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  1. I am currently staying with my parents and I have received a hand delivered letter from Jacobs Bailiffs. I am terrified that they will remove my parents goods to pay off my debts. What can I do as I am currently unemployed and receive only JSA each week. The letter says 24 hours notice of another visit by bailiffs. Can they take my parents car?
  2. Please help, In a mixture of getting annoyed with the council not providing me with a proper bill and sticking my head in the sand due to starting a very stressful job I got behind with my council tax. Until the end of August I lived with my ex who was uneployed, and I was a student. At the end of August he moved out and I started a full time job. In October I received a bill with my exes name on it even though he had moved out and had informed them of this. I phoned the council and asked for a new bill, with a breakdown. They just sent me the same bill again. This happened a few times, and eventually my ex and I went to speak to them in person and they did reduce the bill a little but still did not include a breakdown, and the bill still had his name on it. Then, without hearing about a court date, or receiving any sort of summons I received a letter telling me that the court would be sending Bailiffs to collect goods to the value of the debt. I earned less than £13000 last year, does this count as I was a student for part of the year? Should I be paying council tax at all? I want to send the council a letter, I have worked out that I can afford to give them about £20 a month. I have started drafting a letter but am really struggling. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing in regard to my council tax for the year 2012/2013. Please can I have a breakdown of this bill? I have requested this several times by phone and in person and have not yet received a copy. My total income last year before tax was less than £13000. I thought that this would qualify me for a 100% council tax reduction as it is classed as a 'low income'. I have no savings and my car is worth less than £1000. I don't own anything valuable that I can sell to cover costs. I have had a letter from the courts, and visits from Bailiffs. However I did not receive a letter informing me that the matter was going to court, nor did I ever receive an accurate bill. The Bailiffs themselves have not been following the code of conduct. They appear to have added £300 in charges to the amount set by the courts, which they have refused to give me a breakdown of. On the occasion that I spoke to them they had gained entry to the secure building by posing as a delivery driver so that they could get to my front door. They are now sending threatening letters telling me that they will force entry to my flat, which is illegal as they have not completed a levy. Due to these circumstances I refuse to deal with this company and will only deal with yourselves direct. I can only afford £20 a month and have included a list of my income and expenditure. Please accept the included £20 as the first payment towards this. signed 'a very annoyed and upset council tax payer' Just to note, I haven't allowed the Bailiff into my home. When they tricked their way in I only opened the door slightly as I was very unwell. I told the person that the amount was under question and I wouldn't be paying. I then fainted. Luckily I fainted forward and that closed the door, otherwise my things would probably have vanished. Thank you for reading this and for any advice you can give me.
  3. Had letters from Jacobs demanding payment for sum of £1,266,67p Their Clients being Southend-on-Sea Borough Council, For payment for the said sum Title of Sum Sundry item? Okay here’s background leading up to this matter, October 2008 had my house repossessed, not a nice thing to happen to anyone? Just before repossession, we had to sort out somewhere to live, Not many options, on that issue, so I see Council emergency housing team, Right options hostel / homeless centre/ we come and pick you up, morning of your eviction, Then we said still got youngest at home with us, which was truthful, she was age 17, we can offer help with rent deposit, scheme also we send you to see, Some of the letting agents they use, Cut long story short, got private rented flat, got cheque for £1,500 For Rental agent it was made payable to them, and not to us, All I signed for was, to collect cheque, and hand in to letting agent for flat, Didn’t sign credit agreement, or anything like it? Now gets interesting walked away from house, moved in to flat, In private rented flat rent was £750.00 per month Council Tax then roughly £100.00 per month I couldn’t work at all, was ill claiming just basic IB My partner had a job in shop, average take home for month roughly £800.00 per month Youngest girl just EMA £30.00 a week, We really struggled some times, had no money at all, Wouldn’t give us Council tax relief, all we got was £30.00 a month payment off Housing benefit towards rent Council tax issue, Private Flat and repossessed House? I got arrested for non-payment of Council Tax on Repossessed House and Private Rented Flat Went court had to pay £50.00 a month to court for 2 years, Also £50.00 back for rent deposit loan? Couldn’t afford to pay it, they accepted then, pay £20.00 a month Really struggling now, so rob peter to pay Paul, Started to fall behind with rent for flat, managed then to get re housed by, Council lucky because we would have ended up being evicted for not paying rent, On private rented flat. Now Okay moved out got Council flat, and life’s what you make it? Rents not that cheap ever, nearly £450.00 per month council tax £75.00 per month, I just stop paying £20.00 a month back to rent deposit loan off council, Now also my medical problems, serious heart condition extreme arthritis, both legs Nerve damage both arms and hands, Losing sense of feeling both hands nightmare that. I only get long term rate IB and highest rate mobility element DLA. My Partner brings home roughly £1, 0000 a month. We are just over the threshold to be able to get working tax credit. We pay our rent and council tax our selves no help at all off benefits. Right Jacobs I haven’t responded, to them yet, I document and videoed took photos, Of Notice Removal of Implied Right of Access stuck on front door, I was going to send them copy of that, But I spoke to a 2 Councillors, down here yesterday They have stated We shall stop Jacobs and we will also deal with the Council for you. We’ll sort out and forget bailiffs and where deal with council for you, But you might have to agree to pay them a pound a week? I’ve left Notice on door of flat, just in case bailiffs call, Because we are still being hounded by debt collectors, from when we had the house? Plus getting phone calls on our private home number from the likes, of Mackenzie Hall And there not just asking to speak to us, they’re asking for people we never heard of? Am I right to post them a warning letter about, do not phone this number########### And quote harassment and nuisances. Please note I’ve got a meeting with the 2 Councillors on Monday the 15th concerning Jacobs I’m giving them the letters from Jacobs and the Council Any Ideas People ?
  4. Hi I had a visit from Jacobs Baliffs last week concerning two Liability Orders. I sent him away with a flea in his ear, telling him that i will carry on paying the council via their Online Payments. I have a question: Reading the paperwork that he posted through my door I noticed that he has applied all of their charges twice including a levy on my car ( which is declared Sorn at the momment because i cannot afford Road Tax). In other words he has applied the charges on both LO`s even though he only visited once, is that allowed? Thanks for any answers in advance.
  5. Can someone please give me some advice before I lose the will to live, Friday I came home to find a 24 hour notice pushed through my door from Jacobs Bailiffs basically stating that they came to removed goods from the property to cover costs, balance due £362.04 plus costs. I'm in a pickle and have no idea how to handle this because the whole affair has been complicated due to divorce, repossession and the ex husband going bankrupt!! I am currently being charged for council tax owed on an empty property from November 2011 to November 2012, I have been in contact with the local council regarding the situation as I have not lived at the address since Feb 2011 due to moving back in with parents as husband was having an affair, provided the council every step of the way about me leaving and providing them with new address, ex husband claimed single person discount for the address in question. However I received a council tax bill addressed to both myself and ex husband who has never lived with me at the new address, rang the council to explain that I had left in Feb 2011 and was going through a divorce only to be told that they had visited the address and the property was vacant, ex husband had done a runner and not said anything, anyway to cut a long story short, I disputed the amount only to be told that I was still liable because I was a joint owner of the property, I explained that the property had been repossessed in Sept 2012, they asked for me to send them all the details which I did, In the meantime they passed the debt onto Jacobs, I phoned Jacobs to explain that it was in dispute as the property had been repossessed and explained that I was going to be dealing with local council, nothing more heard from Jacobs, local council said that they would take the debt back from Jacobs and once the council tax bill was amended they would send me out an updated council tax bill and due to my circumstances we could come to an arrangement, all of this was happened in January 2013, since then I have not heard from local council, Jacobs wrote to me last week, So I rang them and they admitted that the account was on Hold with the local council and to give them a ring to obtain an updated outstanding amount, I am still waiting for the council to respond with an updated figure and bill, Jacobs informed me by letter that the outstanding amount was £337.54 the notice posted through my door was for £362.04 plus costs, I have contacted the bailiff via the mobile number to query the amount but straight to voicemail, left a message and no reply from him, and they did not visit on saturday! oh and the ex husband has declared himself bankrupt .. leaving all debts on my freakin doorstep! I am happy to pay the amount owed, however I am a single parent working full time and only just manage to break even every month, I was hoping to have a payment plan with the council once they had sent me an updated council tax bill. Please help Im not sure what to do next, I dont want them turning up at the house, i dont finish work till 5.00pm and my son will be in alone when he gets home from school. Any suggestions please would be greatly appreciated Thanks
  6. Hi a Bailiff from Jacobs visited my house recently whilst I was out and left a Notice of Seizure in my letterbox. He has written the details of my van and car on the notice and added fees of £172.50 on top of the amount that I already owe. I did make an arrangement to pay him and have the money but have just been laid off from work, if I pay him I wont be able to look after my family until work starts again. I rang him and tried to make a smaller payment but he would not accept it. I have signed on this morning at the job centre. I am due to pay him today and am really worried that if I dont pay he will come and take my van and car. Can any one give me some advice.:sad:
  7. Hi all, Apologies for my first post being a request for advise but have been a lurker for a long time on these forums and have gained some useful information. However, I have an issue with Jacobs Bailiffs re Council Tax relating to Council tax for 2012/2013 with an outstanding balance of just over £800. I have not received anything form Jacobs previously, advsing that the council have passed them the debt for collection but received a doorstep call on Monday - luckily we were out and a letter was hand delivered through the door. I did not do ask the letter asked - for me to ring the bailiff - and instead emailed Jacobs stating my current financial situation and that I would like to make an arrangement but will not allow anyone into my house. I did not receive a reply to my email but again a bailiff called at my house. I did not answer the door but another letter was posted through to say that unless I make an arrangement, they will remove goods from my house. However, in order to make an arrangement, they will need to gain entry to my house to make a note of goods. I cannot make an arrangement with them unless I let them in. I refuse to let them into my house. Does this mean that they will levy my car instead, which is on the driveway? Not worth much but I assume they will do that with or without my permission. Any advice appreaciated.
  8. Hello everyone. This is my first thread and I am in need of your help. To cut a long story short due to medical reasons and sticking my head in the sand I am behind on my council tax. Silly I know, but I have been making payments as and when I can through the online payment website for my local council (Bolton At Home). I received a letter from Jacobs Bailiffs (the 1st letter) is goes along the lines of: .................................................. .............................. BAILIFFS REMOVAL AMOUNT DUE: £412.89p (In bold red lettering) If the above amount is not paid in 7 days we will have no option but to enforce a liability order by the bailiffs attending your premises with a view to seize goods. If we seize them, it is unlikely further costs will be less than £110.00. If you cannot pay now, then please contact the office. .................................................. ............................... I then phoned them up, explained myself at least 4 times and tried setting up a payment plan with them. I was told rather bluntly that I would have to pay a £50 good will payment in order to do the payment plan. I did not have no could I get hold of the money so I phoned them back, he laughed at me down the phone and then hung up. On the 7/8/12, I received a "hand delivered" letter stating that in 48 hours they would be coming to take goods. Shaken up, I called Mr Ian Hobson (Bailiff in charge) and told him quite calmly that I did not have £588.89 and that I have two small children to feed and house etc. He again, was not really bothered by that and asked me to find the money or else! I asked him if it was possible to set up a payment plan with him seeing as I had funds availiable to do so, he said no. So I told him I would call him back if I could get something together for him. I phoned up Bolton Council and asked them to please take the debt back so I could make smaller payments. They refused saying it was down to the Bailiffs now and to deal with them. I explained that I had been making payments via the payment website, but I got it confused because what I thought I was paying off was the "Council Tax 2" bill when infact its been paying another one. With that I phoned the bailiff again he went over the same information with me, and said that he had been to my property to hand me a Walk In Possession order. He hasn't been to the property at all. I am a hermit, I am hardly ever out. He has not been at all. I have not signed or seen anything to say otherwise! Update : I have sent emails to both the council and Jacobs requesting a break down of fees. The council are allegedly posting it out to me. And Jacobs have e-mailed you telling me to ask the bailiff. The bailiff is self employed not an employee of Jacobs.
  9. Hi there first post on this forum so please bear with me. I have been battling with Jacobs Bailiffs for a couple of months in reference of unpaid council tax from 2 years ago. After finding out about the debt I did bury my head in the sand for a while but realize this needs to be dealt with and quick. I tried to ring Bolton Council where the debt originated from and was told in no uncertain terms nothing they could do as the debt was with Jacobs Bailiffs now and not themselves. So I rang Jacobs on several occasion at the main office number continually told to ring the Bailiff in charge as they had no details of my account on their system only the Bailiff dealing with my case had this. I was told that I was unable to set up a payment plan as they needed to full balance to settle to debt. The debt ids a little under £300. I really don't have that at all and have no means of getting it, I've even tried pay day loans etc but keep getting knocked back. I was finally given to Friday 16th November to pay £50 with balance due December 6th. I was unable to pay them so no doubt will have a visit Monday morning. I don't work but my wife does part-time. I have 2 small kids aged 8 & 10. I'm losing sleep every night over this. Just don't know where to turn too. They said at the time of the arrangement if I didn't agree they would come and remove goods with a police escort. So I agreed to it to buy some more time but truth be told I knew at the time I wouldn't be able to pay Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. A representative(bailiff) from Jacobs visited my home property in order to collect an outstanding some of £75 in which we unknowingly owed to out local authority for council tax. They reckoned that they sent out a letter to us in October..a letter that we definitely didn't receive. Unfortunately I was out at the time and so they handed my husband a letter. Inside the letter I was totally shocked to discover that they had banged on charges of £170 just for the visit. I had to ask a family member to lend me the money to pay as my husband is a uncontrolled epileptic and is unable to work and i am a full-time University student, we also have three children. I phone the main office who were completely disrespectful and very unhelpful.. I phoned the Bailiff to see if we could arrange an agreement to repay. He told me that if i didn't pay the full amount he would return on Monday to remove goods and we would also be charged an extra £112! How is this justified on a debt of £75? Legal thieves and bullies.
  11. Hi All first ever post so bear with me please. I was rudely awoken at 7am by a gentleman who claimed to be a bailiff the on wednesday morning and it was regarding council tax payment for an old house that i moved out of in 2008. I had originally agreed payment with the council and was paying in £40 monthly. I am currently a full time student and during holiday time traveled away for 7 weeks, during this time my account went into arrears. On return there was a couple of letters from the council reminding me that my account was in arrears and to rectify this. I called the council explained what had happened and the lady said i should just continue paying agreed amount. However, i was shocked to see this (glorified doorman) bailiff slamming on my door and he said he was going to Levy my wife's car which was on our drive. I explained to him that it was not my car but he said everything you own is 50:50 yours. I have rang the council who have now backtracked on our agreement and are saying deal with the bailiffs nothing to do with us. I have called the bailiffs to try and arrange a payment but they are saying they want full payment and there is no other option. My 48 hours runs out this evening and the bailiff has promised that Lorries will be waiting to remove goods from my house. Numerous calls to and fro have not yielded any benefit. HELP please. I will be grateful for any advice.
  12. I got into arrears a few years ago and jacobs caught up with me about a year or so ago, i contacted cornwall council to setup a payment plan, they agreed but they insisted it be paid to the bailiffs, so i did. i have never missed a payment, i also increased my agreement from 5 to 10 pounds a week months ago, and now i have a letter demanding more or they will terminate this agreement. I get ESA high rate, and DLA. What can i do, im going to call the council but i need to know what to say etc.
  13. I am being chased by Jacobs for a parking offence that occurred in Dec 2010, I challenged the original offence as i was ticketed at 08:02 only 2minutes after the elapsed time and the attendant didnt let me move the car, season of good will and all that. i paid £70 to the council and proved it with a bank statement clearly stating paid WMBC 70 pounds in the March, The case was dismissed by TEC because Wmbc couldn't trace the payment on their system!!!!!, i have refused to pay a penny more it went to jacobs who are chasing me for 348 pounds and this is after i have paid them 55 pound to hold the Debt?, My wife has lost her job and we are still struggling on my wage and working tax credits. I have found out the warrant was issued in August 2011 so this i think is now unenforceable also the bailiff who was supposed to of hand delivered a letter cant be found on the register? I say supposed to be hand delivered as it had a frank machine mark on the envelope and i saw the postman deliver it. I am wondering where do i stand, I have had the head office on the phone and giving grief to my wife whilst the warrant is out of date is this harassment? can i bring proceedings against them, as with the fine even though i have paid it off once before if i was to pay it again via the councils website will it bring an end to what the Bailiffs can and cant do. The fees seem extortionate on a few website including the governments no matter how many times i work it out the most i could actually owe is around 160. also when asked about my car and i informed them i no longer own a car his tone went from cocky to one of desperation as i know clamping the vehicle is usually a trump card for them. I can say i wont be inviting anyone in for tea and biscuits. thanks in advance
  14. Hi all after some advice regarding getting my payment history from jacobs. I fell into arrears with my council tax and have until recently been paying them £15 a week since last year. Now i have just moved jobs going from weekly to monthly wages, and broke my agreement, and hence the threatening letters through the door, with inflated fees, so called enforcement fees. After reading all the good advice on here i have made contact with the council to see how much the original order was for (£927) with the outstanding amount of £94.47 left to pay. I did some digging through my online banking statements, and i have come up with the sum of £926 that i have paid to jacobs, which leave me owing £1 to the council tax and the first and second bailff fees left to pay, no levy has been entered into, nothing signed nor has bailiff been let into house, nor a car to levy against. Problem being the first few payment where for amounts other than the £15 originally set up and i cant for the life of me remember if they where for this council tax arrears or a different matter. I have rang jacobs on numerous occasions asking for my payment history, but the lovely lady on the end of the phone keeps fobbing me off saying that my account is with the bailiff and she has no records to look at (yeah right) and i must speak to the said bailiff who on a separate note does not seem to be registered on the ministry of justice online database (awaiting confirmation from the MJ on this matter). So with this all in mind what can i do to get my payment history from these cretins?
  15. Hello I have been enduring jacobes for many months now and it has ruined my quality of life every moment of the day I cannot stop thinking about what they are doing to me and my health,and now my major concern is that I don't work many hours well 2hrs a week cleaning and leaflet delivery round combining them both gives me around £150.00 per month £90 of which jacobs insist is paid every month in fact forced me to pay otherwise they would clear me out now my situation is such I have to go without food and drink for up to three or four days sometimes and I have even resulted in eating cat food because I so hungry I live in house on my own family moved away along time ago and they cannot help also I have many days without electricityas I,m on pre-payment with this I,m concerned about the coming winter as I just won't have the money to keep warm it has really terrified me the thought of this even to the degree of ending it all no Jacobs just dont want to listern to my situation what so ever every time I try to reason with them they just pile on the threats and misery well I just cannot cope with it anymore I want to end it all but I feel in the back of my mind there may be a way to recieve some help, I even tried signing on but I was told I would not recieve anything due to the lack of contributions this has also added to this dire situation which has also made me very ill with my nerves I,m weak throught and don't have any fight left in me anymore I cannot even buy myself nice things anymore its so depressing somebody PLEASE HELP I NEED SOME POSITIVE ADVICE BEFORE ITS TIME TO CALL IT A DAY. Now surely Jacobs cannot get awawy with this type of foreceful action I just don't know what to do anymore I,m convinced they wont be happy until they recieve notification of my death beleave me I,m feeling pretty close to making that descision if I cannot get some compassion from them to understand how serious my financial situation really is SOMEBODY HELP ME FIND A BETTER SOLUTION.
  16. Hi I'm looking for some advice please, my partner and I used to live in Kettering Northants, at this time 2011 we were on benefits jsa, and thought that the council were taking it out of our benefits but over a year later they are now saying we owe arrears. We have since moved to a different county and our arrears account has be sent to jacobs bailffs we have had no letters from the council about it til aug 2012 we thought it had all been paid off but apparently not. i am classed as a vulnerable person because i am over 4 months pregnant high risk. We have had the final notice from the bailiffs and have requested a income and expenditure form as advised by the council when i emailed them to find out when and where the arrears are from and to try and make a arrangement to pay £10 a month but they refused it saying i had to deal with the bailiffs who have not had access to our property, my partner is in part time employment on minimum wage and we get working tax credits. I want to know what to do next as we cant afford to pay it off in one go and what should i put in the emails how should i word it properly. we are going to start paying the council not the bailiffs£10 a month even though they refused it. i did look for a template or sample letter for this but couldnt find one. if anyone can help us at this stressful time we would really appreciate it. Thank you
  17. Hi I read somewhere on this site that the same firm of bailiffs cannot make more than two visits in one year for different liability orders. Is this true
  18. Hi I am new to this forum and am having trouble with bailiffs. I stupidly allowed bailiffs into my home on two separate occasions and received a levy on household goods against council tax debts. They levied the same goods on three different liability orders and I think this is incorrect. Does anyone know if this procedure is right.
  19. My sister has just recieved a letter from Jacobs re CTax non payment. She already has an acct with them and is paying £10 per fortnight. She is in reciept of incapacity, housing and ctax benefit and lives alone. She has arthritis and depression which she is under her gp and on medication for. This debt is for the current year which she admits she has not been able to pay. However she doesnt remember recieving a court hearing notice (although this could have been sent and she not remembered) She cannot afford another £10 a fortnight...she certainly cant afford another £50 1st fee which Jacobs want in order to set her up on a payment plan. The bailiff wants to call at the house within the next 24 hours....she lives in rented accommodation and has very little possessions. What she has got has already been noted for the debt she is currently paying with them. I have no idea about how the bailiff system works. Advice please my lovely caggers!!!
  20. hi i recently had a visit from a bailiff from Jacobs, i let him in and he went through the debt i had with my local council for council tax. there were 2 outstanding amounts, 1 i had already made arrangements (which i am meeting every month) with the council for one and the other amount which i disputed as my daughter was on an apprenticeship so we qualify for a 25% reduction as i am a single parent. i told the bailiff that although the amount was in dispute with the council (which he rang while at my house and they verified with him) that i would go through the motions with him in the meantime while the amount was adjusted he left me with a financial circumstances form to fill in along with an offer of payment. i filled the form in and he told me to send a copy of my tax credit award as i was self employed this would clarify my income. i had that very same day renewed my tax credit over the phone so ten made the mistake of deciding to wait and send the new award to jacobs once i had received it. 2 weeks ago i had a letter from jacobs about the debt, i rang immediately and explained i was waiting for the tax credit award, he told me to send in last years and not to wait for the new one. i did this the same day and posted it recorded delivery. today i get home from work to find a letter from jacobs acknowledging receipt of the form but that mt debt had been passed to a bailiff who had been instructed to collect payment in full (approx £1200) or remove goods. obviously its now saturday night and nothing i can do so thought i would try and get some advice before jacobs open first thing monday morning
  21. :|Hi,new to this forum I have a council tax liability order and have been paying Jacobs £50 a fortnight. 2 days ago (10th july) i had a visit from one of there bailiffs stating that i had missed a payment and i must now pay the remainder in full,£598, i offered to pay £100 which was refused and promptly handed me a 24hour removal notice.I rang him an hour later and told him i could raise at least £400 by the 17th which again he refused stating that i had until the 18th to pay in full or he will return with a van to remove my goods. I rang my local council and they said it was out of their hands and nothing they could do,i then rang jacobs to plead with them and was firmly told to deal direct with the bailiff and they hung-up on me!. I have been on the sick for the last 14 months and since dec have been in reciept of job seekers support allowance. What can i do,if anything to stop the bailiff?.
  22. hi all , have been paying jacobs baillifs £20 month for old council tax and use there automated payment line , it was due on the 20th of june and tried paying on 18th but as natwest were having problems i couldnt pay it . tried again several days later and again on the monday but no luck . forgot all about it until later that week and payment was successful . Now this morning i have had a letter from jacobs saying that as i havent kept to the arrangement i now have 4 days to pay in full otherwise a bailliff will come to my property and more fees will be added , i have only £173 on one and £701 on the other so really dont want more fees , is there anything i can do as i did try to make payment .
  23. Can anybody help me with a problem with Jacobs bailiffs, thanks
  24. Hi all Hope you dont mind me posting, Ive gleaned a bit of info from this forum which is great but would love some personal advice relating to my circumstances. In April I had a notice from Jacobs and tried daily (3-4 times a day) to call the bailliff in question. to no avail. in the end I called them and they laughed about how this baillif was a liability and i set up a payment plan. Shortly after, my partner was taken into hospital (7 months pregnant) and transferred to manchester Royal some 50 miles away. Due to the circumstances I moved with her staying in a hotel and crippling myself! unfortunately, i failed to keep up with their repayments. On the 6th May my partner gave birth to our daughter and sadly 10 days later our daughter passed away. i have only recently gone back to work after 5-6 weeks off (self employed, no income). Today I had a removal notice come through from Jacobs telling me they will seize my goods in 24 hours. from what i gather, they cannot do this as they need a walking possession etc and considering I have never met the guy it would be unfair to break in after 24 hours. Can they take my recent bereavement into consideration? What on earth can i do. The debt is for council tax and totals roughly £1600. back at work, it will take me approx 5-6 weeks to get this paid off. Will they listen to me!????
  25. In 2010 i lost my property and its contents due to a job loss. Gave my mum address as a c/o address as no fixed address. Owed money to Lowestoft council who as i could not afford to pay the debt as jobless employed Jacobs Cerified Bailiffs to follow up my debt. Since then they have harrassed me by phone, e-mail, post and when i became pregnant and on the high risk register continued to harass me for money i did not have. There staff harrassed me over the phone stating they didnt care if i lost my unborn baby and that my elderly mother had constent threats of bailiffs to her address even though she is nearly 70 and is widowed and I did not live at her address. I was then told by one of there staff that they were going to sue me for signing over a car to a bailiff as colateral against my debt. This was fraudelent as I did not sign this document, and had never met the bailiff - when recieving a copy of this paperwork the car had the wrong model on it and related to a car I hadnt owned for several months and had been signed twice illegally by other people....... when approaching jacobs - the bailiff in question a Mr xxxxxxxxx left the company and was unavailable for interview - he disappeared. The company even now im on materniny leave still threaten and harass me and have given me no explanation of the fraudlent paperwork that has been signed. I would like to know if anyone else has had problems issues with Jacobs or heard of a Bailiff Mr xxxxxxxxx as there seems to be no record of him exisiting on the bailiff register? Help needed!!!!!! Want to take Jacob Bailiffs to court for harrassement of a pregnant women and fraud can anyone suggest or help me in a way to do it?!??!?!?
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