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  1. thanks guys, i will keep my cards close to my chest till i see the agreement, but sure looks promising its defo Arnold Clark Automobile account
  2. ps raydetinu my dad is is Scotland but i am just down the road from you in Chacewater
  3. hi i hope so. Re executure as there is no estate of very lilltle conformation does not need to sought. Scotlish law is i think as long as there less that 10k if there is no will you don't need to apply to the court to seek confirmation. There are no excutures and as far as i have been adviced there is no need for one, just someone to contact and let people know. oh well hopefully it will all work out i guess if ppi has been paid theres no way of proving it was miss sold
  4. thanks can i do SAR if i am no relative i am dealing with this afair so i guess i can write and ask I guess its best i continue to give them no info untill i see that facts in black and white I never realised till now how complictaed it is when someone dies with no money or a will my half sister is the only living blood relaive and she only just 2 weeks after her mothers death turned 18. My dad has his head in the sand and won't deal with anything. I hope this works out ok thanks again everyone
  5. We have found one letter, but no copy of the credit agreement. Correspondence by letter only very run of the mill stuff up untill now i don't know if this will help solve the loan/ hp issue oh i pray it a loan Dear ....... welcome to your barclays partner finace thanks for opening your Arnold Clark Automobile account, finaced by us. We hope you are pleases with your purchase and find our finace easy, manageable and maybe even enjoyable. Your first payment of £344.40 is due on 16/11/09 untill the full balance of £16,729.20 is cleared. Please refer to your credit agreement for full detail.
  6. thanks i thought/hoped they new about the car because it was a loan to buy a car from Barclays Finace group. i was hoping it was a unsecured loan Do Barclay Finace normally do hp then? mmmm oh dear
  7. thanks for your reply i think he would prefer not to keep up the payments no payments have been made since the death he would like to keep the car and may be willing to make an offer we where hoping they would have to write the debt off. There was alot of outstanding debt and all otherecompanys have writen the debt off the car is not worth more that £1000 as it is high millgae we have no copy of the credit agrrement i guess i need to ask for a copy and go through the small print
  8. The loan was taken out in Scotland There is only 1 year left to run on the loan The loan was for 16k and there is 3k left outstanding anyone ??
  9. my fathers girlfriend has died she had no estate. she took out a car loan with Barclays finance, i believe this is a loan done through a car dealer to buy a car, i do not think it is hp/lease but a loan. the car is in my fathers name but she paid the payments of for the loan. Barclays are asking for the car to be sold as this is part of her estate and the funds paid to them. Does my dad have to sell the car? if its in his name not this late girlfriends?
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