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  1. I wrote to HSBC to ask for details pertaining to a loan I had with them. The sticky details are: * the loan was over 6 years ago. * it was a former account number, but I've remained a customer. * I do not have any details or paperwork. I do, however, vividly recall being told by an advisor who I remember by name that 'it'll only go through with insurance'. Anyhow, HSBC have written back fairly promptly with the over 6 years jobby. Is it worth sending and SAR, since I've already 'politely' asked for details? I know there's a solid justified claim for a number of thousand pounds, so I'd very much like to pursue. Many thanks in advance for guidance.
  2. Thank you for trying for me. No bad attitude, just too long in the tooth for tellings off! (BTW I dont think anything on webspace is 'personal') Thanks again for trying
  3. Thanks for a decent comment. I do understand that, I helped myself with my first claim - I just don't have the time right now to look at the second claim I would like to make, and have actually already started the process with. Although they seem to have dropped off the face of the earth, and google(!), so not to worry I guess!
  4. And you should get off your high horse young man!
  5. Guys - trying to find a web address for the above named company who I filed a claim with, for them to process. I remember they were in Ashton Under Lyne. Does anyone have a web address etc? Much obliged. RW
  6. Thanks. It is marked as satisfied, was only circa £130. OK, so I need to find the SAR letter on here, or should I just write to them basically saying that I want them to prove they wrote to me about it, that the bill wasnt paid etc etc. I heard before that people who have sent a SAR to Vodafone have got lucky becuase they dont have all of Singlepoints records. Anyone else heard this? Although I do feel that I definitly am innocent on this one, so not really looking for luck.
  7. Hi all I am after some advice please. I have recently written to Vodafone with regards to a default on my credit files for an account I held with Singlepoint. Now, they have written back saying that if I strongly feel this information is wrong, and I have some documentation, they will remove it. The problem is that I have no hard evidence as such, but I am ADAMANT that I have never defaulted on a contract with Singlepoint. Any ideas? Thanks so much in advance.
  8. Hi gang. I'm about to send my S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) to Citibank. Do I send it to the complaints dept. based at Salford Quays in Manchester, or the address given on the Information Commissioners website which is Berkshire? Thanks in advance. Also is there anything I need to know, regarding the fact that I am an ex customer, as opposed to a current customer. My account was closed in 2005.
  9. r-man

    R-man VS HSBC

    Just an update to this thread. I called and spoke to Alan Pretty, regarding my other 900 ish quid. After a very polite discussion on both sides, HSBC agreed to up their offer to £2500 which I was happy to accept. I know there was a bit more to go after, but time just isn't on my side at the moment. All I had to do was change the amount on the acceptance form which I did and send back. Money in my account and overdraft paid off after five long years! Did you know you can negotiate by phone? Although maybe I was lucky... Big thanks to consumer action group. P.S - could a mod please move this thread to Successes?
  10. Hi All. I have a number of searches on my credit files for Credit Card Applications. As I am cleaning up my act, I would like to confirm rumours I have heard in the past that you can write to companies asking for them to remove a search they did on me? Is this possible or not? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks you.
  11. r-man

    R-man VS HSBC

    Thanks Bong. If I thought that I could reject this offer and get the full amount a week later I would do it like a shot. But I just don't like the thought of requesting statements again (I sent them originals doh!), etc etc. It sounds terrible but I'm not sure I have the time. As a secondary, what do you think if I wrote back proposing an amount of say £2500 or £2700 within seven days? How do you think they would react to that? THANKS!
  12. r-man

    R-man VS HSBC

    Hi Guys Great site, good info, and will be happy to donate. I sent the prelim letter to HSBC on 12th November claiming £3100. I got a letter yesterday saying that £92 was already re-funded, and £40 I agreed to, but they would offer £2000 in f & f settlement. I'm really nervous of turning down their offer and asking for more - becuase surely they could turn round and simply take their offer off the table? I would rather have £2000 than nothing as at least it see's me debt free with my bank account. Any advice greatly appreciated. R-man
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