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  1. I have an ongoing ET claim for unfair dismissal, failure to make reasonable adjustments and disability discrimination. I have, however, run into some difficulties trying the claim on my house insurance’s legal cover. I have been refused cover on the grounds that my claim is out of time. Timeline: May 2010 – Injury July 2011 – Home Insurance Policy started including legal cover Dec 2011 – Dismissal March 2012 – ET1 accepted July 2012 – Legal cover claim (within time of policy) The letter I received says “ As the incidents giving rise to your claim occurred prior to the date when the policy first came into force, the claim would not be covered under your policy”. I understand what they are saying, but surely, if my dismissal and ET falls within the policy period, that is the basis of my claim. Can anyone help me formulate a response for them to reconsider their decision? Legal cover/solicitor wise, I do remember reading here a little while ago about if your case is not assessed as more than 51% probability, you can take it to adjudication by a barrister. Forget what it’s called exactly. Is there an equivalent process ? Thanks in advance
  2. I was forced to take out Key Man insurance by Lombard Group for 2 business loans which have now been paid off. The loans were for equipment used to carry out surveys. I am the director of the limited company (just myself & wife as company secretary). Has this been mis-sold & is this something I should look at reclaiming? Works out at around £1500. Many thanks for any help or advice.
  3. Hi All I hope someone can help. I am at present an Australian perm resident moving back to the UK on the 25th August this year. I am stopping over in Dubai for 4 days before travelling on to the UK. I am having great difficulty in finding insurance for one way travel, ie not returning to the country that it was purchased in. Has anyone encountered this and if so did they find an insurance company that they could get cover with Thanks in advance
  4. Hi, My son has recently had to submit an Insurance claim for a burst pipe in the bathroom and damage to his kitchen ceiling. A loss adjuster has been instructed to come out to view. We have asked if his father can meet the loss adjuster as my son has recently started a new job and is in the middle of a 3 month trial. He knows the company don't look kindly on people having to take days off. The insurance company said my son would need to sign a mandate, however the loss adjuster rang him yesterday at work (even though we had specifically asked them not to) and said that he HAS to be there when he makes his inspection. He said that as his father has no financial interest in the property he cannot speak to him. My son works approx 30 miles from home so it isn't as though he can nip home at lunchtime or such, it would mean asking for a half day off which he desperately doesn't want to do. Just wondering if this is something he has to comply with. Thanks
  5. Hi All, I've been directed here by a good friend. I am having an issue with Admiral Car insurance and am hoping you all can advise me on what to do. A couple of years ago I had just started a new job and got given a company van. In my first week I was pulled over by police when going into Clacket Lane services as they were doing spot checks and told me I had two illegal tyres. They only fined me for one but also gave me penalty points for it as well. Because I was a bit naive I didn't think I had to say that I had points on my licence because of a work van I didnt declare them. However its only this year where my sister has just come back from travelling that she advised me that my insurance was void if I didnt declare them so I did. Admiral have said that because this happened two years ago and I didn't declare them before that I am liable for a back-dated charge for the previous two years which comes to £309.66. I actually cancelled my renewal after this as I hunted around and got a lot cheaper quote, but they are now saying that I am still liable for this charge. I know I am more than likely the guilty party here, but I just wanted to check if I do have to pay or not. Many thanks in advance for your help, Luke
  6. I have recently moved address and as a dutiful citizen advised car insurance company of change (Kwik-fit) I was informed that underwriter (Royal and Sun Alliance) were not prepared to insure that address (a little strange since More Than insurance will) Anyway was informed by KWIK-FIT that another underwriter Aviva would insure me for 3x times current premium £1500 (bear in mind i'm over 30 have never had an accident and 4 years no claims) and apparently I would need to sign up for a new 12 month renewal. If I decline and cancel then I have to £70 cancellation charge What rights do I have (if any) given that reason for cancellation is underwriter not me... Surely if I need to take out a full new policy then original is terminated and there is no cancellation fee?!? Or have I technically terminated the agreement by moving address therefore owe the cancellation fee? Technically who is the contract with is it Royal and Sun Alliance as the underwriter or Kwik-Fit as the broker Could someone give me some guidance
  7. Please help before I go insane! Last week, I woke as normal and placed my phone on the side of the washbasin in the ensuite and washed and then brushed my teeth. I needed the toilet so sorted that then went back to the basin to wash my hands. I left water in the basin to do this. To my horror, My Iphone was now submerged in the bottom of the basin. I claimed under my bank account gadget insurance gadgetsafe and after getting things so mixed up for 10 days and saying my phone was stolen! they have said that they will not cover this as I did not take reasonable precautions to prevent damage or loss. How could i possibly have predicted that? I dont consider I have been reckless. They have made me feel like a criminal and even said that people do this to replace old or tatty phones. Its an Iphone 4 and although 14 months old, is in brand new condition. I really look after this and have always had screen protectors on front and rear as well as a bumper case so surely this is testemant that I really do take reasonable care to prevent damage?? Thinking about it, for any sort of accidental damage to happen they could turn round and use this as a get out clause so whats the point? I have paid this for 2 years and never claimed for anything in my life. I have obviously appealed today but they dont seem to see common sense. Any ideas anyone please?
  8. I run a small business, and have an interesting situation with one of our vans. Back in May a motorist ran into it when it was parked. Some of our staff were unloading it at the time, and we have a couple of independent witnesses, so there is no dispute over who is at fault. The damage is a pretty significant dent in one side. The vehicle was still driveable, but subsequently the clutch has gone. At the time of the accident, we were on the point of replacing the vehicle anyway, and were hoping that the insurers would write it off. Instead they have decided on a repair at a local coachbuilders at a cost of roughly £1800+v. I estimate the most we'd get for the van, in full running order, is £800. At the moment it looks like the repairs to get it into running order would be in the region of £500. (Replacement clutch and a repair to the handbrake, priced from a tame local mechanic, not a main dealer) Obviously spending £1800+ on a scrapheap worth less than half that doesn't make sense. I'm not sure what our options are. The two main courses of action that I can think of are: 1) Try and persuade our insurance company to write the vehicle off. I'd be happy with a payoff of even £500 from this. Not sure of the best way to approach it with them though. 2) Get in touch with the driver, and offer to drop our claim against him in exchange for some cash. We have contact details for the driver, but again I'm unsure of how to proceed with this one. Plus I expect that someone who goes careers round a blind junction at 40+mph isn't going to be the most stable or reasonable person to deal with. I'm open to any or all suggestions as to the best way forward. Thanks!
  9. Hi I was stopped this week by the police for driving without insurance. At the time I was completely bemused, stating I had insurance and I showed the officer the recent payment out of my account by logging onto my account on my phone. The payment taken at the end of June, as far as I was aware, was a double payment as the May direct debit had failed. When I phoned my insurance company the following morning, they said that my insurance was cancelled on June 11th and the payment taken on 28th June was the outstanding balance due and a cancellation fee (which combined was almost to the penny a double monthly payment, hence me thinking this). Also, at the time, I had no idea the payment had bounced, I don't check my bank that often and they don't send me any notification of a payment failing. The insurance said they had sent me notice in writing of their intention to cancel if payment was not received. However, they had sent the notification to an address of a driver I added (my mother) back in 2009, not my address. Apparently they have had this down as my address since that time they claim. I told them I have never changed my address, that I am the policyholder and have always had the same address for the past 6 years or so now. It's not even as though my mother could have passed it to me, she moved house in 2009/2010. They basically said tough, they'd cancelled it and that's that. The police officer gave me a form and said I had to produce my insurance document at a station within 7 days. What do I do/say???? I had no idea I was driving without insurance, I have been with this company for 4 or 5 years now, always been fully comprehensive insured on my car and can't believe they have now put me in the position of potentially being criminalised for their admin error. Any advice would be very welcome, I am really stressed about this.... Many thanks!
  10. Took a policy out with Tesco 11th June. Paid £286 as an advance payment and then £155 per month after that. July's payment went out as normal on the 11th via DD. We've now moved house and upon ringing Tesco discovered they won't insure the area I've moved to, so they're cancelling my policy. They've given me 7 days to find another insurer and my policy ends on the 3rd August. Will I get my advance payment back? I'm going to have to pay another company now another advance payment.
  11. Hi Guys I was involved in an accident a couple of months back, where a lady driver reversed into my parked car. We exchanged details etc, but a few weeks later I got a letter from my Insurance company suggesting that the 3rd party driver is claiming the accident was my fault and that she is also pursuing a PI claim (Typical opportunist)! The investigations are ongoing and I have defended my case, providing my insurance company with pictures of her vehicle etc. and so far it is my word against hers... However, yesterday I received a letter from my insurance company saying that my insurance is in doubt and could be voided, due to them recently finding , via DVLA, out that my car's registered keeper and the main insurance policy holder are two different people. i.e. Registered keeper lives in Oxford, and Main Insurance policyholder (Me) lives in London. They are correct. The registered keeper is my Cousin brother in Oxford. BUT, does having registered keeper and policyholder as 2 different people void my insurance??? That is my Question! and why did they search now?? My suspicion is that they are trying to worm their way out of 'paying out' on the claim on the above recent accident!!!! and this would be a real concern, as not only will they void my insurance and I will not get my insurance money back, but also in the event that the ongoing accident claim settles n Her favour (e.g. if she produces fake witnesses etc) then does this mean that I wasn't insured at time of accident and therefore could become a police/court matter??? Please Help, I am really worried! Advice required!!!!! John
  12. I'd be grateful for a suggestion as the best route to pursue to solve a problem with my Mac laptop. It was supplied by my Home Contents insurer's designated supplier under a new for old policy, a company called Bevalued, as a replacement for a previously damaged laptop. It is a particular 2007 model that Apple have acknowledged was fitted with faulty logic boards/graphics cards, and they've been offering for a number of years a free fix/replacement for this part on machines less than four years old. I wasn't aware of this until the machine died because of this faulty logic board (now confirmed by Apple as being the problem), and my machine is now older than four years. So, it's beyond the scope of the recall programme as offered, and for this reason, Apple refuse liability and the obligation to repair it free. They pointed me instead in the direction of the retailer because they claimed - I assume under the Sale of Goods act (?) - that I might be able to exercise my rights in relation to faulty goods for up to six years after purchase. Having contacted the insurance company and been passed to Bevalued in turn, Bevalued refute that the SoGA applies to a situation in which they have supplied but not sold the machine to me. (Though technically, they presumably supplied - and perhaps even sold? - it to my insurance company?). My question is then: at which company would my efforts best be directed under these circumstances to get some resolution? Many thanks Rob
  13. Hi please help i am renting a room in a house and am allowed to park on the drive in front of the garage doors. A couple of weeks ago i came home and an ambulance was parked up on the drive. as i came near they indicated for me to wait so that i could get on my drive, they moved and i parked on. i couldn't get directly on as i could not manouver the car straight on the drive so was a bit over. the next day i went to work and when i came home my landlord said i dented his garage door and was liable. i said i did not and maybe it was the ambulance ( i mean i would know if i had). the ambulance said they saw me crash into it what do i do?
  14. Car Insurance Cancelled Due Not Received Proof of No Claims Bonus I never had any problem with car insurance or with police or any companies related. Always my profile was clean until last year October 2011. I got pulled over by the Police On October 2011 around 3:30pm and asked if I had insurance for the vehicle. I truthfully replied that I did and stated which company it was with. Sainsbury’s Car Insurance (eSure) The officer said that the vehicle check flashed up as uninsured, then police phoned Sainsbury’s (eSure) and they advice Police that my insurance been Cancelled, because did not provide the documentation requested and police officer said the insurance company issued two letters. Then police officer gave me a producer to show my insurance and MOT documents at a Police Station. Then later on same day I contacted Sainsbury’s (eSure) customer service they advice me that Sainsbury’s Car Insurance sent two letter by post requesting no claim discount, The letters was dated 03 June 2011and 18 June 2011, which no respond and the policy been cancelled on 13 June2011, and refund some of money of £272 on 21/06/2011, I advised Sainsbury’s (eSure) customer service that I Around June 2011 I sent the original proof of No Claim Discount with pre-paid envelope was provided from Sainsbury (eSure) then after I did not received any letters from Sainsbury car insurance about anything’s. Then I asked Sainsbury’s (eSure) Customer Service, should Sainsbury’s (eSure) emailed me or called me on my mobile phone before cancelling my policy …Sainsbury’s (eSure) Customer Service advised me that {they do not contact Client by emails or phones} Only send letter out by post. Then I asked Sainsbury’s (eSure) customer service to have new insurance, but they advice me I cannot have another policy with Sainsbury Car Insurance and cannot help me! The bank account that I paid for car insurance I did not used any more and due to being generally disorganised, having young babies, work pressures etc… I did not have time to check the bank account. On Wednesday the 5th October 2011 I hade new quote for car insurance and plus I paid £150 for recovery to bring back my car. Then on 7 October 2011 I sent complaint email to Sainsbury’s Car Insurance, which I never received respond. Then on 19 October 2011 I made complain toThe Financial Ombudsman Service against Sainsbury’s Car Insurance (eSure) My argument was that the following below:- 1. if Sainsbury’s {eSure} did not hear from me after second letter, they should contacted me {By Emails or By Phone} I received some documentation by email from Sainsbury’s {eSure} on May 2011 when I had my insurance quote in relation to my car insurance. 2. If car insurance companies do not contact client by email or by phoning them in situation like this, so what is the reason the car Insurance companies request to fill the form with {Email Address and phone Number}? 3. Sainsbury’s {eSure} does not have record to proof from Delivery Companies the letters sent to the address or received. 4. I noticed in both ways Sainsbury’s {eSure} making me responsible? · I sent Sainsbury’s {eSure} NCB documents and they did not received! I have been blamed. · Sainsbury’s {eSure} sent me letters and I did not receive it! I have been blame too. 5. I have 6 years No Claims Discount from Car Insurance. What was the reason I did not send my No Claims Discount to eSure. 6. June 2012 I was in court for hearing about driving car without insurance, the court decision that I was not guilty. Unfortunately 17 July 2012 The Financial Ombudsman Service made final decision was in Sainsbury’s Car Insurance (eSure) favour. Finally I believe if insurance company did not received proof of No Claim Bonuses, they could increase the insurance cost instead cancellation. Do You Think I Have Ground To Take This Case To Court?
  15. I am having a problem claiming on contents insurance. Contents are covered for approx £40k on a new for old basis but when I tried to claim for burst tank damage to bedroom and lounge I have been offered only £2,000 from insurance company. When I queried this they said that some of the contents was were 15 years old but surely that is the point of taking out new for old insurance. After I queried this they have upped the offer to £2,500 but I don't think this is enough but am afraid to reject it in fear that they will refuse to pay out anything. What should I do?
  16. bit of a strange one this, had a non fault accident in 2009, claimed on insurance, recovered all costs claim closed. re insured with a new insurer the following year , no problems. insured with the rac this year, notified them about the non fault claim and took out insurance. a week later and i received a letter stating they have got more info on the 2009 claim and they are increasing the premium as the accident was my fault! luckily i still had a letter from my insurer in 2009 stating they recovered all costs so i have written to the rac and included a copy of the letter and am still awaiting a reply. i am a little concerned as to where the rac got their wrong information from, and also if they don't alter stance on the accident being my fault what can i do?
  17. I was wondering if anyone on the forum had an idea of how long it takes for the Financial Services Ombudsman to finalise their reviews. We had our car stolen in February last year. Our Insurer, Swift Cover/AXA said that there wasnt enough theft damage to prove the car was stolen. They sent an email to the Ombudsman to us by mistake where they stated that they thought me and my wife either crashed the car ourselves or gave permission to someone else who we knew to drive and they crashed the car. Our defence to this is simple - we're fully comp, so if we did crash it, we would just pay our excess and get our money, but apparently that doesnt make a difference. So Swift refused to pay out, so we are appealing to the FSO, but so far, its been over a year.Is this normal?? How often to the FSO look at simple facts like - why would we lie, we're fully comp, so if we crashed it, so what, we still get paid. Also, we are being told that if the claim is upheld by the FSO, we are entitled to 0.8% in compensation of the value of the car PER DAY. So far, that would mean £6000 / 0.8% x 365 = £17520. Does this sound right?
  18. Hi, I'm new to this. ..I'll try to keep it to the point and not too long winded, but this has been going on for a long time. By the end of 2008 I had been an RBS customer for approx 25 years and had a £500 overdraft from April 2000 which had crept up over the years to £2250. I had been paying overdraft cover on this the entire time. I took ill October 2008 and couldn't work.... .I approached the bank and explained. They told me I had no cover. I had major surgery mid November and was diagnosed with cancer. I stayed in touch and constantly asked if they could at least stop the interest accruing, they point blank refused. I stuck my head in the sand for a few weeks, but decided it was best to get something sorted with the overdraft. I called my branch to make an appt. to see the manager to be told I couldn't speak to anyone as my account had been suspended and already forwarded to their collection agency. I called the collections team and again told them I had insurance on the overdraft, again they said I hadn't. This continued over the next few months.....constant calls and letters demanding the £2250 plus all interest charges etc. By this time Money Matters in Govan were involved, they were also told I had no overdraft insurance. RBS took me to court Sept 2009 and I was ordered to pay them £65.00 per month to cover OD, charges and court costs just short of £4000. October 2011 I was feeling fit to fight and requested bank statements. ...these clearly showed the same fluctuating figure throughout which they were still denying was Overdraft Loanguard Protection. I received a letter on Friday last week stating that they had conducted yet another investigation and I had no insurance. Today I spent most of the day getting through to various departments and now have it in writing from their insurance department that I had been paying Overdraft Loanguard since 2000 and it was cancelled by my branch on 27.7.2009.. ....the same month they closed my account and sent it to their collection people to collect on the overdraft! Sorry to be so blah... ..trying to explain the length of time it has taken someone to admit that this charge I have been harping on about for two years was for insurance. Has anyone had an experience like this? I would be so grateful if anyone could offer advice on what my next step should be. Cheers in advance. Geraldine
  19. Ok so very confusing Case, i am policy holder and my dad is a named driver.i was going out of town wit ha few friends and my friend had asked to borrow my car just for the night. i agreed to this. insurance company contacted me saying the my car and been involved in a incident and i was very confused. i told them that my friend had borrowed my car which is the information i had at the time and assumed and didnt admit that hit the third parties car. i later found out the my dad needed the car and he had arranged to pick up the car from my friends house in the morning when the incident happened. the incident itself was really minor and my cousins and aunty were with my dad at the time. my cousin spoke to the the third party and both agreed to not persue any thing further as it was really minor so no details were exchanged. but the lady was talking to my friend and might took some details for future reference. when i found this information out i told the insurance company ASAP and sent in a statement from my dad and also pictures as third party claimed £2000 and insurance company asking for reimbursment from me. after statement sent i had no reply from the insurance company for 5 months and then recieve a letter saying that i need to pay my outstanding debt and they are willing to offer me 10% discount. very confused contacted the insurance company explaining to them that my dad shuld be covered. they said that they contact third party and they said my dad was not driving. i told them i have 4 witnesses my cousins my aunty also 1 member of the public and got my cousin to write a statement and have sent it in. no reply yet but i am very confused i dont no what i should do. how can they just believe third party. if i wanted to lie i would of lied from begining and told a different story. it was just lack of communication with my dad and my friend as i had asked no one about the incident when first contacted insurance company. please help Claim: Vehicle Repairs - £716.29 Replacement Vehicle - £1409.36
  20. Help please, My Wife was paying an insurance policy for redundancy insurance . My Wife ceased working due to redundancy and notified the company in writing that policy was no longer required. However due to personal issues ,not dealing with things etc we didn't notice that - d/d's continued to be requested by insurance company for premiums . This went on for few years - what is our position reg full refund of payments as there was no "insurable interest" as Wife wasn't working and had notified them in writing . Wife was not making claim on policy as I was working. Surely there is grounds for refund plus interest. please help if you can
  21. I have been claiming JSA since January after being "laid off" through lack of work. The company eventually went bust in March. I previously took out private income protection insurance which I have been claiming since March but it is linked to my JSA payments. When I claim for the income protection insurance I have to prove that I have received JSA payments into my bank. Because I am on contributions based JSA I have been told my last payment will be this week and I have no chance of claiming income based JSA. I have been told I can still sign-on every two weeks, to make sure my NI payments are still made, but obviously I will receive no more money. The fact that I have worked for 23 years solid after leaving school counts for nothing. I can live without the £71/week but the insurance money I receive pays all the bills. Does anybody have any ideas how to keep the one without the other?
  22. Dear all, I hope someone might be able to assist me (on behalf of my mother). My mum, in previous good health has suffered a number of heart attacks over the last few weeks. She should hopefullly be back home from hospital later this week, but has been fitted with an internal defribulater which means that due to DVLA rules she cannot drive for 6 months (or if she gets a 'shock' during that period, six months from them). She owns a car where she is the insurance policy holder and my father is a named drivers. She is obviously going to let them know but is unsure what the best option will be as my father will still use the car from time to time and she ideally would like to after 6 months. Can she just be left on the policy as the holder and simply not drive, or would she need to do something else. (She will be handing her driving licence back to DVLA until she can drive again). Appreciate any advice you can give as to easiest/best option. Many thanks.
  23. Hi hope someone may be able to offer advice, my son has been insured with endsleigh for past six months, previous to this with insurance company for two years with no problems, he has never had an accident nor made a claim, as his mum I am named as additional driver, I rarely use the car and I have no other car and therefore no other policy, I have never had an accident nor made any claim, I just drive very occasionally. Today my son has received a letter from Endsleigh wanting an explanation as to why when they have searched the Claims and Underwriting (CUE) register, the information supplied by him at time of taking out the policy does not match suggesting in the letter, nothing specific but stating that " they have searched this register and can confirm that claims have been supplied to the register by other insurers in relation to previous insurance experience on another motor insurance policy for a driver on your policy" this made no sense to him at all, but as they were asking for a written explanation within 14 days or they would cancel his insurance from inception, he rang the number provided, when he explained , they stated the reg of car involved and my son realised this related to my husband, his dad, they have both got same christian and surname but different middle names and certainly different dates of birth. My son explained the error , however Endsleigh state it is my son who needs to prove it wasnt him and that they dont have access to dates of birth to search this register, when it was suggested to Endsleigh that this was a breach of Data protection, they then said the additional driver was my husband, therefore that is why his information came up, however I am the additional driver different christian name , date of birth etc from hubby, who by the way is appalled his son now has been given this information, Endsleigh have given my son the name of insurance company (hubbys previous)again hubby furious, to contact as they say my son must sort this out. Question is how ? and why do insurance companies have access to personal information if they are not able to protect it ? help anyone ?
  24. Hi I've not been able to find any info regarding this Insurance... Does this look like PPI ? (£2000+) cca_hpa.pdf
  25. Thanks in advance for your help guys. So, my iphone 3gs decide to stop working. 2 yrs old took to apple they confirmed it's dead and gave e a print out for the insurance saying as much. I called insurance and they said I had to provide proof of purchase. Here lies the problem. The phone was a gift from an ex no longer in contact (who is) I have the box and Apple verified the imei number is not registered as stolen or been black listed. I have e-mailed an explained that the item was a gift, is there anything I can do to prove i own it? Cheers guy's. I hate insurance!
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