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  1. I'm not sure if there's a more appropriate forum for this. Please move if there is. I, with the help of some friends, have just set up a small group. I asked if we were going to charge people (this would be for things like buying a printer, paper, ink, etc) and someone said that it would be too complicated to keep accounts. But is it? Or am I being too naive and it's not just a case of having tables with incoming money, outgoing money and stating where the money has come from and where it's gone to?
  2. Hello all, Just received my credit file back from Experian and found that I have THREE current accounts all with default balances! Natwest Current Account = £837 Santander Current Account = £496 Lloyds TSB Current Account = £1084 All balances were accrued between 2009 and 2010, which matches up to a period of mental health issues I was experiencing. However, to my knowledge, there was no money in any of the accounts and no DD or SO pending to make me overdrawn ... I'm assuming the balances (above) are predominantly bank charges which have escalated! I have approached my local branches of the banks but they have no details of me holding an account with them. A form has been completed find 'lost accounts' but I fear the balances would have been passed onto 3rd party recovery companies. I REALLY do not know what to do about this!
  3. Paypal have been closing and freezing accounts in the UK and EU citing US laws and regulations which it is trying to impose here in the UK and EU. This I believe is illegal. I have located what I believe are two pieces of legislation to back this up: THE PROTECTION OF TRADING INTERESTS ACT Link: http://www.law.stetson.edu/lawreview/media/u-s-secondary-sanctions-the-u-k-and-e-u-response.pdf and the following EU legislation: Council Regulation (EC) No 2271/96 of 22 November 1996 protecting against the effects of the extra-territorial application of legislation adopted by a third country, and actions based thereon or resulting therefrom Link: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:31996R2271:EN:HTML My question is can I use both pieces of legislation in making a claim against Paypal for the closure of an account in the UK when no UK law has been broken in the use of the account? This being in a small claims action for damages caused by such a closure and asking for the reinstatement with no penalties of the account closed? Also does anyone know of any other legislation that can be used in regard to unfair business practice in what Paypal are doing in trying to enforce foreign law in the UK where such law has IMHO no jurisdiction? All comments and input are welcome whether positive or negative.
  4. Hi all I hope you can clarify something for me which I remain a bitunsure of. My question is in relation to the treatment of accounts oncethey have been legally sold on to a third party (and a deed of assignment hasbeen produced). What I want to know is as follows: 1) Who’s responsibility is it to produce theoriginal default notice – surely its however currently owns the debt ratherthan the original creditor? If this is the case what legislation will back thisup for me? 2) How should the account now reflected on mycredit file? At this moment in time I have a default to the original creditor,but surely this should now be changed as they no longer own the debt? 3) Also if 2) above is correct how should this nowbe updated? Should it be marked as settled or removed entirely when the newowners put a default on my file? Surely if it is only marked as settled thenthis is an extreme disadvantage to me as to all intents and purposes I have twodefaults (albeit one marked as settled) for one account? Any guidance on the above would be gratefully received. Thanks
  5. Hi, I have some defaulted debts from which I made the last payment on all of them around July 2007. The defaults were not registered until early 2008. I know these debts are coming up to being statute barred but does anybody know if I can get the defaults removed when the become statute barred in July, or will I have to wait until next year? Thanks Charlie
  6. Hi all I'm hoping that some of the people around here may be able to help on this. I'm after details of the packaged bank accounts that Lloyds (and Lloyds TSB) has sold. I know that in the past these have included Select, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Premier but I would like more information: Does anybody know when Lloyds introduced packaged bank accounts? Does anybody have any details (such as what they offered, etc.) of these packaged accounts from when they were first introduced, etc. or after? Is there anywhere to obtain this information that anybody knows of (other than from Lloyds!) Any help appreciated! Thanks.
  7. Hi I have a hsbc old loan which is due to come off my credit report jan 14 It has a lot of missed payments on the same as my Halifax loan which is due to come off my file a few mo tha later. Even tho they are 5 years old do you think they are still hurting my score if so how do I remove them?? Or try 2 They are both paid off or settled as you say
  8. Hi all, been a while since i last posted about my issues with payday loan companies. Fortunately i have managed to stay away from these companies but i was just wondering if simply having accounts with these companies will affect my credit rating. For example, i still have open accounts with Wonga and Quickquid. I have no active loans out with them but is it worth ringing round each payday loan company (around 8) asking them to close my account? Thanks in advance, PSMITH
  9. Tesco has confirmed that it has called in the police to investigate a possible data breach after a number of complaints from Clubcard members who claim to have had their online accounts compromised. Clubcard holders informed moneysavingexpert.com that they have found hundreds of pounds worth of vouchers missing from their accounts, with vouchers being spent miles away from where they live, as well as some claiming that their account details have been changed. Tesco says that the number of compromised accounts is less than 100 and it is working with the relevant authorities to resolve the issue. The retail giant has 16 million Clubcard members. "We have launched a thorough investigation into a small number of incidents and referred the matter to the police," said a spokesperson for Tesco. "In the meantime, we'd like to ask any customers who believe they're affected to contact us directly so that we can make sure their accounts are up to date." Read more: http://www.computerworlduk.com/news/security/3426928/tesco-calls-police-as-online-clubcard-accounts-compromised/#ixzz2LRmmaY1a
  10. This is just to inform you that I was looking at my credit report recently and noticed a search had been made by William Hill. I knew nothing about this and do not gamble. So eventually found out someone had set up an on-line account in my name and had purchased vouchers by cash to use on games. William Hill could not confirm to me which date of birth was used or email address. Only that I should contact the police and they have loss money. When I contacted the police they stated I had not suffered any loss, so therefore it is not considered a crime. Still not a pleasant feeling that someone has used your details fraudulently. So it's worthwhile to regularly check your credit report.
  11. Strange question maybe, but I moved into a shop with flat above it. The Electric and Gas were single suppliers, so one account for each utility for both shop and flat. The water companies have separate accounts, so we get 2 demands for clean water for shop and flat, plus 2 separate demands for sewage/waste water. So for one supply of water to both flat and shop, used by my wife and me, we get two bills, and we get two bills for waste water. The hot water/central heating is fed from the same boiler to both parts of the building, the waste is taken into the same drain.The shop has two sinks and one toilet Can they reasonably charge twice for the same supply ? Or am I being stupid ?
  12. BBC news this morning.... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-21376915
  13. Hi forum. It's nice to meet you all and to join. I'm looking for a bit of information if anyone at all can help I would be very grateful. without going into too much detail, I'm having to run away from my debts. The problem is that I need a phone for work and I've had Sky for over 10 years. I'd like to take them to my next address but I was wondering if they inform the CRA's of a change of address. If that's the case I'd have to work out something else. i work as a counsellor online and on the phone and without the phone I would have no work. Does anyone know if Sky notifies the Credit Reference Agencies or if they don't do this. Many thanks for your help.
  14. Just wondered if you have any of these accounts connected to your bank account do Banks and Lenders veiw them as a big negative whilst considering offering you a Loan or Mortgage ect.
  15. Hi all After going into my local LTSB branch and requesting old account history I was supplied with a print out detailing five loans (all closed) that indicated insurance was included. I sent a SAR and now have loan amounts and terms but no details of PPI. The enclosed letter stated that LTSB are not the data controllers for this information and that this had to come from LTSB Insurance Services. Where do I go from here? Is this just a fob off? Can you SAR LTSB insurance? LTSB Insurance is based in Newport, I rang but got nowhere when asking for SAR dept. Big Fish
  16. Have mentioned this before. Following an investigation by the FSA CPP were fined a total of £10.5m CPP was applied to both Associates cards and later Citi branded cards. It seems that CPP have a liability themselves for some agreements,while Citicard themselves have a Liability for others. If you have tried seeking a refund from CPP directly,they may refer you to Citicard,who will send you a letter saying they are investigating. I waited almost 6 months for Citicard to complete their inquiries which then saw them sending a cheque for 1 years CPP membership with no interest added. Their letter stated that this was in full and final settlement. I have demanded to be given a breakdown of what the payment covers and have preliminary accepted their cheque as part payment in settlement. It is therefore important that if you are contacting Citi or CPP in respect of card protection/Identity protection insurance,that you demand full information in respect of any payments they may send to you in settlement,so you are able to evaluate if you have been refunded in full with interest. We have obtained a dedicated address for the department dealing with these claims which is; Complaints Handling Team Citicard PO BOX 53680 London SE5 5PY email citicardsman.customerfeedback@citigroup.com Please share your experiences and progress with claims in your own threads. Here is the statement put out in November by the FSA We have fined Card Protection Plan (CPP) £10.5 million for mis-selling insurance which covered customers against the risk of fraud on lost or stolen credit and debit cards and against the risk of identity theft. CPP has agreed to pay an estimated £14.5 million compensation to affected customers. Find out what this means for you. CPP sold credit and debit Card Protection and Identity Protection both directly to customers and through high street banks. Between January 2005 and March 2011, these products might have been sold inappropriately. For example, we found that customers were told that they would receive up to £100,000 worth of insurance cover against fraudulent transactions with Card Protection insurance. This was often not needed as customers are usually covered by their bank. Furthermore, during the sale of Identity Protection, CPP sometimes exaggerated the risks and consequences of identity theft. Compensation for customers Customers don’t need to do anything at this stage, CPP will contact those who may have been affected and, following a review, will pay compensation to customers where appropriate. However, in the meantime, you can write directly to the firm. CPP has agreed to stop new sales of products (apart from where the insurance is sold as part of a package) and to stop trying to persuade customers who call to cancel their policies to keep them. You do not generally need insurance for fraudulent transactions on lost or stolen credit and debit cards because you are not legally responsible for unauthorised card payments – apart from in exceptional circumstances. Know your rights See more about unauthorised transactions in our Bank accounts: Know your rights guide (pdf) or see our Bank accounts: Know your rights page.
  17. i recently requested a SAR on my lloyds tsb accounts as i needed info on the valuation that was carried out on my home in order to give security for a loan. i have received a copy of the file which included a copy of the valuation, but even though it refers to an instruction letter from the bank to the valuer, the instruction letter is not in the file. it is not even attached to the valuer's report even though in his report he comments 'instruction letter of xxx 2004 attached appendix A' is there anything more i can do to fro lloyds to disclose the instruction letter?
  18. Hi all Long story short, ex husband has a gorgeous son with an ex girlfriend. he's not allowed to see him, SHE insisted that she wants nothing else to do with us as a family or her son to see his dad. We have tried and failed to change her mind. Ex hubby has paid what he can, and looks after our two girls very well...although we both went through bankurptcy in the last 5 years and are still just above the breadline. We have been constantly harassed by the csa, when hubby was on benefits last year and now we are trying to start a business. Its a ltd company and once again we've been served with a csa letter asking for personal returns, profit and loss account, profits from shares and any other income. ALL to be signed by a registered accountant!! (which we don't have! - define registered??) I work for a government agency, so this is all very upsetting. i am also director of the company and we have made no profits for the last 2 years, taken no wages or paid any dividends. We are living off minimal expenses and my part time job. How can the CSA insist on accounts being signed by a registered accountant? Can they insist on the company accounts even though i am majority shareholder? We will happily pay..when we have some money!! At the moment i have £15 in my pocket and £15 in the business account! How can they assess him on money that hasn't and CAN'T be paid out to him?? Any advice would be gratefully received. I'm also being personally harrassed by the woman as she insists on sending me poisonous letters (unsigned of course).
  19. My son got ripped off by the system some years ago. His college tutor advised him to redo year 2 of his course. So he took the advice, didn't complete the last few weeks of year 2, and intended to restart that year the following Sept (2007). However, the college converted into a university in the meantime and he was told during the Summer holidays that he couldn't retake year 2 as planned. He appealed and was told he could return at the end of the school year to retake only the bit he'd missed. The Student Loan Company (SLC) deemed that would amount to part-time education and so he would not be entitled to continue his student loan. Without the loan, he couldn't continue and so was forced to drop out. SLC then deemed that he'd intentionally dropped out and so was liable to repay the loan in full. I suspect that the SLC decision is perverse, but that's not the point of my post. Since leaving full-time education, he hasn't earned enough to take him over the payment threshold. He's now emigrated to Australia and set up his own business that's making insufficient profit to take him over the payment threshold. Unfortunately, SLC are demanding that evidence of his income be verified by an accountant or lawyer, which would incur significant professional fees. I have to ask why a copy of his tax return to the ATO would not be adequate and whether SLC have the right to demand that my son, effectively, spends a large proportion (more than he can afford) of his income on having his accounts professionally verified/audited when the only reason for doing so is SLC's demand? All help gratefully received.
  20. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/banksandfinance/9666748/Occupy-Wall-Street-campaigners-buy-up-debt-to-abolish-it.html
  21. Barclays it seems have made dormant a whole lot of accounts including my own (due to inactivity). Having filled in the necessary dormant account form to get access to the money in that account I phoned today to check on its progress. I have been told they are taking 12 weeks to process these requests. This seems to me to be an outrageous length of time. No justification given other than they seem to have many other such requests. They were not even able to confirm whether or not they had received my request! This all to me seems utterly unacceptable. Anyone any tips on how I can speed this process up? I have complained to the Financial Ombudsmen but the time in which Barclays will need to respond to this is 8 weeks - though this is less than 12!
  22. Hi I am a little unclear on the rules around accounts and defaults. I have account which has been in dispute for a very long time with the credit company who kept passing the account from one DCA to another who then sent it back when I informed them of the dispute. Earlier this month the account was marked as satisfied with the credit reference agencies, and this week I received a letter from Lowell with the usual threatening tone. I have replied in the letter, and as well as stating that no debt is acknowledged I have also stated that no contract or agreement exists as I have received no notification from the original credit company. I have asked for a full list documents under CPR (they mentioned legal action so I took advantage). What I wanted to know is what right do Lowell now have about placing a default or even an account with the credit reference agencies since the original creditor has marked the account as satisfied. I have no agreement with Lowell and they have yet to produce a deed of assignment. If they place a default on the credit file, can I object to have it removed if there is no Deed Of Assignment?
  23. Is there a 'race to the bottom' in the basic bank account market? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-19621680 I think banks need to be told that they should offer basic account that; Are free Allow direct debits, standing orders, direct credit, faster payment Counter service Online banking (if offered to other normal customers) Debit card Availiable to everyone without a credit check (ex cons, bankrupts etc) Universal Credit will be a bank only benefit. Everyone now needs free access to the banking system. Co Op should be proud that their account has been the best for so long not unhappy that they have an 'unfair' market share.
  24. Unfortunately co-op (the (un)ethical) bank has decided to stop giving out basic bank accounts to bankrupts from tomorrow. see their site for further details http://www.co-operativebank.co.uk/servlet/Satellite/1347603516521,CFSweb/Page/CFSCtplStandard
  25. Granted it's Noddle, but the closed accounts listed on Noddle just show settled - and not whether they were in default or satisfactory. Provided a closed account shows as settled (regardless of how the account was run) does it have an effect on one's credit rating? BSBS.
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