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  1. Hi, I've been with Payplan for a number of years now, and suddently I get a letter telling me my yearly review is close, and they have asked me to provide payslips and bank statements, and have given me an envelope to use. Usually I update them with a list of income and outgoings. Why are they suddenly asking me for this? Are they trying to flog insurance? I pay around £150 a month and never missed a payment.
  2. Hi all, When i first got parking charge back in April, i found this site and made use of a company set up to help people with their Parking ticket claims They were very fast to respond and very helpful. I had already appealed to the parking company but they just rejected it and said I could appeal to POPLA but really not worth my time. They did not supply POPLA code. The Claims company contacted them for code but appeal lost due to out of date code - dealt with it, Claims Company got a new code and re-submitted appeal which won. Yay!, all dealt with. Except now, the parking company UK Parking Solutions has sent me a letter demanding payment and threatening Debt Recovery and extra charges. Is this legal given POPLA appeal already won. Does the POPLA appeal verdict hold up in court? Should I just ignore them or do I need to take action? Thanks
  3. Hi, I'm new on here and could do with some help, please. 12 weeks ago my friend ordered some parts for a roof extension he was making. He was verbally promised that the parts would be with him within the week. He paid a 20% deposit at this point. 9 weeks later the parts arrived and he was happy with them. 2 weeks ago my friend received a voice message from the company threatening court action if he didn't pay up. He then wrote to them (recorded delivery) to request an invoice as he planned to pay. This weekend they eventually sent the invoice for the amount plus £185 Court fees and £20.31 interest. They claim that they previously sent him an invoice. There was no Letter Before Action or any mention of one (if this is important?) My friend feels that he hasn't done a thing wrong and doesn't feel that he has to pay the court fees or interest as all he ever wanted, and politely asked for, was an invoice. Please can I ask for some help? Does he have to complete the court form or can he just pay the fee he believes is owed? Thank you in advance. Here are the details of the claim: Received a claim? Yes Issue Date: 2-10-2014 Amount approx: £5079 Claimant: Roof Trusses Solicitor: A C Jones Original Credit: Particulars of Claim: We manufactured and supplied timber frame panels and roof trusses to Dolycoed, Dolfor, Newtown on 8th September 2014 on behalf of the defendants who had ordered these from us. Our invoice TF4-34647A for the balance of £4874.22 remains outstanding - this invoice should have been paid on delivery. Despite numerous requests for payment nothing has been forthcoming. Neither party are responding to voicemails, letters or emails. We are not aware of any reason why this has not been paid. Interest is now payable at a rate of 5% per month as per our conditions of Business/Sale which currently equates to £20.31 Stat Barred? No Have sent: Other Info: 12 weeks ago my friend ordered some parts for a roof extension he was making. He was verbally promised that the parts would be with him within the week. He paid a 20% deposit at this point. 9 weeks later the parts arrived and he was happy with them. 2 weeks ago my friend received a voice message from the company threatening court action if he didn't pay up. He then wrote to them (recorded delivery) to request an invoice as he planned to pay. This weekend they eventually sent the invoice for the amount plus £185 Court fees and £20.31 interest. They claim that they previously sent him an invoice. There was no Letter Before Action or any mention of one (if this is important?) My friend feels that he hasn't done a thing wrong and doesn't feel that he has to pay the court fees or interest as all he ever wanted, and politely asked for, was an invoice. Please can I ask for some help? Does he have to complete the court form or can he just pay the fee he believes is owed?
  4. As you can see from this blog. the Parking Prankster is after some information regarding historic paperwork from Excel. If anyone can help I am sure he would appreciate it:- http://parking-prankster.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/help-required-historical-excel-notice.html Thanks.
  5. Have you received any kind of communication asking you to make contact because there is a parcel for you - or for some other unexplained matter? We would like to know about it. Such contacts are illegal under the FCA conc regs - specifically - http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?426126-CONC-7.9-Contact-with-customers Here is an example of card left by APS. It breaches FCA regulations in a number of ways. We would be very interested to see other examples of this kind of contact. Please post up your letters, cards or other examples in this thread Please note that we are talking about debt collection messages here. Not viruses or spam
  6. Hi all,helping a family friend out,basically he has a loan from black horse and has got serious debt issues. I helped him fill a income form in with his incoming and outgoings and typed up a letter asking for reduced rate. Now im sure ive read on this forum before that you never sign the letter with your signature so he printed it in capital letters,however they have wrote back acknowledging the letter and form BUT cannot help any further until they get his signature on the form? Any help/advice please thank you
  7. Can anyone help please? Several years ago I purchased a Sony PS3 for my 11 year old son. I set up the online account with my own email address and since then he has been using this account to play games online. He is in his early teens now, and last week he bravely went online and wanted to change the email address on the account to his own email address. but in the process entered a typing error and now cannot get into the account. I have contacted Sony and explained the situation to them, giving them my original email address home address etc but they have asked me to tell them what the new email address was which my son has set up. Now, he cannot remember exactly which bit was a typing error so I cannot give them this. So I asked them to reset it to the original email address but they won't do this until I send in two forms of photo id. I explained that there is no reason why they would want my photo id from me as they cannot compare it against anything. I don't recall sending it to them when I set the account up. They argue that my account now has other information on it such as billing or purchases but we have never bought anything from Sony online and I don't believe they have any of my credit card details. Are Sony right to demand photo id before they reset my account. It is easter holidays and my son cannot go online to play his beloved PS3 because a lot of his scores and settings for his games are accessed via the account. Can anyone help please? Kind Regards Gobsmacked
  8. Hi, not sure if im posting this in the right place so I apologise if not. I was involved in a car accident last Aug which was not my fault (i was hit from behind whilst stationary) the third party admitted liability and the claim went ahead. Unfortunately though I suffered a personal injury for which I had to have physio. The solicitors instructed to do deal with my claim for personal injury where contacted by my own insurer, (luckily i have Legal Expenses on my policy). Anyhow after a number of months an offer of compensation was made by the third party in January this year, and I was advised to accept the offer by the solicitors as they felt that it was a good offer, so this is what I did. On the 13th Jan I was told by my solicitors that they were waiting for a cheque from the third party and as soon as they had this, they would forward it on to me. I was also told that the total cost of my claim was £2,940.00 with £440.00 payable to the physio people for my treatment, so I would receive a cheque for approx £2,500.00 through the post. Then on the 23rd Jan I received a cheque for £2,940.00 attached to a letter saying..."we are pleased to enclose a cheque in the sum of £2,940.00 in full and final settlement of your claim. This sum represents settlement on a 100% basis. As terms of settlement have been agreed with the other party, your claim cannot be re-pened at a later date".......so I took it from that, that the £440.00 for the physio had now been sorted, and therefore I received a cheque in settlement on a 100% basis (as the letter read). However as I was still a bit sceptical and because I didn't want any come back at a later date, I rang my solicitors the very same day that I received the cheque (23rd Jan). After quoting my personal ref no, I was put through to the claim handler that had been dealing with my claim. I acknowledged receipt of the cheque, and then said that I was just double checking to see if there was anything else that I needed to do now.....I was told that there wasn't and that the cheque represents full and final settlement. I then asked if I was ok to go ahead and pay the cheque into my bank account and I was told yes, so the next day thats what I did. Then today 12th Feb, I received a phone call from my solicitor asking me to send a cheque back to them for £440.00 as I had received this in error and this was payment for my physio. I told them, but I have a letter saying that the cheque id received was in full and final payment and represented settlement on a 100% basis. I also mentioned that I had rung the same day and it was confirmed to me that this was correct and I could go ahead and pay the cheque in the bank. My claim handler said, "yes I recall our conversation on the telephone but I didnt realise that you had received the wrong amount until later, and so you need to send us a cheque for £440.00 in payment of the physio treatment that you received". I said that I no longer have that sort of money, as it was used to pay debts off and pay bills and I dont think its fair to expect me to return that sort of money when the mistake is clearly theirs and not mine. I have a letter saying that the £2,940.00 is in full and final settlement and represents settlement on a 100% basis AND the same day that I received the cheque I even rang and asked them to confirm that this was correct and I was told that it was. The claim handler said, "in that case then I will have to speak to my manager and I will be in touch later. That was 12.02 this afternoon and since then ive heard nothing. My question is, can they do this?? Issue a cheque, with all the confirmation that comes with that, AND then confirm again on the phone.......then nearly a month later, ring up out of the blue and say.....er sorry but the cheque you received is incorrect and you need to return us some of the money because we've made a mistake. Surely someone would check this things before they are sent out, also I have a unique ref no, so when I rang that day, surely the claim handler should of noticed then, that the cheque id received was wrong. How am i supposed to know these things! I get a cheque through the post with a letter attached to it saying that this cheque is full and final settlement based on a 100% basis, so as far as im concerned thats it!!. BUT to make sure I even ring up and its confirmed again over the phone!. I dont have that sort of money, im out of work and the cheque was used in paying off debts and bills. Can anybody please advise me where I stand on this? Can they really make me hand this money back, even though I haven't got it and its there error.
  9. Hey Guys I had my contract terminated three weeks ago. The reason is I wasn't as participative as everyone else i.e. Everyone was asking questions except me. I wasn't given the chance to work on a project as we were in three months training, and the information we were been trained on I already knew. It wasn't a matter of disinterest, I just had no reason to ask questions. Should I write a letter to the MD(who we all met) asking can I have my job back? It was literally a series of unfortunate events.
  10. I just got a new job working in a coffee shop, and they gave me a load of forms and things to fill in. One of them was a medical questionaire that seemed very invasive and asked loads of personal questions, with no statement of any sort of confidentiality protocalls and a warning that if you were found to have lied on the form you would be fired for gross misconduct. The questions included one asking if you had been to the doctor in the last year and what it was for, what medication you're taking and what it's for, and whether you had ever taken time off work for mental health issues or emotional problems. I understand that they would need to know if there were any issues that would mean you couldn't do your job properly, but this seemed really over the top and unecessary. There are plenty of medical issues that you might not want your boss/work collegues to know about and that have zero impact on your work. An extra thing for me is that I'm transgender, I take testosterone and I've had a couple of surgeries as part of my treatment in the last couple of years. This is information that the form was forcing me to state. I'm generally quite open about it but I don't want the control of who I out myself to taken away from me, and it feels very invasive of them to ask for this. I also feel that if I was indeed suffering from a mental health condition of some kind the form would freak me out and make me feel very unsafe there, despite anti-discrimination laws. I've spoken to a few of my friends about this and they all say it sounds very strange and isn't something they've come across before, including friends who've worked in recrutment. I'm not planning on having the job for very long (though I may end up doing it for a while dependant on circumstances), so ideally I would wait untill I wasn't doing it any more to make any sort of challenge. Does anyone know the legal status of this? How much medical information can an employer make you give them?
  11. Hello again guys, I now have another problem with a different company and as you can guess from the title it is British Gas. I came home from work today to find a letter addressed to me from British Gas and I thought that was odd as I only have gas and it is a card meter. I thought it may just be a letter informing me that they wanted to rape my wallet further. How wrong was I, it was a letter stating I owe them £516.62, I have no idea were this figure came from as stated before I may use about £20 of gas every three month or so as it is only for the cooking and heating. the letter essentially says that I have fallen behind with my agreed weekly gas payments, I have NEVER had anything of the sort agreed with them and I have never owed them anything maybe the odd £5 of emergency credit but I put it back on within the next couple of days. I also noticed on the back of the letter were it showed the amount owed it also gave the date 07/03/2011 for when the meter was fitted, the meter was here well before that as it was here when I moved in and that was 01/01/2011. I have spoken to my Land Lady and she doesn't know anything about owed money from previous tenants but she will find out for me and also she also doesn't agree with the date they gave for the install as it was there when the people before me rented the place and I know who they were as they are my ex half brother and his other half and they did have money issues as we used to get a lot of debt letters but none relating to British Gas. So what would you suggest I do? I did try calling but due too my work hours I missed there opening hours and I won't be able to call till Monday. All help appreciated. Cheers
  12. Hi I recently received a letter through the post asking me to verify my identity for a debt which is undisclosed. There is no reference to an amount or to who the debt is owed so I have nothing to go on to establish if its authentic or not. Should I respond to them at all to tell them I am, in fact the person they want to talk to or should I just ignore the letter at this stage until a formal notice explaining the debt is sent to me. Thanks in advance
  13. Hi, I have a DMP in place to pay of my stupidly borrowed payday loans, due to health issues i missed a payment, i arranged for my partner to take over my account so it doesnt happen again and i offered to increase my payments with Stepchange to make up for the missed payments. I wrote to all the creditors and the only one i had issue with was wonga, this was their reply: can they do this? i'm pretty sure my doctor would tell them where to go! i have attached the form, its pretty personal :/ 'is there anything else we should know about this person' what?! and who are MALG? thanks for any help Marik[ATTACH=CONFIG]45236[/ATTACH]
  14. Dear all. My tenant are asking me to repair the rear fence. However, because of the different configuration of the garden behind us, our rear fence is actually the neighbour’s left hand fence. If this is the case, then are we still definitely responsible for this fence? The deeds do not say whose fence it is! Does anybody have any ideas please?
  15. Hi Im really hoping someone here can help me. I will try and keep this as short as I can. I started a degree as a september starter but changed my university and course 5 months into my first year and then become a february starter. Student Finance did what they called a 'multi-acedemic accessement' My 2011/12 acedemic year went from sept 2011 right through to feb 2013 which was when year 2 started. I was entitled to full parents learning allowance and special support grant for this period. I also claimed for childcare which is where there seems to be a problem. I received a payment in sept 2011 and jan 2012 for childcare which I used for childcare and confirmed with CCG2 forms. Because of the change in the course I didnt receive the normal feb starters payment in february (due to already getting januarys money) so between feb 2012 and jan 2013 I received 2 payments of grants, loan and childcare. The money given to my for childcare was used for childcare apart from around 1500 pound (this was only because no one was able to tell me what figure was the speacial support grant, childcare and parents learning allowance) I had to figure out this for myself (very difficult when you dont know how they calculate the multi acedemic accessements). they have sent me a letter saying they have overpaid me 5255.00 pounds in grants between 2011/12 year. this is not true and they have taken the money from my grants which leaves me and my two children with hardly anything (its going to probably force me to end my degree as I cant afford to get there etc let alone pay my bills). Ive looked at the figures and they are quite clearly taking into account the two childcare payments they gave me prior to changing the degree (even though it was used for childcare) Im therefore being penalised for changing half way through, which makes me wonder what was the point in the multi-acedemic assessement as its not uncommon for a student to change their mind in the first year. both before and after the change of degree i was entitled to childcare and regardless of it being used and confirmed for childcare they still want it back. theyve not even confirmed how they have come to this conclusion all they are saying is its due to a childcare overpayment and thats it. I would honestly know if Ive pocketed 5255.00 for myself. I hae completely followed all avenues with the complaints team and its gone to the final stage so got to wait 10 working days for a response. this has been going on since december last year and Im getting nowhere. Its got so complex that the staff (even complaints team) cannot make heads nor tails of the account. Please help if you can as I simply cannot survive on just my loan.
  16. Hi I purchased a laptop at the start of December and it developed a fault. So I took it to the retailer (Sainsbury's) thinking they would send it to the company for a warranty repair. Before I realised the staff member had refunded me with out informing me this was going to happen though their computer system. They now want the laptop and won't (can't maybe) resell the item back to me. I don't want to give the compute back because it was a very very good deal and I won't get another one like it or afford to buy something of the same spec. I currently have the laptop to remove pictures etc off the drive but I wanted to know if anyone could advise me if I actually still own this even though I never requested the refund. CAB were of no use and their consumer helpline is currently shut I should point out that I want to give them the money back and tried to
  17. I have just renewed my car insurance (with Hastings Direct). I got a letter today skin me to send them a copy of my V5 to prove that I have owned my car since 2005 as stated. I cannot see the logic behind this for a number of reasons: They did not ask to see it last year The value of my car will not change depending on how long I have owned it My premium is not affected by how long I have owned the car Is this necessary? Why do they want it? Can I refuse?
  18. I have council tax arrears, amount is in dispute as some of them relate to a time when I was made redundant and had claimed council tax benefit for a few months. I now have a job however I have been harrassed by Jacobs bailiffs, one pulled up in van outside my home at 6:30 left the engine running for ages and then posted a letter through my door. Last week I had a frantic call from my son while I was at work -they had put a letter with the amount I owe in large red writing, with no envelope. I have written and complained and asked that they send the debt back to the council, I have quoted their responsibility towards vulnerable clients- I have heart valve problems. I have had a letter from them saying that they want to see a note from my doctor confirming my medical details. Are these clowns entitled to see such sensitive information about my medical history? I feel very anxious and depressed and to be honest I am finding it difficult to concentrate at work, as I am worrying about them being at my house. Can anyone help or suggest a template letter? Thanks you
  19. Hi, I was moved to wrag from i.b on filling esa50 with out atos medical as I do suffer with lots of health issue. I do have unstable angina and this medical condition is should be under support group. Upon taking advice from cab I call dwp and ask for gl24 last week.they stop my payment this week. Is it true if you appealing then they stop your payment? I was getting payment under I.B:???::???:
  20. I wrote to HSBC to ask for details pertaining to a loan I had with them. The sticky details are: * the loan was over 6 years ago. * it was a former account number, but I've remained a customer. * I do not have any details or paperwork. I do, however, vividly recall being told by an advisor who I remember by name that 'it'll only go through with insurance'. Anyhow, HSBC have written back fairly promptly with the over 6 years jobby. Is it worth sending and SAR, since I've already 'politely' asked for details? I know there's a solid justified claim for a number of thousand pounds, so I'd very much like to pursue. Many thanks in advance for guidance.
  21. Hi all need a touch of advice if your employer asks you for permission to contact your doctor/access medical records contrary to the terms stated in the abscence policy can they penalise me for refusing? the relevant part of our company policy is here 4.1 Medical Examination/Access to Medical Records In cases of long-term sickness absence (generally periods exceeding four weeks and/or where no expected return date is known), the Company will write to an Employee to seek their permission to contact their G.P./Specialist/Consultant and request a report on the Employees medical condition. This request will comply with the Medical Reports Act 1988 and will ask · The cause of the absence · The likely duration of the absence · The effects the illness would have on the Employee performing their duties · Any workplace adjustments that they may recommend · The likelihood of any recurrence of this illness · Any other questions as may be relevant The Company reserves the right to ask an Employee to undergo a medical examination by a Doctor appointed by the Company, at the Company’s expense. This will enable the Company, on the advice from the Company appointed Doctor, to make informed decisions regarding the Employees future employment with the Company. " the reason I am asking is I have soaring high blood pressure which is being heavily contrubuted by stress, part of which is work related and my GP keeps suggesting he signs me off work which I keep refusing at the moment however this morning when I came in and fed back to my boss about my most recent appointment he stated that if my GP signs me off they will ask for access to my medical records, I really dont want them to have access unless they have to as I am an extrememly private person I have been off sick twice this year so far (unheard of for me!), the first time for 2 weeks with a viral infection (signed off by GP) and the second occasion for one day of S&D and the company policy on this is as follows 4.1 Unsatisfactory Attendance Record If the Employee is absent from work due to sickness on more than 3 occasions within a 6 month period, then the Company reserves the right to invite the Employee to a formal investigation for unsatisfactory attendance, which may lead to potential disciplinary action being taken against the Employee. " the first period of sickness JUST falls outside the 6 month rule as far as I can tell unless my GP signs me off for more than 4 weeks (unlikely) they cant request my medical records as per their policies? it would also appear they CANT send me to automatic discplinary on the 6 months rule (which is another huge fear for me) am I correct in thinking this? many thanks
  22. Ok so very confusing Case, i am policy holder and my dad is a named driver.i was going out of town wit ha few friends and my friend had asked to borrow my car just for the night. i agreed to this. insurance company contacted me saying the my car and been involved in a incident and i was very confused. i told them that my friend had borrowed my car which is the information i had at the time and assumed and didnt admit that hit the third parties car. i later found out the my dad needed the car and he had arranged to pick up the car from my friends house in the morning when the incident happened. the incident itself was really minor and my cousins and aunty were with my dad at the time. my cousin spoke to the the third party and both agreed to not persue any thing further as it was really minor so no details were exchanged. but the lady was talking to my friend and might took some details for future reference. when i found this information out i told the insurance company ASAP and sent in a statement from my dad and also pictures as third party claimed £2000 and insurance company asking for reimbursment from me. after statement sent i had no reply from the insurance company for 5 months and then recieve a letter saying that i need to pay my outstanding debt and they are willing to offer me 10% discount. very confused contacted the insurance company explaining to them that my dad shuld be covered. they said that they contact third party and they said my dad was not driving. i told them i have 4 witnesses my cousins my aunty also 1 member of the public and got my cousin to write a statement and have sent it in. no reply yet but i am very confused i dont no what i should do. how can they just believe third party. if i wanted to lie i would of lied from begining and told a different story. it was just lack of communication with my dad and my friend as i had asked no one about the incident when first contacted insurance company. please help Claim: Vehicle Repairs - £716.29 Replacement Vehicle - £1409.36
  23. nowlo everyone, I was hoping you'd be able to give me some advice on my current situation. I really want to keep on top of things. Total debt as follows: EDF Electric £200.04 Southern Water £57.22 Veolia Water £52.86 Priority Debt Total £310.12 Natwest Loan £2,505.78 Natwest Credit Card £1,686.25 Natwest Overdraft £500.00 Vanquis Credit Card £2,181.18 Orange Mobile £69.86 Orange Broadband £23.87 Creditor Debt Total £6,966.94 Total Debt £7,277.06 In July I was made redundant, along with everyone where I worked. previous to this I'd struggled with illness since summer the previous year, and had varying periods of time off work. Within this time I fell behind on repayments. I tried to speak to my creditors at this time, but they were having none of it. I contacted them again upon becoming redundant. I was behind on utilities, and used the little redundancy money I received (£600 goodwill payment) to bring them up to date. I still have £200 left on electric, but all the rest are sorted. I contacted CCCS for advice. After this I called my creditors to come to some arrangement while I'm looking for new employment. One creditor is Natwest, for my credit card, or shall I say Triton debt management. At the time I was awaiting confirmation of JSA, housing benefit etc and had no income. They accepted a monthly £1 token payment. End of last month they constantly kept calling me, I answered to shut them up. They told me the first agreement wasn't valid as I had no income and therefore it shouldn't of been made. Said the person that called me was 'new' (like that's MY problem) . I was forced into doing an income/expenditure there and then. Somehow they figured I could afford £7.99 a month . I couldn't, but felt really forced. I agreed. Since then I did a proper inc/exp for myself, and down to bear minimums for outgoings I'm still -£8.99 minus a month. I wrote a letter, which I sent recorded with an enclosed copy of my inc/exp saying I cannot afford the repayment agreed, and as of 5th Sept I will be making a £1 token payment, via postal order for the next 3 months (on 5th of every month), when I will review my financial situation (and could freeze interest). I also did the same for my other creditor, Vanquis, or rather Impact collections. Swhat I'd like to know is, was this right thing to do? What are the chances of them freezing my interest? Vanquis had my debit card details on file and tried to apply for the £10 I agreed previously from my bank. It bounced, as I had no funds . They would have received my letter a long time before that payment was applied for. I'm worried they can keep applying for this amount. How can I stop them? What rights do I now have? Can they take me to court? I'm using my PPI for the Natwest loan. So that's covered. Any help appreciated. Further to what I mentioned above... I have struggled for years with health problems, but especially since 2007. I've fought back repeatedly. My job before last I lost because of my health, I tried so very hard to keep it, but in the end they let me go. It was heartbreaking. Thus, in this period I got into arrears with my creditors. It took me a whole year (this was during the recession) of applying for hundreds of jobs to finally get a new one. I got my repayments to creditors back on track and things were going fairly well. Then mid-last year my health once again worsened. I can't even explain the absolute hell I had to go through with GPs/NHS just to get referred for treatment. I sat through work in agony day after day, through tears sometimes. Then to make matters worse, I slipped on ice walking home from work a week before Christmas last year. My then partner fell on top of me . I tore just about every ligament in and around my knee area. Once again I had to fight for treatment, admins 'lost' my appointments and all sorts of total rubbish. Now my leg gives way constantly, as there is nothing holding it together. I'm on a waiting list for surgery, it's almost a year come this December since I had the accident. This has left me battling the existing illness(es) plus a cruddy knee that constantly gives out and hurts. Subsequently I started to miss a lot of work, and got further into debt. Then in June the company I worked for felt the strain of the competition in the industry they were in, and decided to effectively 'can' the business, making myself and all the other 3 employees redundant (including my partner, whom I worked with). At the same time my partner of two years left me (in fact I found out he'd cheated on me). I did my crying, then dusted myself off and 'got on with it'... now around to present day. I've applied for countless jobs. Had eight interviews, three with same company, two with another. The feedback is always positive, they like me, but I'm never quite what they want/need. Then there's the ever head-banging responses to applications of 'over-qualified' or 'under-qualified'. I'm stuck in some weird limbo! I've got to the point where I have to take stock of my whole life and think what I need to do realistically. I have the following debt: EDF Electric £200.04 Southern Water £57.22 Veolia Water £52.86 Natwest Loan £2,505.78 Natwest Credit Card £1,686.25 Natwest Overdraft £500.00 Vanquis Credit Card £2,181.18 Orange Mobile £69.86 Orange Broadband £23.87 Total Debt £7,277.06 I have set-up token payments to creditors and payment arrangements with priority debts. I'm in receipt of JSA, housing/council tax benefit. I've been selling anything not nailed down and looking for any ways to make extra cash. My minimum outgoings for living are £830. This doesn't include travel, hairdressing or entertainment. This is the bear bones living costs. I've tried to cut down on everything possible. My groceries/household stuff is down to £90 a month (and trying to reduce further) . I've swapped electric/gas to lower cost dual fuel with another company. The only area that I could possibly cut in the future is my mobile/broadband . I have a deal with Orange for broadband (£10), line rental/inclusive anytime calls (£23) and £23 for my mobile. I'm contracted for my phone until at lest next April, so I can't get out of paying until then. I've tried to find somewhere cheaper to live (£450pcm at present), but being on the 'DSS' with a dog, regardless of gleaming references, I've had repeated nos. Plus, I have no deposit. So no saving to be made on housing. I'd have to get a job at minimum £17k annual to cover my bear living expenses, with little to nothing left for creditors with no prospect of that changing for what could be years, because of my health, if at all. It's quite apparent that finding work is no walk in the park right now either, so I'm going to have to take what I can get, no matter for how little. All I'd have to offer is a couple pounds to each creditor, while they refuse to stop adding interest, which is largely the reason my debt has escalated to such a high amount. The debt will increase, my credit score will get worse, I'll be getting more stressed, with no sign of being able to pay off my debt... after much thought I'm seriously wondering whether I should consider a DRO (Debt Relief Order) . It's hard for me to come to that conclusion, because I believe it's my responsibility to pay back what I owe. However, I can't see how I will be able to pay it back, my credit is already effected, and will continue to be even if I make token payments, right? given all the aforementioned would a DRO be best? What's the pros and cons? I'&d be so grateful for others thoughts. Hello, are you still there? Ha-ha! I'm so sorry this was so long. I'm just so worried. I've tried so hard to keep on top of things, it's heartbreaking to reach this point. I'm awake at 3 a.m. worrying for goodness sake!
  24. Ive already got my thread going so thought Id open a new one for this.... this is my BFs debt! 2004, he took a loan out for £6000, paying it off, as agreed, but then lost his job. They wouldnt help with lowering payments, got to the point he stopped altogether. Christmas eve, we recieve a letter from Wescot, saying he owes £5,608.68 - obviously charges are on there. Just a quickie really for now. How do I tell them to p*ss off politely whilst I send CCA to Natwest? His got to the 5th of January to take action. It says 'Failure to take action could result in recovery via the following methods : 1 - Instructions to commence legal action, this may result in a CCJ, or a decree and your debt increasing because of court costs. 2- A door step collector being instructed to visit your home and collect the outstanding balance personally'
  25. Hello there and congrats on a great website that has helped me loads. Yesterday I had a bailiff turn up who I dealt with by opening the gate to our property and asking him to step outside. As this person has been following me around for the last 5 years turning up like a bad penny about once a year I commented on this and told him he really was a sad little man. Naturally he didnt like that and took my photograph with his mobile phone! I was standing by my gate about to go back in. Can a bailiff do this?
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