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  1. Hello i wonder if you can help me pls have received a pay within 7 day letter from Thomas Higgins partnership solicitors however i am of the understanding i don't owe them the debt they say i do its from a local firm of plumbers for the sum of 81.53+ vat total = 97.84. In Dec 2015 i moved house and decided to get Monthly Boiler cover from Npower they said i needed my boiler to be serviced in order for them to cover me the Local Firm was then employed By NPower and they came in to service the Boiler in Jan - this was done with an all clear and service book signed by them 2 days later on the 29th Jan the boiler wouldnt work i rang Npower who came back to me saying the local plumbers have said it actually needs an air pressure switch and they could come in 2 days later to fit it they attended on 1st Feb - to fit part when the engineer arrived he said this boiler doesnt need an air pressure switch it needs a complete new circuit board rewire - he asked if i would like a quote - i said you would need to speak to NPower - he said they probably wont authorize it as its about 600 hundred pounds - i said well i will speak NPower I did contract Npower and told them what the plumber had said , and they (NPower)said well as it now has a major fault and if i wanted to continue with their cover i would have to pay to have to repaired myself and no longer would be eligible for their service cover . 2 weeks later Npower wrote to me asking had i got the major circuit board fault fixed i said no - they cancelled my policy I heard no more till the beginning of April when an statement arrived from the local Firm claiming an invoice dated the 22nd Feb for goods and services was overdue and to be paid within 7 days - so i wrote back saying their contract is with Npower not Myself - No- Response Then at beginning of May another Statement arrived this time with a copy invoice invoice date 22nd feb for this Air pressure switch and labour charge £97.84 again pls pay within 7 days - this time i wrote back on the 9th May asking them to prove me with Written Evidence the debt was mine - i sent this letter via recorded delivery - again no response today i get the solicitors letter from this Thomas Higgins Partnership saying they have been instructed by Local firm to collect this debt within 7 days or they will issue proceedings including interest and court costs Having looked up Thomas Higgins its one of their standard £2 + vat threat letters Should I Respond to this Or Ignore it , is it just a if we talk in BOLD CAPITALS and say were a solicitors you might pay us can you pls advise - do you think they will take me to court ? ( sorry for the sermon )
  2. Hi, I'm looking for advice on the least painful way to deal with this. We received a letter from npower addressed to a company at our residential address. The letter is a threat to apply for a warrant to disconnect the electricity supply at this address. The letter is addressed to "XXX trading as YYY" at our address. We've lived here for two years and have not been an npower customer at any point. Checking our "Meter Point Administration Number" shows we're a customer of another supplier. About 100 metres away is the location of the company the letter should have been addressed to. They opened about a year ago. We started receiving letters addresses to them at our address about 6 months ago. All returned to sender until we got the one addressed to them or the occupier. Clearly the new company made a mistake opening their account or npower messed up not doing due diligence. Either way, nothing to do with us. Is it worth talking to npower customer services to explain this? I will make one attempt to resolve it but don't plan on wasting more time. My experience of utility customer service is not good for anything that deviates from their script Can our address be taken to court for a warrant without any other attempts to clarify they're chasing the correct person? Should I just turn up at the court on the date given with documentation to show this is nonsense? The court is at the other end of the road and I work from home, so not a lot of hassle to do. Any advice appreciated
  3. Hi first post here and would really appreciate some help/guidance Description of the issue Received a letter from Cabot (DCA) on 10/07/2015 threatening legal action, CCJ, relating to a Capital One Credit Card. Letter was dated 04/07/2015 giving me 7 days to respond. Amount being claimed is 4100 Last contact i had regarding this was in 2009 when i disputed the amount as i think it included loads of charges which i knew nothing about, but never heard anything back so assumed they had written it off. I've since moved house but until 10/07/2015 have not received any correspondence from DCA for this debt in the 6 years i've lived at my address so i assume they are trying it on as any debt would be or about to be Statute barred. Quite concerned about the CCJ threat though as the letter was quite strongly worded. After reading some of the debt forums I've sent a "prove it" letter this morning by recorded delivery but from what i've read about this DCA and their solicitor Restons im inclined to think this will antagonize them and they will go ahead and try for a CCJ anyway. I have a CCA request prepared to go tomorrow but could use some advice. Am i doing the right thing? And if they go for a CCJ how do i defend it? Appreciate any advice i can get. Thanks
  4. Hello to everyone here, I would be very grateful if you have some advice on a rather strange letter from RLP. Basically I am Bi-polar, normally I'm fine and nobody would know but one day last month I was in the manic phase of my condition due to a change in medication. I had gone into boots and bought a number of items, but I'd also put 3 low cost items a total of £4 in my pocket. I left the store with these but I then realised what I'd done, never stolen in 27 years didn't want to then. So I returned to the store as I was going to pay for said items but as I approached it, two security guards although I don't remember seeing Sia licences on them asked me to follow them. I tried to explain but it fell upon deaf ears. I was taken to the back room of the store and spoken to like a child. Then my bag was searched with paid items being broken before I was searched, patted down. Then one security guard left to price check the items stolen in total 3.95. My driving licence was photographed and so was I. Then I was told I was banned from all boots and would receive a fine for my actions. I though this was fair at the time. But then I received a letter from RLP it stated there had been an incident in store and I was being fined for losses even though in the next sentence RLP say the store suffered no loss. I was expecting a small penalty fine of maybe £30 but no £147.50! I looked around on the Internet for a bit and read through these forums, I decided to ignore the letter. Now however I have has a second letter from them threading to write to my parents or guardian. I'm 27 years old and both my parents have passed away! I'm just wondering what I should do about it, do I just ignore them again? Send them a short reply? Thanks for any advice
  5. Im in Scotland. My insurance ran out and i could not afford to renew it due to unemployment. My car is parked on the street so i kept the road tax on the car and pay it monthly. I now have a letter threatening to fine me from DVLA, because the car is not on the insurance database and my car is not declared sorn. I either need to get insurance or declare it sorn. This is stupid, can they legally enforce this fine?
  6. In 2014, I was due in court for an alleged crime which was fitted up and racist. my wife and I signed to apply for LAA, and it was based on the earnings she was receiving as I was a poor musician. before the case date or I even had a Barristor, I had Rossendales harassing me to pay them £586. 00 per month, which I retaliated withe vitriolic replies. The case date was not set up until Oct, and by that time I had ignored all notices from Rossendales, and was going through nasty Divorce. As soon as I was divorced they started harassing me again, but I am fighting this tooth and nail because they have not bothered to go after my nasty ex wife, just me, and their insipid excuses is that I was the one who signed the agreement, my argument is that under the Consumer Credit act 1974, this is a joint agreement, hence both parties are responsible for the debt and the bailiff fees etc. They have visited my house and I received several letters with costs and threats to take control, to which I have vitriolically replied stating my case which seems to fall on deaf ears. I have made complaints through Resolve, and to Matrons and the LAA, which seem too have stopped the visits, and I have read all the anti bailiff blogs , and the law , but these seem to be a law unto themselves. Fortunately I have a partner with whom I am able to stay with, whilst I make my case, and can take evasive action, like purchasing my own wheel clamps for when I do have to leave my car on the driveway, when I am at my address. My question is : Am I right that the CCA agreement is a joint one, or am I liable for these ridiculous fees plus the LA costs?
  7. while I have been away from my home - Restons have instigated a claimform on me for a C/C which I stopped paying over a year ago. It went from Lloyds ( at the time was paying £ per mnth), to Lowell- who didn`t have it for very long. One step later & Cabot had it. They didn't have any payment - so they have moved it to a Claimform- with Restons. Now my question is- at what percentage are these DCA`s buying this debt for - does anyone have any idea? With that knowledge- I could then make a realistic offer- to get rid of the impending CCJ. I see you have 14 days + 5 service days for a defence. If this is not filed, do you then have the full calendar month from the date of service to settle the judgment (with an offer to the solicitors) without it impairing your credit file? All input would be fully appreciated
  8. Hi all, MBNA have finally decided to respond to my CCA request, 12+2 days was up on 31st January BTW, and the letter makes no sense to me. Are they trying to confuse me and hope I'll go away? I've stopped paying them as they failed to respond to the CCA request until yesterday and they've still not sent the correct details TIA!!!
  9. I have had a letter from Brian carter Solicitors saying that a ccj has been entered against me on the 17 December 2015. I did get the court papers but stupidly ignored them after reading different things on the internet about not admitting anything. The bill is for £501.64 and he is asking for £50 a month which I can't pay. The letter says they will consider further enforcement action if the payment is not made. I don't know what to do. I have also received another letter from Lowell which says pre legal assessment threatening another bill being sent to their solicitors (probably Brian carter again) . The bill is for £836.77 and the letter talks about ccjs and possible bailiffs. I have absolutely no idea where I stand as far as bailiffs are concerned. I don't own my home. Do I have to let them in? I've seen programmes on bailiffs and the thought terrifies me. I realise this is my own doing but trying to pay rent and council tax as well as feeding 2 kids has been my main priority. I had these debts as well as some others with stepchange but the payments got too much and I had to cancel the agreement. Stepchange said one of the options was bankruptcy but I panicked and just left things. But because they have been paid a little bit, this is surely classed as acknowledgement of the debt? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'm frightened of answering the front door. Thanks, Tracey
  10. In the early months of 2010, Golden Eye (International) Ltd, a company connected with the Ben Dover porn brand, decided to chance their hand at obtaining settlements from alleged file-sharers in the UK. Although they successfully obtained the identities of alleged file-sharers through the court using the Tilly Bailey & Irvine (TBI) law firm, things quickly went wrong for GoldenEye. TBI pulled out due to bad publicity and the company was eventually fined late 2011 by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority for their mishandling of the cases. In September 2011, Golden Eye were back again, trying to extract money from Internet users via the previously untested route of the small claims court. But in December 2011 it all fell apart following proper scrutiny in the High Court. And now, in March 2012, unbelievably Golden Eye are back again with a third attempt. http://torrentfreak.com/pay-up-or-else-bittorrent-scheme-resurrected-in-uk-high-court-120309/ Posted this here for info, hopefully it wont take people by suprise like acs law. I download nothing, but always expect a letter lol
  11. 2K debt turned 30K by insolvency solicitors now threat of possession Hi, I desperately need some legal advice and I cannot afford a solicitor. A small debt has turned into a massive charge on my house by a firm of solicitors and they are trying to possess my house for what was a £2k debt but their turned it into £30k in less than a year. Both myself and my wife are mental health patients and have a child too. Scared to death we are. Please share or help directly if you can. We need a good lawyer to help us out of this nightmare... I can provide more details of course but here is in brief: - Lloyds tsb credit card debt more than 7 years old - my wife made bankrupt without us even knowing about any court - we are both mental health patients, severe anxiety and major depression, in 40s and active but anxiety blocks decision making and acting in time rather we suffer in silence and regret... - We have one child, - I've been told we can't get legal help in spite of not having a high income collectively ( - Insolvency sols have threatened to possess the house and it is just too much to bear, really... Any help or advice would be much appreciated.
  12. Hi this may be a strange one but here goes. Over a year ago my daughter was driving her car with passengers in. There was a busy junction that she was edging out of when she noticed a car was coming on the outside of other road users ie overtaking at speed, at which point she stopped however the other car collided with her car and came to a halt some way past her car. This was witnessed by another driver. The collision went through my daughters insurance who agreed to pay out on the basis that she had edged out into oncoming traffic even though the accident was plainly shown as my daughter felt to be due to the other drivers reckless overtaking. Jumping ahead almost a year later my daughter was contacted by her insurance company stating that another person had now come forwards stating that they had been a passenger in this vehicle. The only people in the other car where the driver a female passenger ( apparently his wife ) and a child the wife was a front seat passenger however the claim was that now the other passenger was female and sat in front passenger seat and had a totally different name so effectively putting another passenger in the car and in that case sat on his wifes lap ????? My daughter advised her insurance of this and after some tooing and frowing my daughters insurance refused to pay up as they i'm assuming would have asked the same question why was the claim not put forwards at the same time as the original claim???? Anyway my daughter who is now a single mother of two young children has just received what appears to me to be a "Private claim" against her from this fictitious other passengers solicitors advising of court action to receive compensation of one hundred thousand pounds. My daughter is going to contact her insurer tomorrow but the question I have is what is the process for her in this matter? As far as she is concerned she has paid her insurance and should not be being harassed in this way she is a single parent working part time living in a council house and receiving PIP. There is Zero chance of getting even a penny out of her so how to proceed? Cheers Bill
  13. Hi all, I have received the obligatory letter from BC, acting on behalf of Lowell who are acting on behalf of Orange lol. I've got the standard "you have 14 days to pay us or we're taking you to the small claims court" letter. Is it best for me to ignore this as per title? The debt is not statute barred. Many thanks
  14. Back in June/July 2013 I cancelled my contract with my mobile provider, citing what I believed to be valid reasons. They did not budge and continued to chase me for line rental for the remainder of the term of the contract. Eventually Lowell bought the account. I have treated them by either a) ignoring them completely or b) informing them that the alleged debt is in dispute. Up until recently the last contact I had from Lowell was back in September 2014. This weekend gone I received two letters (see attached images), one from Lowell and one from BW Legal (both arrived in the same BW Legal branded envelope), threatening the issuing of a Claim in the County Court if payment or response is not received before a specific date. The letters were both dated a full week before they actually arrived in the mail. Anyone had any experience with BW Legal or have any thoughts on their letter and threat of CCJ. Are they known to follow through? What can I do to halt or stop their perusal of a CCJ? (aside from paying them obviously!) My initial thought is to send them a ‘prove it’ style letter, reiterating my stance that the alleged debt is in dispute. Thanks.
  15. Can anyone tell me what the law is on planning application time limits are? Do the council have to place a notice on the building that is the subject of the planning application and if so do they have to allow a certain amount of time between posting the notice and actually making a planning decision? Thanks in advance.
  16. Hi everyone My dad worked in Holland for a few years but through ill health came back to England and died on the 4th October 2014, but last month (may2015) I received a letter from the Dutch pension body saying they were sorry for our loss but they overpaid my dad for the month of October by 195 euros and they wanted it back. (I didn't even know he was getting a Dutch pension) I phoned them up to explain he lived in a council flat and only had around 2000 pounds to his name which paid for the funeral and that there was nothing left , I even offered to send them bank acc details and the bill for the funeral to prove it had all gone but they replied quiet angrily saying they weren't bothered if there was nothing left, in Holland the debt goes to the children to which I said I've never had that money plus I live in England and they turned round and said if you don't pay we'll send the bailiffs round and take your stuff to cover that amount yet back in England he owed some council arrears and I explained the same thing to them and they wrote off the arrears. my questions are ? 1 Do I have to pay them or even should I pay them. 2 can they send the bailiffs round to take my stuff . I just cant understand how Dutch law can over rule English law and make me pay. I'm grateful for all and any help cause I just don't know where to turn
  17. Hi All, Long time lurker but I now have a question about a threat of legal action I have received today. I got into a lot of financial trouble a few years ago and had a lot of debts that went to various collection agencies. I started replayment plans with them and have satisfied some of them a couple of years ago, a bit more trouble came my way and I fell behind with repayments again. Since then, I'm afraid that I have played the ostrich and ignored all letters, phone calls and notices of assignment that have come my way. It has now been a very long time since I spoke to any DCA and most of them seem to have given up. The default dates for all of the outstanding debts are now more than six years ago apart from one that has a default date of 31/07/09 recorded on my credit file. Today I received a letter from Judge and Priestley solicitors acting on behalf of PRA Group (UK). They say they "Have been instructed to recover the sum of £6,554.83 from me in respect of a debt which has become overdue." and "Our client has requested that unless the debt is settled within 7 days of the date of this letter (25th June 2015), then we are to commence proceedings against you without further notice." They have also said that I can contact them to discuss possible payment options. From the letter, it appears that this debt is one due to MBNA originally but I struggle to recall this one although it is possible that it may be one that I had entered into a repayment plan with Apex previously but haven't paid anything since Nov 2014. This debt has a default date of 11/06/2009 for an amount of £7,938 and has a balance outstanding of £6,368. I really need to avoid a CCJ so I am thinking that I need to avoid any legal proceedings so I would appreciate any advice as to how to proceed. Should I gain some time by sending in a request for proof of debt or just contact them and try to arrange repayment terms? Many thanks in advance. PHO
  18. Hi All Would really appreciate some advice on this. History is that I had a car agreement debt 10 years ago that got passed to Optima. They wanted a CCJ but as I was in financial services at the time I managed to avoid this with some sort of charging order. The paperwork was drawn up in my name only despite the mortgage and property being in joint names of myself and wife and only consisted of a one or two page document, however, their charge does appear on a land reg search. I have been paying a monthly amount for the last 10 years for an original debt of around 10k. Every now and again they request an income/expenditure form with proof of income which I ignore. This time they have said unless I respond within 7 days they reserve the right to issue an order which will require me to attend court to give details of my financial situation. They have indicated that failure to attend such a hearing can result in imprisonment. My question is, can they enforce this and also is the charging order enforceable in my single name only. Many thanks in advance.
  19. Hi everyone, yesterday i recieved another letter from lowell re a shop direct debt. The letter says the next contact will be from either BW Legal or an agent delivering a stat demand. This letter is exactly the same as one my ex partner got back in september for her Lloyds TSB debt and sure enough within 2 weeks the process server turned up. the top and bottom is i am a bit worried now that there is a high possibility this is not just a threatogram and a stat demand is imminent. I opened the catalogue account probably back in 2000/2001. Dont think its SB but i have had no contact with anyone re this debt for some 4 or more years. There may be some charges but not a great deal compared to the debt amount and i dont think any PPI. Any advice ??? Should i just sit tight and see what happens or should i start the ball rolling on a SAR and CCA request which will hopefully at least tempererily put the account on hold and stop the stat demand being served ??? Just checking but is a CCA request applicable to catalogue debts ??? Any advice ASAP would be much appreciated. Thankyou
  20. Hi all, first of all, thank you for the this site, it has been valuable in the past after reading threads, and i'm hoping it can be valuable now. my partner has received a letter from Go Debt who are chasing an old debt for car finance. The car was repossessed and she had a dispute ongoing with them for a number of months, before moving out of her previous property and she then was never contacted about it again and that was that as far as she was concerned. The letter from Go Debt is threatening that she is going to be taken to court soon and a CCJ applied for unless she pays the account off in full. It also states that they are aware she is in full time work, and they name her company and aware that she is residing in the property that she does. They state they know where she lives becaus their trace agents confirmed this on the 29th January 2014; this is strange as on that day, she received a random phone call from parcel force asking if she was who she was because they have a parcel to deliver. Not thinking she confirmed it and they hung up, she reported this to the Police and made a full report to them; surely this was this company? We requested that they send the original agreement, default notice and statement, which they provided within about 3 hours of us emailing the request over to them. The agreement looks legit and original, with her signature on the bottom with the date. The statement is dated 05.09.2009, and her last payment was apparently made on the 31.07.2008 (then a random payment 11 months later for £950 "Journal (CR)). The car was repossessed in 2009, and they have provided a letter from the original creditor confirming how the balance was made up and requesting payment proposals. They also refer to a telephone conversation in 2001 randomly where they state my partner advised that she was a full time student (which she was then). My partner has advised that there was a dispute on going in relation to the debt, and has stated that she hasn't acknowledged the debt (written a letter or made a payment) since the last time she made a payment as above. What would you suggest our next step be? Come to an arrangement? I look forward to hearing all your comments and suggestions.
  21. Dear Conniff, This is to inform you to appear in the Court on the April 15 for your case hearing. Please, do not forget to bring all the documents related to the case. Note: The case may be heard by the judge in your absence if you do not come. The Court Notice is attached to this email. Sincerely, Thomas Morton, Court Secretary. This is a spam, (change the p to a c), email with an attachment. On no account open the attachment, it contains a Virus You will know if you have any court appearance due or have done anything wrong and got a summons or even a divorce or custody battle. You will never ever receive an email like this to notify you. It is not addressed to a person but to Conniff and that would never be done.
  22. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-31998530 I know Jet2 regularly pop up here
  23. Hi All Please see this email below I just received from Wageme. What are your thoughts? Dear xxx IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION. VISIT NOTICE AND COURT ACTION We, WageMe LTD as the Claimant are advising a Door Step Collection Agency to order a field agent to schedule a visit as we see fit, to your property. Facts With Regards to your Account Debt Summary Loan Reference#: xxx Loan Type: PayDay Loan Term: Till Next Payday Outstanding Balance: xxx Duration in Arrears: xxx Days since repayment date On Going Interest: xxx per day Communication Summary Text Messages (SMS): 8 Times Emails: 15 Times Letters: 2 Letters Telephone (Home): 3 Times Telephone (Mobile): 4 Times Reasoning for actions. We credit checked you before funding the loan. We have a signature in place to confirm that you as xxx signed the loan contract. Your outstanding balance is xxx. You, xxx originally applied for £xxx, and we loaned you £xxx. Funded into your nominated bank account on xxx. You earned a monthly income of £xxx and so, from our calculations, it was affordable for you to repay us. We also froze your account so that no more fees were added on. We tried / attempted to make a plan but the payment per plan was never honoured. We have no more actions left but this. Device used on application and signing of the loan agreement. Device: ELECTRONIC IP Address: xxx System Log On Application / Signature: , Application Information: Customer: xxx Applied on xxx Visit Information & Itinerary: If we see fit for a visit, Please read the following of what we propose. From records, It is usual that customers of ours to finish work at 5:00pm. We have calculated that it takes you 34 minutes to travel from your work place at xxx to your home. Also, we have factored in 20 minutes after. For this reason we have listed the following proposed dates. Please us know if we can set this time to be at: 17:54 If the above time does not suit you, please choose from the following list: Saturday 28th, March 2015 @ 17:54 X Sunday 29th, Sunday March 2015 @ 17:54 X Monday 30th, Monday March 2015 @ 17:54 X Tuesday 31st, Tuesday March 2015 @ 17:54 X I strongly suggest you contact me without further delay; Please note that in the absence of payment or any valid dispute, we will pursue this matter - with or without your cooperation. If you wish to contact us, please do so on xxx (Quote Reference: xxx). If you have already made payment, please disregard this email. Your Loan Reference Number is xxx If you have a new card or would like to pay, please enter our secured payment portal: https://www.wageme.com/paynow?l=xxx Thank you. Collections & Legal Team Field Agent, Legal & Collections at WageMe Warning: Late repayment can cause you serious money problems. For help, go to moneyadviceservice.org.uk The information contained in this e-mail is privileged and confidential. It is intended for the use of only the individuals to whom it is addressed. Any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail is strictly forbidden by anyone other than the person to whom it is addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the e-mail. P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail!
  24. Hi all I have recently had the delightful Scotcall get in touch with me about a former MBNA debt of 5K+ Some time ago I got a letter from MBNA stating they could not locate a credit agreement so would not be pursuing the debt. It was then sold to Aegis who backed off and now some years later Scotcall. After requesting a credit agreement they have sent a photocopy of an agreement signed in a supermarket- not an agreement as I would define one. Any ideas on where I should go with this??
  25. hi everyone quick question please an area of land behind our shop has signs up that state clamping in operation. the tel number on them has not been a live number for 3 years. new hand written sign has appeared. From 7am on 18/2/2015 any vehicals (yes that's how its spelt) parked here will be towed away. is this legal?.. regards
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