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Found 3 results

  1. Hi All I am three months into my six month probation period. After three months of absolute positive feedback and being told they were satisfied they had made the right decision when employing me, my manager now tells me I have been a huge negative influence on the team since the moment I started. I'm convinced this is the start of them trying to a find a way of letting me go after my probation period ends. The manager has only been in the team for two weeks and the previous manager is his wife, who is now his deputy (which is the first problem). His wife was the one giving me constant good feedback; saying how impressed she was with how quickly I learnt the job and how I was a positive influence in the team. When the new manager started, he reiterated this saying that he has heard nothing but good about me and that he also during his short time in team was impressed with the quality of my work and how fast I was picking things up. Then this week he announces that the feedback he has received from the management team (there are 4 managers to a ratio of 9 staff) is that I have been a negative influence during the past three months and have brought the dynamics of the team down. When I questioned this, he said that this was the now and previous feedback received by the last manager (his wife) no longer mattered. These were his observations and I should accept them or leave. He then offered to "fix me" so I could contribute to the success of the team. When I joined the team there was a certain anamosity towards the new starts (2 of us started at the same time). Existing staff would tell us we shouldn't be learning beyond the basics until they felt we were ready. We were told that we were bringing the reputation of the team down amongst the other departments as it was taking us longer to do the work and we were making mistakes. As for the mistakes, this meant it was taking longer to check our work therefore this was impacting their personal lives as they were required to work beyond their normal working hours. What a great welcome!?! I raised this with not only the manager but the team leader that was training me, and how this was impacting my confidence in my ability to do the work and that I didn't feel welcomed. It is this team leader who has raised a complaint against me, saying that I had a negative approach to his training and was doing this openly with in the team, thus being a negative influence. This is the same team leader who gave me constant feedback how impressed he was with my learning progress and my willingness to learn. There was a debate within the team about some misinformation he had fed the new starts but I had little involvement in this, only to say that I hadn't been trained fully in the process and wasn't aware of why I had to do this particular task. The person that actually said to this guy that his training was lacking was his friend that he socialising outside of work. I have witnesses, including the person who made the offending comment, that are willing to back me up. Since starting there have been 4 leavers all citing management as the reason, bearing in mind that 2 of us started at the same time as well as someone who started a month before us. So that's 7 new starts and leavers within 4 months!! The management are saying that these things happen at the time at every company. Not at any previous company I've worked for!! Another thing, I was pulled up for my personal internet usage (another concern of this trainer/team leader) which I accepted. Immediately following this feedback this team leader sends links to websites (not work related) to all the team which they all proceeded to browse and discuss... except me, I'm not allow to use the internet for personal use during working hours!! What I have started to do is record everything in writing and send my manager transcripts of our conversations. That way if my worse fears are realised and he is trying to end my probation then I have evidence. I will also start to tape our 1:2:1s. Now the thing is, they've been working on one of my colleagues to the point they are now off on long-term sick leave. It was the same thing; positive feedback all of the sudden turned negative, accusing them of things they aren't capable of doing. So I think it's my turn, they've worked their way through the established staff and now it's the newbies turn. Any advice beyond what I'm already doing? It this technically harrasement??
  2. Hi Folks, Briefly....started work for a compnay on 11th Oct 2011 and went on sick with Depression on 28th Oct. Reason is that I am a gay man and I received constant comments and 3 members of staff bullying and harassing me on a daily basis about my sexuality "wife" and my civil partnership. Hand drawn pictures (pornographic) of men. I have submitted by grievance and am awaiting a meeting probably next week. I am only getting SSP and am at a financial loss of about £1,200 per month. They are a SME company with about 30 employees and I feel at present I could not go back. My doctor is comitted to supporting me and as I am depressed he will keep signing me off till I am fit. At the meeting do I suggest a Compromise Agreement ? I know I can take a Tribunal claim but don't feel I could afford this. Your views would be helpful.
  3. In 2010 i lost my property and its contents due to a job loss. Gave my mum address as a c/o address as no fixed address. Owed money to Lowestoft council who as i could not afford to pay the debt as jobless employed Jacobs Cerified Bailiffs to follow up my debt. Since then they have harrassed me by phone, e-mail, post and when i became pregnant and on the high risk register continued to harass me for money i did not have. There staff harrassed me over the phone stating they didnt care if i lost my unborn baby and that my elderly mother had constent threats of bailiffs to her address even though she is nearly 70 and is widowed and I did not live at her address. I was then told by one of there staff that they were going to sue me for signing over a car to a bailiff as colateral against my debt. This was fraudelent as I did not sign this document, and had never met the bailiff - when recieving a copy of this paperwork the car had the wrong model on it and related to a car I hadnt owned for several months and had been signed twice illegally by other people....... when approaching jacobs - the bailiff in question a Mr xxxxxxxxx left the company and was unavailable for interview - he disappeared. The company even now im on materniny leave still threaten and harass me and have given me no explanation of the fraudlent paperwork that has been signed. I would like to know if anyone else has had problems issues with Jacobs or heard of a Bailiff Mr xxxxxxxxx as there seems to be no record of him exisiting on the bailiff register? Help needed!!!!!! Want to take Jacob Bailiffs to court for harrassement of a pregnant women and fraud can anyone suggest or help me in a way to do it?!??!?!?
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