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  1. The following statement was released a few days ago by the Government. This is in response to a Daily Mail campaign earlier this year regarding individuals who have found themselves unable to get a mortgage or credit because of the existence of a judgment against them that they were unaware of (usually because all correspondence had been sent to a previous address). Depending on the outcome, this consultation could have far reaching consequences for bailiff enforcement. Currently, in relation to council tax arrears, a local authority are permitted to issue a summons to the 'last known' address. In relation to an unpaid penalty charge notice, correspondence must be addressed to the address held by DVLA at the time of the contravention.
  2. Not sure if this is the right section. My Mother-in-Law has been receiving both parking notices and speeding fines at her address for someone else, who lives just down the road and for what ever reason, isn't interested in having DVLA change the details and said she made a mistake when originally registering the car. My MIL is a very unwell person, suffers greatly from mental health issues and parking notices with threats of bailiffs etc is enough to keep her up at night, and risk of harm to herself. She doesn't drive, and doesn't own a vehicle etc. Many of the notices are over a few weeks old now because sadly she hides things like this that scare her and has just told my partner today. Can anyone recommend what we should do? Is there a department we should call at the DVLA to report this, and will we also need to contact the companies sending letters through asking them to review their records? The parking notices are from Parking Eye, and I don't know who the speeding notice is from, but it is doing 84mph in a 60mph zone, so I expect that will be pursued. We are not aware of a log book or any insurance documents coming through to the MIL's address, but because of her mental state, for all we know she could have returned them, buried them, or worse, handed them over to the neighbour. Help appreciated.
  3. My Mother In Law has got several scary warnings from Parking Eye for parking without a ticket, despite having bought one. She's found the ticket and she put the wrong reg in. Is it worth replying to, or just keep ignoring it?
  4. My wife used a car park at fistral beach in Newquay, she accidentally put a letter J instead of G when she entered her reg number, but there was no way of amending the mistake she carried on anyway. We have now had a fine sent saying we never paid, even though there were only about 2-3 cars in the car park. They can see by their records that it was a one digit mistake but they want their money. We did appeal, but they say they are correct in issuing a ticket even though the parking fee was paid. Any ideas?
  5. I recently ordered a bag from the store online and posted it back to them. I had ordered something similar a while ago from the same store online. Both items black backpacks and the same rubbish to be honest, but I think I may have sent the wrong one back. They have received my return from what my tracking number tells me, but they've not processed it yet. I was wondering what could happen or if they'll get me in trouble for this.
  6. Our Nine year old son Receives DLA High rate care and low rate Mobility from the DWP. His mobility condition has changed and he is being referred for Surgery on his Achilles tendons by his Paediatrician, so I informed the DWP. The DWP wrote to our GP who we never see and asked for a report on him,she phoned me and asked some very basic questions and submitted a report that totally contradicts the Paediatrician. I have spoken to the DWP and was read the Doctors report and it is total rubbish, the Doctor who we have never seen has said our son can literally walk and run like a normal child. I have asked for a Mandatory Reconsideration, and asked that any information they need should be obtained from the Paediatrician not our GP. Can someone point me to where I can request all the details about our Son from the DWP, so I can confront our GP with her report.
  7. Hi, On 27/4/18 I was stopped by a Police traffic car as the car I had just bought and was driving was untaxed. I had no idea the rules had changed, it was insured in my name and the police officer let me continue on the basis that I taxed the car imeadiately, which I did. I've received a letter dated 19/9/16 from DVLA saying that I was stopped in an untaxed car and have to pay an out of court settlement of £376 by 6/10/16. The letter has the wrong registration number (similar, but wrong) and an incorrect spelling of my surname. Do any of these details mean could avoid paying/stop the offence/payment? It seems a long time from the offence to the commencement of their action. Also feels harsh that the police officer said just to get it taxed. Thanks for any help locostmike
  8. A letter from Capital Resolve ( on behalf of TK MAXX) arrived, not addressed to me. When first moved here I regularly received letters and visits from bailiffs and police for people who are using my address fraudulently. In the past, I sometimes sent the correspondence back to the sender, a few I ignored, sometimes I called the various companies, and more than once had to explain to whoever came knocking on the door etc. However, after a particularly bad experience in the past with an enforcer from Marston (I posted here about it and got help!), I am cautious about just sending back closed envelopes or calling the company, giving my name etc . How can I nip this in the bud? Cristina
  9. Hi all I've been employed by the same company since April 15 I recently moved and thought I must change my address with the pension company so tried logging in online I kept getting a message saying my details were incorrect so I called the helpline and discovered my Payroll dept had given them the wrong NI number (1 digit is wrong) I then checked my payslips and yes, it's wrong on there too I've informed my payroll dept but do I need to do anything else? Thanks
  10. Hi. Parked at a Southern railway rail station today and used the phone number to pay the daily charge . I had used it before but with a different car and the system recognised my phone number did a fast track to payment confirmation . I didn't spot that the registration number quoted by their system was not that of the car I was using today (lot of background noise in the car park). There was a penalty notice issued by Indigo when I returned. What are the chances of success if I appeal? I can prove that I own both cars and that the one for whom they issued the ticket was not there today (it's in a garage for repair). Any tips on how to phrase the appeal in such a case? Thanks
  11. hi yesterday a car was driving like a nutter behind my wifes car with the young kids in it, she slowed down to let him pass and just as she done it he mounted the grass verge on the left and drove into the left front wing causing a dent, he shouted out of the window and drove off. my 16 year old daughter got the make and reg of the car which was a dark blue Vauxhall insignia, when we reported this to the police they said it must have had fake plates on as the car should have been a white Vauxhall insignia. this seems funny as the wife says it was blue and at 1pm in the afternoon I think she can see clearly. they said they cant do anything as its may be the wrong car? could he have changed the colour, it was a 12 plate car also. any help would be great thank you.
  12. In January this year I received a letter from a company called Sigma Red informing me that they had passed my account with premier man to Lowells. Which was interesting because it was the first time I was aware of having an account with premier man! So I sent the standard letter to Lowells saying prove you have the right person or bog off. On 9th July I received a letter from Lowells with a photocopy of an unsigned credit agreement with this company, the name including the middle initial is the same as mine but the address is somewhere in South London that I have never lived at. The supposed debt is for £268.34. So, either there has been a cock up and there is someone out there with exactly the same name and initial as me (highly unlikely) and they think I'm going to pay their debt for them, or somebody has stolen my identity and some kind of fraud has taken place. I am not sure what the best way to proceed is. Should I just tell them to bog off again or will they just think I am avoiding paying and take proceedings further. Your advice would be much appreciated. I should add finally that the account was apparently opened on 9/7/2011 which happens to be around the same time that I did actually buy some trousers for my partner from the said Premier Man, they were paid for in full at the time, and they were so horrible I vowed never to buy anything else from them!
  13. Hi all, I was wondering if someone could please share some knowledge on this. Also please be kind A friend told me about this forum I checked my credit file and found that an old loan (which I am still paying off) has appeared. This was originally a Credit Union loan, which was closed in April 2012 and then transferred to a Debt Collection Agency. Since this has occurred I made a small amount of payments and finally agreed to £20 once I got a decent job. I actually was planning on paying this off this month, ironically enough! However, the Union has defaulted me for the last 5 years on the loan and have the wrong information on this e.g. it says I pay £64 a month and the debt has been going down. This is incorrect (as there is only £300 left, not £600!) and also how would I default if it was going down? So here is my questions: • If the original creditor closed the account in April 2012, can they now all of a sudden put this on my credit file? If so, is there a limit to the time they can put this on? After 5 years this seems ridiculous. • If the debt was transferred to an agency, should they not be the ones reporting on this? • I assume if I contact them they will correct this as per the April 2012 closure? If so, I can live with this…. But, I’m not want to continue to rage for another 6 years for the mistakes of my past to go away This is quiet upsetting as I went to apply for a mortgage today, but was denied. I’ve worked really hard since I’ve been a student to pay off debt and pay bills on time. I was finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, even to the point my one and only default fell of last month and I hit the 843 mark on my score (even though scores are rubbish anyway, still nice to see). Please help Thanks in advance.
  14. Here is yet another case where a vulnerable adult was given a lot of grief for a CT debt. The defendant handled it the wrong way and this saw them in Court! But both the EA and LA got it wrong again!!! But as you will read they sorted it out far too late as normal... 'Paul Inns, defending, told Welshpool Magistrates Court Dockerill was of good character with no previous convictions. He informed magistrates his client suffered with Asperger’s and officers turned up banging on the door at 6am, refusing to show any ID. Dockerill attempted to find information showing he had paid the bills, before the situation escalated. The next day, he was on the phone to the council when officers returned to seize items. However he passed the phone to officers, who agreed a mistake had been made by the county council, and the matter was dealt with. Mr Inns added there was no intention to cause violence and Dockerill, who was fully co-operative, acknowledges he should have dealt with things differently. Magistrates made Dockerill subject to a six month conditional discharge and ordered him to pay £40 costs and a £15 victim surcharge'. Main story from here >> http://www.newsnorthwales.co.uk/news/162868/berriew-man-threatened-bailiffs-with-hatchet-and-hammer.aspx Lead story from Scoop So with this in mind and the many threads regarding vulnerable debtors where and when will people start to try to understand that is not so simple and that this needs sorting out before something really awful happens to an EA?
  15. Hi everyone Myself, brother and sister recently parked outside a parking facility for apartments at 12:07 on Monday 30/05/2016. We came back to the car at 13:34 to see a PCN from Salford City Council on the window. I took pictures so I could give more detail to were she was parked to see if she really has to pay. Please let me know if anything can be done. http://docdro.id/1ED7Zpn Thanks Andrew
  16. Hi, I have received a claim from the small claims court. The claim relates to an Estate I was the administrator for. The claimant is not a beneficiary of the Estate but an agent for some of the beneficiaries. However, the name of a beneficiary is not stated on the claim form as I suspect the Agent has not been retained by any beneficiary to make this claim. Should I just reject this claim as it is not made by a beneficiary. The value of the claim is about £150 and I would be reasonably confident of winning the case but absolutely not 100% as it relates to expenses incurred in administering the Estate. It would be down to the court in their interpretation. Your comments would be much appreciated.
  17. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-36345768 It seems that the advice to eat low fat was wrong and could make your health worse. I have for awhile now, moved to eating standard fat products and not the low/reduced fat items. I have noticed that i have lost weight, when consuming about the same volume of food. The French are apparently much healthier and they have never been convinced of the low fat diet some have been recommending.
  18. Hello All, thank you all for the advice that follows; My car has been photographed at the above station and issued with a PCN in the early evening but that PCN has an incorrect reg on it. I, like many others, just want assurance that the PCN is invalid due to the incorrect details being taken down and not to do anything with the PCN nor write to NCP. I always pay my parking, all the time, including this day pay by phone but I did this just before leaving London some 2 hours after the PCN was issued but by the time I got back to my car the dreaded sticky envelope was on my windscreen. This is a company vehicle which both myself and my wife are allowed to drive. If any more information is needed please let me know. Thank you all once again. NCPSucker
  19. Hi Guys Long winded but will cut it down best I can, will start with the numbers loan 1 July 98 for £3000 PPI single policy of £443 added to loan (paid 46/60 payments) £144 of ppi refinanced by loan 3 loan 2 Dec 98 for £1400 PPI single policy of £198 added to loan (paid 39/48 payments) £50 of ppi refinanced by loan 3 loan 3 April 02 for £5000 PPI single policy of £1174 added to loan (paid 13/60 payments) £980 of ppi refinanced by loan 4 loan 4 may 03 for £7500 PPI single policy of £1762 added to loan (paid 11/60 payments) £1500 of ppi refinanced by loan 5 loan 5 may 03 for £11000 PPI single policy of £2383 added to loan (paid 12/60 payments) £2032 of ppi refinanced by loan 6 loan 6 may 08 for £10000 PPI NO PPI added to loan still paying Now we had a decision letter from Lloyd's stating they upheld all of the complaints offering refund of the ppi part of the loan that was paid in installments plus interest, which worked out about £7,700 according to their workings out, I had it in my head from working it out that it should have been nearer 10k but at first glance of their workings it looked OK but I still couldn't get it out of my head that something was wrong. It then clicked that they had calculated all their figures ONLY on the installments made and had completely ignored the bits that were left on refinancing which by itself without adding interest is about £4700, this amount is still being paid off on loan 6. I phoned them as the offer letter tells me to do and explained why I felt it was wrong, the guy said that I am not entitled to that bit back as the loan was refinanced, I argued and tried to speak to a manager but was brickwalled, he insisted I was wrong and that the payment of £7700 was going to be sent, I told him at this point that I DO NOT ACCEPT the offer, and under no circumstances are they to consider the matter closed, I even got him to repeat it back to me several time, as they supposedly record the calls. what I would like to know is am I wrong, am I not able to reclaim the bits that were refinanced by the new loans, or are Lloyd's trying it on Many Thanks
  20. Hello everybody, I am after some advice with regards to appealing a Penalty Charge Notice. I was doing some work for a client at one of their rental properties in Battersea (Cupar Road). I turned into Cupar Road from Battersea Park Road and drove to the end where I saw a parking space on the left (and coincidently right by the house I was working on). As I got out of the car I saw the sign saying “Permit Holders or Pay at machine”. Underneath there was an arrow directing you to the nearest ticket machine. In that direction, was another sign stating the same thing; Permit holders or pay at machine. I went to the machine and got the parkmobile location number and started my parking via the phone app. About 30 minutes into my parking, I see a traffic warden putting a ticket on my car with a Code 12 and for a cost of £130!!! I said I had parked via parkmobile and showed him the running app on the phone. He responded that I have parked on the wrong side of the road! Permit holders only on one side and a mixture on the other! I pointed at the sign when I pulled up (which is right opposite the end space where I had parked. He said, I need to check the other sign (which was about 10 – 15 yards back down the road, in the opposite direction of the ticket machine and the arrows on the other signs). I saw the sign as I got out of the car and another one just over the road both saying pay at machine. The warden noted it was a genuine error and I had paid to park. He also recognised that I am not a resident and just doing some work there. He advised me to appeal and he would write a note saying I was working, so not familiar with the area and parking restrictions. He took photos of the car and the black bags I had lined up to show that we had chatted and that I was working on the house and not a resident. He said in all likelihood, the PCN would be overturned. I also took photos of the car with the sign right opposite the car, which would be the first signage you saw from the car, then backed up with a second sign a little toward the ticket machine which is directly in front of the car. It never occurred to me that there would be a third sign lurking a bit further down the road saying permit holders only or that parking on one side of the road or the other made a difference. I hadn’t come across this parking arrangement before (Live in a small village in Sussex). In my mind, the signage doesn’t make it particularly clear that you have to park on one side of the road or the other. Plus, the positioning of the signs; One right at the end saying pay at machine with arrows toward the machine and another in the opposite direction saying permit holders only. As the machine was at the top of the road and that another sign was there inviting you to pay, I had no reason to walk down the road. In my mind, I saw two signs saying pay at machine and that I could pay and park. Many thanks
  21. Several months ago I received a court summons for Joe Smith, my name is Yux Smith — apart from the name, everything else is correct. I wrongfully ignored this summons and have since moved from this address. Could I face any repercussions for acting this way?
  22. Hello, I need some advice please, I need to know if I have grounds to reject a new used car bought from a trader.. I bought a used car from a trader 4 days ago and this was advertised as having 44,000 mileage. After bringing the car home I noticed that it said 21,000 miles on the odometer. As soon as I noticed this I phoned the trader to ask about this and he said that the odometer had been changed which reset the mileage to zero and this is why it shows 21,000 (I phoned the manufacturer and they confirmed this). There's 5 other things that are wrong with the car which are cosmetic... Boot shelf lug broken, floor mat holder clip missing, cup holder stuck inside dashboard, condensation inside rear lights and front bumper has a space between it and the body. These other things can be fixed, but I am not happy about the odometer showing the incorrect mileage. I would never have bought the car if I had known this. This wasn't mentioned in the advert and it wasn't mentioned by the trader when I went to buy the car. I know I should have checked but sometimes things are missed. Do I have any grounds to reject? Thanks
  23. Hi, Hope someone can help, we applied for attendance allowance for my 85 year old mum, she had to send her PO details on the form, but unfortunately when she got the details of her account from the PO help line, the last number of the sort code was put down wrong, whether they told her wrong or mum put it down wrong we don't know, her account number was correct, £411 was paid out in back pay to her, but obviously didn't get into mum's account, when I phoned DWP they said because we had put the number wrong, and mum had signed it there was nothing they could do and suggested calling the PO, on calling the PO help line we were told, there was nothing they could do and it was up to the DWP to sort it, I believe that this money has been sat in limbo for the past 2 weeks as it hasn't been sent back to DWP. Can anyone help my mum is getting very distressed about this, and both sides seem to just wash their hands of it, I cant understand why the DWP are happy just to leave £411 going nowhere!!!
  24. Hi, I received a parking ticket some weeks ago at 13:41 under code 05 - parking after my ticket had expired. I had in fact purchased a (second) ticket at 13:40 not realising that this was a one hour no return zone. I would accept a ticket under contravention stating that I parked again in a no return zone but surely I shouldn't accept a ticket under code 05 as I had paid when the ticket was issued! Please can you give me your thoughts!
  25. Good evening all Thank you in advance for anyone that takes the time to read my post and can offer any advice. Firstly, I'm a bit angry for myself for getting into this kind of situation, I am normally pretty switched on and have never had a issue with any agreements I've made! I have read with interest a number of the previous threads regarding Credit Resolution Services (CRS) and Xercise for Less, but I feel my situation is slightly different and therefore seek some direct advice. My issue is with regards to cancelling my gym membership with X4L, though I fear I may have made some critical errors which may leave me liable to pay the fees requested. Here are the details: I have been a member with X4L since December 2012, paying £9.99 a month via DD with payments made on the 5th of the month. I have not missed a single payment up to my final payment on 5 Nov 2015. Shortly after my last payment on 5 Nov 2015 (exact date unknown) I sent a letter directly to the gym branch I visited informing them I am cancelling my membership and I cancelled my DD directly with the bank at the same time. Unfortunately I didn't send the letter recorded or have proof of receipt or postage. And I now also realise they required 30 days notice and should only have cancelled my DD after the next payment was taken in Dec 2015. (2 critical errors?) I went on with life, and heard nothing, but of course was making no payments as I had cancelled the DD and I presumed the matter had been dealth with. Then I recieved a letter this weekend (dated 17 March 2016) from CRS. It is the same letter many other members have posted basically saying CRS have been employed by X4L as my membership remains in arrears despite previous letters sent to me. As a result CRS fees of £102.50 have been added to the account which now has a balance of £207.47. The balance is made up of: CRS fee: £102.50 X4L Outstanding membership fees: £29.97 (£9.99x3) X4L missed payment fee: £75 (£25x3) So they are saying I have missed payments for Dec, Jan and Feb - Though they haven't said anything about March despite my DD date of the 5th of the month. I have not received any previous letters from X4L or Harlands or CRS - This is the first contact I have had. On phoning the gym to enquire about my membership status, they have said there is nothing on my account about any cancellation and they have received no letter informing them to cancel it. To add a further twist, I changed address about 2 years ago, and X4L did not have my current address, and therefore it would seem that any previous letters from Harlands have gone to my old address. (Not updating my address with X4L could be another critical error?) However, CRS have managed to look me up and find my current address, hence the letter sent to me this weekend. I contacted CRS today to make sure the letter was valid, and in a roundabout fashion they basically said it is my own fault because the membership was never cancelled and I have no proof of sending a cancellation letter. They also said it was my own fault because I had not updated my address with the gym when I moved and so I was liable for all the fees on the account. Then they said they were willing to accept £112.49 to close the account (instead of the £207.47 requested) and they would hold the account for 14 days because I stated I would be seeking advice first. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, but specifically I would like to know: Is cancelling my DD with the bank sufficient notice to Harlands to cancel my membership? Even if the T&C's for X4L state they must be given 30 days notice direct? Does not updating my address, and not having any proof of sending a letter mean I am in the wrong and should pay the reduced fee? I was almost inclined to pay the reduced fee to get the matter out of the way, but I suppose that's what they hope for every time! I am willing to pay the three months of membership fees of £29.97 provided my account is closed with immediate effect (though I haven't mentioned this) I have read some of the template letters that have been outlined by other users, but I'm not sure I'm in a place to use them considering all the details above. Many thanks in advance Martin
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