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Richard Davidson

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  1. I'm trying to get my motorcycle back on the road. I bought it from a motorbike dealer in 2001, rode it for a year or two, then left it in my shed for about 10 years. I never received a V5C from the dealer. So I went to the DVLA to get my copy.... Normally this would simply be a case of applying for a copy from the DVLA for £25 The problem arises when the DVLA inform me that the have NO RECORDS OF MY VEHICLE WHAT SO EVER!!!! no registration, nothing, so according to the DVLA helpline my vehicle doesn't exist!! when I complained over the phone the helpline lady kindly told me that she would keep her mouth shut about it, oddly enough,,,(anything to help eh). Several problems in fact, all of which cost much much more money of corse...... After sifting through the very ambiguous literature provided by the direct.gov.uk web site I am pretty sure that I will have to apply for a MSVA (Motorcycle Single Vehicle Approval) £85 at one of the 19 VOSA test stations. Then I think that would give the bike a 'Q' plate. After that would be an application for a new registration £55. Then I can go ahead and pay for the MOT and road tax. (and then possibly go see a priest). My point is that the government department messed up the records one way or another and I'm going to have to pay in money and time just to get it put right. I can't believe it's gona cost me so much to fix another prize plum from the DVLA. If they lose millions of records? and everyone has to pay to get the records put straight to stay out of Traffic Court... HOW MUCH MONEY DID THEY MAKE FROM LOSING ALL THOSE RECORDS???? I also heard that a 'Q' plate is going to bump up the cost of insurance.. Is that true? Is there any hope out there for this kind of situation?
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