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  1. the dwp have been helping me for the last 15 yrs now they want to turn this into a loan is it from now or are they backing dateing it very worried about this in the budget
  2. Hi apologies if there has already been a thread like this, I'm just new to this site and do not know how to navigate it very well. Last year I was stopped by a ticket inspector on a southern rail train, i did have a valid ticket, however I didn't have a relevant discount card on me. I offered to pay was told I would receive a letter within a few weeks with the details of the fine and how to pay it . A month passed and I received nothing, at the time I was in the process of moving house . I have now moved address and had forgotten about the letter if I'm honest today I received a letter from MARSTON HIGH COURT asking for £650?! I have not seen any prior letters, this is the first one. It also says that if I don'tpay within 14 days tthey are going to send bayliffs over. I definitely cannot afford £650 all at once, and even if I could somehow manage to pay it in instalments it says the amount must be paid in full. I really dont know what to do?! Any advice would be really appreciated!
  3. Hello, just wanted some advice. I was coming home from work when the car in front of me indicated to turn right, I was behind the car, not moving when I was hit from behind. My cars bumper was smashed and I also have a massive dent in the car. The guy admitted it was his fault and asked if he could just pay for the damage as he had only had the car insured for 4 weeks. I said ok and took his details. I have had the cost of the work to be done and he want to pay when the work is done, I've said no it needs paying first or I might end up with the bill. He can't afford to hire me a car for work as he said he also has to pay for his car to be mended. Do I go through insurance or carry on with the arrangement. Thanks any advice will be great.
  4. Good afternoon, hopefully this will be a 'quick' one. I've had an e-mail from my landline provider (BT) about the changes coming into effect on 1st July about charges to 08.. numbers etc. I use an 0844 number to make international calls on a regular basis. This is currently charged at 1p per minute. (is that what is called an 'override service'?). From what I understand from the e-mail, if I use this service after 1st July, I will be charged by BT a minimum of 9.58p per minute, despite the 'provider' (I think it's justcall) advertising it as 1p per minute. I'm confused. Can someone help me out please?
  5. If your benefits are paid into a RBS or Natwest bank account and you are due a payment this week this maybe delayed here's why http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-33162855 and recaction from the Natwest customer forum http://communities.natwest.com/t5/Ways-to-Bank/natwest-down-again/td-p/38531 Why should these bank's be able to get away with treating customers like this ?
  6. My partner is going to move into my rented room with me which is in a shared flat. I am paying £370 for the room currently and our contract is up for renewal at the end of the month. The landlord is happy with her moving into my room but is going to charge £170 (half my rent value). This means we are now paying ~£540 for the room which is £140 more than my housemate pays for a room twice as large as mine. The landlords justification is that this is an industry standard (i.e. to charge half rent to the second person) is this the case? Apparently its to cover additional wear and tear. It seems more like greed to me as the deposit is to cover any damages and wear and tear should be expected and not covered by the tenant, especially not to the tune of £170/month.
  7. Hi! I'm new here so please bare with me! I've had an ongoing issue with NPower which has escalated to such a stressful level I am now on antidepressants. After 4 years of NPower producing incorrect bills I finally switched energy companies In 2012. There was an arrears of £500 on the account and after 3 months of waiting for a final bill NPower said I owed £795 which I queried for about 5 months before they settled on £745 which I continued to dispute until April 2014 when I had just had enough because I couldn't find anyone to help me dispute this on top of being unemployed. after months of explaining I could not afford to pay this amount immediately I was bullied into arranging an unaffordable payment arrangement of £20/month. At the time I had a monthly deficit of £550 so this just wasn't at all affordable and I struggled to meet these payments but always communicated when I was able to meet the payment. I did however pay more than the agreed when I could and by January 2014 the outstanding amount was £500. Even after discussing this with NPower they still found it necessary to instruct their solicitors Wilkin Chapman LLP to issue court proceedings if I was unable to pay the full sum within 14 days. Again I explained my situation with Wilkin Chapman and produced a full income and expenditure document showing my deficit. There was no question of a doubt that they were fully aware of my circumstances. I made a token payment of £50 leaving a remaining total of £450 and was bullied into making a payment arrangement of £20/Month as they said their client (NPower) would not accept anything lower than this and would follow through with court proceedings if this was not paid. In March 2015 I advised Wilkin Chapman that I would not be able to meet my payment arrangement for that 6/8 weeks due to family bereavement and the fact that my invoices from work had not been paid. This they now claim to have no reference of. Wilkin Chapman followed with Court proceedings in April; and as soon I received the court documents I called and made an offer to pay something to avoid court action but they refused payment and advised that in order to stop court proceedings I would have to pay a total of £538. I was unable to pay this so believed my only option was to return the admission form back to them. I both emailed and posted the forms back to Wilkin Chapman on Friday 1st May and have receipt of both being delivered and signed for on Tuesday 5th May. On Saturday 15th May I received a CCJ (Default due to non response) from the Court asking for an immediate payment of £668.65 forthwith. Wilkin Chapman had failed to forward my admission form to the courts which resulted in this default. Wilkin Chapman have explained that their client (Npower) had advised them not to return the documents to the court. However, The Court have stated that the solicitors should have sent my admission form back to the court and allowed them to come to a decision if one could not be made by the claimant. Wilkin Chapman LLP have now asked me to forward a sum of £693.21 to be paid immediately. Although the original debt was for £450, with the interest added brought it to £538 and court costs total £130 bringing the forthwith sum to £668. NPower customer service team have advised that Npower have sided with their solicitors behaviour and accept that they may have acted illegitimately forcing me into further financial hardship. NPower have refused to accept a sum of £668.65 to clear my debt (my neighbours have rallied together and offered £500 towards the debt) and to add insult to injury ended the phone call with "if you fail to repay the amount of £693.21 we will proceed with collection measures." I just don't know what to do now! The courts have advised that they can remove the CCJ from my credit file if I pay £668 by 10th June 2015 but NPower and Wilkin Chapman LLP have refused to take this amount and want all their legal costs paid on top of the forthwith total on the CCJ.
  8. I have started a new thread here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?446131-Atos-what-are-they-doing-next-(1-Viewing)-nbsp For anyone interested
  9. Hi all, Hoping somebody may be able to shed some light on my question.. I have a judgment against an individual. I have come to realise his name is misspelt on the judgment. Have been advised by the court to make a formal application to correct this using an N244 form 'Notice Application'. My question really is regarding what court fee I am supposed to pay. Ive read the official fee guide but it doesn't make it very clear regarding this type of application. Any thoughts? Ive already emailed the courts to ask but thought somebody may have the answer on here. Thanks in advance
  10. can anyone offer any help or advice? In mid February this year there was an assault carried out by my daughter's 15 yr old neighbour on his 16 yr old sister. The 15 yr old was arrested. Police called an out-of-hours social worker to deal with the 16 yr old girl as the girls' parents were/are uninterested.The social worker asked my daughter, who is no relation whatsoever to any of those involved and has an 8 yr old son, if the 16 yr old could stay with her that night and would she bring her into Lambeth Social Services the next morning? My daughter, as a concerned neighbour, agreed. The following morning my daughter took the 16 yr old girl in to see social services and was asked by them if she would offer shelter for the girl for "a few days more". Eight weeks on, dozens of 'phone calls and several visits to Lambeth Soc Svcs and the situation hasn't changed although my daughter has fallen behind with her rent and other bills and I, on DLA myself, am having to subsidise things and to top everything, my daughter has been threatened with "action" for owing rent to Lambeth Council AND of being in breach of her tenancy agreement by having the 16 yr old girl live there! Lambeth Social Services say the do not have to offer any financial help to my daughter who is after all, a very unwilling, unpaid "foster care provider" who has now been prescribed anti-depressants by her GP because of all this and she can't just dump the girl on the streets.
  11. Hi all, Simple question really, it would seem that a pension I used to have (occupational) was with Tibbett and Britten group. The pension trustees apparently were wound up in 2012 as far as I can make out, but I still have around 8 years of contributions with this pension fund. What do I do ? How do I access my frozen pension funds from a fund that has been wound up ? This isn't my area of expertise, but I'm sure someone here is an expert
  12. Ofgem Investigation into npower and its compliance with Standards of Conduct (Standard Licence Condition 25C), Standard Licence Condition 27 (provision of final bills), and the Gas and Electricity (Consumer Complaints Handling Standards) Regulations 2008 Publication Date: 19th June 2014 Company being Investigated: npower Ofgem are investigating whether RWE npower is complying with the Standards of Conduct (SOC) (SLC 25C) of its gas and electricity supply licence and with the Gas and Electricity (Consumer Complaints Handling Standards) Regulations 2008 (‘Complaints Handling Regulations’). On 4 July 2014 the scope of the investigation was widened to include SLC 27.17 and 27.18, in relation to final bills. More info: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publ...complaints-handling-standards-regulations-2008 New Standards of Conduct: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publ...clearer-fairer-energy-market
  13. Investigation into Scottish Power’s compliance with Standards of Conduct (SLC 25C), SLC 27 (provision of final bills), and the Gas and Electricity (CCHS) Regulations 2008. Read More Here: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/investigation-scottish-power%E2%80%99s-compliance-standards-conduct-slc-25c-slc-27-provision-final-bills-and-gas-and-electricity-cchs-regulations-2008
  14. Notice of intention to impose a financial penalty following an investigation into compliance by InterGen with Article 14(1) of the Electricity and Gas (Community Energy Saving Programme) Order 2009 Read More Here: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/notice-intention-impose-financial-penalty-following-investigation-compliance-intergen-article-141-electricity-and-gas-community-energy-saving-programme-order-2009
  15. Notice of intention to impose a financial penalty following an investigation into compliance by Drax with Article 14(1) of the Electricity and Gas (Community Energy Saving Programme) Order 2009 Read More Here: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/notice-intention-impose-financial-penalty-following-investigation-compliance-drax-article-141-electricity-and-gas-community-energy-saving-programme-order-2009
  16. Ofgem Notice of intention to impose a financial penalty following an investigation into compliance by British Gas with Article 9(1) and Article 9(1A) of the Electricity and Gas (Carbon Emissions Reduction) Order 2008 (as amended) Read More Here: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/notice-intention-impose-financial-penalty-following-investigation-compliance-british-gas-article-91-and-article-91a-electricity-and-gas-carbon-emissions-reduction-order-2008-amended
  17. Ofgem has been investigating whether British Gas complied with its obligations under Article 14(1) of the Electricity and Gas (Community Energy Saving Programme) Order 2009. Read More Here: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/notice-intention-impose-financial-penalty-following-investigation-compliance-british-gas-article-141-electricity-and-gas-community-energy-saving-programme-order-2009
  18. ok my situation is a strange one. i entered a trust deed (IVA) 2 years ago but i lost my job this year and all they said was as long as i make a token payment i will be fine. i have been offered a job in canada and seriously thinking about taking it, i need to be there before dec 31st. this month is the first month i have not been able to pay my mortgage as I'm not working also i doubt ill be able to make my payment to trust deed. my question is whats my best option here goto canada and forget about my debt send the keys to mortgage company. can i go bankrupt from canada, explain situation to trustee. I've been reading on here and i see a lot of situations but i don't see any like mine so just hoping for any advice. I'm from scotland so i believe its a different process than england. all advice welcome
  19. Ofgem Investigation into BES and its compliance with its obligations under the gas and electricity supply licences (Standard Licence Conditions 7A, 7B, 7, 14 and 21B) Publication Date: 30th October 2014 Company being Investigated: BES Commercial Electricity Ltd (electricity supplier) and Business Energy Solutions Ltd (gas supplier) Ofgem are investigating whether BES (encompassing both licensees) is complying with the requirements of conditions 7A, 7B, 7, 14 and 21B of their gas and electricity supply licences. We are aware of a high level of complaints made about BES and have also received a referral from Citizens Advice. For more link is here: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/investigation-bes-and-its-compliance-its-obligations-under-gas-and-electricity-supply-licences-standard-licence-conditions-7a-7b-7-14-and-21b
  20. Hi I updated my bank details via letter and phone call with local authority for my housing benefit payment, I also called 7 days from date of change to ensure that the payment would be credited to new account. Despite LA confirming new details etc the payment was made to the old account, £150 of this amount was swallowed up on bank charges. The bank won't refund any of these payments and now I am in rent arrears. I complained to LA and received a letter of apology in which they recognise the error and apologise for poor service received, they also claim that despite the error being their responsibility there is nothing else they can do.....can they do anything else?
  21. My friend who is a vunerable adult with certain mental health issues, recently awoke to the sound of people breaking in to his house. He text me and I rang him and he told me they had smashed in the porch doors and front door and were inside and he could hear them rooting around and having a laugh. He wouldn't go down and confront them, which I wish he had done as he could prove for sure they were in parts of the house that the gas meter isn't in. I phoned the police who turned up just after they had gone and my friend wouldn't answer the door. The police said the door was not broken and still locked. My friend told me that they had moved things from his porch into his hall and left a letter from Richburns in the middle of the hall floor. He agreed all the doors were locked when he finally went downstairs. He will not face up to the matter. He claims he had a bill of £1200 ish which was for only a year of gas - he only has a gas boiler as everything else is electric and they were only estimated readings and he was only 3 months behind - I have my doubts but I have not seen any of the bills. The real problem I have is, whilst I am aware that utility companies can and do enter into houses to change meters, they only had to go into the porch and change the meter in the cupboard out there. They had no earthly reason to enter the house. He has even found a key which looks like a lock picking skeleton key, again in his hallway. Unfortunately my friend is behind on many bills and I cannot help financially and have not the time to devote to sorting all his issues out - plus he is very abusive to me and makes a million and one excuses as to why he can't deal with it. He may be ill but I am not his whipping post! I am just about to email Keith Anderson of Scottish Power because I feel he needs to explain if they needed to break into his house when the meter was outside. Also, my friend said he signed up to gas with Sainsbury's years ago but this was sold over to Scottish Power but he never signed a contract with SP. Regardless of the rights or wrongs, it is a terrible thing for anyone to be awoken to the sound of people breaking in. I don't know if he got a Letter of Intent, as he just piles post up unread. He is also a clinical hoarder and so I feel these people should not have been rooting through stuff. Any advice as to how to deal with this would be great. Thanks.
  22. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/n...o-hang-up.html how is this going to effect those with current contracts with them? and also those who have mobile insurance with the company?
  23. Damn!!!! Went through the exact same lane an hour earlier....Anyone has any update? There is no indication or signs that straight ahead is bus lane only. The signs are well past the start of lane and like OP, it was too late once realised.
  24. Hi Just been browsing the threads and a thought came to mind I am on Pension Credit and have two grown up sons at home Pension Credit are aware of this My sons every month pay from their wages their share of the household bills inc the Council Tax plus anything they had borrowed over the month (from my account ) This can be a credit of over £250 per month into my account (They mark the transfer as "BOARD " Will Pension Credit assume that these payments are Income when they reassess my claim or will they accept the transactions for what they are
  25. I am a student from the University of Kent. Recently I signed a contract with a student lettings company (however the landlord has not signed the client copy of the contract must I mention. But this probably doesn't make a difference anyway since there are two signed agreements from all parties with the landlord himself and with the agency.) The rent is from September 2014 to July 2015. There is no break clause from the contract either. Unfortunately I did not pass one of my exams and I also have a startup company that was just accepted into an accelerator program in the San Francisco in August, so I will be travelling there for a month in August. This is when my resits take place and therefore I won't be able to resit that particular exam, therefore unable to continue with my second year and thus won't be able to pay for my rent in the second year that I am liable for. I haven't managed to find a replacement tenant either. I am now in a position where I cannot pay the fees for the house as I am not going to University for a year and I do need some urgent advice on this. There is no way I can afford that rent without going to University, my University won't let me continue unless I resit and the next resit dates are August 2015 - forcing me to take a gap year. If you guys can help me out here that'll be great! Cheers!
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