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  1. ignore everything and once you've done that , ignore again. there is no other option for these 'fake' civil restoration letters. dwf cant do anything they operate for a client... and the client does not take silly individuals to court, too much bad publicitity.
  2. Neither. It’s another case on a different forum Court date is 23rd November and DWF have not supplied defendant with anything
  3. and who is it paid too, should be the claimant fiat not DWF LLP their sols. and your HR/finance/wages debt should know who they are blindly paying too!! and should not have changed who got paid without your nor the courts written consent either. its a legal court order!! and if it has been sold (which i doubt) the FGA/DWF restriction should have been updated too.
  4. they can not do anything of the sort under GDPR. just a bunch of trumped up blow head overstepping their non importance. forget about it, just stay out that store for a few months if you get any letters from the likes of RLP/DWF etc harping on about a fake civil restoration issue ignore them put them in the bin. nothing anyone can do to you
  5. they have no right to keep things they cant prove were as a result of your shoplifting. they had no right to go thru your wallet without your express permission and use your cards to take your details the fact that you shoplifted makes neither of the above lawful. marks and spencer are your target, the security are M&S employed staff you totally ignore DWF. up to you but i would you could get compo out of this. dx
  6. Yes they grabbed my bag and started sifting through my wallet and just got my cards out. I was in a bit of a frenzy, it was either do it or they’ll call the police - but they did not have permission to go through my wallet. I can’t recall seeing a cctv in the room just a desk and some chairs Interms of my stuff this has been the most baffling and hurtful. I don’t know where I stand legally about complaining since I caused the situation. Do they have a right to keep my things. They were only keeping for 24 hrs unless I proved receipts for everything. I’m not sure if I want to go down this route, I suspect their counter argument is that they have a right as I was shoplifting. I almost feel embarrassed complaining. on the letter handed to me, they say specifically put complaints in to DWF and not the staff.
  7. nothing anyone can ever do simply ignore crs totally. read here about RLP and DWF, same situation dx
  8. yes pop along and see your gp, its all in confidence. now as interms of your items and your cards. id not be too worried about what happens with your card details, they would be really silly to use them, but the main issue here is they took the cards and used your details without your permission? to ID you. DID you give them permission to take the wallet, open it and take your details from its contents? if you didnt security staff have no legal authority to do so without your permission and you have a serious complaint opportunity here against M&S. there must be video footage of the room they took you too under M&S rules for their security, so did you spot and cameras in the room? as for the goods that were nothing to do with them and they had no right to retain, you indicate you dont want them, well if the above has made you think and you want to complaint, pers i would add those into it as it shows further wrong doing by their security staff. so answer the bits above, and if you want to move this fwd (pers i would, how you were treated was not the way you should have been). you are in a very strong position if there is video. as for dwf and their letters going fwd.., simply ignore, nothing they can do and is most certainly not influenced by if you complain. dx
  9. ignore totally nothing they can do nothing of the sort dwf cant do court anyway ...only Sainsbury can and they wont due to bad publicity issues. stop panicking about nothing and going around the forum posting everywhere too please dx
  10. Got another letter from dwf saying we will consider court proceedings. Oct 21, Doc 1.pdf
  11. Lol no one will probably attend the court case, its the same way with private parking charges they will get a court date but they do not attend hoping you do not attend either so a default decision is made. DWF are full of doodoo
  12. you really need to read a good few 10's of RLP/DWF threads in this forum , none have gone anywhere ever. dx
  13. police were not involved at the time, so cannot now, nor would they ever have been interested in the 1st place in getting involved. seriously, they, as the store are only interested in the organised gangs that carry out mass shoplifting to fund further criminal acts. members of joe public, even if they confess to multiple previous events or even if multiple events might be prevalent, are not on stores' radar, it does the stores no favour at all, to compound, what is probably understood through decades of dealing them, to take things further. it's hoped it's dealt with by the person with their family or professional help like a GP. they recognise it's a cry for help. please, totally ignore the very cleverly worded letters people like RLP and DWF send out, if read their letters CAREFULLY, you'll actually see , just like letters you get from DCA's, that they never say WILL anywhere....every other word BUT that one. it's a scam, the retailers dont see a penny of anything you pay RLP/DWF, their staff run straight down the pub, just like a DCA does if you pay them ANYTHING. tell her to move on.. dx
  14. you reckon DWF binned it? Is it even possible for them to get to this stage and just not take it further?
  15. Hi and thank you in advance for any replies. I have read through some of the forums and seen some of the advice which has been helpful, just wanting to get it straight in my head before proceeding. several years ago myself and my husband got into a bit of debt due to some bad decisions financially and very low incomes. I ended up with 2 ccjs which have now dropped off our credit file and we are in a much better place financially. One of the ccjs I am still paying as an AOE direct from my salary, however the original lender has sold the debt several times and I have no idea who owns it, several companies have contacted me and none seem to be aware of this so I have no idea where the money is going, as it is an AOE I can’t stop it. the other had an arrangement in place but I haven’t paid since 2019 and not heard anything, however company is restons solicitors. my husband and I are now wanting to move homes, we have found a house and sold ours, however I have since found out I have 2 restriction ks in my name and I am worried that this could prevent our sale going through. I have instructed a solicitor who said they can help with them but I am worried they will contact restons (the other I’m not as concerned seen as it has been passed on and the original lender has closed) and they will try and stop the house sale. I know the restriction has no requirement to be paid on sale, I am just worried they could do something to stop it, we only have enough equity for the deposit for our new house so cannot afford to pay them from the proceeds I’m really worried something will go wrong and we will be stuck in our house (which we aren’t paying off due to one of the bad decisions and a ridiculous mortgage we we signed up to at the age of 21 making us mortgage prisoners) please advise if there is anything we can or need to do? thank you the wording of the restrictions are:- RESTRICTION: No disposition of the registered estate, other than a disposition by the proprietor of any registered charge registered before the entry of this restriction, is to be registered without a certificate signed by the applicant for registration or their conveyancer that written notice of the disposition was given to FGA Capital UK Limited (Co. Regn. Noxxxx) at DWF LLP, 1 Scott Place, 2 Hardman Street, Manchester, M3 3AA (Ref xxxx), being the person with the benefit of an interim charging order on the beneficial interest of xxxx) made by the Doncaster County Court on 28 February 2013 (Court reference xxxx). RESTRICTION: No disposition of the registered estate, other than a disposition by the proprietor of any registered charge registered before the entry of this restriction, is to be registered without a certificate signed by the applicant for registration or their conveyancer that written notice of the disposition was given to HFC Bank Limited (Co. 4 2013-03-28 5 2013-04-16 Charges Register Regn. No. 01117305) at Restons Solicitors Limited of Trinity Chambers, 800 Mandarin Court Centre Park, Warrington, WA1 1GG, being the person with the benefit of an interim charging order on the beneficial interest of Miss xxxx made by the Doncaster County Court on 20 March 2013 (Court reference xxxx).
  16. M J Quinn is a national company doing telecomms installation work on behalf of BT Openreach. I often see their vans round my way with the the BT Openreach logo and underneath something like ' M J Quinn working on behalf of Openreach'. It's common for BT to outsource work to independent contractors, there seems no reason to doubt it in this case. DWF Claims is part of the law firm DWF and handles BT's third party insurance claims. The Claims Handler there is likely to be an insurance person not a lawyer. Can you clarify the time line here please When did the damage occur? When did you first complain to BT? When did you first have contact the Claims Handler at DWF? When did you return the claims form and documents etc to DWF Claims? DWF Claims will only be involved with your claim for the damage to your house. The service issues BankFodder highlights will be dealt with elsewhere within BT. [EDIT] Posted before I saw BankFodder has asked the same time line question.
  17. I have received 3 letters so far from DWF. I am getting a bit worried now. How many more letters they are gonna send? Has anyone got any idea?
  18. you totally ignore any letters she might ever get they are totally powerless. no-one has any power whatsoever to contact anyone, least of all employers. nor demand money, the likes of rlp and dwf are just scammers that go on about civil recovery. ignore ignore ignore and no they dont show on credit files either forget it all get her to see the doctor in confidence and move on. type in rlp or dwf in our search top right. dx
  19. as with the other threads concerning returned items never received by the retailers on here. all that has happened is one of the many Retail Loss Organisations has found a new way (scam) to sign up retailers, at a UK head office level, to a retail loss civil restitution 'scheme' covering all their regional outlets at considerable monthly/annual price. 9/10 the smaller retail outlets further down the line, have no idea this has happen above their head. there is actually zero these firms can do alone by themselves, legally, as the retailer would be the claimant in any court claim, and DWF cannot instigate that, under the pre action protocol a letter of clsim must be sent first. so no ... it's a case of you are not awaiting any court claim to arrive. its a very new profitable scam for dwf and im sure, just like their Retail loss Prevention (shoplifting) scam letters, many panic and cough up without actually researching anything. so it worth while dwf sending out a good few 1000 letters, as their are some thick people out there. dx
  20. Hi all, I'm looking for some advice. Stupidly I was caught shoplifting around £30 worth of items from tesco. (been going through a lot recently and just been in self-destruct mode) Police were called and I was given a recorded warning from them. However today by suprise I recieved a letter from a solicitors called DWF. The letter states that I've to pay they £125. Now I have read a lot of posts that say just to ignore them, but I'm sure none of them had the police involved. Can anyone give me some advice on if I'm required to pay this ? PS I've really shredded the letter and gave the remains to my fire pit.
  21. and ukcrs are not even FCA registered...naughty naughty.. can't say on the letters but typically we never hear back from anyone that had RLP or DWF etc chasing again. bunch of scammers anyway. the retailer wont see a penny of any money and they'll be off down the pub laughing all the way the retailer probably doesn't even know they've sent it as its a corp thing signed upto at the top level not locally whilst playing golf probably. dx
  22. where have you ever got the idea from that it's a FINE??? there is nothing anyone can do to you. it's a scam ...end of. just read the numerous threads here with RLP or DWF in the thread title. dx
  23. Just bin the silly letters, or collect them and use them as hamster bedding. If you haven't got a hamster, go and buy one, it'll love the quality paper DWF use.
  24. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/search/?q=dwf &quick=1
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