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  1. I received a speeding fine , but my ex-employee was driving the vehicle. He was insured as an added driver. The form asks for his driving licence number.I don't have it,and I can't find thex-emplyee. Advice?
  2. I am shocked to find I received 2 speeding tickets this morning (16-02-16). 1) Dated 02-10-15 doing 36 mph in a 30 mile road 2) Dated 11-12-15 doing 35 mph in a 30 mile road. Since its 16 February 2016 the first ticket is over 4 months old. Obviously I have no recollection dating back that far. The "speeds" are so minor over the limit and I would welcome any advice on whether it it possible to challenge these tickets fairly. Amazingly the only memory I have of this particular road is being stuck in between lorries in traffic jams where a 10 min drive would take you up to an hour - seems rather strange and weird, unless a gap appeared and I moved??? On the letter its says pay £100 fine and then talks about a speeding course does it mean do one or the other or are you supposed to do both. Never had a speeding ticket before so quite shocked. Any advice welcome. Thanks
  3. On 22nd of november i was driving to castle hill hospital in cottingham near beverley on the dual carriageway i got caught by a plain police car with a hand held device, he followed me into the hospital car park and issued me with a piece of paper saying i would be referred to court for the offence of driving 68mph in a 40 zone. The road was a dual carriage way. I apologised as i was in a rush my mum was dying as a result of a 3rd major heart attack . I got a letter from humberside police in december to say id hear from with a court date but havent heard anything yet. Do i ring the court and remind them or keep quiet. i am scraed i will get arrested if i do not get the court summons and not turn up. also on 24th feb this year im having knee reconstruciton surgery , im also heavily disabled on crutches and have a muscular condition, im scared i will get a court date near my operation date and what happens if i am too ill to get to court which will be in as town 80 miles away from were i live. my license is currently clean, am i looking at 4-6 points? apologies for my bad spelling, like i said i am disabled and have problematic hands. i have a muscular condition called cmt
  4. In September last year I was chased by a "white van man" through the Worcestershire countryside - a very angry man indeed! Several days later I received a Penalty Charge Notice for speeding - not caught by a camera but a van parked on the side of a road. I was fined £100 plus 3 points on my license. I tried to get some advice but then got a letter from the police to say that if I didn't acknowledge and pay the fine immediately I would be fined a further £1000 - I paid the fine and sent back the form with my driving license - I do not agree with having to pay the fine or receive the points as someone else's stupidity got me into this position. I have a totally clean license - never had a single point in 36 years of driving and only one parking ticket, which I successfully appealed. I then got a further letter from the police to say I had not yet sent my license. I emailed copies of everything I sent but they claim not to have received it. They told me I had to purchase a new license and then send that to them by the 2nd Feb - the new license arrived today - my question is - can I still appeal the points? Thanks for any help.
  5. Can anyone offer me some advice on this please. I was speeding on the A4 near Bath and doing 76 in a 50. I recieved the court papers and they state I can write in or attend. I can do either but attending is more difficult as I am 150 miles away. Does anyone have an opinion / exeperience on how the court might view either with a better light? I can't decide whether not going and therefore pleading by post would be viewed positively as saving the court time, or the court would rather see mebeing embarressed, contrite and apologetic? I currently have no points but did recieve a 6 week ban and £900 fine 4 years ago for a similar offence. Like most people I can't afford a ban as I have my own business and employ 10 staff who rely on me to bring in business for them to earn. As well as general advice, has anyone any idea on what the range of outcomes might be. Thanks in advance.
  6. Hi. I am looking for some help please, on xmas eve i was on the M42 by birmingham airport driving home from work in the slow lane and under the speed limit. as i went under the gantry camera i looked at my side mirror and saw a flash. now i know i was not speeding and can prove this via my on board camera system, my problem is though i have recently moved address so if i have been flashed the letter will go to my old address as i have not yet changed any of my details and even if i do it now the offence letter will go to my old address before my new details are sorted out by the dvla. i would like to know who enforces these cameras and sends out the offence letters so i can contact them direct to see if i have been flashed. thank you for any help,
  7. I received a fixed penalty for speeding, ad I even though I don't believe I was there at that time, I decided to take the offer of a driver retraining course. I was asked to leave this course because the trainer did not like my answer, no other reason. The case has been referred to court now. I went to court today and the CPS had a) failed to disclose their evidence 14 days earlier b)ambushed me with a new piece of evidence that had not been provided to me c)did not provide a calibration certificate d)did not provide a photograph from the camera. The case has been adjourned. As a photograph and calibration certificate were not provided, surely there is no case to answer. Secondly I have paid the price by attending the driver training course. Thirdly. having studied the road further, there were no speed limit signs or camera warning signs before the camera and the camera can not be seen in the dark as it does not have a yellow back panel (it is bidirectional. The council have erected speed camera warning signs and speed limit signs since my offence, and I have photographs of the road before and after the signs (all dated). Can anyone provide me with any advice on how to get the court to throw this case out as I don't believe there is a case to answer?
  8. Im just after some advice on a speeding ticket. The offence is from 16/04/15 it took 2 months to come through as I had accidently delayed in changing my address on vehicle when i moved, so I know I cant quote the 14 day rule to them. At the time i said i thought it wasnt me as i had sold the vehicle, after a delay I got a letter back saying the photo looks like me. I then asked to see a copy of the photo which i admit does look like it me but im still unsure as the picture not clear. It probably is me though. However, todays date is 15/10/2015 meaning tomorrow the offence will be 6 months old. Ive read that the police have 6 months from offence to prosecute. What is best course of action? Should I just write back and point out something along the lines that im still unsure weather its me driving but the 6 month deadline has now passed to prosecute whoever the driver is?
  9. I have been caught speeding at 105mph on a motorway which is a 70mph by a laser gun. it was in a work vehicle if I lose my licence I have lost my job. Work said they will write me a letter to back this up. I have a clean licence and I am not proud of speeding and this has taught me a valuable lesson. Will I need a motor lawyer to back my case to get the lightest sentence possible or could I do this alone. I do around 40-50 thousand miles a year.
  10. Hi all, I was caught speeding a few weeks back, 106mph on a motorway. Going to court at the end of the month. I had no excuses or mitigating circumstances, I'm planning to hold my hands up and apologise, be humble etc.... My job involves driving to many different sites all around the country. I take lots of equipment so can't really get public transport. I plan to take a letter from my employer which says words to this effect. I basically want to get across that any disqualification will affect me (fair enough) but also affect my company, colleagues etc.... What should the format of this letter be? Who should it be addressed to, what sort of content etc....? Thanks in advance!
  11. On the 11th Nov 2014 I got flashed by a mobile camera doing 56 in a 40mph. Wrong I know, my first time, and it won't be repeated. I confirmed I was the driver and then received the Fixed Penalty Notice of £100. I paid this online on the 8th Jan 2015 for which I have the email receipt, and then sent my licence a week or so later. I forgot about this for a while as you do until I noticed a refund for the fine in early late Feb, I received a letter dated 25th Feb saying that I had refused the offer of a FPN. Puzzled, I phoned the DVLA to ask them what was going on, they had no knowledge of what was going on, and had not received my licence. I reported it lost, and reordered a new licence. I now have this summons saying I refused a FPN. Also, there is a page that says "You have been charged with using a vehicle without necessary documents...." etc... This don't make sense Anybody have any help here?
  12. :???::???::???: Sent my fine and paper licence in pre addressed envelope, but according to DVLA was never received. Consequence was that I ended up with a court date, went and pleaded guilty. 35 in a 30!! Duty solicitor dealt with it in court and I was there about ten mins. Fine arrives in the post and includes a "Victim" charge, are they really allowed to get away with this?? Can somebody please explain "who the victim is?" as it was a flipping fixed speed camera. What sort of government con is this????
  13. I have been sent a fixed penalty notice to say I was travelling at 46mph on a 40mph road. I was really surprised when I received this and more so when I saw the date and road the offence is alleged to have taken place. Here goes: I had the sat nav on all day, was doing a 200 mile round trip and know for certain that I didn't exceed the limit. The reason I am sure I was not speeding is that at the time I was on the road in question there were a series of incidents that made it stick in my mind: I turned off the motorway and was tail-gated by a van for a couple of miles yet I refused to exceed the 40mph limit (and yes, I checked the road signs tallied with the sat nav and always do), the van eventually took a turning; after this I remembered a conversation with a friend from the day before who said it's impossible to stick to the limits on empty roads due to other drivers going fast and the natural tendency is to go faster without thinking - this was one of those roads, but I cruised just on/slightly below the speed limit as is my normal habit when driving; the road in question was close to where I had to pick someone up, on the way back I noticed the police van and thought back to the one occasion I was caught speeding, I was smug that since that incident I no longer exceed the limit so knew I would not be caught this time; finally I drive an old banger with a tiny engine and it's not worth my while to accelerate sharply, which is what I would have to have done in this case as the road is punctuated with roundabouts every so often. I am 100% certain I did not commit the offence. In 25 years of driving I have been caught once exceeding the limit - again by a police van doing 50mph in a section of road that dropped from 60 to 40 - the lights ahead were green and I should have slowed down more. I've always been a cautious driver though before I was caught did speed if I thought it was safe to do so. But I did the speed awareness course, fully accepted the lessons it taught and have been a bit of an advocate of it telling other motorists to drive more carefully. Also as a self-employed person on a low income I knew I could not afford to get a fine and points. So I am one of those drivers who tends to annoy the racers by sticking to the limits, driving at 28mph on 30mph roads and stubbornly refusing to drive over the speed limit, I've just moved from West London where I was often tail-gated and cut up by impatient drivers. Anyway that's the long story, had to get it off my chest. Looking at my situation - just my memory verses a penalty notice from the police, my only option to go to court to contest it - I can hardly see my case being taken seriously! Is there any other way to investigate the speed camera's calibration other than going to court? And for the future if I can find out a way of recording my speed on journeys would that be sufficient to contest a fine?
  14. Hi, I have just received through the post 2 speeding notices, one for 38 mph and another for 42 mph, I am assuming it was a 30 mph limit. They are both for a Sunday Morning one Week apart on the same stretch of road, I had just started a new contract at a company and was following my Sat Nav. I accept of course that relying on a sat nav to beep if your over the limit isn't any excuse and being in an unfamiliar area is again no excuse. My beef is that had I known I had been done for speeding on this stretch of road on the first Sunday morning, I would have been able to be more vigilant the next Week when I was travelling there. So I feel it is unfair to prosecute me twice in this situation. I am thinking to go to court and plead my case, has anyone else had a similar experience? Ian
  15. Hi, I have been with my other half for about 3 years and she has always told me she has a license (she lost it so doesn't have it -- I know a few people who have lost theirs so didn't think anything of it)... She is on my insurance as a "named driver" Earlier she was doing less than 35 in a 30mph road but when saw the speed van slowed down to 30 but she has just admitted she has no license!! Devastation that she lied to me aside what happens now? What happens to me? What happens to her? Thanks
  16. I am a resident of UK. I came to UK from India 2 years ago in April 2012 on work Visa. I work for a car manufacturing company in UK. On 14th Dec 2014 I was driving my company car and caught speeding by a speed camera for exceeding 40MPH speed limit(Recorded Speed:51MPH). The police contacted my company to get the driver details as the car was registered on my company and they got my address from my company and sent me the “Notice of Intended Prosecution” I have my Indian Driving License; I got the International Driving Permit during my last visit to India in March 2014 which is Valid for a year from March 2014 to March 2015. I have a UK provisional license issued on 11th Nov 2014. Hence during the offence I have the UK provisional license and the international driving permit. I read from DVLA website that the Indian Driving license or the International Driving Permit is valid only for 1 year from the initial entry into UK. I have crossed 2 years as a resident in UK so I don’t know whether my International Driving Permit which I have validity till March 2015 is valid to drive in UK after I crossed my 1 year of stay. I drove the car without learners “L” plate (I believe the speed camera would have caught the picture of my car which is an evidence of not having “L” during driving) which I feel as another offense, also I came to know that the UK provisional license will overrule my International Driving Permit or Indian Driving License. In the NIP I was asked to provide my UK driving license details such as driver number and current number of points. I have given to choose from below options Part 1. If eligible I wish to be considered for a driver awareness course at a cost of £110 Part 1a. I wish to be considered for the fixed penalty procedure OR Part 1b. I would like the matter to be dealt with by way of a court hearing. Now I wanted to know the below queries please in filling and sending back the NIP, 1. Whether I can provide my International Driving Permit only and opt for a course if eligible or fixed penalty. I don’t want to give my UK provisional because they will raise another question whether I drove the car with an L plate on it which will be another offense. 2. If I am not giving the UK provisional then, a. I need to know whether they will enquire and find out my date of first entry in UK. b. I need to know whether there are chances that they may find out I have a UK provisional 3. If I give the UK provisional license along with the International Driving Permit (though it is overruled by UK provisional) and claim guilty then are there chances to punish me for speeding offense as well as driving without “L” plate offense. 4. On top of all the above, If I give the UK provisional then I need to know whether the police will contact my company and inform them that I was driving the company car with a provisional license which is an offense and got a speed fine as well. This may affect my job as my company may take action against me since I did something against law. I am bit nervous and worried as I am confused to take a right decision. I kindly request your opinions and suggestions on my above queries please which will be really helpful for me to take a decision and respond to the NIP. Thanks in advance.
  17. Got a NIP for 37 in a 30mph zone. asking for a photo and camera calibration certificate. I've also stated in the letter that it's likely I will be travelling abroad for quite a while (up to 6 months), and don't know exactly where I'll be staying. I've provided them with the address of the first hotel I'll be staying in, and that they must write to that address or i won't see any correspondence.The hotel will forward any letters once I've stopped staying there. I'm concerned they'll ignore what I've told them, and they'll end up writing to my uk address, and I won't see the letters. Not sure what else i can do. Obviously not willing to name myself as the driver until I see the photo, as it could have been my colleague driving at the time of the offence.
  18. Couple of weeks ago, a German friend and family came over to visit. I lent them my car for the weekend. Today, I received Notice of Intended Prosecution from West Midland Police. Apparently, my car was caught doing 70mph on M6 between J4 & J5 where there is a variable speed limit of 60mph!! The NIP asked for information of the driver. Should I submit the name and address of my German friend? What would happen to him? Will he be prosecuted in German, or call to face the music in West Midlands? I wonder if anyone had similar experience and can give me some advice, please. Many thanks.
  19. Hi, My girlfriend recently had a out of the blue debt collection notice come to my address of where she has recently moved. It related to a speeding ticket that had been posted to her old address so she had never received it, she has had 4 addresses in that year due to friends helping her with a place to live. I contacted the debt agency to see what it was all about and that was the first we had heard of it so i contacted the council and explained and went to court with her to fill out a statutory declaration of which was accepted and now the whole procedure has started again. My question is, there court summons is now for two crimes, one is the original speeding offence (of which she would go guilty as its clear cut) but the other is for failing to produce documents, so does she go guilty to this as she didn't produce but she didn't get anything to tell her to do so as she had moved, or not guilty for the same reason ? Also is there any merit in going guilty by post on both to save going to court etc... would it be a huge fine ? Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
  20. Hi Both myself and my wife ended up being criminals by getting caught speeding on the Grimsby Parkway by some stealth cameras both vat different times, both doing 36mph in a 40mph area. There has been loads of complaints about the speed limit as it is on an area of road surrounded by high walls and no pedestrian access - some would call it a cash cow. Even the Chief Constable got caught ! 6 weeks after receiving the NIP the speed limit has been raised to 40mph ! My query is whether or not there are any precedents in challenging the case based on it clearly having been an unreasonable decision to set it at 40 mph in the first place? Just thought I'd ask as it clearly has nothing at all to do with road safety and it is 30 years since I got done for speeding and my wife never has. We're somewhat miffed by the whole thing. Thanks in advance. Bugsley
  21. I'm not sure how much I can do on this but I need to ask if there is something I can do. In February this year I was caught speeding on a motorway that had a restricted 50mph speed limit on it. I was caught at the end of the restricted zone doing +-62mph. Documents were sent to me that I duly completed admitting my guilt and these were returned in time apart from my licence and counterpart that I couldn't find at the time. As I was due to go on holiday the following day I felt that it could wait till I returned before I sent it. The fine of £100 was paid electronically. In about June, I received a cheque for £100 from the court whom I contacted to be informed that the money was returned as they had not received my Licence and counterpart and that I must now wait for more papers. As you can see I forgot about the licence when I returned from holiday. After searching again I couldn't find the offending items and so I asked for duplicates from the DVLA which I received. The next set of documents arrived which were duly completed along with a statement of my mitigating circumstances as above and I enclosed the new licence and counterpart. A couple of days ago I received notice from the court that my fine was now £700 with a £70 victim surcharge and £85 costs a total of £855!! This is a large increase from the original fine of £100 and all because I failed to send in my licence. I had completed the original documents, I had paid the fine, I had completed the next set of documents, I sent in my licence and now I have a fine that is, in my opinion, out of context with the original offence. I have spoken to and now written to the court to ask why this has happened and the reasons for it and have asked for that fine to be reviewed. I have also asked the court to hold the Enforcement Notice. The fine was due to be paid on the 1st. October. Does anyone have any other way that I can appeal this vast increase for something which is fairly easy to have been resolved. All they had to do was to send me a reminder for the licence and it would have been done. Thank you in advance. Alan.
  22. Hi, I wonder if someone could give me some advice please. My son received a notice of intended prosecution approx 3 months ago for speeding near the Dartford Tunnel. He made that journey a couple of times week and I sometimes drive his car on the same journey and drop him off while I go to Lakeside or Bluewater Shopping Centres. We believed that I was the driver on that day and filled the form in accordingly but, after downloading my bank statements to check when I had brought something I wanted to return, I realised that I wasn't, actually, the driver on that day. I wrote to the Police and told them that I now believed I wasnt the driver. Last week my son then received a letter saying that, after looking at the photographic evidence, it was believed that the driver he had identified was the wrong gender according to the photo. I had already written and told them that we believed we had made a mistake. Now he has received a Court Summons for 29th October 2014. I am worried that he will be in trouble for, genuinely mistakenly, naming the wrong driver? Should I write to the court and send them a copy of my bank statement showing that I had been to Lakeside the day before and it was a genuine mistake?
  23. Hi everyone. I finished working for a company the middle of august. I had a hire car from just before christmas until April when i got my company car. I have today received a letter from the company with a copy of an invoice from the hire company saying they want me to pay £36 for a speeding fine. It does not say when or where this happened. The company i worked for want me to send £36 by cheque as they say they have paid the fine on my behalf. They quoted the company car policy which says all employees must pay for any motoring fines promptly, which I am happy to do but isnt a speeding fine £60? I thought I would have received a NIP? The hire car i was apparently caught in was handed back mid April when i got my company car, so this is 4 months down the line, and I dont even know when the alleged offence took place. Any advice? I can phone the hire company tomorrow and get more details, and am happy to pay any fines incurred, but this seems very odd to me?
  24. Hi all, I need a bit of help... I was caught doing 37 in a 30 zone... my car, only I'm insured to drive it... and I have openly admitted... it was me !!! I've never had a driving offence before, not even a parking ticket, not bad as I'm in my late 40's ;o( I received the letter to identify the driver... I filled it in but I couldnt read my number on my driving licence... so that took me about a week to get that... so when the form was complete, I sent it off. Two days later, I get the same form saying you havent filled this in... so I thought well I have and the 2 letters just passed in the post. It then goes quiet... nothing. This morning, 6 months after the offence... I get a "Fail to give information relating to the identification of the driver / rider of a vehicle when required" letter from the "Clerk to the Justices"... accompanied by a £745 fine & 6 points. But I admitted it was me... as I wanted to do the speed awareness course... so what can I do now??? As I think I'm shafted, I aint got a hope of proving that I did send it off as the police will just say they didnt get anything from me. It'll be my word against theirs. Anyone else been thru anything similar ???
  25. Hi I have been caught speeding by a van hidden in bushes on a road close to where i work The speeding took place on a wide clear road with good visibility - It has no signs saying 30 & I always thought it was a 40 limit - Anyway that aside - the road was clear so i gave the car a Blast ! -- and the van obviously got me. The question is does the 14 day rule apply ? - I have read somewhere in past that the NIP must arrive within 14 days of the alleged offence . Hopefully this is correct and i get a second chance , at this speed 65 in 30 i will end up with a short ban and 6 points ... that will kill my insurance and probably my job.
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