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  1. I have been reading this for a while and thought it was about time I joined so hello everyone and thanks for having me
  2. Well, it seems I am having to face the onslaught that is known as signing on again. After the last debacle, I did what I vowed I would never do and went back on the lorrys. Back came the increased tiredness and stomach issues that went with it. Anyways, I have now accumulated too many points on my licence (very long story) and tomorrow I have to sign on again. At least it is a different jobcentre in a different town. (having to move to cheaper accommodation) Has anyone on here had any dealings with Bolton Jobcentre? What are they like? I already have a plan worked out since any job will require retraining for me. Have provisionally set up fork lift training through the learn direct scheme (have to do IT training first to get the funding. All I need is the jobcentre letter telling me I am getting paid then I can get the ball rolling) I've spent most of the morning trawling the forums and have saved some info and printed out some other items. I'm also not taking the risk of last time and have been out and bought a Dictaphone this morning as I intend to record all appointments. Wish me luck tomorrow
  3. post in the DEBT COLLECTION INDUSTRY forum dx
  4. Received Bulk centre claim form today re old tsb acct, general stuff though, ie, various dca been trying it on for a few year now ( since 2009) when I 1st joined. So in a nutshell whats the best way forward even tho I probs know what your gonna say. I never received the initial request for the section 78 back in 2009. Best way to respond please, this is for my partner who now is climbing the wall.. Mr
  5. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/panorama/7034187.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/panorama/7037635.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/panorama/7037933.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/panorama/7034492.stm More links on the above pages to look at but here's a few for starters!
  6. I don't seem to be able to get through to Virgin that I just want a response by email to my simple query about why I've been charged for two landline calls that were in my allowance (never use it all up these days). I have received no response to this - just keep getting someone phoning me up, from abroad so the signal keeps coming and going, echoing on the line so every word I say is repeated, I cannot understand them half the time because of the poor line quality and that their regional accents are hard to understand. demanding the whole password and security answers, and completely ignoring what I say to them, which is not good enough. I have asked them to stop calling me, but they keep doing it - I've had to turn my phone off to get some peace last night and I don't see why I should pay to call CS to tell them they've made an error and ask for the overcharge to be refunded. And I'd like it in writing - so I have proof that they are going to refund it. Is there a rep here who can sort this out and get the bill corrected?
  7. Just found this site from a Google search. I am having some issues with M&S Money at the present regarding a credit card that I took out circa April 2006. I will post all of the relevant information in that section but I am hoping somebody will be able to point me off in the right direction. Happy 2014 all
  8. Well, after not hearing a peep from UKPC and all their entourage regarding a 'parking charge notice' from last year, they have woken up again. I have received a letter from them today after not receiving any of their threatening letters since January this year. They are wanting £150 of my hard earned cash within 14 days otherwise they will be passing my case to LPC Law.... whoever they are, and they will in turn 'consider' commencing court proceedings against me. They will also request that the court passes judgment for all legal expenses incurred.....!!! I am assuming I continue to ignore these fools. If it goes to court, I will defend it to the hilt, as I am NOT paying these people one penny of my hard earned cash for parking in a carpark that was free, did not have a ticket machine to display a ticket, and had a time limit of 2 hours, when I only parked there for SIX minutes What do you people think Thanks for your time.
  9. Hello I would be grateful for some help with a debt. A while back I had a mobile phone contract with Three. Got into difficulties and started to repay the debt. This was contract no1. I recall receiving a marketing call from Three offering a sim card / possibly another contract with Three. I don't remember all the details as this was years ago but I think the offer was something like £30 a month plus any calls I make. This was all done via telephone and no paperwork was signed. Contract no2. A sim arrived but I never used it. I would occasionally receive letters from Three as well as various debt collectors which I ignored. I have now started to receive letters from Lowell and the are chasing over £600 from me for contract no2. Whilst I admit I should have sorted this out before it spiralled out of control, I am at a loss as to what I need to do. I cannot afford to pay £600. Incidentally this amount is still climbing - I am not sure if any of it are charges. All I know is that I never made a single call on the new sim. I would like to know what steps I should take to resolve this. Many thanks MBK
  10. So my phone has been ringing at all hours of the day (see my petition thread) It's PRA / Mckenzie Hall. ive been called as early as 7:30 am and as late as 23:15. I dont answer withheld numbers, but they have started using spoofed local numbers. When i am able to, i answer the call. They always Mumble who they are so it is barely audible and then ask "For security" personal detail which i do not give out over the telephone. I know what the call is regarding as I took one of those 12 month semi payday loans, and when i tried to contact them a couple of weeks ago to rexolve the issue they informed me that they had "sold" the debt to mckenzie hall and would not be able to discuss the issue. I tried telling them that i would not discuss anything with Mckenzie hall due to their reputation of being bullyish and unreasonable but got much the same answer again. Anyway back on point. They keep calling, and i keep giving them the same answer, to which they always say "we will take your refusal to pass security as refusal to co-operate and thus will carry on collection proceedings" digression number 2. given that they are not allowed to pass any information to anyone other than "the account holder" and demand this information to discuss it, does it not seem odd that they then tell "whoever" they could actually be speaking to, that there are collection proceedings against the intended recipient? So why wont these tools just do what they are supposed to and send me a freaking letter, telling me how much i owe? I'm not even trying to get out of paying it. I fully acknowledge that i owe money and am willing to pay. Im just not dumb enough to give out my personal details to any tom, dick or harry that happens to ask for it over the phone. not really sure where to go with it now as i'm still getting calls and voicemails etc etc. This close to christmas, with emploment contracts waiting to be renewed, im in no frame of mind to deal with some dodgy debt collector who cant even send a letter.
  11. Hello, Gentlemen, Gentlewomen... new user here. Ok... I have a pretty good idea what to do here, but I thought i`d post just in case you guys think different since my situation is slightly different. I know it`s probably bad, but from what i read here, but anyway... This is what you see when you order the bag: Sent my samsung S2 (in great condition, no scratches, not broken, in a case as well) off to cash4phones (without doing my normal check ) waited 2 weeks then decided to contact these guys to see if they`d received the phone. 26-11-13: i got a reply via email: Feeling better, but still a tad concerned. I checked your site recently last weekend and confirmed my worries with a sinking feeling... 02-12-13 Got this email: They told me they were checking my phone on the 26-11-13 and now they`re only just checking my phone on the 2-12-13! I may even have to wait 10 days before I get a result! I think what`s going to happen now is they will delay until the Christmas holiday and I`ll be lucky to see anything before February, if that! It all sends a very, very bad feeling. I intend to phone them asap and send a letter requesting my phone right back- forget dealing with them. I`ll probably have to pay postage. Is this a good plan? Just get the phone back fast and go elsewhere? thanks in advance.
  12. Had a letter from CPP about claiming back mis-sold protection policies. They don't give specific details of which organisation sold you the policies,if at all,this comes when you make a claim. Now, if you already have an account with Lowell, which you have classed as time bared and refused to pay it, would a successful claim and rebate under the CPP scheme negate the time bar issue as you would have acknowledged the debt? I'm not claiming under the scheme. Cheers, Fallback.
  13. hi all i think i will be needing your help so let me start by aking where should i start my thread/question it is in relation to a major change made by my mortgage company without my knowledge or authority and the FOS thanks gfj
  14. Hi I will explain this as best I can as I really need help. The dwp brought a case against me in the criminal court saying I was not entitled to dla but this was thrown out of the court earlier this year fast forward to today I had an appeal hearing which was horrendous I took all my medical evidence and all other papers with me but, the judge was not interested in this at all. I was in such a state and felt as though I was in front of a lynch mob. The judge said if he finds in the dwp favour he could make me pay back the amount they were asking for at magistrates surely this cant be right when it was thrown out. The hearing had to be stopped this morning after 3 hours as I was so distressed and the new hearing will be in around 4 months from now. I am going to see my gp later today as I am worked up into such a state. The dwp were claiming I had an improvement in my condition 2yrs ago and I fought and won that at court but this morning the judge made me guilty and he has asked why the dwp did not go back to the date of my original claim which was another 3 years earlier. He has asked for the paers from then to be brought to the next hearing. What will happen if I cant face the next hearing for the appeal and was not to turn up as the way I feel at the minute I don`t think I could go through this again. Also can they really make mepay the money back when the magistrates through it out of court? Any help would be appreciated. A
  15. Hello, I am a new forum user needing help with house repossession please, thank you
  16. Hello Good to have come across your forum...... A wonderful resource for consumers......
  17. I've been embroiled in a fairly lengthy dispute with my landlord. There were serious ongoing repair issues that had been going on for four years. More recently I fell into rent arrears. To cut a very long story short, the landlord doesn't want to fix the disrepair (even though the disrepair makes the flat not really suitable for anybody to live in). He just wants me out. His solicitor has sent me a draft agreement to sign which states that the landlord will write off my arrears and agree never to bring any court claim against me in future, as long as I also agree not to bring any disrepair claim against the landlord. On the surface of it the agreement looks OK but it would be great if anybody here who knows about these things could look it over for me. Thanks in advance
  18. Hello I am starting to help my son with a Nationwide issue. I see from the "successes" thread that the last post there was in 2010. Has anyone had any results with Nationwide since then? Please let me know. thanks t
  19. Hi please can someone tell me where i post about buying a pizza online and they gave it to someone in the street who said they were me?? Thanks
  20. HELP I have received a hand delivered letter in my letter box today from BAILIFFS It is addressed to my son who hasn't lived here since he was 17. I dont normally open any of his post and just bin it however this letter was not totally in its envelope. I have been estranged from him since he was this age as he was in considerable trouble with the police Now I have notice that these people are to return to my address to remove goods Help what can I do
  21. I live in Dorset with my husband and little rescue dog who is a shih-tzu/bichon frise. I'm not totally au fait with forums so you'll have to be patient! We live in a very small bungalow having had to seriously down-size 18 months ago but we're getting used to it and my husband has done a fantastic job with the garden turning it into a little paradise for us to enjoy the sun!
  22. I know from experience that Capital One are not going to give in easily and more likely to refuse point blank to my claim for mis-sold PPI. However, back in the early 2000's I took advantage of what I recall was an automatic acceptance short application process to their credit card. I was working full time in a well paid job which from memory had a good sickness plan for management employees. However the organisation has been long taken over by various companies and I wouldn't have access to evidence of this. I have sar'd Cap One and recieved some information but they have NOT sent a copy of the original agreement or application form so I will not be aware if I did or didn't accept PPI. I remember back then that their marketing strategy appeared to infere that if you didn't take out PPI the loan or card would not be approved, but I don't think I can prove that after all these years.I know I wasn't asked any medical questions and I now know that pre-existing conditions would not be considered. Therefore, I believe I would have been exempt. There was also an annual membership fee applied to the account, including an upgrade fee all of which were £29. If PPI was mis-sold shouldn't they refund the membership fee as well? (1) Should I write back and try to obtain more information on my application form/agreement etc? but based on experience I expect to get the usual fobbed off excuse and it will be wasting my time. (2) I know from personal experience that the court route with these highway robbers will be stressful so I am wondering how long it will take if it ends up with going the FOS route and what interest would be applied? Any guidance or help would be very much appreciated. Cheers
  23. Hello I am Andrea Borman. I am a new member just joined. I have a problem and have started a thread which I hope you can help me with. In Law section as I don't quite know where to post as there are so many forums.
  24. I have been following the threads relating to PE and have been expecting court papers which arrived today. I have read the draft defence posted by steampowered on 21/5/13 on 'Newbie court paprers received' thread and figure this would be sufficient for my reply at this stage. Any further advice?
  25. Hello, I'm new to the forum but I'm rather worried about a recent discovery. I bought a double decker bus to put in preservation last year. I recently discovered that I may be liable to a fine as it has NOT been declared SORN. The liability date was 01/07/2012 by which time it was still in service with the bus operator and I wasn't the new registered keeper. It passed to me on 24/07/2012. I've had no contact from the DVLA, no V11 reminders or anything since the V5C document came through confirming it had passed to me. Who's in the wrong here? The bus company were obviously running the bus illegally and I haven't had any notice to say it needs to be declared off-road. I really don't want a fine. I have no log book or anything. Only DVLA document I ever had was the V5C. Best regards, Robson Field.
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