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  1. Hi, it says 'voluntary charge' at the top of the document and nothing about increases. Original agreement was with BMW finance. Many thanks
  2. Hi Many thanks for your reply - just checked and its a simple one page doc titled 'Voluntary Charge' between me and the car manufacturer. Does that make any difference to anything? Many thanks
  3. Hi All Would really appreciate some advice on this. History is that I had a car agreement debt 10 years ago that got passed to Optima. They wanted a CCJ but as I was in financial services at the time I managed to avoid this with some sort of charging order. The paperwork was drawn up in my name only despite the mortgage and property being in joint names of myself and wife and only consisted of a one or two page document, however, their charge does appear on a land reg search. I have been paying a monthly amount for the last 10 years for an original debt of around 10k. Every now and again they request an income/expenditure form with proof of income which I ignore. This time they have said unless I respond within 7 days they reserve the right to issue an order which will require me to attend court to give details of my financial situation. They have indicated that failure to attend such a hearing can result in imprisonment. My question is, can they enforce this and also is the charging order enforceable in my single name only. Many thanks in advance.
  4. not sure, but got a car loan last month with no issues, so i'm wondering if that's what they have picked up on.............should I ignore them or write back saying I am waiting for the CCA request from DLC?
  5. Hi All Help appreciated on this........ ......I entered into unofficial debt management plans with approx. 15 creditors around 8 years ago, interest and charges were frozen and have been paying low payments every month ever since. Suddenly last week I received a letter from Direct Legal and Collections on one account with them, saying some new credit information had come to light and they needed to speak to me urgently. Then next day another letter relating to my other account with them arrived saying they would be applying for a ccj and then a charging order. I had a good scout on this site and a few others and decided the best course of action would be to request a copy of the consumer credit agreement and sent this for both accounts last week by signed for delivery. Today I received a letter from Alpins telling me they had been instructed by DLC to take steps to recover the outstanding balance on one of the accounts. They have requested I call DLC to make full payment or reach agreement within 7 days or legal proceedings may commence. After all this time I have just managed to get into a situation where my credit file is looking pretty good and I don't want to risk a ccj at this stage. I am not sure how to deal with this. A ny advice would be very welcome. Many thanks
  6. Ok Thanks I will try and scan the default notice in later today - are Lloyds allowed to revert to the terms and conditions of their credit card after 6 yrs? Many thanks m17837
  7. Hi Thanks for your replies, default notice sent by normal post and have 7 days to rectify (which i cant as they are asking for £500+). Employer was happy to take me on as credit problems were so historic and on the understanding that it would not get any worse!
  8. Hi Any comments on this before i start arguing with Lloyds? Many thanks
  9. Hi Everyone, I would appreciate help with this plse. Originally had a Lloyds Createcard and came to a payment arrangement through a DPM 6 yrs ago at £10 pm. Account was never defaulted, however, Lloyds have now decided to revert to their existing credit card terms and conditions ie min payment of 2% and interest being added. I wrote to them to say i couldn't afford the min monthly payments and asked them to plse not default the account as i would lose my job as a financial adviser. Received letter back asking for income/outgoing analysis which i completed and returned. Then received letter back saying they would freeze interest as long as i made a payment of £20 to card (owe 7k in total). They also indicated my file was being transferred to debt collection department and file would be reviewed again when it reached them. Now i have received a default notice from them out of the blue claiming £500 ish for arears! My question is, are they allowed to do this and is there anyway i can overturn the default as i will lose my job when credit checks are done later in the year meaning no income and no creditors receiving a penny! Appreciate any replies. Many thanks
  10. Thanks very much for your advice - i will start sending the letters, i think this is going to be a bit of a struggle due to having 17 creditors! i will keep everyone posted of my progress......................
  11. Hi Thanks for your quick reply - i have become used to the DCA'S calling every 3 months, basically they are looking for the whole debt to be settled or an increased monthly payment, however, i can't keep upping the payments indefinitely! Ref. trying to get the unlawful charges back on the credit cards (i think this will run into thousands) - by rocking the original creditors boats would i be putting myself in a vulnerable position in regards to the tactics they (and the dca's) use to get their money back? Due to my job i must try and avoid a ccj. Many thanks
  12. Hi spent a lot of today reading through various threads. My story goes back to about 8 yrs ago - my wife had a nervous breakdown and had to give up work, that effectively halved our income and we started to borrow on credit cards and loans. Eventually we couldn't afford the minimum payments and after a great deal of stress went to a DMC with a total debt of around 120k. (this was 4 yrs ago) We rec'd very bad advice including being persuaded to tale out a 20k secured loan which they promised would be paying all the creditors off in full and final settlement deals - in fact all that happened was that it just reduced the outstanding balances by minimal amounts and left us with another loan to pay. The company then went bust so we were forced to contact all 17 creditors and arrange payment proposals - at this time we managed to get interest and charges stopped - during and after this time nearly all the debts went to various debt collection companies. 18 months ago i apllied for an iva (more stress and grief) but this failed due to the I Rev refusing the terms. I then thought i would have to go bankrupt but this would mean i would not be able to continue my self employment as a mortgage adviser. At this point we managed to re-mortgage and pay off the secured loan and the outstanding tax to the Inland Revenue. The remaining creditors call all the time requesting increased payments with various threats of visits from reps and baliffs etc. They are also keen to try and get a ccj and convert that to a charge on the property. I have managed to stop this for the time being as, again i would not be able to do my job. We know owe around £85k and are paying around £7200 pa to the creditors - which is affordable for the moment, although now my business is reducing due to the credit crunch. The fees the credit card companies imposed before transferring our accounts to the debt collection agencies were, in some cases very high and i wonder if i should be trying to claim the charges back. Based on the above scenario would this be wise? Any general advice would also be very welcome. This has been an emotional rollercoaster of a time for us but we have certainly learnt a lot from it! Many thanks in anticipation of any comments/advice
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