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  1. Hi people I am at the end of my patience now with Vodafone. I cancelled two contracts with Vodafone one which I was havin data charge problems with. Getting texts saying you have 30 gb the day after I had been charged for going over. After numerous phone calls and visits to a store, I finally got the store manager to document my screen shots of the texts and he agreed yes it's not right. I explained I was likely to owe a small amount for my rental but I was not prepared to pay until I had an amended invoice. The manager passed it on and I heard nothing more then I kept getting bill texts to my now 3mobile number. Vodafone confirmed again some thing was a miss and they would as usual promise yet have no intention of calling you back. Then the debt collectors letter dropped on the mat. Long email explaining the above with screen shots. Reply comes back ok we will not take further action until we have heard back from Vodafone. Ten days after this without warning a default was placed on my account non payment. mrs cancels her phone and ports number. Final bill comes through in text and Mrs ring up to pay. "Sorry you're not in our system ". With no way to pay it was forgotten about until a letter came through. Ringing this number gets you through to a department you have never been to before where you do exist. Payment is made end of story. But no now her credit file is also knackered. We lost a £500.00 pound deposit on a caravan as we were refused finance. I am looking to seek compensation for the above and would welcome any pointers in the right direction.
  2. Im looking for advice on what i can do next as im lost and just going round in circles. In october we noticed that for a £20.00 Sim only deal with vodafone the bills were coming in considerably high and occured a few bank charges because of this, We then proceeded to ask Vodafone to supply a full itemised bill so this could be investigated. It turns out that 3 x £30 were been taken from the account per month from September 2015 to December 2015 by a company using premium rate messages by the name of MiraGames. We began to query this with vodafone and was promised a full investigation would go ahead. So over the coming weeks we called & called with many mixed responses. Some would say they were passing it to a more senior manager, Some were saying its tough its your own fault. We then finally got a response in January to say they would offer us £100 back of the £360 we were owed. I stated that i will not be accepting anything less than the FULL amount as this was no fault of ours and we had never opted into any subscription service nor did we know this company. So then we were told to contact payphoneplus, In which we did but again just taken round in circles with the whole thing - Receiving this email quoted as a final reply; by this point it gets very frustrating. we then went on to contact the ombudsman who deals with vodafone, Only to be told they cannot deal with this matter. What do i do? How do i go about getting back this money? Ive posted on Miragame forum, Ive emailed them , ive emailed payphoneplus and ive contacted the ombudsman but nobody seems to want to help. I refuse to give up, I do not wish to lose £360 of my hard earned money and do not believe they should be able to just ignore me as such. When i 1st placed my claim i was assured by a couple of advisors i would receive a full refund. Please help me if you can Thanks
  3. Hi I had an account with Vodafone (never again) and the 3g just would not pick up in my area along with the 70 mile train journey between norfolk and suffolk. I mean I know its rural but really in this day and age. vodafone said no they can't do anything and that I have to pay the full amount to cancel (£557) blah blah. I disputed saying hang on you're not providing a service and they just kept replying with we only need to provide a service at your home address. Hang on a MOBILE phone and they only have to guarantee service at your home address, very strange. I was told that if i didn't pay it would go to DCA etc. I'm in the middle of disputing this with Vodafone in february 2014 and I received a letter from a DCA. they have just fobbed it off to them to get rid of. I cough up and pay otherwise my credit report is going to be in tatters (which when checking they had already recorded a default against me). Fast forward to March and they refund me £185.74 for accidentally taking it when they shouldn't have. I then need to contact them in June 2014 and the first thing I am told is that I'm owed £185.74 hmmmm ok put it in my bank which they kindly did. 2 days later check the bank and £185.74. this means with my great maths that £185.74 x 3 = £557.22 (the amount the default was for) they have said yes ok you were right heres the money back but now I'm done anyway because of this default, is there anything I can do about it to get it removed Thanks Tom
  4. I recently came to apply for a re-mortgage and was gobsmacked to be declined when I have never been late with or missed a payment for anything to my knowledge. On checking my credit report - which is otherwise perfect - there is a default showing from Vodafone ex. Singlepoint in November 2012. I'm pretty certain this arose when Vodafone sent me an internet dongle a couple of years ago- which I didn't want, hadn't asked for and on receipt didn't work in my area due to poor signal! I phoned Vodafone and arranged to return the dongle. On my next bill there showed a rental for the dongle, so I phoned Vodafone again to confirm that they had received it back. They confirmed they had and that they would credit the month's charge and there would be no further charges made. Case closed. In November 2012 I closed the Vodafone account as I was given a work mobile phone which I was allowed to use for personal calls. As I had been with them so long there was no cancellation fee and they confirmed the account would be closed. I destroyed the SIM card and disposed of the phone. A couple of months later a Debt Recovery Agency contacted me via my Mum's address (where I haven't lived for over 14 years!) to say they had been passed a debt of £110 by Vodafone to recover! I immediately phoned Vodafone who said they were unable to find the account, so it must be closed and settled and that I shouldn't worry about it. I never heard any more from the debt recovery agency and, perhaps somewhat naively, assumed it was all fine... until the failed mortgage application. I am posting on here after more phone calls and visits to various Vodafone stores where I have had no help or assistance, I am at my wits end with this as it has destroyed what should be a perfect credit rating over £110! I don't believe I owe the money but to be honest I would just pay it to get rid of it off my credit report if that was the easiest way. Thanks to Martin3030 for the info on previous threads and the sticky - I will now email all my details and the link to this thread as instructed and will re-post if I manage to get any response! Fingers crossed!
  5. Ladies & Gents, Yet another reason why any Vodafone Customers must think about if Voda is the right choice for them. New Charges are listed below at this link;
  6. http://www.mirror.co.uk/money/vodafone-billing-meltdown--what-8160549 Isn't this something we have been telling them for at least the last 18 months !
  7. Vodafone have put a default on my credit report and are causing me undue stress and anxiety due to a phone I had stolen in Barcelona. The thieves stole my phone and within a few hours racked up a bill over £2,000 by ringing premium numbers and putting them on hold to ring the same numbers - over 900 calls were made. It is clear that my phone was used as some sort of organised crime activity and there have been many cases in the press of Vodafone lumping other people with bills like this, only to waive the bill when brought to the attention of the press. I am now at the point of contacting press as this seems the only way Vodafone comes to a fair decision. I have not long graduated and instead of enjoying being young I am beginning to get depressed - I have debt collectors after me, a ruined credit report and no idea of how to get out of this situation. anyone got any other tips on how to deal with this situation or anyone had a similar experience? Forgot to mention that the incident occurred in September 2014, a default was registered on my report May 2015 and the account was apparently sold on to a DCA in the last few weeks
  8. Well finally OFCOM have finally find a result with the Vodafone Investigation they were dealing with. The investigation relates to a fairly wide period between 1st January 2014 and 5th November 2015
  9. So I have yet more issues with vodafone. This is the final straw unfortunately. I've had over 2 months of constant maintenance in my area and despite several chats to advisors, all I am being offered is a 'free' sure signal device which I've to pay for and have the money credited onto the account. I don't have the money to pay for this upfront especially since it needs my broadband to work! An advisor on friday apparantly placed the order for free alongside a free mifi device as a gesture of goodwill however this was cancelled by vodafone who didn't tell me until I enquired today to find out where the missing delivery was. So yeah, 2 months of constant maintenance and they state this isn't grounds for any cancellation as the engineers are working on it and it will be sorted 'soon'. What are my rights with this, if any?
  10. Hi, I was hoping to get some opinions as to whether an ombudsman adjudicator opinion on settlement is acceptable or whether I should appeal to an ombudsman. My mother had a contract with Vodafone, in October 2015 the contract was cancelled and I put the number in my name, there was no outstanding balance. In December 2015 my mother received a letter from Vodafone demanding £44.06 outstanding, I immediately went online and complained - I received two emails from Vodafone on December 13th stating no outstanding balance. This non-existent Vodafone debt was passed to a DCA named Zinc group who began chasing my mother. We wrote a recorded delivery complaint to Vodafone and got no response. Once the time limit for going to the ombudsman was reached we went to the communications ombudsman. Zinc group continued to hound my mother until April 15th 2016, despite me informing them and the ombudsman requesting no recovery activity to take place whilst the investigation was carried out. Plus Vodafone have been putting negative entries on my mother's credit file which has seen her score drop by over 150 points in the last few months, it is the only negative entry for her. The ombudsman adjudicator has upheld my complaint, I know this from a communication from Vodafone, I haven't had the ombudsman letter yet. They have instructed Vodafone to clear the false debt, remove negative entries from my mothers credit file, and issue her with £50 compensation. This amount of compensation seems low considering this has been going on for 6 months, I was expecting more like £150. Although I have had many debts, my mother never has had any and this is the first time a debt collector has ever chased her. So it caused her stress and sleepless nights. Since this is my mother I'm pretty angry about the whole thing, so just wanted opinion on whether this is a more than adequate resolution and requesting more comp would be unreasonable, or if I should try for more.
  11. Hi there, apologies if ive posted in the wrong place, as im new to the site. Im only 21 and quit my job just before Christmas, for about the last 2 and a half months i have been disconnected from Vodafone service due to me having no income. This is my own fault and the monthly payments have stacked up meaning i owe £120 in total. Two days ago i paid off £100 of the debt and plan to pay the last £20 today, this morning i received a text message from Fredrickson International instructing me to sign up on fredpay or contact them immediately on a number. I have read a few threads on here i'm not entirely sure as to what my next move should be. I phoned vodafone without mentioning the text from Fredrickson and they said my remaining debt on the account was £20, making it seem like i dont owe any extra fee's and what not. I live with my dad mostly but i am registered at my mums old house, so whether or not they have been sending letters i cant confirm, i will go and check tonight. But as far as im aware this is the first contact between me and them. Reading how far some of these threads go im somewhat concerned somehow theyre going to turn up at my house or something, as im a fairly anxious person. My main hope is that once the vodafone debt of £20 is cleared i will hear no more from them, but im not entirely sure. Can anyone shed some light on the situation? Thanks in advance, Laurie
  12. Hi, I have a little issue, and would like some help. I have a 24 month contract with vodafone (£44/month), unfortunately I am going to have to leave my job and the country in the next 3 month. I won't be able to pay the £500 they are asking for in one go and would like to set up a payment plan with them to re-pay what I owe. I have called them today and they told me, my only options was to pay all in one go or pay £300 and then £10 a month for a plan. I will no longer be in the country and have no interest to get another contract with them. Is there anything I can do ? Do they legally have the right to say no to my payment plan ? Thanks for your answers !
  13. At the end of my previous mobile phone contract I decided to change provider and move to Vodafone. It was one of the worst customer experiences of my life. Coincidentally, at that time, I became unemployed and having registered my old number with many recruitment agencies and former colleagues/employers I desperately needed my original number to be available for them to contact me on if/when any suitable roles came up. I was told by Vodafone that the transfer of my number would be straight forward and there would be no problems. It would all be sorted within 24 hours. Unfortunately I trusted them to make this happen. It eventually took around 3 weeks for my number to function correctly. I made many attempts to get this sorted with a variety of Vodafone call centre personnel who 'sincerely promise' that my number would work within 24 hours. I made each one give me a timescale for it being resolved before ending the conversation. Each one lied just like the one before (I have copies of the calls/chat conversations). I called into 2 separate (local) Vodafone shops on more than one occasion to try to resolve the problem. I was in absolute desperation due to the employment situation. My original number could be used to make calls but I couldn't receive ANY. My mobile number was in limbo. I couldn't return to my original provider and I couldn't receive any calls through Vodafone. The manager in one of the branches really tried to help. He understood the situation and to appease me (he had limited power to resolve the issue) gave me a free 30 day sim card on a new Vodafone number. The manager of another branch also tried really hard to resolve this but he told me it was a known issue with Vodafone. He had 3 more customers coming in THAT day with the same problem. Apparently the problem was due to the network and systems being inadequate to deal with the transfers. He also mentioned that I wasn't likely to improve quickly. I've now been contacted by a debt recovery agency who are asking me to contact them about this, no doubt wanting me to pay for a Vodafone bill. The day my number was completely ported into Vodafone and working correctly I IMMEDIATELY requested a PAC number to leave Vodafone and return to my original provider. I did this and was fully operational with 24 hours. I also cancelled my DD with Vodafone so I've not made any payments to them for the 'service' I received. Also worth noting is that during my sorry dealings with this company I noticed that they don't seem to like to put things in writing. During the on-line 'chats' to resolve the problem they requested to contact me by my landline phone to discuss the problem. I refused this offer so that I could maintain a written account of what did happen. I have since received more calls from Vodafone and each time I refuse to talk with them. Even though they have my email and home address details they have never communicated the so-called debt issue with me. They are now using a debt recovery agent (who do have my email address!!). As yet, I have not responded to their request. Any advise on what to do next would greatly be appreciated.
  14. Just been alerted to this. http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/enforcement/competition-bulletins/open-cases/all-open-cases/cw_01160/?utm_source=updates&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=cw_01160 We all know that VF have some serious issues at the moment and it seems that OFCOM agree. PAYG users paying for services not supplied Wrong amounts on bills for customers After all this time, you would have thought that Vodafone could get its act together and train their staff to recognise a problem and deal with it insted of doing nothing of value. No wonder they are losing customers.
  15. I have been a loyal Vodafone customer for 28 years and have always bought my own phone and had either pay as you go and more recently SIM only contracts. My last SIM contract had run its course and they were offering Unlimited minutes/Unlimited calls/20GB data for £20 p.m for 12 months - offer valid until 3rd March 2016. On 2nd March 2016 I visited my local store and dealt with the assistant manager, who I have always respected and dealt with on many occasions and felt very confident with his experience. I signed up for the above deal and specifically asked for clarification that I would only be charged for £20 on my nect bill in addition to any 'extra's' I chose to add on and he confirmed that to be correct. The mobile app confirmed this but the website didn't so I called them on 191 but they were closed. I then went on their website 'CHAT' facility and 'spoke' with a colleague who confirmed that the store Asst Manager had NOT discounted down the contract and advised me to return to the store for them to sort it out. I did so on Saturday for 75 minutes and the female assistant emailed the relevant departments and told me they would credit my account as the direct debit had been taken - I explained that under the D/D guaranteee facility I am entitled to have that refunded because Vodafone were in breach of their T&C's and they had called for the incorrect amount. The female asst agreed and I confirmed that once I had received the refund of the full amount, I would call Vodafone immediately to pay the correct amount in order to continue my services, which she said was ok. Today, I have clarified with the bank that the D/D indemnity is in place and being actioned and they confirmed it was. An hour later I find I have no mobile services.............. I'M WITHIN THE COOLING OFF PERIIOD SO i AM VISITING MY LOCAL STORE TO CANCEL TODAY AND JOIN A REPUTABLE COMPANY WHO MIGHT JUST VALUE A LOYAL CUSTOMER!!! If Lee (Vodafone Customer Contact with CAG) is available I would certainly appreciate his urgent input to this matter. Thanks in advance.
  16. Hi I was wondering whether anyone has any good letter templates regarding a breach of data protection compliant against Vodafone. Basically, I tried to access my internet banking the other day only to be told that I was inputting the wrong password. I knew for a fact the password I was inputting was correct. After this failed a number of times I went online and tried to re-set my password with Lloyds bank. If anyone banks with Lloyds then they will know that in order to change your password for online banking they have to call you and you have to enter the 4 digit number provided on the screen. So I requested that they call my mobile phone (which I always do) however I wasn't receiving the phone calls even though it said on screen we are calling you now. I tried again the next morning and it still wasn't working so I called Lloyds Bank to see what the problem was. I was told by Lloyds bank that there has been fraud on my account, all monies had been transferred from my savings account into my current account and then attempted to be transferred from my current account overseas via Western Union. Lloyds realised this was fraud and did not allow for the payment to go through. Having discussed this with Lloyds and explaining what had happened they advised my that there must have been a diversion on my phone as someone had received the phone call with the 4 digit code and entered it correctly. I then called Vodafone who first told me that there was in fact interference/diversions on my mobile and that she would take them off for me immediately. After 1 hour and 12 minutes on hold I called Vodafone again off a different number to speak to someone else to explain my dissatisfaction with Customer Service and distress caused regarding the fraud on my account only to be told by this person that there were no diversions on my phone and that there never has been. I know for a fact the first lady told me there was and that they are not in any breach of data protection. I then asked them to confirm what phone calls have been made to Vodafone regarding my account in the 3 days, I was advised that I called them 2 days prior (the day before the fraud happened) requesting a copy of my phone bill to be emailed. I NEVER MADE THIS PHONECALL so there is a breach of data protection as they clearly discussed my account with someone else. Well after hours on the phone trying to make a complaint speaking to many different call centres based in the UK, India and South Africa I have still got no where! Can anybody help me out as I am not sure exactly what I need to put in my letter? Thanks
  17. I took out my brand new Vodafone contract on 22 November 2014. They ported my number from my old network (3 network) on 2 December. Since they ported my number on 2 December, a month ago now, I have been unable to receive calls or texts. I can make outbound calls and texts which displays as my newly ported number but I cannot receive inbound calls or texts. The number is unobtainable. I first reported this problem on 3 December and was promised a resolution within 48 hours. One month later, I have been promised a 48 hour resolution on 9 separate occasions. The 9th 48 hours has now expired and my phone is still not receiving incoming calls or texts. I have been promised resolutions from their contact centres, including their porting team and technical teams, a sales rep in my local store and by their web chat advisers. I have now been without service for 1 month and there is no sign of any resolution. Each time my 48 hours has expired I call again only to be told their system has been updated to show that the problem has been resolved. This incompetence is truly unacceptable as they only need to dial my number to see that it is still unobtainable and that they have not yet fixed my problem. I simply cannot understand how they would fiddle about a bit, think they have fixed my problem and then not bother to dial my number to test it. Surely that test comes within the first 10 mins of basic technical training. Also, nobody is willing to take ownership of my problem i.e. giving me regular updates despite my constant requests. Equally, their customer service advisers refuse to put me through to the complaints team by telling me that they don’t have a specific complaints team and they all just deal with complaints. So how do I escalate my problem? How do I get someone to take ownership of my problem? If I call again should I believe the 10th promise of a 48 hour resolution?
  18. Hi everyone, My previous contract with Vodafone ended last December. But they took out the monthly payment in January and February. I contacted the customer services on 19/02. It was distressful to wait to get through to one of their staff. Anyway, they said I would be refunded in 5 days. But it was not true. On 01/03, I had to call again. Another long waiting. They said the same thing. But again, never received even a penny. Now I searched their web site for a complaint procedure and wrote a letter to their customer relations manager on 08/03. But not surprised, no replay at all. I am totally at a loss. Definitely they do not care about calls or letters from their customers. If I take this case to Ombudsman Services Communications, then will I finally get their attention? What should I do? I wish any of you could give me a good advice. Cheers, Dae
  19. http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-35925146 And of course the number is much higher than the ombudsman has recorded – and it is probably very much higher than anyone can possibly imagine. Vodafone is competing with npower for the worst possible systems and the worst possible customer service. Anyone considering getting a new mobile phone contract would do well to avoid Vodafone.
  20. Complaints against telecoms giant Vodafone have surged by more than 50% after issues with a new billing system. Regulator Ofcom says there were 32 complaints about Vodafone made per 100,000 customers in the last three months of 2015 - an increase from the 20 in the previous three months. Vodafone was the only provider to receive more complaints than the industry average of 10 per 100,000 customers. The figures were recorded as Vodafone moved pay-monthly customers to a new billing system and, as well as billing, customers flagged up issues with pricing, charges, complaint handling and service. Vodafone apologised to affected customers, as it admitted suffering "some problems" with the "highly complex" switchover. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/vodafone-complaints-billing-system-203511307.html
  21. Dear all, Please find my account details below. Cancellation and porting date: 29/12/2015 Having spent over 150 pounds a month for years with Vodafone I was unable to upgrade at a better rate than that offered online for new customers so decided to move my service to O2. I spoke to a customer service agent to cancel and port my number on 29/12/2015. I was told that I would not incur any penalties but would have the pay line rental for the 1 notice month period. Was given a PAC code and moved my service to O2 on the same day. I have been up and running with O2 but for some reason all my incoming calls are going straight to Vodafone voice mail. I have been in touch with both O2 and Vodafone at length with this issue and the problem is still not resolved, instead being told that Vodafone is not at fault and that they are no longer my service provider. Having further investigate into this matter I can see that Vodafone have been having issues with porting for some time now due to a new system they have installed and have even been investigated by Ofcom. Furthermore EU regulations require that phone numbers be ported within one working day, and that customers do not lose their service for longer than that and it has been over 2 months! I rely on my mobile number for business and have missed out of business opportunities, employment opportunity and almost missed my flight due to this issue. As you can see I have also copied the Ombudsman services into this matter and will be passing this email to Ofcom as this issue just does not seem to get resolved. Last week on the 11th of March they sent me a text that they will refund me something not sure what and also I got a cancellation of direct debit email and I finally started to receive calls and messages after 2 months. I was happy and hopefull only to find out today 15th of March that they haven't cancelled my account, that the porting is still not done and they sent me a new bill for 66£ due by the 24th of March. I spent in total in excess of 50 hours with them on the phone, their web chat where they sent you doesn't work and I email them and I ask for them to respond in writing as they lied to me via phone numerous times since December and they refuse to email. I asked to set up a meeting to show them my contract with O2 since 29th of December and explain face to face what they are doing wrong I was refused. All the store managers are telling me to call Vodafone customer service which is sending me in circles to speak with O2 and O2 is telling me the porting is done correctly. I believe O2 because since the 11th of March both my outgoing and incoming calls are O2 and I have a written contract with O2 since 29th December 2015. I think is just a way Vodafone keeps you hostage in a contract and untill they decide to resolve the issue they drain you and charge you. For 3 months I am paying 2 bills, 2 contracts on the same number Vodafone and O2. Why Vodafone is not letting me go I don't know!?
  22. Hi, Thanks for reading this thread and any help or advice will be appreciated. We were with Vodafone for quite a few years before being enticed away to a new provider. We had 3 phones all registered in my wife's name under 1 account. My wife contacted Vodafone 3 months before our contract was due to end and was told they could do nothing and requested that she call back with a months notice. Not a problem, one month before the end of contract my wife contacted them and requested the contract end in one months time. Now, Vodafone cancelled ONE PHONE from the contract but left the other 2 active. A company called Fredrickson International have now been in contact seeking to collect £400, Fredrickson to their credit have been very good. We have had many discussions with both Fredrickson and Vodafone all to no avail. Vodafone insist we owe £400 and we must pay. We are very keen to take Vodafone to court over this. Any advice would be welcome. Thanks Graham
  23. To quickly outline my problem; I gave Vodafone 30 days notice to end my contract with them on 1st June 2015 (been with them for donkeys years (bills always paid,never missed one!) .Felt like a change so EE looked like a better bet for mobile internet .A week or so later Vodafone offered me an S6 phone at a very good rate to keep me so I took it ,the customer (dis)services operative arranged the phone delivery for the following Saturday morning,great!. Saturday morning came and went-no phone. Called VF (Vodafone) to query why my new shiny phone hadn't arrived and was told "Oh sorry,it hasn't actually been ordered", I straight away cancelled the order on the phone with this person (as I was entitled to with the 14 days cancellation agreement) and also informed them that I wished my contract to be cancelled as per the 30 days notice I had previously given,this was agreed and that was that. THIS WAS ONLY THE BEGINNING!!!!!!. After the 30 days notice was up,happy with my new EE phone, i noticed my old VF sim card was still working ,phone VF customer (dis)services and "Sorry sir,i'll sort that out straight away for you") .And so started 3 months of chasing Vodafone to actually cut off my phone and end my contract. In that time I must have phoned them 20 times ,spoke to Egypt ,India, South Africa, Scotland, England etc, every call taking a minimum of 30 minutes or so whilst I had to explain myself. I've spoken to just about every department they have, heard the promises of "I'll make sure this gets done for you" EVERY and I mean every time.... .and of course nothing ever happens, AND they just don't bother to get back to you. I received a letter from them about a week ago saying my phone services had been suspended???? REALLY!! and I should pay for the 2 months outstanding (the 2 months AFTER I ended the contract). I again contacted them, and the really pathetic thing is, when I now phone them, I ask the person I'm speaking to, to look at the notes on my account BEFORE we speak. They all, without fail, come back after looking and can immediately see that its Vodafones mistake that the account is still showing as active with payments outstanding. I always then get the apology and the "I'll make sure this get sorted sir". I fired off an email to the Chief Executive last Friday, i got a reply, obviously from an admin person, asking for my details the next day, sent them and waited with baited breath... ....still waiting!. Phoned again today, got passed to 3 people, the final of which told me "I'll go and get the account sorted and make sure customer (dis)services put a zero balance on your account a nd I will get back to you within the next hour or so"..... .obviously I didn't get a call back, didn't really expect one really and am exasperated with their disgusting treatment of loyal customers by their poorly trained staff. Final straw this evening is an email from Ardent credit services saying I need to contact them urgently ref my outstanding bill with Vodafone. I have and always have had a good credit history, no CCJ'S etc etc and this is precisely the thing which may ruin that through no fault of my own. VODAFONE - YOU SHOULD HANG YOUR HEAD IN SHAME!!!!!!!
  24. Hi, I'm looking for some advice. My younger brother defaulted on a vodafone contract 2 years ago, he's got his life together now and is trying to fix his personal finances. He's now totally debt free however the default on his creddit report is stopping him from doing almost anything, like getting a small overdraft to protect against fee's etc. Are there any channels to go down with vodafone to discuss getting this lifted? Thanks foe reading.
  25. Hi, I hope someone can help me as this issue became rather frustrating for me for the last couple of days. I have been with Vodafone for 4 years (2x24 month contract) and 11th Feb 2016 was my contract end date. I have called few days before the end date to state I want to leave Vodafone to use another provider. At that point I was stupidly fooled into accepting new bundle plan for 12 months and was thinking that I got a pretty good deal with them. That was until I received the email about my new bundle. I realised that what I accepted on phone and what is on the email is very different and immediately called them to explain this and cancel the new plan as I had 14 days to cancel it. (We discussed 2 gb and email was stating I have 250 mb allowance) Live chat couldn't help me and requested me to call Vodafone. When I called, customer service told me to call next day. I called them again on next day and I have waited 1.6 hour on phone with more than dozens of transfer and what is even more frustrating that each time I have been transferred to someone I had to explain the whole thing from the beginning. After all that waste of time I have been told that offices are closed and I have to call back tomorrow. I got really frustrated as this was a common thing for them to say to shake things off. It was around 16:25pm so I told the officer that I don't believe that there is no one to talk to at that hour. She talked to some one and said that she will transfer me to her colleague and a guy picked up the phone and said that he can process things for me, then he put me on hold and after that he said he can confirm the process is done. this was his exact words. he said that new plan will be finished by midnight that day. I said i want to keep my number and need pac code and he said that they need to transfer me to another department for that and transferred me, I was in the middle of talk when I lost my service on my mobile and line cut out. After that I called vodafone from my landline to explain the situation but no one could help me as they did not recognise me or my number. This is quite hard to believe as I was their 4 year customer until 5 minutes ago! They said they have no idea where my number goes and they can't take it back that there is no way. Also at some point when I was not getting any progress with cancellation I've been told that I have to cancel my new plan first and then it would go back to my previous plan and if i want to leave vodafone then I have to cancel that too. But I've been literally chucked out with my everything on the system. I am guessing I frustrated them by insisting they should help me and when they realise I did not want to stay or buy new bundle they chuck me out completely. If I knew that I would ask for a couple of weeks beforehand like a notice period and handle everything which causes me problem now. As a result of this nightmare; I have lost my number which I use for my business contacts, banks, email accounts and almost everything in UK. Since I need a code sent to my number for accessing many things such as banks, facebook, email accounts etc. I am stuck not knowing what to do. Not to mention that I have just printed bunch of business card with my number on it a month ago! This will cause me a big destruction on my business if I can't get my number back. I even offered to buy it back but they did not help me with it. I also want to mention that this is not the first time Vodafone messed with my life. Last year they have charged me 649 gbp and cancel my contract accidentally (?!) and they did not pay me back, I had to request money from my bank saying that it has been taken illegally. During that 11 days I have lost business time, could not do any bank transaction as it requires code and been stressful every day of it. They were only able to activate it again 2 weeks later. I just want this fixed please. I am applying for indefinite leave to remain here and I have supplied my business number to home office, I do not want to keep changing my details as it does not look professional at all. This may interfere with my application if they call and realise the number is not recognised.. If this wouldn't get resolved soon they would leave me no chance but to sue as I want to claim my business damage with interruptions to bank transfers and preventing communication. does anyone know what should be my next step regarding this matter?
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