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  1. I was caught shoplifting from Tesco. I gave the item back and I was cautioned by the police. I paid £90 to RPL. This occurred in 2003. I now wish to apply for a job with Tesco. Will they have the incident on record after this length of time?
  2. when complaining to the g.m.c or ombudsman you are required to give permission for your medical records to be available. so it is very important these records are correct. you have a right to see any records ( without charge ) held by the n.h.s which are all available at your g.p. practice. you may also request photocopies so you may read them at home at your leisure ( there will be a charge for this ) if like me you have found errors in your records you must write or better email the practice manager and ask for for them to be corrected immediately, this could be the difference between your complaint being taken seriously and your complaint being cast aside. THE PRACTICE MANAGER KNOWS THIS
  3. Hello All, A quick question... My partner successfully claimed the majority of her bank charges with HSBC back in 2011. They owed her roughly £4,000 in excessive charges from 2006 to 2010. Of course she was not aware of the 8% interest she could of got on top until now (reading threads on these fantastic forums!) She has since ditched all paperwork relating to this since she accepted her pay out (which was about £400 less than her final figure) Can she still put in another claim to receive this interest back too? As she was never aware of this at the time. If so, would she have to go through the whole process again seeing that she no longer has the paperwork, including that which detailed her receiving the successful pay out? Thank you for your help! Regards Wulfen40
  4. Hi Don't know if this is the right place to post. I have a not so good credit rating and a company I work for want me to be placed as an authorised user on there bank account (very small) company it would give me a debit card and online banking. As I would only be an authorised user and own 0% of the company would my record be linked with those also named on the account. Obviously do not want to affect there credit worthiness with my own credit record. Many thanks
  5. already had part payment from lloydstsb between 2000-2007 but they say that unless I can produce some documented evidence that I was paying ppi on the same credit card between 1995-2000 they don't have case to answer even though they have a signed credit agreement from me they won't pay out have proof that I spent in excess of £35000 on card
  6. Hello I have a friend who has lived in Malaysia for around 5 years. Recently she received a letter in Malaysia from Buchanan Clark & Wells acting for Barclays to chase an outstanding loan amount. She was unaware of this debt and as she asked me to help out. I live in here old flat (she still owns it) and Barclays would have this address on file. I wrote a request for Section 77/78 of the Consumer Credit Act to get the information needed. A letter went to Barclays and Buchanan Clark & Wells. Buchanan have replied to say account on hold and they have asked Barclays to supply the required info. Barclays have written to the UK address saying that the address the UK address is not the same as the address they have on file and ask that my friend go to branch to 'update address and signature' As my friend Lives in Malaysia and does not intend returning she will not be going to branch. I am also sure that as the bank have written to the UK address then this may be counted as updated on their files. I'm also not sure if asking for signature is because they don't have one on file. I am looking for a bit of a steer on what my next steps should be please. Thanks
  7. CRIMINAL RECORDS, COURT RECORDS AND POLICE RECORDS REQUEST GUIDE INFORMATION COMMISSIONER OFFICE (ICO) This is the Link: http://www.ico.org.uk/for_the_public/topic_specific_guides/crime
  8. CRIMINAL RECORDS, COURT RECORDS AND POLICE RECORDS REQUEST GUIDE INFORMATION COMMISSIONER OFFICE (ICO) This is the link: http://www.ico.org.uk/for_the_public/topic_specific_guides/crime
  9. SAR Guide to Obtain a copy of or view your patient records. A how to by the ICO http://www.ico.org.uk/for_the_public/personal_information The NHS Guide to http://www.nhs.uk/chq/pages/1309.aspx?categoryid=68 NHS SAR/FOI guide plus form I received off my local NHS Trust - handy to know what address and documentation you have to supply. Also has fees. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=37717&d=1345612669 - SAR Guide PDF http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=37718&d=1345612674 - NHS Trust request form PDF *Note* I had to request this form from my local NHS Trusts PALS - Patient Advice and Liaison Service. A quick phone call and they emailed it to me. Forms may/will differ from trust to trust so check local trust websites for how to obtain one and what you have to do. To view or get a copy of your GP records send a SAR letter (see bottom of this post for sample) & address it F.A.O. the Practice Manager. For NHS Hospital/Consultant records you have to look on the website for each trust you want the records off. Usually it's download/fill in a form, make a copy of the ID proof they want, send it to the trusts data controller and await contact from them for cost. Costs can vary but the rules are £10 for electronically held records and up to £50 for anything held on paper. With NHS records if you still are a patient or have been within 30 days the fee is waved and it is free. You can also arrange to view you records for free and keep them updated by requesting copies of new letters as and when they are written etc. Also keep an eye on the 40 day response window, be prepared to send a follow up letter if you feel that they have not sent everything. It usually takes a second letter as they tend to be lazy! Send all letters recorded signed for and print off when they were accepted. I use this letter for electronic GP records and vary it depending on what I'm after
  10. During my fight with Arrow and Carter ref Halifax loan account etc my SAR docs showed on a computer screen shot from Halifax the following which may be interesting for all Caggers who have had old Halifax loans and problems etc This screen shot had been generated in relation to my CPR requests and SAR request (although Halifax did not highlight the fact there was no Default notice available) The below is a summary of the information only the rest of the shot was ref no's, date etc Category: MEM COLLECTION MEMOS Date actioned: **/03/2012 Description - email received from risk ops Comments dfn In 2004 we were on old version of CACS and the notes weren't archived for these loans DFN not available just for Caggers information it may help?
  11. Hi, I'm trying to get some historical absense records from my previous employer. I started working there late 2007 so the time is well within limitations. I've written to them twice asking for all dates, times and copies of all of the medical notes they got when I was ill. I even enclosed, on 3 occasions, a £10 postal order, for the SAR costs. On all 3 occasions they've ignored my letters, and on all 3 occasions, I've confirmed the postal orders were cashed. What would you recommend I do to get these records? It seems there was a housing benefit discrepancy which I need to sort out and I can without those dates and notes. Thanks, A
  12. Hi. I got a tax demand from Norway today, demanding payment of tax from the years 2001 to 2006, or they will make an attachment to earnings. I only worked and lived in Norway from Nov 2001 to April 2003 and tax was taken of my wages by my employer. Pre Nov 2001 I was living and working in the UK paying tax PAYE and making visits to Norway every 2 or 3 weeks. From May 2003 I live back in the UK unemployed until Sep and then started paying UK tax PAYE. My Questions are How can I prove that I paid UK tax for these years as it is over 6 years ago and tax records are only kept for 5 years 10 months, and can the Norwegian tax office chase me for tax from over 6 years ago, and do anything to get money from me in the UK? As I am not sure how I can prove to them that I don't owe them any Tax. Many Thanks, Stephen
  13. Unfortunately i have had the need to see my medical records. I have got the feeling that the GP surgery wasnt exactly impressed at that, but had already tried, however limited , to try to help with my request for help for what has previously been disscussed with me. I blame this on my bad memory and generally being confused. Luckily i had visited the NHS choices website and learned if my records had been accessed in the last 40 days i could see them for no charge. I wonder if there is a time limit when seeing my records? Does seeing mean i get to read them or have them read to me? There is a lingering feeling that they may 'sanatise' the records. I realise they can 'hide' serious things that can damage my health or mental state. I have interpreted that serious would be like 'patient has 6 months to live' or a serious condition thats been diagnosed but not been informed of. I think comments like patient is a waste of time should be left in. I should be able to ask if any information has been withheld? I would love to have the ability to be able not to go through this, but life wasnt supposed to be easy
  14. Hello everyone Just after a bit of advice please, my mother fears that her health records have been accessed by a member of our family. Without going into detail there is private information (ony held on file) which was brought up in coversation by this family member who works at a hospital. My mother has not attended this hospital since her toubles 12 years ago. We do not want to make matters worse in the family and accuse this person, so how would we discover if they have indeed been snooping at her files whilst on shift? Thanks all
  15. Been looking to reclaim PPI for my wife. Amongst a few others she had a Debenhams card which was repaid in full in 2003 or 2004. My wife doesn't have all statements, but those we have show £45 per month account cover premiums. Those "nice" people at Santy have now replied to an initial letter (not using any CAG templates etc) saying effectively "it's too old, we no longer hold the records for that account, go away". My question is what are the record keeping requirements on them - how long do they have to keep this information? I don't want to waste money on an SAR if they have binned everything and done so legitimately. Thanks
  16. I'm trying to get my motorcycle back on the road. I bought it from a motorbike dealer in 2001, rode it for a year or two, then left it in my shed for about 10 years. I never received a V5C from the dealer. So I went to the DVLA to get my copy.... Normally this would simply be a case of applying for a copy from the DVLA for £25 The problem arises when the DVLA inform me that the have NO RECORDS OF MY VEHICLE WHAT SO EVER!!!! no registration, nothing, so according to the DVLA helpline my vehicle doesn't exist!! when I complained over the phone the helpline lady kindly told me that she would keep her mouth shut about it, oddly enough,,,(anything to help eh). Several problems in fact, all of which cost much much more money of corse...... After sifting through the very ambiguous literature provided by the direct.gov.uk web site I am pretty sure that I will have to apply for a MSVA (Motorcycle Single Vehicle Approval) £85 at one of the 19 VOSA test stations. Then I think that would give the bike a 'Q' plate. After that would be an application for a new registration £55. Then I can go ahead and pay for the MOT and road tax. (and then possibly go see a priest). My point is that the government department messed up the records one way or another and I'm going to have to pay in money and time just to get it put right. I can't believe it's gona cost me so much to fix another prize plum from the DVLA. If they lose millions of records? and everyone has to pay to get the records put straight to stay out of Traffic Court... HOW MUCH MONEY DID THEY MAKE FROM LOSING ALL THOSE RECORDS???? I also heard that a 'Q' plate is going to bump up the cost of insurance.. Is that true? Is there any hope out there for this kind of situation?
  17. Hi Not sure if this is the correct section.. I've just sent off some PPI claims and going through my old credit file have noticed a mortgage that was settled in July 2004 with West Bromwich Building Society. I've been reading up on mortgage exit fees and believe I might be owed some money. The problem is I only have the last four digits of the account number from the credit file and the mortgage was over six years ago. Do lenders only have to keep records for 6 years? Could have sworn I read somewhere that it was ten years for mortgages... If anyone could advise I'd be grateful. thanks
  18. Hi all need a touch of advice if your employer asks you for permission to contact your doctor/access medical records contrary to the terms stated in the abscence policy can they penalise me for refusing? the relevant part of our company policy is here 4.1 Medical Examination/Access to Medical Records In cases of long-term sickness absence (generally periods exceeding four weeks and/or where no expected return date is known), the Company will write to an Employee to seek their permission to contact their G.P./Specialist/Consultant and request a report on the Employees medical condition. This request will comply with the Medical Reports Act 1988 and will ask · The cause of the absence · The likely duration of the absence · The effects the illness would have on the Employee performing their duties · Any workplace adjustments that they may recommend · The likelihood of any recurrence of this illness · Any other questions as may be relevant The Company reserves the right to ask an Employee to undergo a medical examination by a Doctor appointed by the Company, at the Company’s expense. This will enable the Company, on the advice from the Company appointed Doctor, to make informed decisions regarding the Employees future employment with the Company. " the reason I am asking is I have soaring high blood pressure which is being heavily contrubuted by stress, part of which is work related and my GP keeps suggesting he signs me off work which I keep refusing at the moment however this morning when I came in and fed back to my boss about my most recent appointment he stated that if my GP signs me off they will ask for access to my medical records, I really dont want them to have access unless they have to as I am an extrememly private person I have been off sick twice this year so far (unheard of for me!), the first time for 2 weeks with a viral infection (signed off by GP) and the second occasion for one day of S&D and the company policy on this is as follows 4.1 Unsatisfactory Attendance Record If the Employee is absent from work due to sickness on more than 3 occasions within a 6 month period, then the Company reserves the right to invite the Employee to a formal investigation for unsatisfactory attendance, which may lead to potential disciplinary action being taken against the Employee. " the first period of sickness JUST falls outside the 6 month rule as far as I can tell unless my GP signs me off for more than 4 weeks (unlikely) they cant request my medical records as per their policies? it would also appear they CANT send me to automatic discplinary on the 6 months rule (which is another huge fear for me) am I correct in thinking this? many thanks
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