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  1. Can anyone help. Due to depression and anxiety i was on esa, i was in the support group and allowed to do permitted work. I failed my assessment and have been taken off ESA. on all other occasions i have been told that permitted work will have to stop so that is what i did this time. I am now being refused full jsa because i stopped the permitted work. I did ask what i should do about permitted work when they told me i could not claim esa anymore but no one seemed to know so that is why i finished as that had been the case before.
  2. I qualified to become a driving intructor in 2012 and in Oct 2015 I gave my ADI badge back to the Driving Standards Agency (DSA) as I was no longer teaching due to being in a full time job. The DSA sent me a letter to confirm they received my ADI badge in Oct 2015 also confirmed they removed my name off the Driving Instructors Register. The DSA said in a letter I had ..."12 months from the date your name was removed from the ADI register on 30th Oct2015 to re-register without taking the driving instructor qualifying exams..." So in late Oct 2016 a few days before the 12 months was coming up, I sent in my application to the DSA to re-register, along with my card details for payment of £300. I also did a CRB check a few months before, which was required. The DSA received my application on the 27th Oct (The 12 months deadline was on the 30th, so they received it with 3 days left) I heard nothing for 2 weeks, then I received my application form back (stamped received 27th Oct 2016) and a letter saying my application was unfortunately being rejected because I had not made payment in the last 12 months (I was not teaching in the last 12 months - I had given my badge back and was off the register) as mentioned above. I called the DSA and was told I did not make payment within the 12 months deadline of wanting to re-register with my application form - I explained I sent my application within the 12 months deadline and my card details were on the form. I also explained I had a letter from the DSA from Oct 2015 telling me I had 12 months to re-apply from the date my name was removed off the register. I was told the ADI department was looking for my letter from Oct 2015 and would email me (which they did not) The next day I rang again and this time I again explained - I sent my application within the 12 months time period and wrote my card details on the application form. That my application was returned back to me stamped 'received 27th Oct 2106' - within the 12 month deadline. I was bluntly told my application was being rejected (even though I applied within the 12month period to re-register) because according to the the DSA 1. The DSA needed the 3 digit security number on the back of my card to take payment and they supposedly tried to ring me several times and my number was not working (I explained my number was working all the time and to ring me back to confirm it was working, but the person on the line said no). I explained I received no missed calls. 2. They said they sent me emails as well which I did not have in my inbox I was told bluntly I had to re-apply from scratch and do all the 3 driving instructor tests again and to re-qualify!! - I was feeling very angry because I did nothing wrong in my application and sent it in within 12 months. The DSA received my application on the 23rd Oct and the letter they sent me to say it was being rejected, was dated the 24th Oct, but it was sent out to me a via recorded delivery a whole 12 days later on the 4th Dec 2016 (why was my letter dated 24th Oct 2016 and then sent out to me on the 4th Dec 2016??) they wasted 12 days on purpose to send me the letter. The DSA received my application on 23rd Oct 2016, why did they not send me a letter telling me they needed the 3 digit security number from my card or why did they not send me a text message. The DSA received my application within 12 months and they should have sent me a letter to request my card details, if according to them my phone number was not working (which is a lie) I want to appeal the DSA decision on the basis of 1. I sent my application within 12 months of the deadline to re-register. 2. I need dates/times of the when the DSA called me and according to them my phone was not working (a down right lie) so I can get confirmation from my phone network provider to confirm my phone was working and they was no problem with the phone network - which would break the DSA false argument. 3. Why did not the DSA send me a letter to request the security number or try sending me a text message. 4. The DSA received my letter on the 27th Oct, (application form shows "received 27th Oct) - 3 days before the 12 month deadline. 5. Why did the DSA produce the rejection letter on the 24th Oct and take a whole 12 days to send it out to me on the 4th Dec via recorded delivery - they on purpose took 12 days to delay it being sent to me, so they could say I did not appeal within 14 days!! - thats how sneaky they are!! Please can you help me draft up a letter I need to send the DSA tommorow please
  3. Hey all Looking for a bit of advice please. I bought a pre-owned Samsung galaxy tab 3 from GAME earlier this month (still have the box, receipt etc). After having no problems with it, the last few days it has started restarting itself randomly - this could happen after a few minutes of use or even after an hour. When it does restart itself, it turns itself off and cant be turned back on for 5mins or so. Anyway, to me it appears faulty and took it back to my local GAME store today but was told that as its an intermittent problem, I need to take it home and then video it when it has a problem again. Is this a usual thing? Is there anything I can do besides sit and wait for it to happen again? Many thanks
  4. Good morning! I have an interesting issue here. Last week a friend of mine came to a Post Office branch at Canning Town. There was already a small queue of just 3 people. It was Saturday. Closing time was 12:30. She came to the branch at 12:10. All she needed was to register her biometric details. The procedure normally takes around 4 minutes. But the staff of the Post Office refused to service her, because otherwise they would have to stay at work later than 12:30.. After several minutes of arguing my friend had to leave the branch, it was 12:20, still 10 minutes before closure. What should my friend have done in that situation? I'd like to know if the Post Office staff violated the law by doing so? If yes, how could the girl make them act in accordance with the law?
  5. Some time ago on renewing buildings insurance, when asked about state of repair, I mentioned to my insurer (and another company I had asked to quote) a long standing crack in a detached outbuilding (not the house) which I said was stable and showing no movement. They said they wanted more information before quoting for the renewal/cover, and that they would refer to their underwriters. Before either made a decision I actually obtained a better quote elsewhere (with full disclosure, obviously). I wrote to the two companies saying that was the case, and that I did not want to pursue the applications with them. Some time on, I am now obtaining quotes for another completely unconnected house. I am being asked the standard question "have you ever been refused or declined insurance". My view is that neither company declined cover, as I withdrew the application before a decision was made (or at least notified to me). At the same time, they didn't actually offer me cover either! Can I safely answer "no" to the question about having insurance declined? Confused!
  6. Got a bit of an annoying issue with Royal Mail. Will try and keep this as brief as possible. I sent a parcel to friends in Germany containing some baby clothing for which I paid just over four pound to go as a small parcel (airmail). The parcel never arrived and six weeks after sending it out it came back to me, in a clear plastic bag from Royal Mail, my parcel was more or less obliterated, the shipping bag I used was totally shredded with the contents falling out. The address was no longer visible as that part of the mailing bag was totally ripped away. Only my return address was still legible, so it was returned to me by what the enclosed apology letter says was Royal Mail’s lost mail centre. The contents although partly visible / fallen out were still undamaged, just a bit blackened from whatever caused the bag to be destroyed. (A machine ?) I managed to clean the contents (clothing ) but had to pay again to re-send them. I decided to make a claim against Royal Mail for the wasted postage costs for the first attempt to send the parcel. I submitted evidence of the destroyed packing and my proof of posting slip. Royal Mail then requested from me proof of value of the contents as otherwise apparently they couldn’t process my claim. I wrote back to them stating that I managed to salvage the contents and I didn’t have any receipts for the clothing as it wasn’t new and even if it had been I would not have kept the receipts. I couldn’t have anticipated that Royal Mail would destroy the parcel and then asking to see receipts for the contents to be honest. I told them I only wanted a refund for the wasted postage costs as they failed to deliver the parcel to Germany, which is what I paid for. They wrote to me today refusing any compensation / refund, because (I quote) “a postage refund is only available in the event of loss. In the event of damage to an item, we will look to compensate for the damaged iten, but still no potage refund is available.” They apologised for the inconvenience and that was it. I am not happy about this and would still like to pursue this as they charged me for a service they failed to carry out. What are my next options if any ?
  7. Hi I have Buildings and content insurance bought through Hastings Direct. In May 2016, we had a very large fire in our property which caused extensive damage costing upwards of £100k to repair. The cause of the fire is unknown, but it likely started in the washing machine (it wasn't on but was plugged in.) There had been no alterations to the wiring in the 10 months that we had owned the house. There is no suggestion of foul play. It is the first time I have made a claim in over 21 years of having home insurance. Hastings have now written to me to say that are refusing to invite me for renewal, no explanation as to why. Obviously it is because we have a very large and outstanding claim. However it strikes me as extremely unfair that we make one claim (not a string of claims, just 1 in 20 years) and we are now being massively punished for it. Now I have to declare that I have had insurance refused. Last year my insurance was approx. £240 per year; my new quote with another company for next year, having had insurance refused is now £2,500. Is there anything I can do to protest?
  8. Hi Guys, Please can you help with some legal stuff . . . We use DPD regularly and suffice to say damages do occur, fairly infrequent in all honesty but when they do I expect them to honour the claim. The latest problem was a delivery to our customers customer, 2 boxes full of acrylic display products, these were well packed with bubblewrap, double wall cartons and various void fill to ensure no movement in the box . . . sadly x amount of the products were damaged, photos were taken and I put the claim in . . . Today i've received a knock back on the claim saying the boxes were insufficiently packed therefore that's why the damage has occurred, clearly the customer had removed most of the packaging to inspect the goods on opening! When they photographed the damaged goods in situ they didn't think to replace the bubblewrap of course as you wouldn't be able to see anything but bubblewrap. This is the second knock back i've had and i'm now making a stand against them, please can anyone shed any legal standpoints so I can take this further. Thanks in advance . . .
  9. I am a driver. The vehcile I drove today has a very very badly worn drivers seat. I have reported this via defect card 4 times since january. As I finished my shift today my lower back was hurting very badly. I asked for the accident book so I could enter the injury in the accident book. I was told it should not be entered into the accident book, but should do an occurance report instead. I was under the impression that all injuries at work can/should be put in accident book. Your thoughts?
  10. Hi , Im helping my mother deal with an old Barclaycard. We sent a SAR request a week ago to this address: The data Controller , Barclays Bank Plc One Churchill Place London E14 5 HP. She today received the letter back, with a Royal Mail sticker on with `refused box ticked`. Is that the wrong address or are they being obstructive???? Any advice appreciated, Thanks
  11. Hi I apologise in advance if I do anything wrong. I have never posted or written a post before. On the 13th April 2016 shopping with my children, I used a Natwest Cash machine to withdraw money. I checked the receipt as I was paid a redundancy payment and was due to pay the majority for a deposit on a new property I was in the process of purchasing. I had been very careful not to spend much money as the deposit was due on the Friday. I was horrified when I looked at the receipt, the balance available was almost £6000 lower than it should of been. I immediately returned home and called the bank. I discussed my query with a Customer Service Advisor then onto the Fraud Department, Online Bankng and Complaints. I spent over two hours passed around. The fraud team told me a refund would be in my bank within 5 days, Online Banking Fraud team informed me that they had identified that someone had been trying to log into my account from an unknown device several times over the previous 48 hours and also confirmed that my money would be refunded as it was clear I was a victim of fraud. After speaking the various departments over the phone I still felt really concerned and distressed as I didn't feel confident that my money would be refunded in time to pay the deposit and this would result in losing a house I had my heart set on. The information from all the Natwest Staff was inconsistent and now I realise it was also inaccurate. I decided to go into my local Branch and speak to the Manager as I had been advised that the bank should of refunded the £6000 immediately whilst they investigate. I sat with the Branch Manger and explained my situation, The Branch Manager seemed very understanding spent over an hour ringing various departments, looking at my account and trying to find out why the bank had told me a refund would take 5 days and not an immediate refund. I was so upset and distressed as I had taken redundancy from my previous employer and this was to secure the purchase of my first home for my family and I felt that this was not going to be refunded in time and not one of the advisors seemed to care. The Branch Manager had experienced poor customer service herself from the various departments. Eventually the Branch Manager informed me that I had not been refunded as the transactions were still pending and that these had to clear before a refund could be issued. The manager did inform me that the transactions were to a company abroad and it was evident that I had been a victim of fraud. The Manager offered to put a temporary credit in my account but could not cover the full amount for the deposit. I was given a letter from the Branch Manager sympathising with my situation, confirming that I had been a victim of fraud and CLEARLY stating that £6000 would be refunded into my account in 5 days time. I declined the offer of a temp credit and I advised that I would request an extension for my deposit as I could use the letter to prove that I would have the money in 5 days and that I had been a victim of fraud. I went to the solicitor and provided the letter as proof and an extension was agreed among the parties involved as my Solicitor had confirmed that he had seen an official letter. I waited the 5 days and checked my account and no refund, I left it till the following day and rang the bank to query why the money was not in my bank. I spoke to a rude, arrogant man who abruptly stated 'your not having a refund' I was mortified and just assumed he had made a mistake. He told me the bank had made a decision not to refund, a letter was in the post and that my account was going to be closed. I was so upset and informed him that the Branch Manager had confirmed the refund, the advisors I had spoken to has also told me a refund would be paid in 5 days. The advisors words to me where 'the letter means nothing you may as well put it in the bin' He went on to tell me that a Branch Manager has no authority to make this decision and only the fraud team could make these decisions. I was under the assumption that a Branch Manager was a person of authority and was someone who could deal with issues such as mine. I told him that the letter was an official letter and that my Solicitor had accepted it as evidence for an extension on the sale of my new home. 'put it in the bin' I had worked myself into such a state crying and totally powerless. I couldn't believe it. From there on I have contacted the complaints team, made a formal complaint, a spokesman said wrote an article about my situation and also contacted the bank on my behalf but still no refund. I have complained to the CEO and the Executive Team Manger responded and advised one of his team would be looking into my case. I rang the Exec Manager and discussed my issue. He appeared to be really sympathetic and genuinely sounded as if he knew it was the Banks mistake. I felt optimistic but within a few days I received a final response letter from the exec team identical to the response from the Complaints team and advising that the decision would not be overturned and they agreed with the Complaint Handler. I had sent a response picking out all the mistakes they had made. They had identified transactions made several months prior that appeared to be a similar merchant. The amount was completely different and nowhere near the large amounts that had been made during this fraud. I had been in hospital with Sepsis for 10 weeks throughout Novemeber and all through Christimas and it was not until I returned home I recognised unauthorised transactions on my account. I queried these but did not request a refund as I had concerns that a 17 year old male I had fostered for a year may have been involved. I could not prove this so felt very restricted to confronting him. I also did not want to involve the Police as it might have had nothing to do with him. I explained this to the Complaints Handler and also informed her that I had not asked for the previous 'fraud concerns' to be refunded. I had queried it as fraud but when the transaction details were provided I left it as that. This had no similarities to the transactions made on this occasion the current fraud was £6000 over 24 hour period. The complaint team response clearly states that 'I had been either involved in authorising the transactions or had been careless with my details' They refused to provide any evidence or details of how they made this decision and told me they were not required to as it was part of the NatWest fraud , security AND INVESTIGATION procedures which they did not have to disclose. As explained their decision was clearly due to other transactions on my account, not identical and in the complaint response the information was incorrect. It was evident that this was what the handler had based her assumption on. The letter then stated that the Branch Manager had acted in good faith when writing the letter and this was written based on information I had provided. I almost choked. Are you being serious. If I went into a branch and told the Manager I had just won a million would she write a letter and confirm this information? NO. The Branch Manager is paid to make responsible and accurate decisions and as a senior member of staff are we really supposed to believe they would provide confirmation of a refund simply because a customer says so. The complaint letter provided no evidence to back up this statement but is clearly stating that I am lying and the Managers word is what they accept as true. There was no other information in the complaint response and the points I had made in my complaint had not been addressed such as the FCA principles and the lending standards board guidelines they had failed to adhere to. All Ignored and the excuse they provided for not being able to provide any factual evidence or hard copies of anything related was due to the fraud and security processes they could not breech this and these processes could not be discussed with customers. I feel I have exhausted all avenues with the Bank and the Bank has won. They are just refusing with no proof, not even a reason but I feel powerless. I contacted the FSA who advised that the bank had not followed various principles and guidelines and that I should take this to the Ombudsman. I am aware that the Ombudsman is a length process and from the information I have read on your site and several others the ombudsman seem to side with the Banks and are not required to follow the FSA guidelines. I had considered just going to the Small Claims Court. To be honest it is not as important to me now, I have lost the house I had been in the process of purchasing and as the Branch Managers Letter appeared sincere and I trusted the Banks Branch Manager I went ahead with land searches and now solicitors fees I have paid and all for nothing. I am angry upset and feeling really low at the moment. I have lost money and the house and feel devastated that over half of the money I received as redundancy has just been stolen and there is nothing I can do, Its heart breaking. If anyone has any advice or ideas that they think may help I would be very grateful as at the moment I have given up.
  12. Hi all, I claimed tax credits as my computer repair business is bringing in less and less each year due to increased used of smartphones and tablets. I got a letter from "B&C Compliance Operations HMRC" asking for proof that the business is serious and that I make a regular income and an intention to make profit, ect. Since this letter stated they do not accept electronic or USB/CD i was limited on what I could provide so I simply sent a couple of my most up-to-date flyers as well as my business website/email address. A few weeks later I get a response saying that they don't believe my work is regular or serious, and strangely, that they cannot verify that I am single? Then a week later I get another letter saying simply that they don't believe I'm single, but said nothing about the computer repair business. Are there any template letters for appeals, or any tips and guides on the best/quickest way to appeal?
  13. Hi all! I made a half hearted PPI claim v Barclaycard circa 2 years ago. As I did not escalate then I was under the impression that I could not go to the FOS now. On another ( MSE) site mentions that I CAN go to the FOS but only if I complain to BC again first.. any thoughts? Thanks
  14. Hi all Not sure which sub category this should go in so here I am in the general retail area. I bought a replacement seal for my oven door. This was direct via the Hotpoint spare parts department, bought over the phone. I gave the oven model number to the operator who advised the correct part and took payment. On receipt of the item I've found that it is very similar to the original part (but not the same) but does not fit the oven. I've called Hotpoint four times to try and resolve the issue, they are excruciatingly difficult to deal with. They are refusing to refund because the 'correct' part has been sent, have accused me of being incapable of fitting the part (seriously, fitment couldn't be more straightforward!), and have three times told me that they must check with their technical team and call back but have not called back. I have tried to escalate the issue but their operators refuse to let me speak to a supervisor and there is no number for complaints. A refund isn't really what I want (but will settle for this). I can't use the oven without a seal. This oven is only three years old! I'm a bit stuck and would be grateful for any helpful advice. TIA VB
  15. my son recently made an ESA about 4 weeks ago only to find out that his claim was refused because he apparently claimed for a similar problem before and was signed off by ATOS so had to claim JSA. He has been without any income since the 18th August no letter was sent and now he has to wait until JSA is accepted. What I would like to know is there any financial help he can get to tie him over until his claim has been sorted out as I cannot help him because I have a very limited amount myself. Please can anyone advise what he can do for now and also will they or can they backdate his claim? Many thanks Mashmallow
  16. Hello. I am currently getting income based JSA for about 1 year now. I stay with my mum, But all of a sudden my mum is saying i need to pay £27 towards to rent as the council will only pay £109. So why now do i need to pay. I have a brother who gets ESA, and my mum gets income support. What are causing the housing benefit deduction, My brother only started claiming ESA this year in march, And all of a sudden the housing benefit is cut. So could someone help me because i am getting the impression the cut is because of me but i have been getting jsa for around a year and my mum has been getting full housing benefit since untill now.
  17. Hello all, I'm new to the forum and would greatly appreciate some advice on my current situation. Long story short I have attempted to VT my HP agreement with Marsh they have refused on the basis they have already terminated the agreement. Here is a timeline of what has happened so far February 2014 - Agreement started through Carcraft/All in One Finance November 2014 - Payment missed 1st December 2014 - Notice of Arrears received December 2014 - Marsh agreed to a repayment plan to bring the account up to date 5th January 2015 - Default Notice received 24th January 2015 - Notice of Termination received 20th May 2015 - Default Notice received Now Marsh claim that they actually terminated the agreement on 24th November 2014 and have provided a copy of this letter however it was sent to the wrong address so I didn't receive it or any default notices which may have been sent prior. The incorrect address was on the original agreement (I didn't notice at the time I signed it) and I only correct this with Marsh at the beginning of December when I called to make my payment arrangement. There are potentially quite a few issues here however I am not at all clued up on these matters so would appreciate if anybody could tell me if I have a case to argue that I should still have the right to VT?
  18. I would like some advise please? I am a landlord of a freehold property and was issued a parking charge for parking in the communal car park. I never received correspondence that UKPC was going to be managing the communal car park. My tenant later informed me he had not received any correspondence also about UKPC managing the car park and so had received parking charges for 3 consecutive days but was going to ignore the charges as he was a tenant and was within his rights to use the car park. I decided to appeal the parking charge unlike him, however POPLA have refused my appeal. I am unhappy with POPLA's decision, what can I do? Swan Housing has now provided us (my tenant and I) a parking permit. Swan Housing own properties in the surrounding area. Find below the correspondence from POPLA. • Appealing with POPLA • Track appeal • Start a new appeal • Case Studies/Reports • FAQs Your appeal was not successful As your appeal was not successful, we would consider the parking charge as effective. It is advised that you now pay your parking charge. Your Information and Evidence Received Operator Information and Evidence Received POPLA Assessment Received Decision Unsuccessful Operator Information and Evidence Submitted 24/09/2015 POPLA assessment and decision 14/12/2015 Verification Code xxxxxxx Decision Unsuccessful Assessor Name Anthony Davidson Assessor summary of operator case No parking permit was displayed. Assessor summary of your case xxxx did not illegally park, xxx is a landlord in xxxxxxxx which is a freehold property. xxx has explained to Swan Housing that xxx property was a freehold and it was against the law to issue xxx a penalty notice. Assessor supporting rational for decision The terms and conditions of the car park clearly state no unauthorised parking, terms of parking apply Monday to Friday between 10am and 2pm. A valid permit must be clearly displayed at all times. Additionally, failure to comply with the terms and conditions will result in a parking charge of £100. The appellant has parked without displaying a valid parking permit. I acknowledge that appellant says xxx is a landlord in xxxxxx, which is a freehold property and xx has explained this also to Swan Housing. However, I am satisfied that the photographic evidence of the signage provided clearly advises the appellant of the terms and conditions of the car park. The operator has also provided photographic evidence of the vehicle parked at 10:47:40 without displaying a valid parking permit. By leaving xxx vehicle parked, the appellant has indicated xx acceptance of the terms and conditions. When doing so, the appellant equally accepted that the operator would issue a Parking Charge Notice (PCN) for failing to comply with any of the conditions. I am satisfied that the PCN has been issued correctly. Accordingly, this appeal must be refused. Print Your POPLA appeal is now complete You can print out a copy for your records The parking operator has been informed of the decision. Finish Paying your parking charge In order to avoid any further action by the operator, payment of the parking charge should be made within 28 days. If you would like to pay your parking charge now you can do so by selecting 'make a payment' below. Please note: The parking operator has provided us with the payment site for your convenience and POPLA is not affiliated with the payment site in any way. Make a payment Unhappy with the outcome? You cannot challenge POPLA's decision. However, there are alternative routes to resolve your dispute. You may wish to seek advice from the Citizen's Advice Bureau or seek independent legal advice. Proceed to Citizen's Advice Bureau
  19. My friend and I were traveling to Crete Rethymon on the 21st of June 2015 with Jet2 from Glasgow airport. We were meant to return with them on the 28th of June 2015 to Glasgow airport. We bought 4 miniature bottles of vodka at duty free. When we were on our flight, my friend opened one of the miniature, one of the cabin crew said that we were not allowed to consume it on the flight. We apologised and handed the miniatures to the cabin crew to be locked away until we departed our flight. We were then asked if we would like drinks from the trolly, we ordered food and some alcoholic beverages. Another air stewardess came over to us with a bad attitude and handed us a rather threatening letter. She asked for our passport details. We then asked why we were asked for our details as we did not want to be put on some sort of data base. The air stewardess began to raise her voice, threatening us, that if we did not hand over our details she was going to get the pilot and that the police would be waiting for as when we land. We did not refuse to give our details, we simply asked what they were going to be used for. My friend asked her to lower her voice as it was drawing attention to us. We gave our details to another air stewardess who apologised for her colleagues behaviour, she also told us that we would be able to fly with Jet2 on our return flight and not to worry. (I have a voice recording of this conversation). Half way through our holiday on the 24th of June 2015, we received a phone call informing us that we were being refused to flu home with Jet2 due to a report which had been filed by cabin crew that we continued to drink our own alcohol and displayed aggressive behaviour. These allegations are untrue and frankly quite frightening that Jet2 staff can make up such lies leaving their customers stranded in a foreign country. I have sent numerous emails to Jet2 asking for the situation to be fully investigated and I have sent the voice recording as evidence that no aggressive behaviour was displayed by my friend and I. Jet2 just said that it has been fully investigated which we know that it has not. We feel that our voice has not been heard. We had to cut our holiday short by returning home on 27th June 2015 with EasyJet flying from Heraklion airport to Edinburgh which caused us further expense. We paid approx £400 for alternative flight, thats not including the expensive phone bill of £50 for phoning Jet2, bus and taxi expenses to travel to the airport, or having to cut our holiday short which also ruined our holiday. Lastly we both experienced much stress in regards to how we would get home. This has put me off flying again, as it appears that customers do not have any rights, and how easy it is for staff to make up lies leaving passengers in foreign countries. (I have a copy of all email correspondence, voice recording aboard the flight with a member of cabin crew, we also have a photo of the threatening letter which we received on board. Help would be much appreciated as we are looking for compensation, an apology, and for cabin crew to be dealt with appropriately in order for this to not happen to anyone else.
  20. Hi, during 2015 I was at University at Brighton and decided to get a gym membership. I went to a few gyms checking prices and commitments and when I went to LA Fitness the guy that eventually signed me up (obviously trying to make a sale) lied to me, he stated that if I moved out of Brighton (which I obviously would do, as Uni does end) that it'd be fine and my account could be closed no hassle. He stated that all I had to do was be 8 miles from THAT PARTICULAR gym. Well I moved back home to Southampton, and went to cancel my membership stating that "yes, I had moved over 8 miles from the gym." That wasn't good enough, and the lady on the phone replied saying that I had to be 8 miles from any LA Fitness in the UK, and that it wasn't their fault or problem that the guy lied. This was awful news, I was in my overdraft and had no job, and I couldn't afford £20-40 a month, I showed proof (with a bank statement) and they didn't accept that. This went on for 2 MONTHS. I decided to cancel the direct debit on my card, and I heard nothing from then until today, I just got a letter from ARCEUROPE LTD saying I owe them £202.40 and have to pay in 14 days. I can't afford that, being still in my overdraft, what do I do? I've already posted this to reddit and they have pointed out that because I cancelled and didn't keep arguing my cancellation that I'm in the wrong and liable to pay the debt.
  21. Hi everyone. This is the letter I have sent to one of my suppliers. What do to when a supplier from abroad refuses to refund for a manufacturing issues on the item bought. 05 October 2015 Dear Mr. X, Request full refund Order N 6513 dated May 2015 23rd + invoice 29617 + 30 EUR for storing. I am writing to you to make official request of full refund for the purchase of the Scooter model H300 I have bought for my customer Mr. X X. As you were previously made aware of, the scooter was received by the customer with manufacturing issues such brakes not perfectly working, speedometer not set for showing the speed as described in the scooter specifications and the main issue, the handlebar broken in two pieces. After making request for repairing the scooter, I was charged for the repairs despite the scooter had arrived already broken to the UK. I was also charged for the delivery from London to the warehouse in Germany and from the warehouse to London. As a third charge, it was added an extra 10 EUR for each week the scooter was kept in the warehouse after repairs were done. In regards to this last charge, I have never received the invoice, which complicates the situation as no payments can be requested without the invoice being issued. Please, find below the steps which have brought me here: • May 23rd: - I bought the SXT H300 from the website sxt scooters. Within the first 14 days you were made aware of the issues shown on the new scooter once the parcel was opened. • June 29th - The scooter was collected by Parcel Force from the X Ltd office in London for being delivered to your warehouse in Germany. • July 6th - The scooter was received by you and the paperwork signed by X. • August 13th - 39 days after you have received the scooter in your warehouse, I was informed by email that your mechanic had finished the check of the scooter stating that they had not found the issues described be me (I have all the pictures about the broken handlebar. After checking the scooter, you have stated that the parameters of the speedometer were wrong, that the brakes needed some fixes and that the wheels needed to be inflated. All this means that the scooter was not checked before the delivery and it was received by the customer in not acceptable conditions) • August 13th - This same day you have invoiced me for repairing all these issues were shown once the scooter was received by the customer. • August 19th - You have informed me that I will be charged extra 10 EUR for each week the scooter is kept by you in your warehouse. • September 7th - The invoices 29617 (delivery plus repairing) and the non-invoice never issued (storage for the scooter) were paid to your bank account as requested in order you to re-deliver the scooter back to London. • September 16th - 73 days after delivering it to you for the scooter being repaired, the scooter was received in London and the delivery was signed by Mrs X X which has opened the parcel in front of me and noticed that the handlebar is mounted upside-down and that the speedometer is broken. (I have sent you the pictures of it) • September 17th - I personally sent you an email making you aware of the receipt of the scooter with the handlebar mounted upside-down and the speedometer broken (the picture were attached to this email). No answer was received by you. • September 20th - I sent you the second email advising you again of the fact the scooter was received with some broken parts (speedometer) but unfortunately no answer was received by you. • September 30th - I sent the third email to the same email address we have had in the last 2 years our correspondence and for the third time I have not got any reply. I have asked your assistance for a scooter that was received for the second time with manufacturing issues. After 125 days still the scooter is there on a side in the office and it is not possible using it. During this time more than one consumer and businesses defense center and departments - German Patent and Trade Mark Office, HM Revenue & Customs and UK Trade & Investment, UK European Consumer Centre, The German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce, Verbraucherzentrale, German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection - were informed of your behaviour, about your conduct, about your threats for having published a correct review of the issues happened with the scooter sold by you. No international laws prevent a consumer or a business by publishing on internet the behavior of another business which they have a cooperation with as long as all the statements correspond to real facts. This will be considered as a threat and valuated as such. With this letter, I would like to ask you to issue a refund for the money spend for buying the scooter which, after 4 months and 4 days after its purchase, is still not possible riding on the road (private) because of the issues mentioned above. The total amount to be refunded is: 1151,43 EUR • 873,84 EUR for the purchase of the scooter. • 157,59 EUR for the delivery UK-Germany and Germany-UK and repairing of the scooter under warranty. • 30,00 EUR extra charge for storing the scooter within your premises (invoice illegally not issued) • 90,00 EUR as anticipation for delivering back a scooter that since the beginning was not possible to ride because of its issues. As a matter of the facts, the departments mentioned above will be receiving copy of this correspondence with you in order to be updated with the development of the facts. They will be also authorized of proceeding with further investigations about this report in order to make more clear the reasons which have brought you to behave against the rules. Nonetheless they will be requested to make public this report as we strongly believe that users and potential buyers must be made aware of your conduct as a Company. I have never got an answer. I have the item broken in my house and cannot use it. What to do? Does anyone have a clue? Regards.
  22. Hi, After applying for a payday loan, I got through to the final stage of the process - where the loan was confirmed and I would next hear from the company when the money had been deposited. 'My account' page on their website showed the loan as 'approved', but the application was still 'pending'. I had to speak to the company on the phone to confirm financial details before the money would be available. Following this telephone conversion I was informed that the loan would have to be declined. 'My account' page on the website now shows that I do not have any current or outstanding loans with them. However, now comes the interesting part, the funds (total amount of loan requested) were deposited into my account. There's no option to pay the loan back as my account shows that I don't have any outstanding loans. Any thoughts about this would be much appreciated. Should I contact them to repay the money they have deposited in error? Or should I keep the money? Thanks in advance.
  23. Hello, Firstly, I live in flats with my own space. We have a Right to manage arrangement with a company that deals with our day to day. We had problems with the old company and used RTM to remove ourselves from their management. Thought i'd say as it may or may not be relevant. I went on holiday for the few days and took my permit out for my dad to use while i was away. I got back and forgot to put it back on display. I got a ticket for ' not displaying a valid permit '. They now want £50.00 which has now doubled because of a failed appeal. I checked in the forum and sent an appeal that stated. ' To whom it may concern, Invoice number: Pxxxxx As the registered keeper of the vehicle index EUXX XXX, I wish to invoke your appeals process due to the fact that I am not liable to pay the amount invoiced or any other amount to you. It is my own space and therefore wish for you to provide me with a pre-estimate of loss. I'm giving you this information to save you the effort of continuing this. Please cancel this charge immediately or issue me with a valid and correctly issued POPLA code. You cant and wont win, so your choice. Signed Registered Keeper. To whom it may concern, Invoice number: Pxxxxxx As the registered keeper of the vehicle index EUxx xxx, I wish to invoke your appeals process due to the fact that I am not liable to pay the amount invoiced or any other amount to you. It is my own space and therefore wish for you to provide me with a pre-estimate of loss. I'm giving you this information to save you the effort of continuing this. Please cancel this charge immediately or issue me with a valid and correctly issued POPLA code. Signed Registered Keeper. I have received a letter back denying my appeal. See attached JPG. ( hope a JPG is ok ) I knew they would deny the appeal. I expected and long drawn out mission but the principle of the matter really annoys me. We were requested to provide number plate details to the company. I asked the owners association person in our flats to see what he could do. He said they can do it and can't or wont help. I'm a stress head of a person at best and now I'm a bit concerned that I'm getting involved in something I perhaps shouldn't. How should i proceed? I know the ignore it option but they seem more organised than a UKPC which i had the same issue with some years ago. In that case, I just replied to every letter with ' I dispute I owe you any money ' and eventually a 'cease and desist ' letter. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  24. My friend who is in the middle of divorce has been refused 3 mortgages due to her husband late payments of their mortgage over the last few years, which has affected her credit rating. She now has two weeks to vacate her property with her son and look for another one. She is unable to afford the landlords extortionate rental prices and will be in effect homeless. Is there anything she can do??
  25. I have submitted reclaim for missold PPI to Yorkshire Building Society they have responded to advise that they refuse claim on the grounds that throughout their investigation they found no evidence to suggest they acted inappropriately or improperly in any way either when arranging MPI cover at the outset or since. They have although found evidence to suggest that we were aware of the policy existing. We were told at the outset of applying for our mortgage that we would have to take endowment and payment protection insurance for our mortgage application to be looked on favourably. It was our first ever house purchase and mortgage and both my ex husband and I remember being pushed in the direction the mortgage adviser wanted and because we so wanted this house we agreed to all they told us we had to. They have provided copies of all the signed forms and say they find no evidence of misselling...... But they won't do because it was verbally implied we wouldn't get if didn't go down route of endowment policy and protect our payments. Do we go straight to FOS now or go back to the Building Society? What evidence could we provide to say missold as it was verbal? Of course they not going to have it written on any documents it's just my ex husbands and my verbal evidence? What now? Anyone have any advice on how we can prove? Thanks P.s. I also notice they have changed it from PPI to MPI and the insurance we took out was to cover payments which we didn't need as I got full sick pay and redundancy and so was the case for my ex husband. It was a monthly premium we paid which didn't affect any further interest charges added onto the mortgage but it was definable to cover our mortgage payment to the endowment policy if we were out of work for a period of time.
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