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  1. Thanks very much for the replies! The journey was Tunbridge Wells to Tonbridge, falling in the domain of South Eastern. I'm hoping they're going to be reasonable... but we'll see. What's the normal procedure for making a Statutory Declaration?
  2. I've just received one of these through the post. Here's the background: June - locked my wallet, containing my keys, in my flat. My spares are with someone in the next town over, so I got on the train, and couldn't pay the £3.80 fare. Totally my fault, but there wasn't much I could do. No point dwelling on that now. I got stopped by a guy at the other station who took my details. I got my keys, borrowed money for the return fare, and went home. July - got a letter through from the train company saying they were considering legal action, and to fill in some details and explain the situation. Did so, sent it off the next day. Today - got a Notice of Fine and Collection Order for £568.80. Shouldn't there have been several letters between those last two? I read online there should be a court summons, and asking if I'm pleading guilty etc. I received none of that. If so, is that any defence, or will they just say "pull the other one" and demand the money? Are there payment schemes I can use if I do have to pay? I certainly don't have that much money... Thanks for any advice!
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