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  1. yes i can redirect my mail but again it will not take effect until after the letters i am concerned about have already arrived.
  2. problem is we have contacted the people at our old address and asked them to contact us if letters come so we can collect them and they said no, and it appears from letter we know have gone to the address that they are either reading our mail or binning it, so the problem is if i have been flashed the letter will not get returned to whoever sent it so they will think i am avoiding it and could result in a bigger fine more points or even a driving ban.
  3. Hi. I am looking for some help please, on xmas eve i was on the M42 by birmingham airport driving home from work in the slow lane and under the speed limit. as i went under the gantry camera i looked at my side mirror and saw a flash. now i know i was not speeding and can prove this via my on board camera system, my problem is though i have recently moved address so if i have been flashed the letter will go to my old address as i have not yet changed any of my details and even if i do it now the offence letter will go to my old address before my new details are sorted out by the dvla. i would like to know who enforces these cameras and sends out the offence letters so i can contact them direct to see if i have been flashed. thank you for any help,
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