrant and was coming to seize and take away good unless the fine was paid in full today.I told them they wasnt coming in and they said the distress warrant they had, gave them right to force entry, i asked to take a picture of the distress warrant as i didnt belive it was from the courts but they said no for data protection reasons. My partner told them she didnt have the money to pay the fine £488 today, so they said the were coming in to seize goods, they came in with the children there saying do you want to take the kids some where as its not nice for them to see, my girlfriend who is heavily pregnant was askng about a payment plan and is their any other way to pay in installments, the bailffs said no the furnitures going today. one of the bailiffs started writing down the goods when he finished, he then started taking the furniture (so far he took, shelves, hi-fi, mirrors) into the front garden and phoned for a removal van. while one was taking the furntiure out, i said to the other bailiff so theirs no other way to sort this as my girlfriend is on benefits and heavily pregnant, he said it doesnt matter if shes on benefits or pregnant were taking them. Just as he was telling me that the other bailiff walked in and clearly heard him, but he carried on taking things into the garden. About 5 mins later after taking more things out he called my girlfriend outside and asked if she was pregnant (which is clear to see she is with the bump and i had already told one of them!) he then came back in and said why didnt you tell me she was pregnant i said i told your mate, and he said he is still taking the stuff and you walked in when he was saying it so you must of heard him. He said he didnt! then all of a sudden they said were not taking any goods now, He left the stuff in the front garden and (told ME to take it all back in), took his paperwork and went and got in hs van and drove off!! So now im going to make a complaint how do i go about doing that? and who too? court, marstons ect? the complaint is abouthow they left the furniture in the front garden (neighbours were walking past as this was going on!), They could clearly see my partner was heavily pregnant but carried on causing her stress! They havent left any paperwork and i cant remember their names although i did video record them while at the front door telling me they can force entry with the distress warrent. Any help greatly apprecitated.
  10. Hi, Barclays Partner Finance have been calling me almost every day for a month and a half now asking to speak to someone I don't know and have never heard of in my life. From what I gather, they are trying to reclaim unpaid debt on some kind of credit card. I have asked them several times to take my number off their records because it's the wrong number, and I have also tried blocking their number, but they either keep calling or change to a new number and keep calling from there. So far they have used 3 different phone numbers to call me: 08458787153 08453007021 08453007024 I don't know what my rights are or who I can complain to about this, I'd just like them to stop contacting me. Can anyone shed any light on this? Thank you!
  11. My partner started a new job last week. The payment of wages was agreed as weekly on a Monday. It is now Wednesday and he has not been paid for last weeks work. His employers excuse is that he needs a fob or something in order to pay my partner out of the company bank account and the person with this fob isn't in. We have £100 left in the bank and are getting pretty desperate for him to be paid now. What should he do?
  12. My wife took out a 4 year interest free loan from BPF for the purchase of a mobility scooter in December 2008. The first point is that she was told that this was a Motability Loan which I subsequently discovered was not true - like the motability loan it was 0% interest, and seemingly they gave the loan on the basis that the repayments would be met from her higher rate disability allowance, but as I later learned, a true Motability Loan only runs for a maximum of 3 years. The second point is that she does not appear to have a copy of the Loan Agreement - to be fair, she has very little idea when it comes to these things and she may simply have misfiled this or destroyed it without realising the documents importance. Thirdly, during the term of the Agreement, there was a period where late payment penalty charges were levied at £22.50 a time. I believe that, in total 8 charges have been levied on the account, which I do not consider fair or reasonable. Fourthly, the only correspondence my wife has had from them has been an Annual Statement and the penalty charge notifications. The 4 year Term of the Agreement has now been completed and, due to the added charges, there is still an amount outstanding - BPF have not written to her about this as I would have expected - they have simply indicated on the phone that she should continue her standard monthly payment until the charges are paid off. I find this strange as, in my view, now that the term of the agreement has finished they should surely write to her, inform her that the contract period has ceased, and request any outstanding balance be paid - at that point, it may then be that they agree that this can be repaid on a monthly instalment basis. Without anything being formally noted, however, I do not see that they can expect to receive any further payments after the Contract Term has ceased (and they also still have had the nerve to try to apply a further penalty charge because the first payment after the Contract term finished was paid late when we werent even aware of the additional amounts being required!) Apologies if this is a bit "waffly" but any advice would be welcomed - I guess that initially I should insist they provide a full history of payments and charges on the account since it started, and also request a copy of the signed Loan Agreement. I have already sent a letter to BPF informing them that I consider the charges unfair and unreasonable, but this was not your formal template letter, and I guess I should send this once I have the copy Agreement and schedule of all charges and payments. If they are unable to provide a copy of the Loan Agreement (unlikely I know, but just in case, I thought I would ask), would this invalidate the whole arrangement and, in effect, mean that they would need to repay the full amount paid over the 4 year period? (the original loan was £1600) Thanks, in advance, for your help and guidance.
  13. I have a joint account with an ex partner and its in the overdraft and a £20 fee which he does not pay keeps amounting. Can I take him to the small claims for his half of the fee and get the account closed?
  14. Hi, I am on Income related Esa and the claim is in my name, my partner wants to apply for a job which is only 5 hours per week and amounts to around £35 per week, is she allowed to do this and will the amount she earns be taken off our Esa? I have tried finding this info online to no avail Thanks.
  15. Hi, I have an account with Barclays and they keep changing the dates they take their payment. This month they didn't take the payment until the 3rd instead of the 29th. I mucked up and thought they had taken their payment and paid another bill which meant there wasn't enough money so the payment has been returned. I have just sent an formal complaint about the dates and wanted some clarification regarding the DD guarantee, if they take on another date than is on the agreement do they have to tell me. I have just looked at the payments I have made and they have never taken the payment on the day they should, it has either been 1 day early or late. Any comments would be helpful Thanks JJ
  16. The situation is me and my partner are looking to take on the mortgage which she at present has with her ex (they are divorced). A court consent order has been signed by him on the 8th July 2010 stating he is not entitled to any equity in the property. He has not contributed to the mortgage payments for 4 1/2 years and my partner can prove this. However his name is still on the mortgage and deeds. He is now asking for money or he wont sign the papers allowing my partner and me to remortgage. The house is not in negative equity and in principle the new mortgage company has accepted our offer. Can we take him to the courts and get a court order or how do we get him off the property as we do not wish to sell. This is a complete nightmare for us as he seems to be holding all the cards.
  17. I got a loan to purchase a guitar a year ago in November. The loan was for 12 months interest free but if you went over the 12 months you had to pay all the interest which was also at a woooping 29% Right, so when I got this I talked to one of their agents and set up an Standing Order to pay every month for 12 months... but it took a few days to get the paper work so I set it for the 28th of the month which was already December. Now, getting to November 16th this year they say I haven't paid the full amount on time and that I'm going to have to pay £124 for 2.5 years to pay the whole interest and that if I want to settle the account I have to pay £1700 pounds. Also, they said on the phone that the last payment they took from my Standing Order was on the first of October and when I checked my bank statement there had been 2 more payments to the same Barclays Partner Finance that I had set up and ended this month. They said I had been sent letters to warn me but the only letter I had was already after the 12 moths had expired, which was on the 16th November. It's also very convenient that when I'm £250 short they are going to get £1700 off me for being a month late... I would appreciate any advice on options here. Thanks,
  18. my fathers girlfriend has died she had no estate. she took out a car loan with Barclays finance, i believe this is a loan done through a car dealer to buy a car, i do not think it is hp/lease but a loan. the car is in my fathers name but she paid the payments of for the loan. Barclays are asking for the car to be sold as this is part of her estate and the funds paid to them. Does my dad have to sell the car? if its in his name not this late girlfriends?
  19. Hi, my oh has two accounts with LINK , i have been a reader of the forum i did a CCA for both accounts . I was supplied with a copy of the CCA and in my mind they may be unenforceable through reading other threads. Therefore i sent them the write off letter i found on a thread here and stated that they had not supplied me with the relevant information adn requested they both wrote off the debt and that i would receive a reply in 14 days. That was 6 weeks ago and no reply despite the recorded letters having been signed for. At this stage is there a next move i should make , currently i pay them £1 pcm Many Thanks
  20. Hi, over two years ago I had an extremely MINOR scrape in the back lane doing approx 5mph, the sort that most reasonable people would disregard. I had four people in my car and no-one even felt my car scrape the other party's bumper. However he made a song and dance and started harassing my to put it through the insurance because his wife wanted a courtesy car. I told him not to be so stupid - his car wasn't worth more than £50 - however the harassment got worse, I was plagued with phone calls from people wanting me to authorise a courtesy car and people banging on the door, so I took advice and rang my partner's insurance company, stating that I did not want to claim but I was sick of the hassle. They told me they would speak to him. I heard nothing more until two weeks ago we received a snotty letter from our insurers saying we had failed to disclose a claim. I rang them to discover that they had paid out £7500 for whiplash injuries etc etc. We didn't received any notification at all that this claim had been made and I need to know how I can sort this situation out. There is no way on this earth he suffered a whiplash injury but the insurers say if they have a doctor's note to that effect they have to pay out.
  21. My partner and I seperated in September, since then he has missed the October payment on his BarclayCard. Barclaycard have been on the phone every three hours for a week and a half, it's been quite creepy in that they have been trying differant patterns of times to catch him in. He visits his son regularly and I have asked him repeatedly to get in touch with them and get it sorted but he keeps 'forgetting' to do so (head/sand interface) a statement arrived the other day and it accidentally fell open, like they do. Since he left he has been living on his card and his balance is scary. What's the best course of action? I'm a single mum, living on benefits and I don't want my idiot ex's creditors chasing him at this address or worse still Bailiffs turning up if he continues not to pay. I wrote this letter to Barclaycard: Dear Sir/Madam, Re: Please can you update your records to note that XX XX doesnt live at this address, we have seperated, and hasnt done since the 20th September 2012. Can you ask your agents to contact him directly on his mobile number: XX this is the only number my idiot-ex can be contacted on. I dont have a forwarding address for him but he does pick up his post from this address every so often. My personal circumstances are such, single mum on benefits, that I do not want idiot ex's creditors chasing me or this addresses credit score adversely affected in any way. Thank you for your time. Best regards I feel a bit mean but I have enough to worry about as it it.
  22. HI All took out one of those at home training courses in 2006 but never got the support that was agreed in the paperwork, i constantly emailed for support but all i ever got back was replys stating change of tutor(kept emails). so i refused to pay anymore due to this as i could not complete the course without support. last payment was in 2007 i think . i was contacted in 2010 by apex claiming i needed to pay £1100 to which i replied that the account was in dispute due to the company breaking the terms and conditions of the agreement, i explained why and forwarded all the email correspondence to apex, apex had already put a default on my account to which i asked to be removed as they had no right to, they removed this and have asked for no money since but send me a letter every three months or so with whats oweing but not asking for payment, i checked my credit report today and they have put the default back on but says last updated 07/2010 any ideas on how to proceed as they are not asking for money but how did they put the default back on, it wasnt there 2 months ago. when they removed the default they also removed anything to do with apex, i cannot remember who i originally took the course out with it think it was acpd or similar. i have been working hard the last few years to keep my credit report clear and have done so until they put this back on any help or advise appreciated kind regards Tony
  23. If person A goes to live with a person B who pays for children through the CSA and person B then becomes unemployed but is not entitled to any support because of the living together rules and person A's income, what of the person A's income and capital have to be declared to the CSA? I hope this makes sense and someone can help. Thank you.
  24. I had been with my ex partner for 13 years and we had a joint mortgagetogether for 10 years. We were due to get married 10 months ago however he felt we wereincompatible and called the wedding off 8 weeks before the date. He made it very clear that he wanted to keep the house as we bought it fromhis parents so I moved out and stayed with a friend until the joint mortgagewas transferred into his sole name and 50% of the equity released to me.. On the whole the process was fairly amicable. I boxed up as much of mybelongings as I could and put into my parents garage. I told my Ex what otherthings I intended to take, mainly the pieces of furniture I had bought andkitchen equipment. He agreed with what I intended to take and kindly offeredfor me to leave them in the house until I get my own place. I kindly offered totemporally leave my kitchen things - things i had before we lived together andother items I inherited from my Nan (easily replaced but sentimental) for himto use, as I didn’t need them immediately as I was staying with a friend whichalso gave him the time to replace them. However he dragged out the process of transferring the equity saying hecouldn't afford the solicitors fees, he insisted that I pay for his solicitorout of my share of the equity otherwise I would have to wait months for him tosave up, I paid £500! I had to agree this with his solicitor before they wouldrelease the equity to me. Before he would sign the transfer of title deeds he requested that I wouldagree to pay his new mortgage set up fees of a further £268 and return allhouse keys to him. I had an offer accepted on a house and it was all waiting on me having thedeposit, so I verbally agreed that I would. I was trapped!! However I didn’t pay it as I felt it was black mail and I had already kindlypaid his previous fees that I didn’t have to do!!! Now I'm in my new home I contacted the Ex as planned to get my belongings,he's ignored all my calls and messages and refused to answer the door to me. Eventuallyhe sent a text saying I’ve had £xx K off him and that his solicitor has toldhim that now the house is in his sole name and that I have cashed the equitycheque I have no legal right to anything in the house. My mum managed to speak to him last night and he told her he was intentionallyignoring me and refusing to return my belongings because I didn’t give him the £268for his mortgage fee. I have credit card statements showing the items I bought in last 3 years,amounting to over £3k. I only have an actual receipt for one item of furniture. Do I have any hope of getting my things back? Any advise would be greatly appreciated
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