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  1. I took out a Service Plan agreement less than 14 days ago and want to cancel. Essentially you pay £26.99 a month for 18 months and it covers a major and minor service, fair enough. However, Ive decided to cancel and simply pay for each service in lump sums as it will in fact be better for me if I want to change cars within the timeframe as if I did then the balance is due which again is fair enough. However, I have NOT claimed on the plan at all and speaking to VW financial services they are saying ok but that it takes up to 28 days to cancel (funny how it only took 20 minutes to set up) and that the first payment is due within that period and they will take it and its non refundable. Other than cancel the direct debit, have I any recourse and is it me, or does this sound like pretty dubious practice anyway?
  2. I was gong through bad time financially few years ago and I built up some debts using payday loans such as Cash Genie. Or Motormile finance. I received a letter from Moriarty Law saying they're sending me county court papers for £105 I still owe Cash Genie from 2011. I also received county court claim form and I attached a copy. My main problem that I work for financial institution so if I get CCJ I'll be forced to quit my job. Can they really take you to county for only £105??? Now they increased it to £188 with court fees and theirs. This is looks serious and I'm worried! Any advice is appreciated guys! Thanks in advance Angela.
  3. I have today had a letter from my council cancelling my right to pay my Council Tax. In installments. I have been paying this on line for the last 4 months for this year on a regular basis. My last payment was paid on Monday this week. When I received the letter I phoned my Council who informed me all my on line payments have been taken off an old Debt which is also being taken via my ESA. They say I have to pay again as the money I have paid has gone off my old debt. My question is, Is this correct and can they do this.? I spoke to someone back in April who assured me this would not happen again, Obviously, it has.
  4. Hi guys i need your help, i literally am being mugged off, ive called all samsung departments on numerous occasions, anovo, ive emailed, tried twitter DM's, and im getting a scripted nonsensical explanation! originally i sent my s7 off as it NFC wasnt working properly and it was overheating got the first reply from the service centre on the 11th, said the phone was out of warranty repair and they cant address the issue till i pay them to get it fixed, i said no to their repair as i wanted to get it repaired locally in my shopping centre, after i thought about it i figured it would be safer to do it with samsung direct going forward, i resent it in on 19 Jul i received the follow up literally saying exactly the same as the first mail, im trying to attach a screenshot but cant To summarise, this is what i wrote to them via post; To whom it may concern So, I've been loyal to you for years now, my entire family only uses samsung, tablet devices, phones, televisions, as do my business partners and close freinds, ive converted everyone over from Apple, and today i really got my "thanks" 2 weeks ago, my galaxy s7 developed issues with its NFC and it started overheating, so, i sent in my phone for repair, and they tell me "your phone has damage which isn't covered under warranty, attached is a screenshot" it was the email attached, of the back of the phone being cracked, as you can see, they are clearly referring to the crack on the glass. So i pay the money and then don't hear back for a few days, then i receive an email saying my order is on its way, so i call your incompetent Anovo repair team (who if you google have appalling customer ratings, its quite embarrassing actually) and they tell me my device is "beyond repair due to its expenses to replace the main board which has fried" so, now they are telling me, the overheating issue is due to the board, but it is to expensive to repair under warranty, now, the mainboard is an INTERNAL issue with the phone, not an external problem cause my accident damage therefore, it is irrelevant of the cost, it is a manufacturing default that the phones circuiting has resulted in it to overheat and fry yet your employees keep telling me that the phone is out of warranty due to the cracked class, i don't understand this logic? so with a car, if it has an outside crack, the manufacturers garage will tell them "we know you have engine issues but since you have a crack outside on the car we cant do anything" this is truly repulsive and shows how out of touch your company has become from reality, you are literally not taking responsibility for your phones fault and deterring the core issue and passing it on to myself and saying the issue is the cracked back it is irrelevant of the cost of the internal part, manufactures warranty covers the internal parts of the phone failing im truly sad and hurt at the service ---------- i cannot attach the screenshot it keeps saying "error red font" i cant even photo a external link to the image, it says im too new a member... they did refund the money i paid for the crack but thats not the issue! they are not addressing the internal issue and using the external as some sort of justification for not fixing my phone, thats literally what the phone support told me, and she said she checked with her manager and " they cant do anything as its out of warranty damage and they wont look to replace it" SINCE WHEN WAS AN INTERNAL COMPONENT OF A PHONE NOT SOMETHING COVERED FROM WARRANTY i dont know who else to talk to, i dont have a phone anymore and they wont help me at all... phone was given from samsung directly not a retailer
  5. Hi I got caught taking some items from primark (I know, sad)! They took me in to a room and took down my details from my Spanish ID and I gave them my real address to send the fine they told me the RLP will send in a couple of weeks or so. I'm over 18 so they didn't ask for my parents details. They made a copy of my Spanish ID and didn't call the police. The total amount was £35. I swear I learned the lesson but I'm really worried if I'm going to have any criminal record in the UK or it's going to be a problem if at some point I want to apply for a mortgage? Also the security guy told me the fine will be £130 but I read on this website that it's £180. Also read that I don't have to pay, just ignore it. The security guy told me if I don't pay it this would be taken to the court and I would have a real problem. Is that real? They have my real address so it's easy the RLP can ask for it and send the police to my address or something? I'm really worried and i'm overthinking the worst! I would really appreciate if you can give me some advise. Many thanks in advance.
  6. Hello everyone, This is the first time I post on this forum so please accept my apologies in advance if I make any mistake. We are about to resort to the Small Claims Court due to a sole trader that a month ago did a terrible job on our terrace. My concern is that, even if we will (likely) win, it appears very difficult to enforce the court's decision and have our money back (£530). I read of different ways to enforce the court's decision but I would really appreciate if someone could enlighten me about the action with the highest success rate. This is the story: After receiving different quotations by different traders, basing on the quality of the works previosuly made by the trader as shown on his online websites and mybuilder.com, we decided to hire him to have our 1. terrace deck, front balustrade, 2. side fence built, and 3. a bench built in the corner of the terrace as well as a connecting pipe hanging over its corner. The agreed price for the job was £670 including labour and material (although we provided 2 types of paint). Works were supposed to be finished in 3 days. DAY 1: The trader was supposed to start the works with cleaning the deck by water brush and stated that it would have been delivered by 2.00pm but the water brush was not delivered. However he couldn’t start the cleaning and stated that the water brush had been delivered at a different site. This inconvenience led him to start building and permanently fixing the bench on the unpolished deck DAY 2: Unfortunately the water brush resulted being faulty and the cleaning had to be suspended. In the early afternoon the trader managed to get hold of a different water brush. After finishing the cleaning he stated that he did his best but due to the deck he couldn’t really thoroughly clean the deck. The trader informed me that he made a mistake when calculating the wood needed to complete the job and told him that, in order to continue, he should have bought more wood. I asked how much it would have been and he confirmed that the added cost for the extra wood would have been £45. Considering the situation I felt forced to agree. I asked him if painting the deck would cover a burnt on the deck and he reassured me that it wold have been possible by applying some extra layers of the type of paint (suggested by him). DAY 3: The trader left our flat for about an hour as he apparently forgot something. However the work was not finished so he had to come back on the next day. DAY 4: Before arriving the trader contacted my wife and said that he wouldn’t be able to mount the hanging connecting pipe in the corner (as agreed) as he could not find the parts to complete the job and proposed to swap it with a chain. The proposal was firmly rejected by us so we had to opt for a wooden bar as last resort. The trader left the flat at about 1.30 pm when I was away and told my wife that we were actually supposed to pay extra £72.53 as results of the further material he had to purchase despite agreeing with me that the extra cost would only be £45. Also he provided receipts reading a cost of £61.43 (this matter was successfully addressed though). Post Work Checks: When I was back I inspected the job and noticed that: - The burnt on the deck was not covered by the paint - Despite the contract reading that the trader should have cleaned the walls with the water brush, the walls (and other surfaces) were actually stained by both types of paints, the one used to paint the fence and the bench and the one used to paint the deck. Before him leaving the flat my wife asked him why the walls were stained but he could only reply that it was necessary and that we should have repainted the affected surfaces. More important is that part of the paint used for the deck has stained the walls and the bench: this is stain paint so simply repainting surfaces will not suffice and, in order to fix this up, a blocker will need to be applied on walls. - The hanging wooden bar split open on one of its sides due to the bad nailing, which means that it will not last long - The worst part is that the most planks (approximately 95% of them) used to build the bench and fence are badly cracked to the extent that some parts are widely split apart. Also the trader didn’t even bother painting the inside of the planks completely. - He built the bench on a screw that is now stuck under it and sticks out and cannot be removed (which is likely damaging our deck as well as being a sharp object). He saw this as he also painted over it - There are other minor imperfection like the planks roughly cut due to the use of inadequate tools After asking for an evaluation of the work by another trader it turned out that most of the stains on the wall could have been avoided by simply painting the planks and subsequently fixing them. While the other stains due to the deck paint spread around denote carelessness and a job that very likely was rushed. At the very least the trader could have used tapes and protecting layer to preserve the affected areas. Also, the wood likely split as the wooden parts should have been drilled first. At this point I spoke on the phone with the trader to inform him that we weren’t happy with all the above issues and would not proceed with the payment of the final 20% until he would at least replace the damaged wood. However he refused and said that this would cost us more money. After sending him 4 of the pictures taken to show him the entity of the damage he replied that we should pay him first in order to have him come over later to glue the broken parts. We obviously rejected the offer as he deemed it unfair. As if was not enough, all the pictures of what appeared to be his amazing previous works were taken from other sites so obviously nothing that he could possible ever do. We spoke with the Citizen Advise Bureau and they instructed us so we asked him if he was member of any ADR scheme but he never replied (which means he's not), so we asked him to have an ADR involved but he never replied (which also means no). We also spoke with a solicitor who said that the work is so bad that there's no fear to lose this case. We sent him 3 letters by registered mail and he only replied to the first one by email. He admitted he needs to fix all that mess up in a couple of emails but never confirmed he'd do this before we complete the payment (as requested by me) nor tried to arrange a date to start the works: which means that he wants the money first. He has gone silent for the last 2 weeks despite me sending him texts, mail and emails. Sorry for the long post and thanks for your help.
  7. Hello, just to give some basics. The past couple of years has been seriously bad healthwise and has caused the obvious roll on effect of being skint because i am stupid enough to be self employed. Money being tight and getting even tighter i have allowed myself to get in trouble with my council tax. On my 2016 account i owe £116 + £75 compliance stage fees, this is now with Collect Services. I have agreed to pay £20 per month on this which should get me out of trouble. Unfortunately, and please don't judge me as i have suffered and still am with severe depression along with many "real" ailments ,i have now got into trouble with my 2017 council tax. I received the bill in April with imstallments,but i have not paid any. So far the council for whatever reason have not contacted me, i am going to start paying the minimum amount plus additional to catch up, however i do not see the council accepting this and fully expect it to take the same route as the 2016 account and end up in the hands of the bailiffs ... ANY ADVICE ON HOW TO DEAL WITH THIS WOULD BE GREAT. Thanks Dan
  8. Can anyone help me on how to proceed with the following Recieved county court claim today from mortimer clark solicitors acting on behalf of claiment cabot particulars of claim by an agreement between goldfish bank ltd and the defendant on or around 25/11/2002(the agreement) goldfish bank ltd agreed to issue the defendant with a credit card.the defendant failed to make the minimium payments due and the agreement was terminated.the agreement was assigned to the claiment. The claiment therefore claims £XXXX I have a letter dated april 2008 stating cabot have bought the debt and that the agreed monthly repayment plan with goldfish bank now needs to be maintained with cabot. I have kept up the plan and have never missed a payment. I dont understand why they are now taking me to court can some one please advise how to proceed Thanks
  9. Sent of D P A letter, just recived letter back from G E saying this is not their account and returned the £10 I sent it to Sarah Wainwright GE Money Data Protection Administrator PO Box 700 Leeds LS99 2BD Does anyone know if this is correct address.
  10. In early January we started looking for a bathroom installer who could refit our bathroom for us. We found a guy who talked very knowledgeably and gave a great impression, we agreed a price, a start date in mid-February, and agreed it would take up to two weeks for the work. He worked on the bathroom for one week and one day, at which point he had removed the old bathroom, rerouted some plumbing, installed some insulation on an external wall, installed a shower tray, and fitted the first six tiles. Since then we have not seen him. It appears that he decided that the tiles we wanted (large format porcelain) were too much hassle for him, and he didn't want to finish the job. We paid him 50% of the fee for the work, and all materials as we went. We also procured the tiles, shower tray, and other big ticket items before he started. Since he abandoned the project, we found many problems with the work he did. The shower tray was not correctly sealed to the wall, the plumbing was very unsafe, the plaster work was flaking from the wall, the insulation was uneven and poorly fixed, and the tiles were barely holding to the wall. Basically the only thing he did correctly was removing the old bathroom, which was (at most) one day of work. We have since found other people to complete the work, but the bathroom is still incomplete. This has been a huge source stress, since it is our only bathroom and we have been without a shower and sink (except for kitchen sink) since this began six weeks ago today. We wrote a letter asking that he return to the site and complete the work agreed with due care and attention. This got us some promises but no action. We wrote another letter demanding that he reimburse us for work not completed, or not completed with due care and attention, and for materials wasted; this was basically everything we had paid for labour, minus 200 for the one day of actual work done. This got an angry phone call in response, along with a very low offer (around 1/7th what we asked for). Last week we sent a letter before action, which got a response by text this morning (offering less than 1/3rd what we asked for). We rejected that offer, also by text message, and he responded with "See you in court then". He is a sole trader, working under a business name (not a limited company). I want to know if there is anything we should do right away, or should we wait for 30 days before commencing court action. We gave 28 days for him to respond to the letter, but I am not sure if his text message constitutes this response. Finally, can we do anything to strengthen our case, we have numerous photographs and so on of the work. We have kept a log of what work was carried out and when, and when he has been on site. Lastly, there are now several reviews of this trader online which tell a similar story of incompetent and incomplete work. Many thanks. C
  11. Guide to taking in a Lodger What is a Lodger? A Lodger is a person who rents a room in your home without having exclusive rights to any part of the property. Usually there is a formal arrangement in place that sets out the rooms that the Lodger can use and those that they share with the rest of the household (e.g. the kitchen, living room and bathroom) for an agreed payment. Close family members such as a parent, step parent or parent-in-law, a son or daughter, step son or step daughter, a son-in-law or daughter-in-law, a brother or sister are not normally classified as Lodgers so you need to be fully aware of this. Do I need Permission to take in a Lodger? As a Private Home Owner --You may need to inform your Mortgage Provider. --You may need to inform your Insurance Provider. --You may need to inform the Local Council (Council Tax). --You may need to inform DWP if you Claim any Benefits. As a Council Housing / Housing Association / Housing Trust etc Tenant (Social Housing) --You may need to Request Permission from your Landlord to have a Lodger. --You may need to inform your Insurance Provider. --You may need to inform the Local Council (Council Tax). --You may need to inform DWP if you Claim any Benefits. We would recommend that you always get Permission in Writing from the Landlord. Do I need to provide a Furnished Room? To comply with the Governments Rent a Room scheme to earn a tax free income you must provide a Furnished Room. How much can I charge a Lodger for a Room? This will depend on the area where you live and what condition your property is in. Have a look on www.SpareRoom.co.uk at other rooms available in your area to get an idea what the going rate is likely to be. How do I Evict a Lodger? It is easier to evict a Lodger than a Tenant but you will still need to give ‘reasonable notice’ to the Lodger if you intend to evict. We would always recommend a written agreement between you and your Lodger(s) so the conditions are agreed upon in advance. Will I be Taxed on my Income and do I have to Declare it? Under the Government’s Rent a Room scheme you can earn up to £7,500 a year tax free by taking in a lodger and, provided you don’t earn more than this, you won’t need to declare it. Important if you do earn over the amount you must inform your Local Tax Office ASAP. Do I need to Comply with the New tenancy Deposit Laws? The law only applies to Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) so you can take a deposit without having to use the tenancy deposit scheme. (Ensure you have a Lodger Agreement signed by Lodger and Yourself) Do I need to Comply with Right to Rent Laws? As of 1st February 2016, the law requires everyone renting out property in England to check whether their tenants are legally allowed to live in the UK, regardless of the type of agreement, whether they're written or verbal. (this includes Lodgers so you need to be aware of this) Right to rent checks introduced for landlords in England Right to rent document checks: a user guide A short guide on right to rent Right to rent checks: what they mean for you Check your tenant's right to rent The PDF below contains the above information but also: 1. Lodger Agreement 2. Lodger Interview Form 3. Inventory List 4. Example Notice to Quit letter. Guide to Taking in a Lodger.pdf
  12. Dear CAG members During early 2015 Lowell were chasing me for an old debt and I pointed out by post that I now lived near Spain - but I still own my house in the UK where they were sending mail to. This carried on and I rang them and told them to stop harassing my tenants. This still carried on until a CC Claim came through - which was forwarded to me, correctly or not if I had not of responded I would of received a default CCJ - so I responded with my defence as Out Of Jurisdiction - I am not even living in an EU member state. It went to mediation and I was explained that they didn't believe that I lived abroad as there was "active" credit at my UK address in my name. Yes of course there is as I have 15 years left on my mortgage, and my mobile phone contract renewed there in August 2015 as my UK contract has FREE calls abroad, here I cannot get a Foreign mobile with free UK calls. The Court has just sent a letter on 6th jan to my UK address and I was sent it and received it yesterday abroad, giving me only until 14th jan to justify my defence as the court believe that "it has been served at my last known address and therefore can see nothing wrong with service". If I don't respond they are going to strike out my defence. The Court was notified on the AQ that I was not back in the country until JUNE. I'm back in the UK today for 3 days, but that's not the point, surely the Court has firstly missed the point that I am NOT in the country let alone able to respond to their letter in 6 days? Also as I informed the Claimant of my foreign address they are being vexatious in continuing to serve at my UK address knowing that I could not reply and would therefore be liable to a default judgement? Its only by chance that I have a family member renting my house so I really get the mail by default. I can probably just get this done and include a utility bill etc from my address abroad, I'm not even on the electoral roll for gods sake and have paid my last tax to HMRC for year ending April 2016. Its a case of damned if I didn't reply and damned if I did !! But why should I be doing this??? By my understanding I cant even put in a counter claim as I am OUT OF JURISTICTION ! And any help what to put would be grateful.
  13. http://www.spanglefish.com/sugarandspicetheshop/index.asp?pageid=609834 I ordered wool from the above web site, have before and had no problems, contacted them via their FB page as I had not received the wool and got this reply...... Sugar & Spice Yarns Chat conversation start 09:41 Hi, I ordered some yarn from you on the 27th December can you please tell me if its been posted out please? Hi i don`t do the yarn anymore sorry and haven`t received any orders since last summer. O ordered from the website This person isn't receiving messages from you at the moment. They have also just closed the facebook page as well! I can not find any contact details other than via FB on the website
  14. Hi , I work for a small engineering company, we currently work a 40 hour week with 30 mins lunch a day unpaid, if the managing director was to agree that we can work through our lunch is this acceptable, None of use use heavy press/ lathes etc and we are able to have a break \ coffee whenever we like Thanks
  15. I have received a county court claim from Parking Eye and this has now been passed onto the local county court. I have a reply to complete as I have contested their claim. When the car was parked I had to wait for an auction house to open so that I could collect an item. The car arrived at about 8:30 and the auction huse opened at 9:00. the car was then moved to the entrance to put the item, a very large smart board into the car and it would not fit ... so much so it got stuck in the doorway and this took us over the hour by about 10 minutes but reading above the cart was not parked all of that time in one place. Parking Eye have decided to pursue me the owner for the claim but they do not say nor do they indicate who the driver was, they are just assuming I was the driver. Can anyone give me any ideas of what I might use as my defense in court? or even if I should contact PE prior to the hearing, which hasn't been decided yet. If this is a new thread can someone please move it to one for me please?
  16. Hi All, I need some help regarding a problem buyer from eBay. I sold them a phone on 21 Sep 2016 for £95 (Pink iPhone 5C) It was on the Vodafone network and then unlocked when the contract had ended (tested from my end with a few sim cards one being the 3 network) A month later the buyer opens a case saying the item has never worked with a 3 sim card, so I thought "here we go," I begrudgingly accepted the return knowing that the item was working and I would most likely get a smashed phone back or something completly different. So I get the phone back it is sort of in the same condition a couple small marks had been added but nothing that was major, the phone was dead so I neeed to charge it and when turning it on he had added an icloud account to it and I could no longer reset it, after several messages he finally admitted the following; Adding the icloud account and even confirmed the email address used (but wouldn't give me the password.) The sim card did infact work (I knew this anyway becuase you need it to activate the phone to get as far to put a icloud account on it.) Had been used for the time that he had the phone (even though he initialy stated he had been working away.) Ebay decided the case in his favour giving the reason there was no evidence of him doing it, so I have since appealed the decision telling them that there is proof of him admitting to it in the messages we had been sending each other, I am still awaiting a decision on this one. If it doesn't get overturned I will then be out of £100 and have a nice Apple paperweight, so my question is who would I need to take to a small claims court eBay or the buyer and if so how likely do you think I will win ? This isn't the first time I have been messed around by a buyer and ebay and I now want to follow through with this to prove my point. Thanks in advance
  17. Hi I have 2 credit card debts with RBS that are more than 6 years in default and so have fallen off my credit record. They are not statute barred as I make monthly payments of £15 each. I have now received letters from Wescot saying that - 'the account has been transferred to us and your account is now being directly managed by us' It lists the arrangement I had with RBS and says 'this is the arrangement we will be managing on their behalf'. I have not been actively chased for this debt for years, I just kept making the low payments. A couple of times in the last 6 years I made low full & final settlement offers which RBS did not accept. What can I expect now that the Wescot have been involved? I don't know where my Truecall machine is now but will I have to find it and plug it in again?!!
  18. A dear friend is trying to fight legal action from this catalogue company via Lowell's even though she never opened the account and goods were delivered to a different address. She informed the catalogue company approximately two years ago when she first received a letter about the account. After that she heard nothing til a couple of months ago with a letter from Lowell's. Being inexperienced and knowing this was not her account she rang them and explained the account was fraudulent. She also rang the catalogue company but they couldn't give her any information! She has acknowledged the court papers and entered a defence that though the account is in herr name, she didn't receive the goods and they were not delivered to her address. But Lowell's just sent her a letter saying they would reduce the amount! How does she get evidence when the catalogue company say they have no information on what was ordered and where it was delivered? Why is this happening when she informed them about the fraud years ago. Its been assigned to her local court but she needs to be able to get evidence?
  19. I would welcome some suggestions from Forum Members please as to what I should with regards to a landlord who is taking her time in restoring central heating in the house which I am renting. I have been without heating now for a week. Prior to this, the boiler had broken down a number of times and the landlord was told by two of the engineers that the boiler was obsolete and needed replacing. I have been in touch with the LL and made the point that the situation is becoming untenable, but all I got back was that she is dealing with the matter. I would be grateful for some suggestions about what options are available to me so that I can use some leverage to get the LL to act and act urgently? I hope members can help. Many thanks in advance. Mack
  20. My job as a roadside tech ( recovery driver ) is a Monday to Friday 10am till 8pm once a week I cover a night shift from end of my day shift 8pm till 8am the following day then start my day shift again at 10am Long hours I know and the night shift or being on call out as its known is unpaid unless im actually called out to a job then im paid by the hour at overtime rate from job start to job finish usually 1 or 2 hours. The call outs are sent via a night controller who sends me the jobs by SMS to my mobile phone, the night controller is as expected paid to take the jobs and relate them to me and answer calls from customers, my issue is my boss as mentioned he is considering diverting the phones direct to my mobile and therefore not having to pay someone else to control the night shift as I myself would be taking calls from customers and accepting jobs as do other members of staff when its their turn to cover the nights but as like them I am expected to do this without pay myself. I did actually ask my boss how much he is paying me if I was to do this his reply was nothing its part of the job, now I may be stupid at times but I'm guessing that if I'm answering the works phone calls from customers after my day shift as ended then I'm actually working overtime during that phone call and therefore would i be correct in assuming i should be paid to do this ? cheers to all replies M
  21. Hi, I had a default with Lloyds TSB a few years back, which Lowell took over. A few days ago I received a letter through the post from court saying Lowell want this debt paid and I have 14 days to respond. The original debt was made up of charges (because of an unplanned overdraft), The total amount owed is around £1400 and I just refused to pay it and buried my head. Is there anything I can do about this now or should I just accept and pay it in installments? Really don't want a CCJ. Thanks
  22. A friend is interested in moving in for an uncertain amount of time and i wanted to get an idea of how this works as i am on benefits. I am currently receiving ESA and DLA as well as having my rent (minus the under occupancy charge for one spare room) and council tax paid. My friend works self employed as a pointer. If he was to officially move in what would be the repercussions? I found some information on Housing Benefit. It appears i would no longer receive the bedroom tax cut and anything upto £20 in rent charges to my friend would also be ignored as income for myself. Does anyone know how it would affect ESA and DLA though? Also Council Tax. If he were to suddenly move out for example would i be liable for a large council tax bill? Thanks.
  23. Hi, I've had a read through previous posts and was hoping for some advice on our current situation. We entered debt management plan in Jan 2013 (70k credit cards & bank loans). Never missed on mortgage payments (1 residential & 2 buy to let) and these are currently up to date. We have a couple of properties which have finally increased in value and are hoping to sell this summer and get back on track. Our DMP has always been up to date. We were wondering what our chances were of obtaining a mortgage in future once we come out of the plan. Both of us have good jobs and stable employment. Also - if we went for part/full settlement of our debts does this pose an increased risk? We were hoping that if we went for part/full settlement we would be able to save and get another residential mortgage in a year or two - not sure if mortgage company would look at us - any thoughts? Really appreciate any help and advice as this DMP is a weight round our necks that we really want to get rid of as soon as feasible (never paid a bill late until we entered into this but was unavoidable due to significant change in circumstances). Please be gentle as I am not overly familiar with protocol on forums. Thank you for reading
  24. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3652449/Irate-father-pays-60-fine-taking-son-eight-school-Majorca-holiday-one-two-pence-pieces.html I thought this was amusing. The following is a video of the moment. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/watch-priceless-moment-irate-dad-8246247
  25. I signed up for a year of cover on a washer dryer and have just found out that they have been taking the payments since 2011 without me realising or indeed authorising it. I spoke to them and they were incredibly unhelpful - a rude and arrogant woman on the phone who said that they were not regulated by anyone and fundamentally they could do what they liked. They claim to have been sending me renewal notices each year which I have not received - I moved property so cannot verify this. Their main line of defence is that when they sent the first renewal letter it said that unless you cancel then it will automatically renew. I cannot believe that this is allowed?!? Can anyone please help me claim my hundreds of pounds back? I could have purchased about 3 new machines now for the amount they have charged!!! Any help greatly appreciated.
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