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  1. Dear all, I have had an unfortunate experience with the General Dental Council (GDC) - they made a total hot mess (putting it mildly and politely) of a complaint I presented to them regarding a dentist on their register. I have initiated their complaints procedure and the response I eventually received some months later only added to my concerns. I understand I need to challenge their decision through the courts (high court it seems). Does anyone know the deadlines for this as I fear I have missed this due to the deliberate delay in receiving a response to my complaint? Also, does anyone know if legal aid is available for cases such as this? Many thanks.
  2. Hi I went to FOS over loans with lending stream. To cut a long story short. I had 4 loans with them and claimed they irresponsible lending. This was because I had other payday loans etc. They also lent me (2 loans) after I had defaulted with them. Yes I was irresponsible and was ill at the time I agree I should not profit and pay back what i borrowed but not the interest. I heard from FOS who said Lending stream were willing to wipe out the balance on the 4 loans. They said this was a fair offer and the decision they would come to However I have already paid back more than I borrowed. I also was claiming compensation from lending stream using CPA sometimes 8 times in one night making without telling me resulting in additional stress and bank charges. What I don't understand is if FOS agree it was irresponsible lending why have they said Lending streams offer is fair. I f they think the lending was fair then I should pay back the interest. How is this a decision I have appealed
  3. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?452689-Children-s-charity-bosses-praise-town-hall-over-decision-to-stop-bailiffs-calling-on-families-with-kids-at-home-Manche For the full story http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/childrens-charity-bosses-praise-town-10110772
  4. If a credit card account is in arrears and PPI claim is up-held by bank, do they offset all of refund against arrears ? Will this also include the net 8% statutory amount or will that be mine ? I have tried looking on FOS website for some clarification for this circumstance but I cannot find anything ? Thank-you
  5. I've had my adjudicator response to 3 historic loans dating back to 95,96 and 98. they haven't found in my favour. In the absence of any paperwork, they're reached their decisions based on other similar cases from the same bank. what would generally be the grounds for an appeal, where there's no paperwork whatsoever?
  6. Hi all, Can anyone help out? Do you have any information on the following company. https://www.instantdecisionloans.co.uk/ or has anyone heard of them or had any dealings with them? A colleague of mine has unfortunately been duped by them out of circa £500. A police report is in the process of being filled out for fraud. He is currently cancelling his card and changing his account details so that they can no longer take money from him. any info on these would be great if anyone has had dealings with them. Thanks
  7. I have started a new thread here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?448084-An-interesting-link-on-mis-sold-PPI This relates to the good decision by the FOS on offsetting PPI claims against old debts I hope you drop by and have a read. This maybe of use to many other debtors in a similar situation.
  8. Put a £800 claim in for charges back from Nat West for vulnerable adult who is in hardship Nat West refunded £500 went to the Ombudsman who got them to agree to refund the other £300. The £500 was refunded to the account but since then relative had to close the account due to Nat West closing where they live. Relative got a charge for closing the account they refunded this by cheque. Ombudsman told relative to let them know if the £300 was not refunded by last week it has been refunded but paid to the closed Nat West account to go towards the overdraft still wing on this account. Complained to Ombudsman and this is there response. "The settlement amount was in respect of interest that was applied to the account. As there is still an outstanding balance and therefore the interest amount was never paid the refund of interest will credit directly to the account" Told them relative in hardship and that is the reason the request was made to Nat West and relative was led to believe this £300 was to be received by cheque. In what way does relative benefit by it just coming off an overdraft that is in a closed account.
  9. Hi, I've just been turned down for a budgeting loan and was hoping for some advise if it's worth appealing the decision. The reason given was that my partner and I have not been receiving income based benefits for the 26 weeks. We have actually been claiming income based jobseekers since early August. I was the main claimant until December when we decided to close the claim so we could change main claimants. Our new claim started the very next day. Because we changed main claimant does that mean the 26 weeks only starts in December? Thanks in advance for any advice you may have.
  10. Received my DSAR from CitiFinancial re; platinum credit card taken out in 2003. received copies of statements and original application form, which includes a ticked box for "Cardholder Repayment Protection" which statements show I paid an average of £20 per month , is this the same as PPI?? I cannot remember asking for this. the statements also shows numerous Late Charges and Overlimit Charges for £20 a time. Also, £5 charges for cash advances. Many advice would be welcomed.
  11. good morning all, after 13 months of waiting and me complaining to atos ive now finally got an appointment/assessment with them on Monday 26th jan at 1.30pm. after reading of so many folks being given zero points and being removed of esa after the assessment im kind of prepairing myself for the same treatment. my question is if I don't get the points needed to stay on esa and am removed of esa what is my next move and how do I go about it? ive read somewhere on here about a mandatory reconsideration so how do I go about that or apply for that?. im 62 this year and have been on esa for 13 months now with anxiety and depression and am waiting for both my knees to be replaced.. ive just been awarded pip on the mobility part and just missed out by 1 point on the daily living part so have asked them to reconsider as they never disclosed the facts of my claim. I have to see 2 doctors plus a phychiatrist who ive been seeing for 13 months but still feel im going to be treated the same as most other poor souls so thought id prepare myself before it all happens. many thanks in advance for any help , chris.
  12. Put a complaint in against The National Grid just had an emailed response I assume it will be sent in writing too? It does not seem very impartial preferring to take the word of The National Grid no I sent nuemrous documents etc and I get the impression that it is being ignored over no proof off The National Grid. One of the things that bother me is we had a gaping hole quite wide at the rear of the property it was left for several weeks like that when someone came out about it and seemed to genuinely show sympathy and concern and took photographs now we are met with the Ombudsman complaint stating "We only have your word it as left like that several weeks" well National Grid took photos and they know the date they came out so know how log it was left like this. In my opinion this report by email seems to be siding with The National Grid and not listenig to anything:
  13. Hello Everyone, Thank you for taking the time to read this. I am a bi polar depressive with panic and aniexty disorders, I self harm and feel sucidial daily after suffering several yrs of sexual abuse at the hands of family "friends" and have been in the ESA/ATOS/DWP Hell for 5yrs Had my medical approx 1.5 weeks ago and this afternoon my daughter recieved a text saying this: " We will contact you to discuss the decision on your ESA Claim @ blah blah blah time" Currently in WRAG struggling to cope with all there demands and if this is a chuck of call it will be all over for me, because I can't fight this anymore this whole process makes me feel even worse about myself i'm on the edge of self destruction. Could anyone shed any light on this/or had a similar experience Thank you
  14. Grace v Black Horse , it was decided on 30 October in the Appeal Court that a lender is not entitled to register a default if the agreement was officially found to be unenforceable. This could have implications for anyone who disputes an entry and the lender cannot come up with any proof that there was an agreement let alone an unenforceable one.
  15. Hi, My complaint to the FOS has been upheld by an adjudicator and I have been awarded £500 compensation. I have signed the FOS form accepting the settlement. Please note that I settled at adjudicator stage - it was not necessary for the matter to go to the final stage and be reviewed by the actual Ombudsman as all parties agreed to settle. However, the financial business is now refusing to pay the £500 until I sign paperwork drafted by their solicitors. I am not happy with the wording in the paperwork and feel that as I have already signed a settlement form then all that needs to happen now is that they need to pay up. They wont budge or make any amendments to their paperwork. The financial business have said that as I will not sign the paperwork they have now closed the matter. There were no conditions to the settlement requiring me to sign any further forms in order to receive payment. I have spoken to the adjudicator who handled my case and she says that the case is now closed on her side and there's no further help she can offer. She says that it's a matter for me to sort out with the financial business. So, where do I go from here? If it were a decision by the Ombudsman then I know I can head straight for enforcement but as it's just an adjudicators decision I don't have that option. Would it be appropriate to issue an N1 in the county court and use the FOS settlement letters as evidence to sue for the amount awarded? Many thanks, Limelight.
  16. [ATTACH]52103[/ATTACH]Hello Everyone, I received a letter, back in April 14, telling me I may have been mis-sold a PPI product on my Lloyds Loan, Seeing as they had wrote to me, when I hadn't put a complaint in. I thought I'd fill in the questionaire, and see what happens. This loan was taken out Dec 2005 for 3500 over 60mths, anyway in 2007 my partner was diagnosed with cancer of the lymph nodes. so we made a claim on the policy. which did pay the loan off , eventually!. I really didn't expect to get very far with the complaint, and have received there decision today, and to be honest I do not understand it one bit, and was hoping that someone could glance over the documents, to see if it adds up? as I wouldn't trust them as far as i could throw them. I've attached a number of docs, agreement, statements etc. I just want to make sure that they are not thinking they can get one over on me, by sending me a letter that does nothing but confuse me, and that i will do nothing more. If its correct then fine I just wanted to make sure. any way I look forward to any replies, and thank you in advance, for your time to look and the letters. Pauline (pac man) Hope Ive uploaded docs right !
  17. I applied for a Barclaycard Platinum online a few days ago and I didn't get an instant decision. I rang to ask about it and they said I have been sent a letter requesting documents although they didn't know what and why. Any idea what documents they will be requesting and the chances of me being accepted? Noddle and moneysaving expert creditcard eligibility checkers rated me a 70% chance of being accepted and Barclays own said I had a 'good' chance. Only problem is I have a lot of searches on my file which is the thing that could get me rejected.
  18. Hi there, after a home visit medical I was awarded high mobility and NO care. I cannot understand how they have decided that I have not been awarded care component. I am thinking i should appeal, but i have several questions. the letter says that i can write or phone within 1 month of date of letter. (I have about 10 days left) and that if since receiving this letter we have sent you a written statement of reasons for our decision you have at least an extra 14 days to make your appeal. How do you get a written statement of reasons? .. In the award letter it does say having considered all the information i have decided the following ( and incorrectly lists not needing help to prepare a meal, lists day attention areas not needed. and not needing night attention more than once or for 20 mins or more a night).... is this the statement of reasons? How do you get to see what was written in the EMP report as i cannot see how the difficulties i stated ( i recorded the medical for my own memory) would result in a NO care award. when I appealed my ESA , i didnt request a review and went straight to asking for an appeal ( as the review is done automatically)... and I waited for the tribunal pack before preparing a submission is the same for DLA? I will probably have some more questions , but right now i need to know how to proceed . many thanks in advance
  19. Hi I have very recently received a phone call and follow up letter from a Debt Collection Agency regarding an old bill that i know of with Vodafone. I do not dispute the fact i owe Vodafone money however i do believe the amount the DC Agency is suggesting is high. I will be paying the money back when / if i can come to a reasonable agreement with them but before that i would like some advise on obtaining information from them telling me that the debt has been legally passed to them by Vodafone for collection - i simply do not want to give my bank card details to someone who at present is unknown to me. Is there a sample letter that i should be sending to request certain documentation before making a payment? I read somewhere that i am allowed to ask for this sort of information but is there any specific legislation i should call upon in the letter? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Shane
  20. just quick advice needed, took out agreement in 2006 with welcome.ammount was for £12691.68 ,thats inclusive of interest.in june 2009 i VT'ed the car after paying over half,welcome accepted,collected the car.now getting letters for the outstanding balance of £3985.98.The car went back in perfect condition inside and out,and running except for flat battery as it was stood for a while as they took ages to collect.I have been advised ro just go get my free 30 mins with a solicitor and maybe pay to get a well worded letter done to send to them. just want advice if this 50% thing is correct.. also i paid over 50 even with all there dodgy charges added on. Oh and they have listed a default on my file,is this illegal to do if i am in the right??... I was also told rhey are trying this with a lot of people on the hope they get some to make payments. Any advice welcome (no pun intended)
  21. I was making a delivery on a single yellow line. i received the pcn. I wrote back to redbridge council explaining this and they refused saying i have to appeal to the adjudicator. I did this sending them my contract of employment and letter from my employers saying i was making a delivery that day. I did not attend and the adjudicator rejected my case, saying the letter from my employer does not state i was actually making a delivery to the road concerned and the company office and where the pcn took place is a long way away. To me it seems like clutching at straws, so i got my boss to write a letter confirming i was delivering on that road at the time, and i sent it to the adjudicator for a review. I got a letter back today saying, edited: 'the general principles of review are that fact and law are generally final. One adjudicator will not overturn the findings of fact or law of another unless there are compelling reasons for doing so, such as where the findings are not compatible with the evidence before the original adjudicator unless the original adjudicator can be shown to to have taken into account some immaterial matter or to have overlooked or missapprehended some matterial matter that undermines his or her decision.. his/her decision is final and can not be reviewed You contest the findings of fact made by the adjudicator. The adjudicator made findings that the exemption for a delivery was not proved in your case. The adjudicator was entitled to come to this conclusion on the evidence for the reasons given. The new information that you now produce is not new evidence 'the existence of which could not reasonably have been known or foreseen' within the meaning of para 12 of the schedule of to the civil enforcement of parking contraventions (england) representations and appeals regs 2007. It should have been put before the original adjudicator. It will not therefore be taken into account now. your other representations are essentially no more than a dissagreement with the original adjudicators findings and a repitition of the submissions made before. there is no reason to conclude that the original adjudicator did not consider all the matters you raised in your original representations. Your application for review is there rejected. Surely this is rediculous? If i can prove i was making a delivery where the original ajducator was sceptical that is grounds to show he missaprehended or mis interpreted my evidence? How can they say i should have shown that evidence to the original ajdudicator? I was not going to know he would be so nit picky with a letter from my employers? Could i go to a solictor to contest this? I do have legal cover on my home insurance and car insurance. Do you think i have a case?
  22. Hi All The decision from the First Tier Tribunal will have had enough time to circulate by now - regrettably, the decision went against the borrower and is available for viewing on Is It Me's thread courtesy of BHall. There is a youtube video depicting me as 'Hitler' by someone called 'Apple muncher' which I found absolutely hilarious - Thanks Apple Muncher - much appreciated ; ) https://www.google.co.uk/search?client=opera&q=deeds+not+signed+argument+on+the+consumer+action+group&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 Next Steps??? It is fortunate that I have a copy of the skeleton argument and a copy of the recorded hearing held on the 20th January 2014. Question is - will the site team allow me to post them up? Apple
  23. http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/feb/20/people-stripped-benefits-charged-decision I remember writing a post the other day on one of the threads, and considered writing that the government could be even more obstructive and start charging for appeals - then I decided no, they wouldn't be stupid enough to even consider it, and I was wrong......
  24. Hello folks i thought i would tell my tale and i will keep updating and hopefully someone else may find my fight with the DWP useful. I have been waiting ages to get an operation on my knee. It really affects my day to day movements. So i was getting JSA up until the 28th Nov 13. My doctor then signed me off and wrote to the orthopaedic dept regarding getting surgery. These are the letters i then received. 18th Dec 13 i got the x-rays done. Surgery is needed. 19th Dec 13 told im on the waiting list. 6th Jan pre op assessment for the 29th Jan and operation on the 21st Feb 15th Jan letter from ATOS to attend medical 31st Jan . I phoned them and said it was pointless having a medical when im getting an operation 3 weeks later. Nothing we can do they said phone your benefit office. 21st Jan phoned the benefit office explained about my hospital appointments and operation. I was told to send copies of all my hossie letters and he would put on file that was my reason for not going to the medical. 22nd Jan sent copies of all letters to the benefit office. 22nd Jan letter from ATOS my medical was rescheduled for the 24th Jan . Phoned again explaining hossie and operation. Nowt we can do phone your benefit office. 27th Jan phoned benefits office explained again about hospital and informed them all letters were sent. 2nd Feb letter from DWP asking about my non show at the medical on the 31st Jan. Sent form back explaining about hospital again and told them all letters from the hossie were sent to them. 10th Feb letter from DWP ESA stopped because a decision maker said my reasons for not going to the medical on the 31st Jan were not good enough. Now this is meant to be the new efficient system. I am at a loss as to why i was to attend a medical when 3 weeks later im getting surgery on my knee. I have been taken of ESA because i missed a medical on the 31st Jan. That would be the medical that got rescheduled to the 24th Jan then. If i followed the way the DWP worked i would be having a new JSA claim from 1st Feb only until the 21st Feb when i would need to close the JSA claim and open a new ESA claim. This is to me madness and a waste of everyones time and money. I have written to my MP and i am awaiting a call from my benefits office today. In the meantime i now have no income and as my ops next week who would employ me? I shall keep yous posted. Cheers
  25. Hi, I went to the court with my landlord who served me a section 21 notice and my defence was that this last did not protected the my deposit nor returned it but surprisingly the judge has given the order for possession to my landlord. As a result, I am making an appeal and for this purpose I am filing the form N161. However, I would like to know in my case, regarding the field "Nature of the decision you wish to appeal" which of the following I have to choose (the judge refused my first appeal at the hearing and gave me a copy of a document called "Reasons for allowing or refusing permission to appeal") : - Case management decision - Final decision - Grant or refusal of interim relief - A previous appeal decision Thanks in advance for your help,
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