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  1. THE CO-OPERATIVE BANK PLC ran an "Identification: Generic Check" on Experian. Do they do this for all transferred Britannia accounts or should I be concerned? I have not applied for any products from them. The only Co-op product I have is an old Britannia Building Society savings account with a very small balance that was transferred to them during the merger and I haven't even updated the passbook for a couple of years as it's only a few pence interest.
  2. Hi, I don't do Facebook so I have started a thread on the MoneySavingExpert forum - The Acenden (administered mortgage) Escape Committee in the section called "Mortgage Free Wannabe" (I can't post links here yet). - Acenden have apparently recommenced selling mortgages on behalf of their new owners. Do join me there. I will post more information on that new thread in a while, eg about the danger signs that indicate that Acenden means to repossess. Everyone's case is unique but there are things we can to help each other get clear of these cowboys.
  3. Partner went for job interview and was told that he had to do a PNC check and it would cost £10, bearing in mind the job is security so holds a SIA badge, handed in a DBS but was told because it old he has to pay to do a PNC. Get a link and when we looked its says not to give to employer, We unsure what to do? what would happen if he gave his employer?
  4. Hello, Pretty simple question really. My father died a few weeks ago, I'm his oldest daughter (not even 30 yet, never thought I'd be planning his funeral at this age). We've since discovered he had three credit cards, and has three interest only mortgages, and two repayment mortgages (4 were buy to let properties, bought so mum would have a bit of an income should anything happen to him - all pre-2008 so needless to say selling isn't an option). Dad was quite financially savvy so it's very unlikely he'd have paid PPI - but we'd like to double check to ensure he wasn't paying for something that wasn't needed. Best case scenario - we find evidence of missold PPI and reclaim for mum to use paying off his cards. Second best case, PPI covers his loans/credit and are paid off in the event of his death. Worst case, there's nothing, in which case we lose nothing. Any thoughts on how to start the process, and what he may have been missold on? Is it simply a case of checking his bills and seeing if there is an itemised charge for PPI? Or will it have been included in his interest rate/total charge? Credit cards and mortgages would be the first starting point, but I'm assuming it could have been anything? Also, I am executor of my parent's will in case they were to both die, however in the event of my dad dying he didn't (as far as I'm aware) have a specific executor. Would mum as his spouse be entitled to claim/investigate on his behalf? Thanks so much for your help in advance. I've got a lot of reading to do, but hoping to get it all under my belt after the funeral.
  5. I have been offered a job working in a secondary school (in the kitchen) where I will be required to have an enhanced DBS check and I wanted to know whether my Husbands caution from 2 years ago would show up on relevent information.
  6. Just checked my credit file (Noddle) and I have noticed that for no apparent reason,Wonga have done a identification check (10.12.2014) This is the first time that I have had anyone do a search on my file in over two and a half years. I have sent an email to Noddle asking for an explanation.As I am concerned about identity theft. Has anyone else had a similar experience. Regards,John.
  7. Hi, Ireceived a very worrying letter from HMRC yesterday. They want to do a compliance check on my husband and I regarding child tax credits we have claimed. We had to do one a few years ago but it didn't ask anywhere near as much info as this one - anyone know why his may be? I am very, very stressed about it. It's the week before Christmas, I am having major building work done at home and they want all this info (one year's bank statement/all my self-employment info/letters from childcare providers)by 19th Jan. I have been trying to pull it together today and have been looking at some information on the internet at home. I am not sure whether I have to provide a breakdown of mileage as they want my expenses. But it is this which is worrying me. I am self employed. My company is registered at home. I do research and reading and some writing at home for my job but I predominantly work in two other locations on an ad-hoc basis. The info I have read says some things about bases of operation which has led me to question whether I should be claiming mileage as have indeed for the past six years. I am now very concerned about what could happen if they want to scrutinise my mileage and discover that I am not supposed to claim. I genuinely thought I was entitle. Please help.
  8. Hi everyone, In June 2011 I was caught travelling on an incorrect ticket and was interviewed under caution by a FCC revenue Protection Officer. He didn't take my signatures on the statement or his notes although I clearly remember him stating the caution and then proceeding with the interview. Thnaks to this forum, I got some good guidance on how to handle such a case and managed to pay a charge to FCC prosecution department and persuaded not to proceed further with the case (a substantially high amount imho but I was travelling without a valid ticket so was clearly in the wrong). Now,I am required to apply for a job which requires me to have a DBS/CRB Standard Criminal Record Check. I am worried that the 'caution' may show up on the criminal record although I am certain that the caution procedure was not strictly adhered to. Please can you advise if such a caution will show up on my criminal record? Your comments are most welcome. Thanks,
  9. Hi, a general question, not related to any purchase I've made, yet. I thought that log-book loans were only for newish cars and those over, say, £3,000, however, from what I'm reading it appears older and less-expensive cars can end up on a log-book loan as well. So, is there any rule-of-thumb such as, cars over 10 or 15 years or below £xxx will probably not have a log-book loan secured against them. I'm asking because as I understand it there's a glaring loophole in the procedure whereby someone can obtain one or more log-book loans with their V5 (multiple by telling DVLA it's lost and getting a replacement) and then sell the car before the loans are registered, assuming the coy even registers them at all. When I did a search on google as if I wanted to set up a log-book loan website/franchise (NO, I don't, but the info's out there!) the 10 year and price came up, but it wasn't firm. Any suggestions or pointers. Thanks.
  10. I was going for an administration job and reached the second stage of the recruitment/interview process, when the company suddenly turned around and stated that I would have to undergo a credit check. I have been having a few debt problems on the count of my recent divorce from my ex-partner and had to take out a myriad of loans to keep my family home with 2 young children from going under. The company realised my bad credit score and in the end did not offer me the job because of it. I am struggling to pay my rent on the low income job that I am currently doing which I have been in for the last 5 years.... it's not enough and then when there is a glimmer of hope, it got taken away just like that due to a credit check! So I am desperate to know what other people's experiences with this kind of issue has been and the methods you have taken to move past this. How has this affected you? Because quite frankly, it's affected me and the up keep of my children badly....
  11. Hello, I have been a member of this group for several years but change of pc's, email addresses and loss of passwords has forced me to re join. So a question on the very first post...I apologise ! I have lived in France for the past 10 years now need to return to England for personal reasons. I want to check my credit score but need to provide an English address to do so which I don't have. I know I have a Barclaycard account in arrears but have not received a statement from them since September 2007 but have continued to pay a small amount each month. Because I can't access my credit rating can others eg. letting agency ? Thank you in advance.
  12. we currenty rent and have done for the last 4 years, 2 years in to renting, the estate agent closed down and some 1 else took over, this person just manages it on a private basis from what i can gather, we pay rent monthly in to their bank, then they take a cut and pay the rest to landlord. since this chance we asked for a new contract but it never happened, our bond got trasnfered to their name under the dps scheme, but nothing else happened. the last landlord safety check and boiler service was 2012, few weeks ago the carbon monoxide alarm went off, so i got a gas safe engineer to come and find the problem, it was the back boiler, it was very dirty/dusty (no service for 2 years!!) I got it serviced and paid for it my self as didnt want to bother landlord as hes already considering selling the house! anyway we have managed to buy our own place and should get the keys next week, but we are wondering since theres no contract in place or anything, do we have to give 30 days notice, or can we give 24 hours notice or what? also where do we stand with having no landlord check done, we have a 12 week old baby, if we didnt have that alarm, things could of been alot different! thanks in advance for any advice or info.
  13. I had a Wonga loan some 3 years ago, all paid off with no problems. I've had no dealings with the company since, however last month they've carried out an Identification check on my Noddle credit report? Is this usual? Why would they do this???
  14. We have received this..... We are writing to advise you that we would like to visit the above property to carry out an inspection. You may wish to be present during this visit, but if you are unable to be in attendance we will use our keys to enter the property. We have no issue with an inspection but would like to be present as not comfortable with someone entering when we are not there - this is our first inspection and we do not want the landlord "finding" issues we cannot substantiate as we are not there. We are actually going abroad to get married at that time. What I want to know is if the landlord is allowed to just "use their keys" or if we say no to this inspection and try to rearrange - must they agree?
  15. I have been for an interview today, I would be working in an environment where they need 5 year history ( not a problem) They then said if I was offered the job they would have to run a credit check ... problem ... I have a terrible credit rating. When they run the credit check would they see everything ? Or are employers limited to what they can see on a credit check ? I have never had a credit check done by an employer before so I have no idea what they are able to see and not see. What on my credit file would stop me getting the job ?
  16. My partner and I are in the process of applying for a rented property in Glasgow. This particular agency has asked us to "provide evidence of a credit check"... We both have a couple of defaults but no IVAs, Bankruptcy orders or CCJs. As I understand, since they are not a lender, letting agencies are not privy to defaults if they carry out their own credit checks. The wording on the letter specifically doesn't ask for a "credit report" but is there any other way to provide "evidence of..." without mailing them a credit report from Experian or similar? They also have a £200 holding fee which they will return if we are rejected but not if we withdraw application. At the end of the day, if they don't accept our credit score and return the fee then fair enough but I don't want to reveal all the skeletons in our closet if it's not legally required.
  17. Hi, I'm new on here, but would greatly appreciate your help. On 17/01/2011 I was given a conditional discharge for 2 years and disqualification relating to animals. I was advised at the time that I could apply after 3 years if I wished to keep any animals. I have recently had a basic disclosure check for a new job and the conditional discharge is still showing on there, along with the disqualification relating to animals. My question is this, should the conditional discharge still show on a basic disclosure, 14 months after it had been spent? I have been working at my new job for a month and I am very concerned that this blemish still showing on my record will affect my chances of keeping my job.
  18. I'd be grateful if anyone has any advice. I got a police "Notice of Intended Prosecution" this morning, for driving through an "average speed check" camera on the M1. At no place on the route does it say anything other than an "average speed check". There are dozens of cameras on that stretch, and all are clearly labelled as "average speed cameras" which are claimed to be only there to regulate traffic flow by monitoring the average speed of the traffic. I admit I probably could have been doing the 67mph on the M1, in a 50mph zone, as they claim. However, in my somewhat limited attempt at mitigation, there were no roadworks being carried out at the time throughout the whole of my short journey on the M1, no workers nor even any machinery present, and absolutely no other road users in sight as it was just before 5am. I was still driving under the usual speed limit for a stretch of motorway with no actual roadworks happening. There are no actual clearly marked speed cameras, only cameras marked as "average speed check" cameras. Surely claiming a camera is only carrying out an "average speed check" is a lot different to it actually being a camera specifically targetting a speeding driver? If there is a genuine speed camera on that stretch, targetting specific drivers, it is clearly not labelled as such, as they all just say "average speed check". Every last one of them. I know because I and my daughters went back and checked. I drove while they videoed all the cameras, and every single one of them was clearly marked as "average speed check" cameras only. The letter says it is going to prosecute me, despite my never having had a speeding ticket or even as much as a parking fine for the whole 20 years I've been a driver. Why not just a fine for a first offence on an empty motorway, going past "average speed check" cameras, rather than threats of courts and prosecution? Anyone have any ideas how to proceed on this? Thanks.
  19. http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/meter-clocks-set-to-wrong-time-could-mean-millions-overpay-energy-bills-105148366.html
  20. Hi All, Received my first response to my CCA request from HBOS card services. The card was taken out in July 1999 and was defaulted in 04/2009. I guess this will be removed from my cra file on 14/04/2015...fingers x. Paying them through Blair Oliver & Scott at £60 per month I have received a reconstituted copy of the t+c, apr etc for the card above. The copy simply states my new name and address and the current terms. Apparently this conforms to s78 of the CCA 1974 so as far as they are concerned this is enforceable so this is the end of the story! I was at a different address when taking out the card so surely this isn't a true copy of the original, recon or not?? They did go on to say that they were looking for the signed agreement under s60/61 but apparently this isn't required by law. DJ
  21. Hi, I received a letter saying that hmrc were doing a compliance check on me & wanting 6 years bank statements & wanting to know all my sources of income. I have worked for the same employer for 22 years & never anywhere else. I phoned the officer dealing with it & he asked me to send 1 years bank statements & again pressing me to almost confess that I work elsewhere as well as my full time job. I told him that I don't work anywhere else & he asked if I earned money from any hobbies. The penny dropped when he said that. I ran a small mobile disco which I done fund raising events & occasionally friends birthdays. it was never for a profit & was only 2 or 3 a year & I got between £50 & £70 each to cover my expenses. He asked me to write down how many & when & how much I got paid for them. I have not done any for over 2 years & my memory is not very good. I noted down 4 that I could vaguely remember & sent them off. That was 3 weeks ago & I have heard nothing back. How long do you think it will take to complete this? & what do you think they will do?
  22. Hi all i need to get a bank account just a very basic one just to have wages paid into via bacs and a cash point card to draw money out i dont need a debit card or anything like that....so does any body Know the best place to get a very very basic account preferably with no credit checks Regards Casper
  23. as far as i can recall in 1992. might be a current account or joint account... also i been receiving other letter from them which i do not know for sure what it is. (HBOS)
  24. I applied for a post as a cook in a nursery 0nly 10 hours a week. Its not in my home town and I gave my boyfriends address as it is literally round the corner. I spend most of my time at his house anyway but pay my council tax and bills at my flat where my grown up son lives. Well now I have to have an enhanced CRB check and they want proof of address.I have nothing in my name at my boyfriends place ,everything is at my flat address. I have a passport (although its in my former name, I have an adoption certificate and loads of utility bills etc for my main residence but nothing with the address that I applied for the job with.. The job offer was on the proviso that I could provide all the necessary documents. What am ii to do, any advise would be greatly appreciated
  25. Hello, This is my first post so please go easy on me, I applied for a credit report from call credit check, I went through the procedure to get my report but they were unable to verify I am who I say I am so they couldn't supply my report. I checked my bank account a few days later to find they have taken £12.99 out of my account which put me into an unplanned overdraft so I'll get a bank charge no doubt. When I signed up I didn't see anywhere that they would charge me this if I had seen this I would not have attempted it, so my question is can they charge me this fee legally and if not what can I do? The fact they didn't even supply my credit report makes it even worse. I signed up to experian and they let me join and my pin nunber is in the post, all my debt is ten years old with no contact with any of them and living in Scotland if my report has defaults I'm hoping a simple letter will see all defaults removed. Also I'm on mobile phone but accidentally switched to the desktop version of the site,any idea how I can switch back to the mobile site. Thanks in advance
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