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  1. I'd be grateful for a suggestion as the best route to pursue to solve a problem with my Mac laptop. It was supplied by my Home Contents insurer's designated supplier under a new for old policy, a company called Bevalued, as a replacement for a previously damaged laptop. It is a particular 2007 model that Apple have acknowledged was fitted with faulty logic boards/graphics cards, and they've been offering for a number of years a free fix/replacement for this part on machines less than four years old. I wasn't aware of this until the machine died because of this faulty logic board (now confirmed by Apple as being the problem), and my machine is now older than four years. So, it's beyond the scope of the recall programme as offered, and for this reason, Apple refuse liability and the obligation to repair it free. They pointed me instead in the direction of the retailer because they claimed - I assume under the Sale of Goods act (?) - that I might be able to exercise my rights in relation to faulty goods for up to six years after purchase. Having contacted the insurance company and been passed to Bevalued in turn, Bevalued refute that the SoGA applies to a situation in which they have supplied but not sold the machine to me. (Though technically, they presumably supplied - and perhaps even sold? - it to my insurance company?). My question is then: at which company would my efforts best be directed under these circumstances to get some resolution? Many thanks Rob
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