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  1. I haven't been frequenting the debt sections on here for a while so perhaps I am a little out of touch, must admit to being a bit taken aback. My daughter received a N1 from Northampton center, for an overdraft she had 5 years ago, she had forgotten about it(she says) and eventually it had been sold on to Cabot. I said I would have a look , went onto MCOL logged in in here name and acknowledged ticked defend all. I thought the usual, challenge charges assignment etc. etc, it was for £550. Then I thought you know I cant be bothered with this so i rang the solicitor, i nice pleasant woman answered the phone, I started to explain who I was, she said she couldn't talk to me so I had to get my daughter to give her a call etc DPA fair enough. Anyway eventually we could discuss the account, i told her that i was considering fighting , but really cant be bothered and asked them if they would accept £300 full and final. We chatted some more and she was telling me about her kids and I was telling her about how you never cease to worry about them and how my daughter is 35 and married with five kids and she still comes to me with this stuff,(love it really). I digress, anyway she says yes we will accept that as full and final and will email you and you can pay on receipt , i say fine. I know there is stuff said about people backing out of FFs but personally I have never come across it, anyway I have the email. I am just about to give her my visa details and she says are you retired sir, I say yes, then she says "will paying this money cause you financial distress or make you in arrears with any priority debt heating or utility supplies", i say no why do you ask, she said we would not be able to accept the payment if you would have said yes.
  2. Illegal EM technology use by collection agencies ======================================== USE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION TO SPY and HARASS (Cant post links yet but will soon ... See websites/links for details on the possible technology being used) ============================================ Websites and links: - Use infrared and microwave image mapping and spectral reconstruction to invade privacy ... entire home mapped and monitored - Monitoring is 24/7 and includes all family - EM brain monitoring device which stores brain activity patterns and uses them to selectively manipulate (see links at bottom) - Most likely remote EEG >> has subvocalization recognition capabilities (mind reading) - Mobile - can be used from a car - Software with the antenna system which is used to select from a list of options of torture/intimidation tactics - Use EM radiation to induce unpleasant sensations and pain (see links for the full list) - Induce emotional states - Torture pets/animals in neighborhood - Flipping MOSFET on adaptor power supplies and damaging wires connects - Aggressive drive-by and cutting up in traffic - Power cuts/fluctuations - EM microwave burns - EM manipulating of heartbeats/dreams/limb dexterity etc - Jamming Internet and cell phone calls - EM suppressing brain activity - EM enhancing waves at time of stimulus to accelerate memorization (or enhance association) - Operating during sleep cycles to manipulate subject's memories - Manipulating motor behavior - Illegal hacking of electronic devices - Bug and stalk/spy on online activity - Read all emails/texts - Spy on other electronic devices / power cords =============================================
  3. Hi, I would really appreciate some advice regarding debt collection fees. I had an original debt with council tax for the amount of £107.80 which got passed on to Jabobs debt collectors. The amount they are now claiming is £417.15 which is made up of the original debt, a £75 compliance stage fee and £235 for attending the premises. Is this all legal? Like I say any advice would really be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  4. I am getting letters from Lowell about an alleged debt that is now well and truly statue barred - doesn't appear on my records and is well over 6 years old. The Lowell letter states at the bottom I object to them wasting paper on this nonsense, I do not acknowledge any debt and will never pay them a penny. Do I have any legal right to tell them to sod off and make them stop sending me these letters? ps: they are generously offering me a 75% discount on the 'debt'.
  5. Hi there. In December 2014, my mother received a letter from Cabot stating that she owed over £800 from a 2009 Littlewoods account. They then started harassing her by phone and post, I sent a consent form stating that all correspondence should be via me and in writing. After sending another letter to my mother, I complained and they said they had erased her number from their database and that the account would be frozen for 30 days to give me time to send them a statement of my mother's earnings (she is a pensioner.) They also said that they would sent a small gift as recompense?! I find it iffy that they waited over five years to buy this alleged debt (which my mother thought she had fully paid off) and are offering gifts (illegal??) Also, I have looked on the FCA's consumer credit register, and the postcode isn't quite the same as the one on their letters, also, the phone number is different. Does this mean they are not properly registered? Where do I go from here? There is only 4 months to go until the six years are up? Should I pursue a copy of the CCA. I don't want anyone to turn up on her doorstep because of the repercussions from the owner of the house, (long story) so I am loathe to ignore them. Many thanks in advance.
  6. Hi, I was self employed but my business now makes very little with just a few hundred a month coming in. 9 months ago my wife and I sold our house (which had a joint mortgage) and bought a cheaper house in her name. We used the profit to pay off some debts but I'm still left with about £30k debt on credit cards and an unsecured loan. (which I haven't paid for about 7 months) After my wife has paid the mortgage she's left with about £600 a month for the other bills eg community charge, utilities etc so there's not much, if anything , left to pay my debts off. I'm 60 but hoping to develop a new business which may bring some money in. Also, my mother died last week and I'll receive a small inheritance of around £2000. Other than that I have no assets or car. I've included a more detailed breakdown below but any advice would be very welcome. 1 Is it really worth asking for the original credit card agreements? I've read elsewhere that they don't need to be original to recover the debts. Also, do I have to send letters to both Westcot and Barclaycard? 2. We no longer have any joint accounts. Will my wife be held responsible for my debt problems and do I have to declare her income if it goes to a ccj? 3 They've added late payment charges for the last 7 months or so. Can these be reclaimed and if so, how do I go about it? Lastly, I can't access the library though I registered a few years ago. Personal Barclaycard started in 2001 £1877 Barclaycard started in 1994 £12005 Barclaycard started in 1994 £9940 Opus started in 1996 £1067 Nationwide started in 2014 £1890 Aqua card started in 2014 £Zero Barclays overdraft £1300 Total £28k Business Barclaycard £4500 Unsure when it began as its not listed in Noddle Unsecured Business Loan Barclays £1200
  7. Hi Ladies and Gents. I have an old Lloyds bank debt going back to 2008/9. They went to court and got a Judgement and then an Attachment over my house registered with HM Land Registry. However, Lloyds and their solicitors have written to me to say they have sold the debt company. This got me thinking that the Judgement and Attachment are therefore void. Reason being if I paid Lloyds to get a 'Certificate of Satisfaction' to show debt was paid they would be committing fraud as they no longer own the debt. Also, I am not sure whether a Judgement can be sold to a debt company. Can anyone shed some light on my thoughts please. Thanks. Urban
  8. Hi All, i was after some advice. I have an outstanding debt with NPOWER, and since the 8th March 2015, have had 3 different letters off 3 different debt collection agencies over this same debt. One of them has even called at my house. Is this legal, can 3 firms chase the debt at once? I am not sure which one I should be paying because in a 3 week period, 3 companies have chased me over this debt. The companies are:- 1)Wescot 2)Fidelite Credit Management 3)Moorcrofts Thanks for any help.
  9. I purchased online a PS4 from John Lewis which is till under 2 yr warranty(it is just over 1 yr old). One of the sticks on the controller has become loose and makes characters difficult to control. There is no damage on it I phoned John Lewis and they told me to contact Sony. I contacted Sony and they told me they only deal with 1st year of warranty and referred me back to..... John Lewis . After i complained ,John Lewis contacted me and told me take the whole console to one of their stores for testing . Now, shouldn't they should arrange for a courier to collect it from me ? - as other companies have in similar situations .
  10. Hi There Everyone. Newbie here so please be understanding. Can anyone help or advise? Four days ago I received an Enforcement Notice from a company called Newlyn Enforcement Agency. The notice was addressed to my daughter, saying she owed £779 to the local council for council tax. Also said they would be calling in a few hours time to 'attend' the premises and gain entry by force if necessary to seize goods to the value of the debt. I rang the contact number to explain that my daughter did not live here and has not done so for 14 years. She has been off the electoral register for about the same time. He had got my address from the local council, which is strange because the council knows where my daughter lives as she claims Housing Benefit. I also don't have any goods in the house that belong to my daughter. he seemed to accept this and asked me to give the notice to my daughter. I showed the noticed to my daughter but she knew nothing about the debt and said she would contact the council and the agent from Newlyns. My daughter found out the debt was Council Tax arrears from her old address but all the overdue notices had gone to her old address ( she moved about 10 months ago ) and not been forwarded on. She also spoke to the agent from Newlyns agreeing to talk to him about paying something towards the debt. But now I have received a text message on my mobile phone which says 'ENFORCEMENT AGENT due to attend & take control of GOODS. Call NEWLYN on 079661XXXXX to STOP'. I only found this text message, when I went to switch my phone off before going to bed. Plan to ring this 'person' first thing in the morning. I have never been in debt, so this is new and strange to me. What do I do now? I am now worried sick and can't sleep. I don't want my possessions seized and interfered with! Best Regards.
  11. Hello everyone! I am looking for some advice. 2 years ago I joined a Fit4less gym. When i joined, there were no joining fees an it was advertised as "no contract". Sure enough, i gave over my card details and a regular payment of £19.99 came out of my account every month. A few months ago i decide that i wanted to quit the Gym so i simply stopped the payment from coming out of my account. I then received a letter and email from Fit4less basically explaining that unless i give 1 month notice and cancel my membership in writing then they will get the debt collectors involved. So i guess i'm asking, are they allowed to get any form of debt collector in at all? I would like to point out that i didn't sign a single piece of paper nor consent to any "contract". Could this just be a clause in their TOS? Any advice would be much appreciated! If you need to know anything more then please ask! Thank you!
  12. Hi all Just wanted a bit of help for my daughter if possible. She's a single parent on benefits, and unbeknown to me, she took a couple of doorstep loans out with a company called GR Finance Ltd. Now, she's having trouble paying them. This isn't enitirely her fault, although she should accept much of the blame. She missed a payment before Christmas, but paid it a few days later by debit card. Then the company tried to take the following weeks payment + the missed payment by direct debit (I believe) which bounced due to the extra amount being taken that she wasn't aware of. She then got a bank charge, which left her short and so on. they were charging her card under a CPA and there were bits of money coming out of her account all over the place she asked for a statement of exactly what had been paid etc, and said she wouldn't pay any more until she got it. She got a spreadsheet on excel which she couldn't make head nor tail of, and nor could I, She asked them for something straighforward, showing payment dates, and balances, but they said that was all they would give her. Since then she hasn't paid anything. They are constantly ringing and texting her, and have spoken to her mother, who doesn't even live with her, regarding her debt and missed payments, which they had no authority to do. She can't afford the £20 a week, and should never have taken the loans out, which is her fault, but if they had done proper affordability checks, they shouldn't have granted her any loans either, certainly not the second one, She has tried to offer them a lower payment and asked they freeze the interest, but they point blank refuse to accept anything lower, and would not give her an address to write to (which I see has happened before from another thread on here). Today she got the letter attached, seems completely unprofessional to me, no company number, no CCL number, and when I've searched the company name is actually G R Finance not GR Finance as shown on the letter. The letter also makes it sound as though she will be facing a criminal court, stating 'if you are found guilty' surely that can't be legal? got any advice on what to do, not just on how to go about making an offer of lower payment (now she has an address) but how to respond to the letter and if she has grounds for complaint to anyone about it? Only things I've done to the letter is remove personal information. Many thanks
  13. Hi, I am new here and would like some advice as i am quite confused. I had a PPI claim with Shop Direct upheld by FOS. My account was sold on to Lowells whilst in a debt management plan, of which i still am. Lowells are not a partner of Shop Direct and they have confirmed to me that Shop Direct no longer own the debt. Shop Direct have wrote to me to say they will offset my refund straight to Lowells. I was under the impression that as the debt is no longer Shop Directs as they sold it to Lowells then this cant be done. Whilst querying this yesterday with the FOS the lady there told me as Lowells is a debt collection agency then Shop Direct can do this. I am going to put in a complaint to Shop Direct to see if I can get the refund paid to me but just wondered if anyone has any knowledge on this. I have a far more pressing debt in which this refund would have helped with alot, so hoping anyone with any advice would be able to help. Thanks Stacey
  14. Hi guys, I was hoping you might be able to shed some light on whether I would have a case for getting this default removed from my credit file. To cut a long story short, I managed to go overdrawn on my HSBC account by £88 and was quite slow paying it back due to financial difficulty at the time. The money went to Metropolitan (still HSBC as far as i'm aware) where we agreed that it would be ok for me to pay the full amount into my HSBC account, to clear the debt, on a particular day. When this day came around, I went on my Natwest online banking to transfer the £88 into my HSBC account and assumed everything to be fine. The next letter i received from Metropolitan told me that the amount was outstanding and a default had been added to my account! When I went back and checked my Natwest online banking, the £88 had bounced back to me. There was more than enough money in the account, the only thing I can think of is that HSBC closed the account which made it impossible for me to pay on the day that we agreed! I have tried writing to Metropolitan to have this looked into, and enclosed copies of my bank statement as proof but have not yet had any replies. Do you think I would have a case for getting this removed? Thanks in advance.
  15. Hey all i posted on here around a year ago originally when i had problems with mini credit and other payday loans since then i have got my back on track with repayment plans and my debts have come down considerably and by summer 2015 i shall be debt free! Now i had a loan with mini credit and that got passed onto opos i have been paying opos via standing order and only have £148 left to go! but what happens now minicredit has ceased trading? do i still have to make the repayments? i cant access my account on opos website or anything as the website has been down for the last couple of days appreciate any advice!
  16. Hi My partner split up last year with his ex. They owned a house together in Denmark which they sold, leaving them with negative equity of £70k. The debt has been split between the two of them. My partner's ex is paying her part of the debt and me and my partner have moved to the UK. He has part time work but doesn't earn much. We have now received a letter from a UK debt collection agency (at our old address, not our current address where we have lived for 6 months) asking for immediate payment of the debt and threatening to take legal proceedings. Does anyone have any advice on what we do next? Do we have to deal with the debt collection agency? I know the rules are slightly different as he's from Denmark. Many thanks in advance. Jo
  17. I've just received one of these through the post. Here's the background: June - locked my wallet, containing my keys, in my flat. My spares are with someone in the next town over, so I got on the train, and couldn't pay the £3.80 fare. Totally my fault, but there wasn't much I could do. No point dwelling on that now. I got stopped by a guy at the other station who took my details. I got my keys, borrowed money for the return fare, and went home. July - got a letter through from the train company saying they were considering legal action, and to fill in some details and explain the situation. Did so, sent it off the next day. Today - got a Notice of Fine and Collection Order for £568.80. Shouldn't there have been several letters between those last two? I read online there should be a court summons, and asking if I'm pleading guilty etc. I received none of that. If so, is that any defence, or will they just say "pull the other one" and demand the money? Are there payment schemes I can use if I do have to pay? I certainly don't have that much money... Thanks for any advice!
  18. OK history of the debt: Credit card Taken out: 2005 ish Original Creditor : HSBC Current Owner : HSBC Agent : Metropolitan (HSBC) Approx Amount : £1200 Current Status of the debt: £1 minimum payments to Metropolitan. Account defaulted and terminated 2012/13 after informing them I was on ESA (at the time) Offer made July 2013 40% reduction by Central Debt Recovery Unit. AIM: Evaluate the enforceability of this debt in order to make a reasonable F+F. ------------------- OK I have the SAR info already - Very little in the way of charges. No known PPI So why did they offer 40% reduction so early? Tomorrow a CCA shall be going to metropolitan. Something smells. Anything people think I should be looking out for? Being 2005 the account was opened I would suspect they have the original agreement required to enforce. So any ideas?
  19. Hi all. I am really hoping I can get some help and advice here. I really don't know where to turn and CAB havnt been that much help. I received a fine back in April for nonpayment of TV License. I was utterly stupid to stop paying it but I can't go back in time now. I was paying off £20 a fortnight but ended up not paying one time due to financial problems and thinking I would pay double the next fortnight. The time came and I couldn't. I received a letter from Swift saying if I didn't pay or make an arrangement, they would send people out. I made the arrangements with them to pay £20 a fortnight again but due to my mental health problems, I defaulted, again stupid. Last Friday, I had a letter pushed through my door at 6:40am saying if I don't pay £412 they would be back with a locksmith. I went to the CAB and they said the only thing I could do was to get a health letter from my doctor but they want to charge £25 for it and I simply do not have that kind of money. I can't even afford to buy a cheap pair of trainers to replace the ones I have now that the sole is practically hanging off of. My heads all over the place, I am scared every time the phone rings or there's a knock on my door. I have been diagnosed with Severe Clinical Depression amd Severe Anxiety even though its bordering more on Bipolar. I have 2 young daughter aged 5 and 2 and I am married. Most of the stuff I have here doesn't belong to me I.e on HP as we couldn't afford to buy our cooker and washing machine outright when our old ones eventually broke. My husband is claiming JSA for us as I got refused ESA even though I have mental health issues, a gap in my spine and other back problems. What do I do? I know not to let them in but I can't physically cope with them knocking on the door and any threatening behavior that I know will happen. I know it will make my suicidal thoughts even worse. Sorry for the long post, just wanted to get everything in. Also, if there are any spelling mistakes, blame my silly phone
  20. Good evening, My auntie used to own a timeshare with Sunny Coast Malta and died over 4 years ago. Since then her sister (my auntie) and my dad have been receiving debt collection letters for the annual maintenance fees for the timeshare. They were not aware that the timeshare would become their responsibility in the event of her death and have not signed anything in respect to the ongoing fees or use of the timeshare. Since her death they have been ignoring the charges. Just recently they have now started to receive letters from Network Credit Services threatening further debt collection. Please could anyone advise what steps they should now be taking? Should they just continue to ignore? Any advice would be fantastic as it is getting to a point where my auntie is starting to feel ill with it all. Many thanks in anticipation
  21. Firstly, sorry if this is posted in the wrong section of the forum. I got a letter a few days ago informing me that my account was being switched from Metropolitan Collection Services to HSBC Repayment services as from 01 December. I was told to continue with any arrangement I have on my account. Fair enough, but, the agreement I have expires this month (November). Also, as I have a repayment card for use at the Post Office, will this cause problems? Who (or what) is this new company? I can't seem to find much info on them either on here or via Google, they seem to be based in a PO box in Coventry. Is this anything to worry about, am I about to be snowed under with yet more pointless letters that just keep going round and round? Or is it a simple re-branding? Thanks for reading, I look forward to your replies.
  22. Hi how many times can a £235 liability order fee be charged on the same liability order? is it just the once? what additional fees after the LO fee can be charged? i.e. is there a charge for each visit? is there a link anywhere that refers to all charges a LA can make since the recent changes(?) where collection for council tax debt is 'in house' there is a bit of a row in the family about this, we are all a bit ignorant about the facts. Many thanks
  23. I live in a property that has a prepayment meter, when I moved in the letting agent said that they have written to all my utility companies to let them know about my moving and gave me the prepayment cards (one key for electric for EDF and Gas card for Eon) EDF wrote to me about the electricity and all is fine with that but they then wrote to me to say that I owe them £25 for gas, I advised that it was a prepayment meter and they said they would look into it and get it resolved. Fast forward to today and its still on going but now I owe £200 apparently, I called them up and they assured me there was a lock on the account so no action would be taken while they keep looking into it. I spoke to the national gas grid (xoserve I think) who said the meter wasn't registered with any company. Can EDF still hold me to the debt, no supplier has been registered to this property so how can I be charged for gas I pre-pay for? Also can I go ahead and register with any company for gas without any recourse?
  24. hello. today i recieved a letter from tv licensing.ive missed my last 2 payments,amounting to £11.00. they told me to pay immediatley or they will send my account with them to a debt collection agency. written in red at top of the page. i always pay my licence payments usually.just that over last few weeks i didnt have it spare. was wondering about what happens if i stop paying it etc ? i can probably pay this amount i owe by end of next week. but with them threatening me with debt collection i feel like not paying now who do they think they are ? any help would be appreciated
  25. Yesterday (16th September) administrators were appointed to Roxburghe Debt Collection: http://www.roxburghe.com/
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